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Hitler versus Rothschild: the Logistics and Background of World War Two

It wasn´t just foreigners. Punk native germans were everywhere. Pissing. vomiting. Hearing loud music. Harassing people. Tube looked like an open toilet.

Germans hate themselves abroad. Not in Germany. Inside Germany they have no idea people dislike them so much. And abroad sometimes they will be racist against other germans.

Kreuzberg area looked like third world. Turkishland.

Where did I say they weren´t humble or kind? But they actually aren´t. They are very introspect. Asking for a direction in Frankfurt is a nightmare.

They have a strong eco conscience. Nature. It´s a trait I found in a lot of germans. The nature conscience.

You think anybody in Europe didn´t study Weimar Republic? How they were whoring children? Hyperinflation? workers buying stuff at lunch time cause it would be more expensive when they would leave the factory at night. Carts of cash. Humilation from the peace treaty. Even today in ECB germans are terribly afraid of inflation.

But guess what? Hitler gave them a temporary relief. And made things even worse after.

I don´t like the fact he gave animals rights. Giving animal rights degrades humans. And his personal life was strange. No children. And Hitler himself looked like a lunatic. All the third Reich is abnormal. A propaganda hysteria. Best is having normal people in leadership positions.

Hitler lost. Don´t you get it? He lost. Now we can say it was because of X, Y or Z. It can be an interesting discussion. But it won´t alter the fact Hitler lost. And therefore he is a loser. Whatever strategy is set in motion was wrong.

Hitler strategy was disastrous for Germany. So disastrous that even today Germany is still not a sovereign country.

People praise a lot germans. I don´t see the fascination. They´re cars used to be good. They´re industry is not bad. But a lot of inventions also come from France and England. And US.

Roman empire. Greece. Or even Spain were empires. That lasted. If you want culture and arts. You don´t go to Germany. You go to France and Italy.

BTW there was a name for the wealthy jews Hitler didn´t touch. A fiend of mine told me how their were called. But I don´t remember. It´s nothing conspirative or secretive. It´s on wikipedia.
You keep referencing huge metropolitan cities. Frankfurt is under the same disease as every other major city in Europe. This is not a debate about which city in Germany is the worst. Go to any small town in Bayern like Berchtesgaden or Oberammergau, or any town outside Dresden like Radeberg, Hohnstein, or Kamenz, or any of the several hundred other towns not infested with the filth of major cities. It is very different.

Hitler did not make things worse after. The 4 +2 clause from the Allies did. They overwrote every aspect of German life, Hitler did not do this, and by your logic of him losing meaning he is automatically at fault doesn't work like that. You don't blame the parent for the abuses a child suffers when social workers illegally abduct them under the guise of "help," similarly you don't blame Hitler for the abuses the German people suffered under leadership that was not his nor by his hand or action.

The strategy set in motion was one of national defense of the German people. So by your logic German's should just let themselves be raped, plundered , pillaged, and massacred to no end.

Hitler's Germany didn't touch any jews as a matter of fact, unless they were communists agitators or speculative usurers or pornographers or anyone else guilty of breaking the law.

It's funny how you say Germany isn't a sovereign country now because of Hitler, can you actually name me one sovereign country that is not controlled by the Rothschild central bank or has jewish puppets in place all over its government? You won't find any. After Franco's death in 1975, Spain was the last one to be re-infiltrated by their Marrano lessers. However, the territories in Europe under German control and influence were the last places to be free of the new-world-order system.

Every single country you can think of now is financially and thus morally and spiritually controlled by jewish oligarchical interests.

Your evidence for him being a lunatic is that he looked like one? The little mustache was very fashionable in the 1920s, people had it in Italy, Serbia, Switzerland, England, and many other countries. What do people think you look like? Your arguments have no validity based on these claims.

Do you think Bismarck was normal, or the Kaiser for that matter? You seem to have an inherent-anti-German bias like many others here simply because its been programmed in you since childhood. The new morality that was established following WW2 was how "anti-nazi" everyone could be, with the most evil person in the world being Hitler and the best person in the world being the exact opposite of him. This is why a majority of people experience an "agent smith" effect when someone says to them that "Hitler was good," in any capacity. They are immediately taken over by the program written by society and cease to be an individual capable of critical thinking.

