Is there more to nuclear bombs than we know?


I have come to the conclusion that nukes are fake.

For many people seems to be a red flag. "They could not lie about that?" Well I think they do.. They did lie about the flu for 2 years and locked you up right?
The lied about terrorists in planes brining down towers right?

I think Nukes are part of system of lies.

Why? The enemy having nukes is a great way to introduce fear to the population and claim unlimited amounts of resources from them.
So was Hiroshima fake? Yes they just firebombed it / conventional bombs.
So are China, Russia and the US lying? Yes, it's all the same system, they also do fake moon landings, lock people up for the flu, go after fake climate change, nukes are one of the tools of population control for the elite.

Material to check:

Check this book by Akio Nakatani

The elites across the world are bringing up the fear again so be prepared. Oppenheimer this summer.
Spreading iodine tablets. The evil Russians and Chinese are at in again.

You'll hear a lot more of it, so better be prepared for the next wave of nuke lies.
I have heard this theory some time ago, and am open minded to it. My rule is if you don't understand it, be skeptical.

The invisible threat has always been useful to the elites, whether it be CV19 or the perpetual war with Eastasia. It is also often seen in Hollywood movies which feature "Revelation of the Method" and preprogramming.

You mention China, Russia and the US.

What do you think this mean for the conflict between these nations. Is it all fake as well? That would be harder to swallow completely. I know they all participated in the CV psyop, but then again, legitimate wars do happen all the time.
You mention China, Russia and the US.

What do you think this mean for the conflict between these nations. Is it all fake as well? That would be harder to swallow completely. I know they all participated in the CV psyop, but then again, legitimate wars do happen all the time.
Yes I think these (pending) wars are largely fake, I think we are in / close to global governance. But we need to look closely to discern.

For now these are mostly "trade wars" which just increased scarcity for many goods, which benefit the elite. E.g. Russian oil and gas oligarchs made record profits after the war started. Cui bono?

Scarcity is the easiest way to make money. And I see that's being built now; shortages of housing, energy, food.

Let's take China and nuclear:
The ITER is jointly funded by the European Union, China, the United States, Japan, the Republic of Korea, India and Russia.

But they told us we are enemies right?

And the Nuclear narrative in China goes way back:
Chinese people saluted scientists on social media who had contributed to the development of nuclear weapons and missiles on Wednesday, as the day marked the 55th anniversary of China's successful first nuclear test, or the explosion of first atomic bomb, on October 16, 1964.

China developed nuclear bombs, an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) and an artificial satellite in 1956 in a project called "Two Bombs, One Satellite." "Two Bombs" refers to the atomic bomb (and later the hydrogen bomb) and the ICBM, while "One Satellite" refers to the artificial satellite.

Does this seem real? See any parallels with the US narrative?

I think we live in a sort of global communism; all the mega states largely use the same deceiving narratives. We all pay +50% in taxes. The bureaucracies are extremely large and only growing across the world.

Do we really believe China sent "satellites" and "nuclear bombs" in the air? A satellite in 1956? A nuclear bomb in 1964?

The Chinese style is a bit different, the content the same, the desired emotions, the propagandistic style.

For me very telling was than in Covid, almost no country in the world resisted.

Only counties that nobody cares about like "Burundi" were allowed to not paticipate.
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For now these are mostly "trade wars" which increased scarcity for many goods, which benefit the elite. E.g. Russian oil and gas oligarchs made record profits after the war started. Cui bono?
Who do you mean when you talk about the elites? I'm not asking for names, but my understanding is that those really in charge have no need for money, I believe they control the entire financial system and desire to do the bidding of a higher spiritual power. The ones below (most of them) who don't know the whole game follow their own self-interests, love of money, love of the world, power etc. The underlyings have no grand plans for the entire world.

I didn't watch the entire video, but I could tell immediately it was government propaganda.
well... I guess we are continuing this conversation here from a previous discussion.

Nukes are real. Zero reason to believe all governments on all sides would be interested in leveraging nuclear war against each nation if not.

Why would Iran and Israel, Pakistan and India, ECT all argue against the otherside having nuclear weapons caps if not?
Who do you mean when you talk about the elites? I'm not asking for names, but my understanding is that those really in charge have no need for money, I believe they control the entire financial system and desire to do the bidding of a higher spiritual power.
I think you are absolutely right.

There seems to deeper layer, indeed doing the bidding of a higher spiritual power, do you choose the devil of God?

It is deeper than just the love of money. Your post reminds me on St. Augustine.

image## (2).webp
Greed, lust of money is just one of the tentacles of evil. Deep down it's the classic dichotomy all the saints speak about, what the psalms are about, what Jesus speaks about.

It's Adam and Eve choosing sin over God in the garden of Eden.

