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Julian Assange

Looks like Assange has to appear and plead guilty to espionage in front of a US judge in the Northern Mariana islands in the pacific ocean before he can go home to Australia.

I'm glad to see him released; Assange is a hero, just as Snowden is. But the question is: why now?

Some theories:
  • That globohomo no longer sees Assange as a threat given its metastasis/complete takeover in the past decade;
  • That they expect Trump to win and they want to get ahead of a potential Day 1 pardon giving him credit;
  • That they’re worried about their horrifically decreasing legitimacy or making Assange more of a martyr;
  • That they plan to kill him once he’s out; or
  • they broke Assange and he lost his mind; his prison conditions have been deplorable…
You seem to being implying that you know who it is...
I'm guessing it's just either a moniker for a military spec ops team,
or it's just another psyop by the Deep State.
I take no sides on the issue and don't really pay attention to the topic anyhow.
Just curious about your opinion.
You seem to being implying that you know who it is...
I'm guessing it's just either a moniker for a military spec ops team,
or it's just another psyop by the Deep State.
I take no sides on the issue and don't really pay attention to the topic anyhow.
Just curious about your opinion.

Assange has always been about presenting controversial but very real documents that are fully authenticated...not posting cryptic BS nonsense messages on 4chan about a "coming storm" or "mass arrests" or how great Trump is.

The idea that Assange would waste his time with such garbage is ludicrous.
When I was young and naive I would have said "execute this traitor to our country".....yea young and dumb. Unfortunately I think the issue is that many did not grow out of that stupidity.

It's very sad and wrong that someone selflessly trying to do good ends up like this. I will pray for him and his family.
I'd be curious to see how this plays out with this perspective:

With an announcement of his departure from prison, many people are excited about the possibility of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange revealing information about the Obama/Biden surveillance state. I would urge everyone to temper those sentiments.

The Biden DOJ is a malicious leftist political targeting machine, with only one intention carried out with the Lawfare that underpins their mission. Main Justice, and especially the DOJ National Security Division within the DOJ, is the center of all corrupt justice operations.

There is absolutely no deal between the DOJ-NSD and Julian Assange that could be against the interests of Joe Biden or his administration. Do not pretend such a construct is even possible. Assange is released ONLY because the terms mean he is not a threat to Biden.

Only time will tell. I surely hope they haven't broken him down enough that he turns somehow....
If Julian is smart, he will head for a Russian embassy or consulate and seek political asylum. The Australian regime cannot be trusted!

Don't forget how important this 'event' is to the Australian government. Use this the way Crocodile Dundee was a marketing campaign or loose face altogether.
He probably had a lot of dirt on Democrats. Which was going to be released just like last time. It seems the dnc files are gone from wikileaks database.

If he didnt release the dirt on DNC to help Trump on this elections. Like he did last time. Its because he felt there was no reason to do it. And continue his sacrifice. Maybe Trump couldve done what Biden just did. Right? Since Hillary emails were important in his election. But he is what he is. A disloyal backstabbing spineless social climber.

The complete plea deal is in a telegram channel. Havent read it yet.
But he is what he is. A disloyal backstabbing spineless social climber.

The complete plea deal is in a telegram channel. Havent read it yet.

Trump? Sure, you could say that.

Assange? Pull your neck in boy.

I find it also interesting you have to 'inform' us you haven't read something no one is interested in reading. Must be a French thing.
Trump? Sure, you could say that.

Assange? Pull your neck in boy.

I find it also interesting you have to 'inform' us you haven't read something no one is interested in reading. Must be a French thing.
It´s a Trump thing.