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Julian Assange

Geat news.....Why now though?
What, is nothing good ever allowed to happen?

This along with the European election results and calling of new French elections offer some major hope for the world.

Probably now as TPTB finally finished deliberating on it, holding meetings behind closed doors etc, talking to legal experts.

It would be nice to think that the satanic overlords just felt like doing something nice and correct. Probably is however a bit more machiavellian than that.

They probably correctly realised that if that guy died in prison for the "crime" of telling the truth about their crimes there would have been a never ending uprising all around the world from various activists and it would have been a truly Orwellian revelation they did not really want. They want to at least keep up appearances of not running an Orwellian world. Too great an uprising and there are more uncontrollable characters who get elected around the world as a reaction.
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Read the plea deal. If its legit basically they say the time he was in jail is time served and thats his sentence. And in return he will sign an affadivit stating all wilileaks information to be destroyed.

This plea deal means anyone who shares american classified information can be prosecuted.
Read the plea deal. If its legit basically they say the time he was in jail is time served and thats his sentence. And in return he will sign an affadivit stating all wilileaks information to be destroyed.

This plea deal means anyone who shares american classified information can be prosecuted.

He's not American so why would a Frenchman care?
So they wanted to shut him up before the election just in case, that's what this is right?
Assange has already been silenced since he was put in prison 5 years ago.
Since then he has not been able to do any disclosure work at all.

Also in 2022 the wikileaks website deleted something like 90% of all its content, so it really looks like they have been effectively neutralised as an classified documents disclosure organisation.

I doubt Assange will be able to continue his work the way it was before, and at this stage he may not want to either, as he has a wife and 2 small kids.
Neither do I as this Assange 'deal' (he had to do it to see his kids) just shows you the arrogance that the USA thinks it has over other sovereign nations like Australia and many others.

Oh you're saying that it's messed up that Australia was on board with doing the USA's bidding against Assange?

I get it but that's what "allies" do, I'm sure Australia gets more than enough benefit from the relationship....right or wrong.
Nice twitter thread to serve as a reminder of what Wikileaks uncovered

  1. Guantanamo Files (2011)
  2. Iraq War Logs (2010)
  3. Collateral Murder Video (2010)
  4. Afghan War Diary (2010)
  5. Vault 7 - CIA Hacking Tools & Techniques via Consumer Products such as iPhone, Android, Samsung TVs, etc (2017)
  6. Diplomatic Cables (2010)
  7. Syria Files - *Exposed ISIS as a CIA creation (2012)
  8. Global Intelligence Files - How US Gov and Corporations monitor activists, protectors, and spies (2012)
  9. TPP, TTIP & TISA Drafts (2013)
  10. NSA World Leaders Target (2016)
  11. Hillary Emails Leak - Great memories from the Trump Campaign Days (2016)

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No. If the plead copy is real. He has to delete everything. And instruct all editors to delete.

That being said, I'm sure there are copies of these files on servers all over the world now, in the public domain.