Is secular dating/game over after online dating apps?

But still, they maintain much higher standards for sex than men. Because of their selectivity, it may make them seem more disinterested.
That's only if they give in to modernity and look at sex the way men do, so we have a paradox. What I'm talking about is that even when a woman chooses a man (and this is on average, obviously there are some where the woman does want to sleep with the man a lot, it's rare though), she will not meet anywhere near her duty, and it is a duty. People don't look at it that way, but have no problem saying that a man paying and providing XYZ is a "duty".
The real problem is women just have absolutely no foresight. In their twenties, they think the party can last forever and they'll find the perfect guy waiting for them at the end of the road, just as soon as they feel like jumping off the hedonistic bandwagon.
I agree with this more. That's why I don't see marriage changing for a long time. Women first have to realize that being serious about marriage is taking it serious, offering your youth, and realizing you have a role and he has a role.
What does it matter if a man is 25 or 45 if he can't even find any woman under 25 to share his values?
What does it matter if you find a woman you aren't attracted to who is old, but shares your values? You might as well just wait til age 55 or 65 and just be her "friend."
Women choose sex because a lot of times they think it will cause the guy to like them more and commit. I wouldn't say there is necessarily a huge "interest". They want to lock in what they think is the top guy (and the "top guy" is extremely subjective).
Or they think it's empowering because of yay feminism.
The cheating ones are looking for sex for attention, not for the sex itself.
Women choose sex because a lot of times they think it will cause the guy to like them more and commit.
Exactly, there are exceptions, but I've seen it so many times, been reported by buddies of mine (because we're dudes and know what T does to you) and it's possibly the strangest thing because T does a lot of things to motivate a man, but one thing it definitely does is cycle on basically a weekly basis. Yes, there's a female cycle but it's a very short stint and largely stunted by social factors, risk/worries, and definitely OCPs now. The funniest part to me is that (and this is classic for the fickleness of a woman) she could be in ecstasy in one moment and be indifferent moments, weeks, or months later. It's almost like she's thinking about showing off to her friends, getting a like on the phone later, going out to eat and be seen in public with a put together man, etc. The sex stuff to me just seems to be a means to an end. Even the bearing of children ends up being that way. Perhaps the best way to put it is that it's the inverse of a guy. We do (used to do) all this planning, dinner reservations, cool event, picnic, boating, whatever - but it was all for getting a hookup in the end. It's like you can invert that for women; if they perceive they get these other things drawn out in life, like money, attention, going places, getting picked up, etc they'll go through the motions of sex. Pretty funny actually. We're both dancing through all of this and mostly our aims are BS.
This discussion about women's nature in regards to sex reminds me of the old quote “Everything in the world is about sex — except sex. Sex is about power.” (Oscar Wilde)
By the way the quote was also used in Boston legal.
Exactly, there are exceptions, but I've seen it so many times, been reported by buddies of mine (because we're dudes and know what T does to you) and it's possibly the strangest thing because T does a lot of things to motivate a man, but one thing it definitely does is cycle on basically a weekly basis. Yes, there's a female cycle but it's a very short stint and largely stunted by social factors, risk/worries, and definitely OCPs now. The funniest part to me is that (and this is classic for the fickleness of a woman) she could be in ecstasy in one moment and be indifferent moments, weeks, or months later. It's almost like she's thinking about showing off to her friends, getting a like on the phone later, going out to eat and be seen in public with a put together man, etc. The sex stuff to me just seems to be a means to an end. Even the bearing of children ends up being that way. Perhaps the best way to put it is that it's the inverse of a guy. We do (used to do) all this planning, dinner reservations, cool event, picnic, boating, whatever - but it was all for getting a hookup in the end. It's like you can invert that for women; if they perceive they get these other things drawn out in life, like money, attention, going places, getting picked up, etc they'll go through the motions of sex. Pretty funny actually. We're both dancing through all of this and mostly our aims are BS.
Men and women can both be effected by vainglory (wanting to show off their partner/compare them to other people). The way in which it operates will be different, I think men more want to show off a woman for their looks, and a woman wants to show off the man for their status or personality.