Break free of all jewish-contrived thought:

Did you read the source? What matters is the truth, not who wrote it, every piece of knowledge we have comes from somewhere else. It's not about "appearing smart," a simple man with words of truth speaks louder than any incessant academic touting citations.

I've been reading this thread out of curiosity and have no dog in the fight of the original topic. I'm writing this post because I believe that MFTP has the potential to offer a lot of value to the forum in the future.

I think it is difficult for anyone to not protect themselves and defend their theoretical position when confronted by others. This is our natural default, a tendency exacerbated by the nature of online communication. Personally, I struggled with this for several years since I started posting online.

That said, I would suggest to MFTP that he takes this matter of citing more seriously. This is important for four reasons.

1. In many business, intellectual or other circles, plagiarism is considered to be a serious offence.

2. Even on an online forum that provides no potential punishment, like losing an academic position, it still reduces credibility in the minds of many readers. If the writer wants to provide information or ideas that can influence others in some way, it is useful to consider one's credibility. Online, credibility is very hard to gain, and very easy to lose.

(If the writer wants to claim something like "I do not care for others' opinions, I just write for myself" or "this is just for those with enough mental strength to hear the truth" etc... then all of this is moot. But then the writer can't expect anyone to respect them, and can't expect sympathy when they get justifiably challenged.)

3. This forum is an offshoot of RVF, and many RVF members have a clear distaste for plagiarism, due to its mental association with the creation of false personas. In particular, there was a character who called himself a "pilot" who launched an unbelievable trolling campaign based on a fake persona. When his plagiarism was called out, it lead to very heated discussions and in time, even offline consequences. To be clear, this point is NOT to insinuate anything about the character of MFTP. Rather, it is to highlight that there is a mental association for some older RVF members here between a lack of proper citations and a very negative image (trolling, a false persona etc).

4. Taking on feedback with humility shows an ability and willingness to open oneself to new information and to engage in genuine intellectual dialogue with a goal of truth-seeking, even if it is uncomfortable. This is the "red pill" that is hardest to swallow - that is the hard facts about ourselves, not just the outside world. If we can try to adopt a mindset of seeing feedback as having a possible use for ourselves, as a means to learn, grow, or gain something, this can make the process easier.

In conclusion, it seems that MFTP is a very intelligent poster with a lot to potentially offer. I hope he continues to add value at CIK with deep dives into various topics. For this purpose, I have provided two suggested ways to enhance the quality of engagement with others:

First, is to consider feedback from others (e.g., ways to improve one's communication style, or questions on the strength of evidence provided to support an argument). Second, is to ensure all external sources are properly cited.

I hope this helps.
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Plagiarism is a form of lying to others. It's unloving behavior unbecoming of Christians. You should apologize, Music, and, if you are caught doing it again I'll be forced to punish your account.

It's not acceptable and the plagiarism explains why you respond to my specific points with giant walls of text. Makes sense, you aren't even reading or coming up with good arguments, you are just trying to drown your opponent in details copy/pasted from elsewhere. Good faith posters will waste tons of time on your walls of nonsense.
Also, your last reply to me was sheer nonsense about how Germany couldn't invade Britain; you did not mention the Battle of Dunkirk once???? Please, how can you consider yourself an objective historian if you do not mention the massive failure of Dunkirk.

It's very simple. If Hitler and his Generals had no plan to deal with Britain after invading Poland, then they shouldn't have invaded Poland. But if they believed they had to invade Poland, then they should have had an immediate plan to attack both Britain and France to cut off the heads of the (((snake))). This is basic military logic. You either go all the way, or you don't go at all.

Therefore, since Hitler and friends did not go all the way, but instead half-assed their campaign by leaving Britain free to evacuate their soldiers from Dunkirk and not even attempting to take London, they doomed Germany to utter defeat. What's even more baffling about Germany's refusing to invade Britain was that they instead decided to go full retard on invading Moscow, which had 10x the distance as London and 10x the risks. Just a mess of a military strategy, which is why I consider Hitler to be a completely idiot and one of the worst commanders of all time.

