Is it Worth Busting Your Ass in a Career?

All I know is that he'd likely be more realistic since there are probably a high percentage of significant age gaps in those countries, though they may only be 20%. That may or may not help an outsider, though, even if he is Orthodox and is seeking an Orthodox woman for marriage, for presumably the right reasons.
It's a pity those countries don't track stats that well. From what I could find off the numbers in Ukraine and Belarus are pretty much in line with the west at around 2 years. Greece, Serbia, Montenegro have highrt numbers at 3 to 4 years. I couldn't find much on Russia.
Just for comparison the Spanish stats included percentage by age difference, for example roughly 7% had an age difference 10+ years.

That said, it's just the mean age and I'm pretty sure there will be enough to go round for the small amount of westerners that will actually go all in and move to those countries in search of a younger wifey.
Yes, these ages are different for different people. I don't know what your situation is, but life does change. Did you find your 50s significantly different from your 40s?
Not significantly. Just more overall calmness and prioritisation of what is truly important in life. Some changes:
- libido dropped massively (everything still works, but isn't "driving" me in any real sense).
- less energy overall, more need for solid sleep, just staying in shape, being flexible, more important than getting jacked.
- more quietness and calmness in my head, less need to "win" conversations or push my opinion through, ability to listen more and speak less
- in my 40s I was still really trying to find a "good" I pretty much don't care about being around women, beyond casual chat occasionally
- less need to overachieve at work, job-hopping, ladder-climbing, high ambition all less important. Comfortable with what I have, including more time for hobbies. Many previous hobbies dropped and deemed irrelevant now.
- Faith and spirituality more important, less willing to compromise on it.
If you are single, no family, no kids, no responsibilities, then I would say no, it's not worth busting your @$$. Why?
I disagree, because even if you are single and have no children becoming wealthy will help you greatly in finding a girlfriend or wife. Also being wealthy means you can retire early and no longer have to go to your soul crushing job. 99% of jobs these days are garbage so the fewer years you can spend working the better.
I disagree, because even if you are single and have no children becoming wealthy will help you greatly in finding a girlfriend or wife. Also being wealthy means you can retire early and no longer have to go to your soul crushing job. 99% of jobs these days are garbage so the fewer years you can spend working the better.
Not being a Christian or religious, those are certainly goals that you could pursue. Personally, I find (and I think a lot of Christians would agree), those things are irrelevant in the big picture. You can't take it with you, as they say. And what kind of woman would that be who is only attracted to your wealth. Girlfriends? No thanks...that's a secular and not a Christian concept. St. Paul stated that it is better to be single, like he was, in order to serve the Lord more readily and easily. Use your time and talents to serve God and others. But again, this is a Christian view.
And what kind of woman would that be who is only attracted to your wealth. Girlfriends? No thanks...that's a secular and not a Christian concept.
Even if you are a devout Christian man if you plan to get married and have 3 or 4 kids and you want your wife to stay home with the kids you first need money before you can do all of that unless you plan on raising your family in poverty.

Even if you move to a 3rd world country if you want to support a stay at home wife and 3 or 4 kids you realistically need a net worth of at least one million dollars maybe more for your family to live comfortably.
I disagree, because even if you are single and have no children becoming wealthy will help you greatly in finding a girlfriend or wife. Also being wealthy means you can retire early and no longer have to go to your soul crushing job. 99% of jobs these days are garbage so the fewer years you can spend working the better.
I agree with your recommendations but I think a majority of men (probably 90% or more), need the pressures of a wife and responsibilities of providing for children to motivate towards maximizing their career and wealth ambitions. I know alot of would be considered content single young men who got married and then transformed over the next decade into career go-getters. I’m sure alot was pressure driven and imposed by the wife. It’s good for men to be driven as a single guy, but only a small percent have that natural internal drive. The soul crushing jobs come when either you got suckered into working for an exploitative company out of college or pressured to chase money by family pressure.
It's amazing that we continue to believe in the American dream. Get money, what a laughable concept in 2024.

