Whatever, like I care...
Not that I feel the need to explain myself but since you asked nicely I'll reply. I want to see the big picture of things and I think that no money, whatever the form, will help you circumvent the persecution by the beast system, ultimately. The ONLY real, hard currency will be your faith in God. God will provide BUT only for those who have put "spiritual currency" into His "bank". Thus, the more someone tries to sell you on some fancy digital money the more probable he's a charlatan who wants to push you off the royal path and replace the true God with a false one. If that is too radically Christian position for someone then tough luck.
Exactly, that's the point. The entire crypto thing has been rubbing me the wrong way from the beginning. People act as if it's some sort of ticket to the Ark, but it's closer to the mark of the beast from what I observed.
Be honest, make money, and yeah, be smart about storing your wealth, but Orthodox Christians have no business getting into financial speculation nonsense. BTC doesn't have absolute value, and anybody who thinks it does is under some weird spell. Unfortunately, the Church hasn't as of yet brought forth a clear statement on finance (although I think the Russian Patriarchate produced a fairly good document on stock trading and banking, but I can't find it right now), but I think it's obvious that there's no spiritual value in it. It would be good if your patriarchs could comment on the crypto craze.
Ultimately, our nations are suffering for giving up on Christian principles. Being part of Western society, we cannot fully protect ourselves from that. We have to suffer with our peoples. We can hold BTC, Monero, gold or silver, but I think Scripture is very explicit in telling us that those things do not actually provide any security at all. Definitely not worth antagonizing other Christians over.
That being said, I'm still a Jay Dyer stan and would shill for him anytime in the realm of online debates. I think his actions just reignited my interest in discussing this stuff. Crypto seems like a fat juicy psyop to me, and although I am a very lazy person, I don't think my antipathy towards it is due to my unwillingness to engage with it. Financial speculation just seems to turn people into ratty zombies faster than most drugs ever could.