What's even more astonishing is the following article from Ron Unz:

It turns out that Britain and France were planning to attack the USSR before Hitler's sudden invasion of Poland. Both Britain and France agreed with Hitler that the USSR was a demon state that needed to die!! If Germany did not invade Poland, then the USSR would have been attacked by Britain, France, and Germany. The world would be a completely different place today and Russia probably would not exist.

So, if Hitler did not have an effective means to fight a war against France and Britain, he shouldn't have invaded Poland, based on normal military logic of not carrying out a plan unless one has a complete strategy to eliminate all threats. Instead, one should play it safe until there is an advantage. Had this elementary strategy been followed, Germany would have come out on top, easily.

Conversely, if there was a plan to eliminate Britain and France, then Hitler should have followed through with it. Instead the excuse Hitler gave was that he believed Britain would come "to their senses" or some other ridiculous excuse for being a garbage commander who leaves his enemies alive and fights a two-front war.

He was extremely stupid, and is the reason the world is such a mess today. It doesn't matter if Hitler had "good ideas," he didn't, his criticisms of the Jews can also be found in Chrysostom's Against the Jews, nothing original about Fascist critiques of Talmudism.
I've been reading along most of this thread and will make a few comments but without quoting anyone directly and probably not naming them either.

What is most offensive here are comments about Berlin and Germany which are clearly inspired by American anti-German conditioning and brainwashing. All that sensationalist almost Hollywood movie style portrayal of Berlin. Yes, there are too many pierced and tatooes people in Berlin but it is a very big city in terms of geographic sprawl and those who have commented here probably never got around it fully but stayed mainly in Kreuzberg and other inner areas. Also it has a reputation for being one of the more radical parts of Germany since the Weimar days, with various ups and downs since, obviously WW2, the Berlin wall in 1961 and fall again in 1989. It is the place in Germany now where those who don't quite fit into their village go, so it's not representative of the whole country. And again, it's a big, sprawling place and it's not all like Kreuzberg which also isn't that bad.

Modern day Germany loves nothing better than to undo its politicians through „Plagiatsvorwürfe“ - accusations of plagiarism. Whereas in America and other countries they will find dirt on people such as the Stormy Daniels thing with Trump, in Germany they love to be able to say about a politician „Er hat seine Doktorarbeit abgeschrieben!“ - he plagiarised his PhD. The most famous recent example in 2011 of zu Guttenberg who was a potential candidate for chancellor :

More recently in 2023 they're having a go at Alice Weidel from the AfD for the same kind of thing -

A lot of discussion in that article about anonymous Plagiatsjäger - plagiarism hunters. Basically just mud slinging to try to discredit an opposing view, the modern German way of trying to take out a politician.

With everything here being so informal and anonymous, how can anyone get so carried away with whether something has citations according to PhD doctorate requirements. Sources have been mentioned as well, even if not every sentence was cross-referenced back. No one here is a prominent public figure, and the modern way of taking out political oponents whether by 'metoo' as is popular in the anglosphere or those tactics they love to use in modern day Germany are not making the world a better place.

Not long ago I saw a black and white European film from the 1930s (not German), though probably set earlier and was surprised how many male characters had Hitler style moustaches. Have a look how long the list is of famous people from that era who had that kind of moustache :
It's at the end of the article under "other notable wearers". It's a long list from many different regions but of course nowadays people who were educated in America think there was only one infamous character who had that.

Of the many countries that Germany occupied during the war, some occupations were nastier than others. So if some Greek or mediterranean French now hate the Germans it often has something to do with they killed my grandpa or something along those lines.

Something about the title Hitler vs Rothschild - who were the various creditors who pulled back loans from Germany after the 1929 stockmarket crash and caused all that economic grief? I'm guessing the Rothschilds were among them but it was surely not only them. Furthermore I heard it was from the other side of the Atlantic as well, not just London lenders but New York based lenders that punished Germany financially in those years before Hitler came to power.
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I've been reading this thread out of curiosity and have no dog in the fight of the original topic. I'm writing this post because I believe that MFTP has the potential to offer a lot of value to the forum in the future.

I think it is difficult for anyone to not protect themselves and defend their theoretical position when confronted by others. This is our natural default, a tendency exacerbated by the nature of online communication. Personally, I struggled with this for several years since I started posting online.

That said, I would suggest to MFTP that he takes this matter of citing more seriously. This is important for four reasons.