The ones below (most of them) who don't know the whole game follow their own self-interests, love of money, love of the world, power etc. The underlyings have no grand plans for the entire world.
Exactly, see Augustine.
I didn't watch the entire video, but I could tell immediately it was government propaganda.
Why would Iran and Israel, Pakistan and India, ECT all argue against the otherside having nuclear weapons caps if not?
I think that's theater—a display of allegiance, nothing more than choreographed gestures.

It's the same theater we witness when nations around the globe enthusiastically cheered for India's obviously fake 'moon landing.' The kind where parliamentary members vigorously clap their hands for the 'savior,' Zelensky. It's the uniform denunciation of the clearly fake Palestinian paragliders crossing the border wall to kill kids at a dance festival.

George Orwell worded it nicely in 1984:
"The horrible thing about the Two Minutes Hate was not that one was obliged to act a part, but that it was impossible to avoid joining in. Within thirty seconds any pretense was always unnecessary. A hideous ecstasy of fear and vindictiveness, a desire to kill, to torture, to smash faces in with a sledgehammer, seemed to flow through the whole group of people like an electric current, turning one even against one’s will into a grimacing, screaming lunatic. And yet the rage that one felt was an abstract, undirected emotion which could be switched from one object to this side or that by the authorities like the flame of a blowlamp."
They are real. Sorry, but I will not be entering into any futher discussion, so please do not ask me to do so.

With respect, why reply and just contradict the author without providing any rebuttal to the points he has raised, and then state you will not engage further?

@paternos - I believe they are real, for the following reasons:

1) There is witness testimony from those involved in the Manhattan Project, those who dropped the bombs in Japan and residents of the two cities who survived.
2) There have been copious other tests conducted, by various countries and footage was recorded - e.g. Tsar Bomba.
3) Numerous US soldiers were used in bomb tests -
4) How is nuclear power generated?

Just because we have clearly been lied to about certain things, it doesn't mean that everything is fake.
With respect, why reply and just contradict the author without providing any rebuttal to the points he has raised, and then state you will not engage further?

@paternos - I believe they are real, for the following reasons:

1) There is witness testimony from those involved in the Manhattan Project, those who dropped the bombs in Japan and residents of the two cities who survived.
In my opinion the Manhattan was an intelligence operation, which was probably not incidentally a tight knit group of Jewish men; J. Robert Oppenheimer, Enrico Fermi (whose wife was Jewish), Leo Szilard, Edward Teller, Richard Feynman, Eugene Wigner, John von Neumann, Hans Bethe, Stanislaw Ulam, and Isidor Isaac Rabi.

Google them, it's quite incredible when you start digging into it.
2) There have been copious other tests conducted, by various countries and footage was recorded - e.g. Tsar Bomba.

Draw you own conclusions, is this fake or real? Russian "nukes" are as fake an US nukes. It's a collective lie.

This one is lovely as well (wonder yourself why the camera didn't move?)
3) Numerous US soldiers were used in bomb tests -
I think this is as fake as "long covid"; People love victim status to get free funds. Invent a disease, a money scheme and you'll have a 100 people getting it.
4) How is nuclear power generated?
I'm currently of the opinion nuclear power plants are real. That enormous heat can be produced in a very controlled environment over a long period of time which produces steam driving an electrical generator.

Heat is different from explosion. An explosion is a large amount of gasses getting free.

How does a very hot block of 1 gram of Uranium produce a 17000KG TNT shockwave of gasses?
Just because we have clearly been lied to about certain things, it doesn't mean that everything is fake.

Though a skeptical approach to someone who is a proven narcissistic liar is a wise choice in my opinion.

I can only outline why I draw my conclusions, you have the freedom to draw your own ofcourse.

Thanks for the respectful reaction by the way, in this way we can engage in normal conversation.
Saying that nukes are fake is really a defence of globalism and a one world Government I think! We've been told that it was super-national organizations like the UN that finally made peace between the major nations of the globe by; "getting us all to sit down and talk" etc. So that was good and we should have more of it the argument goes. This was a direct precursor of the EU and NATO and so on. This is of course pure rubbish. Human nature didn't change after WWII. The only thing that prevented and still prevents global hot war is nukes. (for good and for bad maybe?) Instead we've had constant proxy wars that continue to this day.
Saying that nukes are fake is really a defence of globalism and a one world Government I think! We've been told that it was super-national organizations like the UN that finally made peace between the major nations of the globe by; "getting us all to sit down and talk" etc. So that was good and we should have more of it the argument goes. This was a direct precursor of the EU and NATO and so on. This is of course pure rubbish. Human nature didn't change after WWII. The only thing that prevented and still prevents global hot war is nukes. (for good and for bad maybe?) Instead we've had constant proxy wars that continue to this day.
The fake nuke indeed let this:
We've been told that it was super-national organizations like the UN that finally made peace between the major nations of the globe by; "getting us all to sit down and talk" etc. So that was good and we should have more of it the argument goes. This was a direct precursor of the EU and NATO and so on.
All the scientists of the "bomb" became advocates for "peace" meaning government across the world need to sit together an make peace and stop the "arms race". (check that list of men that I shared on wiki to see they did)

This is the revolution, you don't need real war, or real weapons to increase control. You don't need real viruses even. Or real "terrorists".

