January 6th / Capital Insurrection Thread

Glad they released this. Shows the big nothing burger it was, pretty much all of the footage I look at is the same thing: A bunch of cops loitering around, barely doing anything, in a few vids you see the cops talking to protestors. I found one vid of a large number of cops blocking a doorway.

Most pathetic false flag insurrection ever. American people are sheep who will fall for anything it seems.
Glad they released this. Shows the big nothing burger it was, pretty much all of the footage I look at is the same thing: A bunch of cops loitering around, barely doing anything, in a few vids you see the cops talking to protestors. I found one vid of a large number of cops blocking a doorway.

Most pathetic false flag insurrection ever. American people are sheep who will fall for anything it seems.
Very true.

But not holding my breath on it making a difference.
Normiecons have jumped on a new meme template over the last 24 hours. It depicts a Democratic Forces agent pepper spraying a slave at the J6 insurrection.


Many of the top Trump meme accounts are re-hashing it.

Seems someone edited it first :)

The first photo on the left looks authentic, which means someone put the chew face on the right to stoke "antisemitism"? Pretty weird. Who would benefit most from that?
GOP should be pushing every option to imprison these traitors. In the old days you’d line them up against the wall in front of a firing squad.

Watch Pelosi in that Twitter video, first from 20s to 24s then repeating at 1:01s to 1:05s. She has some strange tremors and shaking of her body and hands. Also watch her right eye during this time. It is completely bizarre. What does it indicate? This seems very abnormal.
Watch Pelosi in that Twitter video, first from 20s to 24s then repeating at 1:01s to 1:05s. She has some strange tremors and shaking of her body and hands. Also watch her right eye during this time. It is completely bizarre. What does it indicate? This seems very abnormal.

It means she’s in her 80s and her body is falling apart
Probably jews. They love to play the victim.
Blaming Jews for everything under the sun makes the men here look stupid. I'm not blind to who runs the banking system, the sewer pipe of Hollywood and the porn industry but it's getting out of hand seeing Jews around every corner. There's plenty of real light that needs to be shed on these issues so lets bring the truth with facts.
Blaming Jews for everything under the sun makes the men here look stupid. I'm not blind to who runs the banking system, the sewer pipe of Hollywood and the porn industry but it's getting out of hand seeing Jews around every corner. There's plenty of real light that needs to be shed on these issues so lets bring the truth with facts.
I don't think blaming the jews for "everything" makes the men here look "stupid." Maybe a bit overzealous at times to always be pinning the tail on the jew, but not stupid.

Jews deserve to be blamed for everything because they accept responsibility for nothing. Due to their nefarious, repetitive history, they should always be considered guilty until proven innocent.
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I don't think blaming the jews for "everything" makes the men here look "stupid." Maybe a bit overzealous at times to always be pinning the tail on the jew, but not stupid.

Jews deserve to be blamed for everything because they accept responsibility for nothing. Due to their nefarious, repetitive history, they should always be considered guilty until proven innocent.

I don’t blame jews for everything. I blame Zionist billionaires.