  • The jobs are terrible.
  • The rat race is endless.
  • The workplace is toxic.
  • it's hard to even get a job.
  • Get taken advantage of if you work hard, get treated like garbage if you slack off.
  • Over the next couple decades the middle class will be erased. It won't happen overnight. 5 figure salaries, 6-7 figure assets. You do the math how sustainable that is with inflation on daily expenses.
  • The job market is getting oversaturated with applicants and degree holders.
  • Eventually the competition will become violent. Arson, murders, extortion etc. Not when it comes to your factory job but anyone who's making good money.
  • Globohomo ideas, if implemented, will make everything even worse. If they're going after farmers now, what do you think they will do to you? Maybe CBDC and the mass surveillance will cancel out the extortion/murder but that's about it.
  • Taxes are sponsoring your genocide.
If you guys can get rich on bitcoin right now more power to you. The average person doesn't have this privilege.

When it comes to kids you're going to have to choose. Are you willing to live in poverty with a family or do you want spend your life slamming your head against the wall working.

In my opinion if you are able to I wouldn't even work. Go live with family and do the bare minimum for an income.

We have a situation where we've had blackpillers over the last 50 years telling you what to do. Like the go live in the woods guys. People laughted at them but turns out they were right. So every man today should stop and think what crazy advice has been floating around that you were too prideful to follow because it came from some crazy guy. Go follow that advice.
A million dollars, in the 3rd world? Are you serious? Most people in the 1st world don't have even 10% of that, yet somehow raise families.
Yeah but don't forget you are an outsider in a 3rd world country so things will be more expensive for you plus you probably don't want to work in a 3rd world country because local wages suck (unless you are able to work fully remote). So you pretty much got to be retired so when you talk about buying a house plus having enough investments to give you sufficient passive income a million dollars really isn't anything crazy.

For example lets say you buy a family house in a desirable location in a major third world city that might cost you say $300,000. And lets say you have $700,000 left to passively invest. If you use a conservative 3% safe withdrawal rate $700,000 can generate you $21,000 of annual income while still growing your capital over time. An un-mortgaged house plus $21,000 annual income is not a huge amount of money for a family of 4 or 5 even in a third world country especially if you are trying to live an expat lifestyle.
So you would not consider retiring early even if you make huge Bitcoin gains within the next 10 years?
No, I was referring more to the age of retiring and not doing much, or being like NIKA and being indifferent almost entirely about worldly things. That's why I asked him about 50s and 60s.

I want to jump ship ASAP so that I can at least exhaust the possibilities around the world and find out truly that there are no real places left for decent women or age gaps. I find that to be unlikely in the 60s. But in the 40s one can't give up since it's so common and those in the west are so biased. They'd have you believe a 45 year old millionaire, for example, should just mail it in and give up on life as an "old person."
Yeah but don't forget you are an outsider in a 3rd world country so things will be more expensive for you plus you probably don't want to work in a 3rd world country because local wages suck (unless you are able to work fully remote).
Bingo. If you take the NesTea plunge, and you are competent enough to have done the work and have the net worth, you better have it basically as a retirement. That's the only thing good about the "stock market" being so big and liquid. It's a retirement possibility and/or hobby for people to naturally go into, if they know a decent amount about it leading up to retirement. I personally believe, as others know, that those holding any decent amount of BTC are set, but pulling the trigger on even a high conviction that hasn't been established can be difficult, especially if trying to go to an entirely new place, new culture, new geopolitical concerns, etc.
I agree with your recommendations but I think a majority of men (probably 90% or more), need the pressures of a wife and responsibilities of providing for children to motivate towards maximizing their career and wealth ambitions. I know alot of would be considered content single young men who got married and then transformed over the next decade into career go-getters. I’m sure alot was pressure driven and imposed by the wife. It’s good for men to be driven as a single guy, but only a small percent have that natural internal drive. The soul crushing jobs come when either you got suckered into working for an exploitative company out of college or pressured to chase money by family pressure.
This is absolutely true for me. I am very content with low paying, low stress jobs right now. But I would work a lot harder to have a family with the right woman. But that drive isn't there as a single guy. It is what it is.