Men and women can both be deceptive and manipulative. As a man, of course I'm more aware of women stuff from my experiences and friend's accounts (I've actually been fortunate and not have had too much manipulative behaviors in my past), but I've talked to different women before who told me the man they met seemed to be a good man, but then turned out to be physically and psychologically abusive. Our society is so satanic and hedonistic, a lot of men and women just care about their pleasure or feeling good, and want to use their partners for that end.

I think a lot of issues stem from being in a post-Christian (almost even anti-Christian, at least in some areas) West. Even my experience on Christian dating apps, some of the women I dated from there told me that the men would try to sleep with them on the first date, and not be subtle but flat out asking them, almost expecting them to put out just because they treated them to coffee or lunch. I was surprised to hear it. I mean, I knew even "Christian" men would want to hook up, but I figured they'd be more subtle or at least want to wait until a few dates in. They act like it's Tinder basically. I went on a date with a Christian woman recently (did not meet her on the apps) and she was telling me how horny she was during this first date. If I was secular, I probably would have fallen for it... even as a Christian I was very tempted, but fortunately nothing happened and I had to "friend zone" her. It's sad that a lot of "Christians" (and this girl does take it seriously, goes to Church, Bible study, etc.) behave no differently from non-Christians.

The hookup culture should be demonized the way people talk trash in high school to the last guys who lose their virginity. We live in clown world and instead of chastity being a virtue, being a whore is considered "good" and "normal." If the taboo was switched, surely more young men and women would want to settle down instead of riding the whore train of easy sex.
This post (and the other ones you linked to) are definitely helpful, thank you!

I'm glad to hear that.

Crocodile Dundee Hello GIF by Laff

I'm not sure how much of the following comments will apply to your individual circumstances, which I know almost nothing about, however I hope you can get some value from considering a few of these concepts or approaches.

I am going to work on my "day game" skills, but for the purpose of finding a wife and not hooking up. I live in the country, where there are some attractive women and nice prospects, but not a lot of single women. I'm thinking of going to a nearby small city and trying it out.

Great idea. If you live in a small town and worry about trying out social moves within a close-knit community due to potential reputational ramifications, then travelling can help you to feel more comfortable to take on more conservational risks. Accepting such risks are essential along the path towards social mastery and relationship success.

I also want to just work on my overall social skills and talk to men and women that I'm not trying to date too. I can be charismatic and outgoing, but I am shy and not good at breaking the ice. I think if I could get better at this, I'd have a lot more options than online dating.

Solid mindset. Working on your social skills can improve so many areas of your life, well beyond meeting women.

Here's a channel that might help with some key principles of communication. I've cued up one potentially useful video with a timestamp for your consideration.

After reading some "field reports," it looks like a fair amount of men haven't had too much trouble getting a woman like 10-12 years younger, so even if it takes me until 39 to get married, I'd be happy with a good woman who is 27-30. Fortunately, I can pass for 5-10 years younger than my actual age, which makes day game a good option compared to online dating when my age is part of the algorithm and is one of the first things women will notice.

That's a sound approach. Looking and feeling younger is a huge asset for meeting younger women, especially offline.

Setting a goal for the coming few years with a set time frame is also a great idea. This keeps you focused on the bigger picture and your deeper purpose, while giving you time to take risks and explore things without the weight of time pressure.

When I met my now wife, I was in my late 30s and she was in her mid 20s. Sure, looking younger helped me a lot in this process. But the vast majority of women who deemed me most suitable at the time were in their early to mid 30s. To be frank, the whole journey was far from easy and included considerable pain. It took me almost 10 years from when I realised I wanted children, to actually making it happen (after going through failed relationships, releasing my fear of losing freedom, overcoming sexual addiction and other past sins, etc).

I am working on shifting my mentality from "I want to find someone good now before I get too old" to a long-term strategy mainly focused on self-improvement, acquiring wealth, and getting more social exposure, not just for the purpose of meeting women, but to achieve various goals I have and have a better social network in general.

