Jewish Tunnels Under New York

Read my post again. I stated if you’re ever around them, they are very annoying to deal with. They are seeking more power and influence, and cozy up to people in power to gain it. I even wrote how they try to do it by taking over school boards.

But let’s step back. A story post about a tunnel in what appears to be one synagogue went viral. Then you come in with the everything is a Jewish conspiracy post, then a post from some anon on 4chan claims his friend disappeared into one. I mean ok, or maybe his friend was also homeless and died of a drug overdose? Who knows. We went from a weird story about Jewish tunnels to these guys cozy up to power to the tunnels are being used by the Jews for human trafficking according to a 4chan anon. That’s quite a leap in logic. Most other Jewish sects can’t stand then, and this seemed to be an internal power struggle by some young guys and the leadership of the synagogue.
I'm guessing you're unfamiliar with the historical significance of the Hasidic community and the organ harvesting....

How about moiles?

I get the 4 Chan thing is a bit kookie... But there's so much funny business going on here that just because it's scandalous doesn't mean it's not grounded in truth.

Kinda like pretending there's nothing to James Elefantis and the pizza gate / podesta stuff...
The jokes are endless with this, but seriously, something illegal was going on. There were people living in these tunnels, look at the clothing, consumer items, mattresses, even baby stuff. Will there be any consequences? Not with current leadership, but this is seriously creepy stuff and it makes me suspect all synagogues now. Just like Mosques usually have a weapon stash, perhaps many synagogues have a secret dungeon of some kind.