The "cold war" was a great example, both the US and the USSR could increase control, increase government spending without a shot being shot. 🤯

In WW2 I think the leaders realized the biggest weapon is not a gun, but it's the story, those that build the best heroic story win.

And the nuke is hell of a story, the bomb that can destroy the world! wow!

Human nature didn't change after WWII. The only thing that prevented and still prevents global hot war is nukes.
Man doesn't want war, I think none really do. Maybe some kids between 16 and 25 but after that it's over.

Man wants power and control. War was never about population vs population. It's has always been elite vs elite. And mostly guns for hire in the history of man.

What we see is a system of peace between elites, that's what globalism means. If the US elite wouldn't like Xi Jinping or Putin they would be dead by now and the other way around.

Globalism is a balance of power of elites.
Noone here can prove they are real or fake. Noone has seen one go off that's not on a film production set made by a government.

To me its a great despair tool to keep populations down to be afraid of the great bomb that could smoke a portion or a whole country in 30 minutes.

My question I pose for this is this. If we dropped atomic bombs on Japan in 1945, how in the world is anyone living in Japan today?
Edit: Also, how did the B-29 Superfortress which has a top speed of 400mph out run an atomic blast with an astonishing Shockwave after detonation?
The fake nuke indeed let this:

All the scientists of the "bomb" became advocates for "peace" meaning government across the world need to sit together an make peace and stop the "arms race". (check that list of men that I shared on wiki to see they did)

This is the revolution, you don't need real war, or real weapons to increase control. You don't need real viruses even. Or real "terrorists".

The "cold war" was a great example, both the US and the USSR could increase control, increase government spending without a shot being shot. 🤯

In WW2 I think the leaders realized the biggest weapon is not a gun, but it's the story, those that build the best heroic story win.

And the nuke is hell of a story, the bomb that can destroy the world! wow!

Man doesn't want war, I think none really do. Maybe some kids between 16 and 25 but after that it's over.

Man wants power and control. War was never about population vs population. It's has always been elite vs elite. And mostly guns for hire in the history of man.

What we see is a system of peace between elites, that's what globalism means. If the US elite wouldn't like Xi Jinping or Putin they would be dead by now and the other way around.

Globalism is a balance of power of elites.

A lot of shots where fired during the cold war though. In Vietnam and Korea for example, which was really a war between the US and SU, just like Ukraine. All wanted to avoid war post WWII due to the nukes and their ability to destroy even the leaders themselves and their families I would claim. Mankind can't just change it's ways by will alone. If that was the case we would have had permanent peace a long time ago.

Also what about nuclear power? Why should that be real if the weapons are not. Are the plants just empty shell constructions and was Chernobyl a psy-op etc. I think this line of thinking leads nowhere meaningful.
A lot of shots where fired during the cold war though. In Vietnam and Korea for example, which was really a war between the US and SU, just like Ukraine. All wanted to avoid war post WWII due to the nukes and their ability to destroy even the leaders themselves and their families I would claim. Mankind can't just change it's ways by will alone. If that was the case we would have had permanent peace a long time ago.

Also what about nuclear power? Why should that be real if the weapons are not. Are the plants just empty shell constructions and was Chernobyl a psy-op etc. I think this line of thinking leads nowhere meaningful.
There is legitimate proof nuclear power plants are real. There is no one here who has seen non-government footage of nuclear bombs and no proof they do what they say they do. Again if nuclear bombs did what they say they do noone would live in Japan today. Especially in the Nagasaki and Hiroshima area of "detonation".
I will say that I honestly do not know one way or the other.
This was one of the most divisive threads on the old Roosh Forum. The mood this topic creates is very similar to the flat earth discussion.
I was dragged down various rabbit hole in my search for Christ, and these were some of them. If the discussion is done without personal attack, which I believe the men of this forum more than capable of doing so in good faith, it can lead many to The Truth, not just "truths" like this one or any other conspiracies.
Mate you talk about money like that's the only thing they all care about, but did you know money is more fake than nukes?
This was another push in the direction to Christ. I started to see the entire world around me as fake, so, where was actual Truth? Only in Him.