This is a solid strategy for several reasons. First, because it reduces internal worry, unpleasant emotions, and time wasted on chasing external validation. Secondly, because it makes us more attractive to women, given that neediness is repulsive, and since a man who "has his life together" is what women want. Third, it makes us more confident, independent, and whole. A man who is at peace with himself, the world, and God, especially when it comes with a successful life outside of women, has less need for any particular woman or even being in any relationship.

Nevertheless, for many men, there are significant risks associated with a hands-off strategy, whereby they wait until they have more of something (money, status, access, etc) until they start putting in direct effort with women.

Depending on the individual's social status, access to women, personality etc, this can build complacency, a perceived lack of control, avoidance of interpersonal risk, and an overreliance on weak longer-term proxies of attraction and love (e.g., money, material resources, status, etc)*. In these circumstances, it may lead to diminished rather than enhanced chances with women.

Indeed, for most men, achieving and maintaining a relationship with a highly desirable woman will necessitate a journey characterised by ongoing personal growth and unyielding determination.

I expanded on some aspects of this "I'll wait until I get more XYZ..." approach in another thread: Daily Interactions with Women (see subheading # 2: 'Do not delay direct action; instead, start the smallest next step today'.

*There is a common idea that simply having more money, more status, or even changing locations will solve one's problems with women. While there is some truth to this idea, there are often many other truths left out of this conversation.

Being the breadwinner is not a problem per se. Rather, what can create heartache is an over-reliance on material provision to sustain respect, attraction, and attachment. Put simply, this will not work. Unless, that is, a man has no problems with being perpetually seen as a walking ATM.

A reliance on the external violates a key premise of red pill relationships 101 - she must respect you. So, it pays to beware of putting too much emphasis on attraction proxies, as these can be a crutch for generating genuine attraction and attachment.

Social status and monetary wealth can generate very strong interest from women in the short term, and in general, are highly correlated with mating success in the longer-term. However, ongoing respect, attraction, and love cannot be bought. If this premise was false, you wouldn't hear about rich or famous men getting dumped or beta-ised and nagged to the point of heart failure. This is why ignoring the value of "game" or social skils, not grasping the psychology of women, and generally getting lazy post-commitment leads to so many unwanted consequences.

I think the "meeting lots of women" is the X factor. Someone could be a great prospect, but if they don't go out and meet people, they won't find anyone. On the other hand, someone who is decent across the board, decent looking, decent personality, with a decent income, might find a good woman (not top tier, but friendly and somewhat cute) to marry if they meet enough women to increase their chances.

I don't like bars and clubs. I don't even really go out to eat much. I've met women at coffee shops, supermarkets, etc., before so that's one option. I am going to look into things like sports/activities, volunteering, and just going out to shop more, thrifting, etc. to hopefully meet someone decent. You're right, it is a big investment in time, but using apps can be just as big of an investment, and more fruitless.

If anyone has good suggestions of places to meet women, I'm all ears.

Nice to hear. Sounds like you're on a good track. Droughtmeat offered a decent response to your question so I've quoted it below.

Do keep us updated on how it's going. All the best.

Cillian Murphy Fist Bump GIF by SAG Awards

Yep, it's definitely an investment. Average guys who have access to a lot women, usually spent a certain amount of time exposing themselves to women.

As for where to meet younger girls. I usually do it via my social circle. I'm a mid 30s guy but have always been on sports teams. As time goes by I'm basically the oldest on the team. Many of my teammates are in their early 20s. We get along really well (I'm not talking about conspiracy theory discussion level chemistry, but good enough for us to be awesome teammates). Obviously, once they realize I'm cool they'll ask if I want to go out with them or come to some friend's BBQ etc.

Another thing I can recommend are beginner's dance courses. Latin dance usually has a broad age spectrum and there's no expectation for you to be coordinated because everyone is a beginner.

In these settings as a financially stable man you stand out because the girl sees she can have fun with you, you fit into her social circle and on top of that you're more mature and better off.