1. In many business, intellectual or other circles, plagiarism is considered to be a serious offence.

2. Even on an online forum that provides no potential punishment, like losing an academic position, it still reduces credibility in the minds of many readers. If the writer wants to provide information or ideas that can influence others in some way, it is useful to consider one's credibility. Online, credibility is very hard to gain, and very easy to lose.

(If the writer wants to claim something like "I do not care for others' opinions, I just write for myself" or "this is just for those with enough mental strength to hear the truth" etc... then all of this is moot. But then the writer can't expect anyone to respect them, and can't expect sympathy when they get justifiably challenged.)

3. This forum is an offshoot of RVF, and many RVF members have a clear distaste for plagiarism, due to its mental association with the creation of false personas. In particular, there was a character who called himself a "pilot" who launched an unbelievable trolling campaign based on a fake persona. When his plagiarism was called out, it lead to very heated discussions and in time, even offline consequences. To be clear, this point is NOT to insinuate anything about the character of MFTP. Rather, it is to highlight that there is a mental association for some older RVF members here between a lack of proper citations and a very negative image (trolling, a false persona etc).

4. Taking on feedback with humility shows an ability and willingness to open oneself to new information and to engage in genuine intellectual dialogue with a goal of truth-seeking, even if it is uncomfortable. This is the "red pill" that is hardest to swallow - that is the hard facts about ourselves, not just the outside world. If we can try to adopt a mindset of seeing feedback as having a possible use for ourselves, as a means to learn, grow, or gain something, this can make the process easier.

In conclusion, it seems that MFTP is a very intelligent poster with a lot to potentially offer. I hope he continues to add value at CIK with deep dives into various topics. For this purpose, I have provided two suggested ways to enhance the quality of engagement with others:

First, is to consider feedback from others (e.g., ways to improve one's communication style, or questions on the strength of evidence provided to support an argument). Second, is to ensure all external sources are properly cited.

I hope this helps.
Thank you for your assessment. I remember if you are referring to the "NASA Test Pilot" account on RVF, and the way people still mention him with bad taste.

I have cited hundreds of sources, be they clips, books, speeches, transcriptions of speeches, anthropological statistics, and theological sources in antiquity for the various topics I write about. The dogpiling here in this thread for my one slip-up of failing to cite properly (paraphrasing) is exactly what people need to gaggle together and shut down debate that makes them uncomfortable, which seems to be the energy since few people are refuting the claims that I post. Their ignorance of the content is replaced with their obsession of critiquing the character who posts said content.

I always strive to write more clearly and more concise, and with a topic with so many details like this one (as I don't intend this thread to be just about Hitler or the NSDAP) it makes the challenge more cumbersome for any writer attempting to use concrete logical arguments.

I will consider your advice now and in the future.


I already said I did not mean to mis-cite. I'm not blaming anyone here for my own citational error. You know I'll bring in a source from any corner of the internet if I think it is relevant to a thread.

For anyone else reading that becomes uncomfortable by the notion of my one mis-citation, know that I take my sources very seriously, as I had to explain it as thoroughly as I possibly could to one poster here who did zero analysis of the source in question and proceeded to spout shut-down language on it for personal reasons. Yes I gave him that little bit of rope to use against me but I give all of you rope to verify and confirm or challenge and disprove, with every source I post. Debate me through dialectics of the sources and facts, this is how we arrive at greater understandings of truth.
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Also, your last reply to me was sheer nonsense about how Germany couldn't invade Britain; you did not mention the Battle of Dunkirk once???? Please, how can you consider yourself an objective historian if you do not mention the massive failure of Dunkirk.
The Royal Air Force and Royal Navy's presence in the channel is not "sheer nonsense." Their military forces were significantly more capable than France., and as a sea-bound power, it would have been a tremendous waste to use Luftwaffe and Kriegsmarine forces just for London.

Dunkirk is overhyped when it comes to this. It was the only occasion the British got to the beaches before the Germans did. According to the diary of Colonel (later General) Kurt von Tippelskirch, chief of military intelligence, as translated by both Ernst Zundel and David Irving in his earlier more truthful days, on May 24th 1940 he wrote "When did we first discover that the British were embarking?" because until that point they had not realized the British were running away. Hitler said to his staff that he knew from WW1 that when the British entrench themselves they fight on, but by this date they were already fleeing, two days before the alleged hold order from Hitler. The French campaign had not yet concluded by Dunkirk, which is what many people miss from this query, it did not finish until nearly a month later on the 25th of June.

