Julian Assange


Orthodox Inquirer
Julian Assange has never been convicted of a crime, but has endured four and a half years of solitary confinement, 23 hours a day, in Belmarsh prison. This inhumane treatment is crushing his soul. Former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis says that he may not survive much longer.

That was after years spent hiding in the Ecuadorian (?) Embassy. It's actually outrageous that he's been treated this way for essentially whistle blowing. Him, Snowden and Guantanamo Bay demonstrate that the West doesn't even pretend to be the good guys anymore.
This is the difference between fake (or controlled) opposition and real opposition,
Guys like Alex Jones or Donald Trump haven't spent a single day in prison (and probably never will) while Assange has been locked up for years.
You can see right there who's really a threat to globohomo, and who's just an actor playing a role.
This is the difference between fake (or controlled) opposition and real opposition,
Guys like Alex Jones or Donald Trump haven't spent a single day in prison (and probably never will) while Assange has been locked up for years.
You can see right there who's really a threat to globohomo, and who's just an actor playing a role.

I'm not sure I agree with you. I think Trump's his own man, not necessarily our man, but he's not part of the establishment. To say he's been pilloried in the press is an understatement. The media haven't even pretended to be impartial and unbiased with respect to Trump. They have attempted to impeach him and he's now possibly facing jail. I find it difficult to believe that the attacks on Trump have been part of some plan which he's party to, though I admit that it's possible. I think he won the presidency because of social media making the legacy media less relevant and, let us not forget, he was actually banned by Twitter as a result! He then lost because of wall-to-wall media criticism and the fact he was banned from social media, coupled with the disillusionment of some of his previous supporters because he didn't deliver on his election promises, mostly because the establishment impeded him at every turn! There might have even been election fraud; there certainly appears to be evidence of that.

Trump is egotistical, he's not immune to manipulation and he's not that clever. However, I do think he's genuine and speaks from the heart. The establishment hate him.

IMHO, Alex Jones is a different story, just like David Icke he's there mostly to misinform the public and to reinforce the idea that those who questions things too deeply are insane.
Julian Assange has never been convicted of a crime, but has endured four and a half years of solitary confinement, 23 hours a day, in Belmarsh prison. This inhumane treatment is crushing his soul. Former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis says that he may not survive much longer.
This is the one of the strongest proofs of how corrupt the system we live in actually is. Being slowly murdered.
Blormf apparently considered pardoning Assange, but was dissuaded not to by Mitch McConnell who told him that he would likely be convicted in the impeachment action against him if he did so.

Assange is a hero, and the criminal nature of how globohomo has treated him is deeply foreboding for how they will treat dissidents in general moving forward: https://neofeudalreview.substack.com/p/profiles-in-courage-2-julian-assange
Blormf apparently considered pardoning Assange, but was dissuaded not to by Mitch McConnell who told him that he would likely be convicted in the impeachment action against him if he did so.

Assange is a hero, and the criminal nature of how globohomo has treated him is deeply foreboding for how they will treat dissidents in general moving forward: https://neofeudalreview.substack.com/p/profiles-in-courage-2-julian-assange
That is really worth a read, read half of it will read the rest. He saw himself as imposing a secrecy tax on parts of the state which wanted to conduct all manner of secret dealings behind the public's back.

It has parallels to JFK, just that they probably took him out as he was opposing secrecy -

That video seems to be unsurprisingly no longer available on youtube.
Huge news.
Seems like Julian Assange may go free immediately and return home to Australia, by pleading guilty to US espionage charges.

He has been in prison for the past 5 years in the UK and before that was hiding in the Ecuadoran embassy in London for 7 years.
So 12 years without any freedom in total.

Reminder - this was the man that broke the pizzagate and spirit cooking emails in the weeks before the 2016 election and helped Hillary Clinton lose against Trump.

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Geat news.....Why now though?

Might just be me but definitely has a Qanon Trump vibe going on.
Is Assange Q?
Will he rally the Trump supporters?

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No disrespect Red'. Just interested in the timing, given he's the most political prisoner in our lifetime.
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