Of course, if you don't enjoy playing sports or dancing, these options aren't for you. But they're just examples. When it comes to dancing, I'm more deliberate. Whereas the basketball stuff is just a natural byproduct of me doing something I genuinely enjoy.
Nevertheless, for many men, there are significant risks associated with a hands-off strategy, whereby they wait until they have more of something (money, status, access, etc) until they start putting in direct effort with women.

Depending on the individual's social status, access to women, personality etc, this can build complacency, a perceived lack of control, avoidance of interpersonal risk, and an overreliance on weak longer-term proxies of attraction and love (e.g., money, material resources, status, etc)*. In these circumstances, it may lead to diminished rather than enhanced chances with women.

Indeed, for most men, achieving and maintaining a relationship with a highly desirable woman will necessitate a journey characterised by ongoing personal growth and unyielding determination.
These are very important realities to impress upon people. Here's a part that's not talked about as much, though - Getting money to leave your shit environment. That's how I view it. Unyielding determination in contaminated mate or dating pools just leads to ... contamination. I stress the youth and less experience part of the girl because that's the only thing that makes it worthwhile for a long term commitment or family.

You can always find a "friend" who is female later on in life. That's for when attraction (physical) doesn't really matter to you (regarding actually having sex).
One of my friends met a very attractive divorced late 30s woman with kids on Hinge. He's a solid guy. Early 40s with a daughter. They were together for a while and even got engaged. But he has constant problems with her. Breaking up with him all the time like a little girl, spending lots of his money without wanting to work herself, debt, constant drama. He was noticeably agitated a lot (never was before), and it's because of this lunatic woman.

I guess now they finally ended it for good (I hope he sticks with this decision). But he had similar problems with other women he met on Hinge, and so have some of my other friends. And they all say Hinge is supposed to be the best dating app, and continue to use it.

These apps sound exhausting to deal with, and the women on them are a lost cause. They are on there for a reason, just cycling through guys hoping some poor chump will eventually put up with their bs. Or they self-sabotage the relationship. What a waste of time, money and energy dealing with these women.

If you have the patience for it, meeting women out in the real world is the only way.
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Why not just stack some cash and head overseas for a year? You can get a much higher quality woman like this.
But if I do this I can’t bring her back to the west. And it requires a career makeover. I need to convert to digital nomadism from rust belt lab rat. I started a thread where I’m trying to figure out how to do that. I’m eyeing Latin America and the Philippines now. I’m being told Spain is a waste of time. A language barrier blocks out Greece and Cypress.
But if I do this I can’t bring her back to the west. And it requires a career makeover. I need to convert to digital nomadism from rust belt lab rat. I started a thread where I’m trying to figure out how to do that. I’m eyeing Latin America and the Philippines now. I’m being told Spain is a waste of time. A language barrier blocks out Greece and Cypress.
Personally, for Orthodox men, I would say it's a waste of time to settle anywhere that does not have a substantial Orthodox population (at least 10%). You can try to convert that nice RC girl you meet down in Argentina, but good luck with that. I'm moving to improve my circumstances, not make life more difficult.

Most younger Greeks speak English well from my experience, as well as some of the other Orthodox peoples like Serbs and Romanians. The main problem with Greece is that it has become heavily westernized and the government is atrocious. They are in a constant crisis and will tax you into oblivion.

You do want to learn the native language as soon as you can if you should decide to move. In terms of the language barrier, Romania is your best bet because it's easy to learn, especially if you already studied Spanish, French, or Latin. Greek and Slavic languages will be quite difficult. The FSI claims you can learn Romanian in 24 weeks, and Greek in 44 weeks. I assume this is with intense study.

These apps sound exhausting to deal with, and the women on them are a lost cause. They are on there for a reason, just cycling through guys hoping some poor chump will eventually put up with their bs. Or they self-sabotage the relationship. What a waste of time, money and energy dealing with these women.
By the time you had to deal with any apps and you weren't just looking for short term (women never really were but it takes them a couple of years to figure this out, again promoting what I'm about to say), you realized that women who age get used to the practice of "dating" and disqualifying; especially in any country where men and young men are high in number. The essence of men in the West at this point is accessory, literally the opposite of what the point of a man and family head is: need. We're at the end of the first trimester of population decline which has been a long time coming. Even in the Far East in many places there are older with "with jobs" that somehow think men care that they are anything but young, good looking or fertile. We might care from a friend point of view, but not a long term commitment. That does nothing for a man, nor is it his preference. They seem unwilling to listen at all about this. Thus, they will suffer the consequences. And a lot of men will at the same time, because it's women who determine who get sex and kids, and men who control relationships.
Personally, for Orthodox men, I would say it's a waste of time to settle anywhere that does not have a substantial Orthodox population (at least 10%). You can try to convert that nice RC girl you meet down in Argentina, but good luck with that. I'm moving to improve my circumstances, not make life more difficult.

Most younger Greeks speak English well from my experience, as well as some of the other Orthodox peoples like Serbs and Romanians. The main problem with Greece is that it has become heavily westernized and the government is atrocious. They are in a constant crisis and will tax you into oblivion.
I generally agree with this, but think you could lead a woman in the right scenario in a country like Uruguay or Paraguay, possibly. With a place like Colombia it might be harder, since you'd have to know someone basically of the higher/euro classes, regardless of how much money they had. Still, there is barely an Orthodox presence there and the future is even less bright than Argentina, which at least might have some upside.

I know a lot about Spain, Greece, and while I haven't lived in Romania or Serbia, I've been there. Serbia and Romania are probably similar in that they seem more open than the Spain, Italy, Greece type - and they are better looking generally I would argue - since you aren't going to get the better looking women there (too few and you need to be a national in the Med countries). They are also too EU, meaning the others have them under their thumb OR they are just very rarely religious. The Greeks have a higher percentage of somewhat serious Orthodox but it's not large enough to be anything to talk about.

I think the best idea by far is to try to find a former FSU nation that has some orthodox inclinations if not properly a faithful person, and go somewhere you are actually needed. There are few places left like this, but they exist. The added effort to go to a place where they can survive without you, even without a great material life (that's the Med countries in my view), make the trip to those much lower return and a higher probability you are really looking for the same type of lotto or unicorn as anywhere else. While places like Moscow have gold diggers I'm sure, you'd at least have fun interacting with women in a proper sense. And unlike other places, there are actually a lot of good looking women, and I'm sure younger women.
I know a lot about Spain, Greece, and while I haven't lived in Romania or Serbia, I've been there. Serbia and Romania are probably similar in that they seem more open than the Spain, Italy, Greece type - and they are better looking generally I would argue - since you aren't going to get the better looking women there (too few and you need to be a national in the Med countries). They are also too EU, meaning the others have them under their thumb OR they are just very rarely religious. The Greeks have a higher percentage of somewhat serious Orthodox but it's not large enough to be anything to talk about.

I think the best idea by far is to try to find a former FSU nation that has some orthodox inclinations if not properly a faithful person, and go somewhere you are actually needed. There are few places left like this, but they exist. The added effort to go to a place where they can survive without you, even without a great material life (that's the Med countries in my view), make the trip to those much lower return and a higher probability you are really looking for the same type of lotto or unicorn as anywhere else. While places like Moscow have gold diggers I'm sure, you'd at least have fun interacting with women in a proper sense. And unlike other places, there are actually a lot of good looking women, and I'm sure younger women.
The places you are actually, truly needed would probably be limited to Moldova and some smaller, bleak cities in Russia and the Balkans.

While I agree Eastern Europe is heavily secularized today, there are still faithful Orthodox women left. I believe in those countries anywhere from 10-20% of the population typically go to church regularly. Well even if it's only 10%, that's still far better than America or other western nations. What's the proportion of practicing, young Orthodox women in the USA? Something like 0.2%? That's not even the main problem, the main problem is the ratio of young men to women in the church. Especially in places like the southern or western states, it's mostly converts who are mostly men. The ratio is likely better in more cradle-heavy Orthodox cities like NYC or Chicago, but who wants to live there?

So just running the numbers, we can see your chances of finding someone are already vastly improved by going to an Orthodox country. And that's not even considering the looks factor, which is going to be much better in any EE country compared to the US. Never been to Moscow, but I'd bet because of it's sheer size that you can find good women even there. And yes, even the secularized ones will be far more pleasant to interact with.
This is 1000% true. Self selection bias is strongly at work here. By definition if a woman is using a dating app she is not a traditional woman so you are fishing in a polluted pond.
For the most part true, but of course there are outliers. A traditional girl can become hopeless in today's dating landscape and just try it out (a lot might depend on her location). More rural? Just moved to a city and feeling the sleaze? I've seen conservative girls move to a large city because they have been manipulated into thinking that's what they are supposed to do, but then end up completely out of place.

I mean traditional men are resorting to apps, so same concept.
While I agree Eastern Europe is heavily secularized today, there are still faithful Orthodox women left. I believe in those countries anywhere from 10-20% of the population typically go to church regularly. Well even if it's only 10%, that's still far better than America or other western nations. What's the proportion of practicing, young Orthodox women in the USA? Something like 0.2%? That's not even the main problem, the main problem is the ratio of young men to women in the church. Especially in places like the southern or western states, it's mostly converts who are mostly men. The ratio is likely better in more cradle-heavy Orthodox cities like NYC or Chicago, but who wants to live there?
Great post. The world is "shrinking" and until massive population loss or survival need, it won't really change so there are just "less worse" places that are only getting worse by the year. But it's untenable in the west, as per your note there. I totally agree. I've been to many churches in the south and throughout the midwest and at best any male to female (young) ratio is going to be 5:1. Most are closer to 10:1. Seriously. But it's just a western culture thing at this point, again, not necessarily women's "fault" since they just follow the culture. And the culture is also that a father won't "like" a 20 something marrying a 38 year old or 40 year old man, which is also stupid. By the way, the north has more liberal inclinations even if you are a girl from a "republican" family, so it doesn't' even matter. You still go to college, work, etc. You aren't looking to lock a man down, and you're likely a princess type that will probably reject a lot of guys until at least age 28.
And yes, even the secularized ones will be far more pleasant to interact with.
Yes, they'll follow you, because they see the benefit. Women in the west won't really, because they listen and talk to their friends and watch bullshit media all the time. Guys on this forum act like the woman will follow you but the reality is that the influences are bad and few people, if any, have your back. Which means you are either constantly planning dread with the woman and it's energy zapping, or you just deal with it - either way, it sucks.
I'm glad to hear that.

Crocodile Dundee Hello GIF by Laff

I'm not sure how much of the following comments will apply to your individual circumstances, which I know almost nothing about, however I hope you can get some value from considering a few of these concepts or approaches.

Do keep us updated on how it's going. All the best.
Another helpful post-- much appreciated! I'll post updates if anything noteworthy happens.
The whole dating thing is messed up because women are incapable of making rational decisions.

For a man if he has a goal, such as finding a wife, he will understand what is antithetical to that goal and work to eliminating it, and he will realise what he needs to do and start doing it. This thread is precisely an example of men doing this and getting advice about it.

Women on the other hand will hold multiple contradictory goals, because all of them make them feel good somehow. They want to find one good man but they like the attention of multiple men. They want a family but they also like how it feels to be a girlboss career woman. And they won't accept being told they are irrational because it makes them feel bad.

As a consequence trying to find a partner in the modern world for a man is like trying to play chess with someone who stubbornly refuses to pay attention to strategy. You can't even account for logical next moves on their part. And not only that but the woman is convinced she's a grandmaster and won't hear otherwise.

It really is a mess.
Hi all,

Here is a quick taste of my latest anthropological study about the new landscape of online dating. We combined big data and ethnographic case studies to reveal what is really happening.

Type "success" in the chat for more dating market insights, exclusively sent via DM.

Yours Sincerely,
Professor Chad