It was Von Tippelskirch's order to put the unexpected fleeing British on the backburner until they could finish the campaign of solidifying a fortress of continental Europe with concluding the French campaign. Then roughly three days later, they were all gone. It was out of character for them, the way that Hitler viewed the British. This turn and tucking tail was not expected. The whole dramatization of the civilian boats coming to save them and Hitler watching oblivious because he was thinking of their race coming to good sense is mostly made up. Much of the numbers on wikipedia and mainstream history stats are warped. There are significant lies with this narrative

In the British archives there are blank pages that replace documents which were removed detailing the Dunkirk retreat. These missing telegrams and documents ended up in archives in Paris. In particular is a telegram in which Churchill sent a message to General Lord Gort, head of the British Expeditionary Force, stating "You are to advance on the beaches. You are not to inform the French or the Belgians what you are doing."

What kind of alliance is that where one pulls their army out of the front line and instructed by your prime minister not to tell your allies that you're leaving them in the thick of things and leaving the front line wide open? Just to improve their chances of getting to the beaches. Churchill's words "advance on the beaches" is from the perspective of an army on land, meaning to regress. The story of Dunkirk is not a glorious as it's been made out to be. It's more of a propaganda victory for the British in retrospect, but Hitler had never imagined the British to turn and run. The Germans realized too late that they were gone.

It's not like retaliation on England did not happen. The Battle of Britain was a drawn-out series of bombings over the summer of 1940 and the London "blitz" didn't start until September of that year. The Germans making it a priority to take out England would not have stopped the western traitors from continuing their war. Nor would it have stopped the USA and the Soviets from their little game of removing every other competitor to their own plans for domination.

It's very simple. If Hitler and his Generals had no plan to deal with Britain after invading Poland, then they shouldn't have invaded Poland. But if they believed they had to invade Poland, then they should have had an immediate plan to attack both Britain and France to cut off the heads of the (((snake))). This is basic military logic. You either go all the way, or you don't go at all.
The simple truth is that they did not invade Poland at first, they simply entered Germany territory which was illegally given to Poland with the Treat of Versailles. This was German land which was majority German prior to Versailles. The Wehrmacht went here first to put a stop to where German citizens were being butchered by press-enraged mobs of Bolsheviks. Prior to this, every attempt at negotiation from Germany was met with mobilization from Poland. Germany did not want war from the outset with any of its European neighbors, the only war that was seen as inevitable was the inevitable clash from the expansion of the Soviets. Germany's actions in Poland were to stop unrestrained barbarism against it's people, not to instigate a war.

Germany's invasion of France was due to it's declaration of war on Germany and hostilities against her. Hitler even said in a speech here regarding Poland that:

"Germany is not pursuing any interests in the West. The West Wall delineates the Reichs border for all time. Our ambitions for the future are no different, and nothing shall ever change the Reich's standpoint in this matter."

The "West Wall," also known as the Siegfried Line, was a system of fortifications built by Germany along its western border in the 1930s as a defensive measure against potential French and Belgian aggression (given what happened in 1923-1925). Hitler considered the western frontier to be settled and not subject to further expansion or revision.

At 12:30
"Adolf Hitler - Why Germany Invaded Poland"

The bluntness of Polish moves, a far cry from the tactics of Jan III Sobieski, were ultimately what gave England and France's bloodthirst their "green light" to begin bombing Germany's cities. For as much of a rotten fate that befell Germany after the war, Poland did not fare much better for trusting in the USA and England, they simply allowed Stalin to take it after the war, where much more misery ensued until Walesa's election in late 1990 after the PZPR's dissolution.

The geopolitics of the unsteady alliances made the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact a necessary action so that Germany would not have to contend with the Soviets while still dealing with the inevitable attacks from England and France who had been goading Germany into war conditions for several years. Germany re-entered former regions of Germany on September 1st, and then on to Poland proper afterwards to deal with the treacherous government of Rydz-Smigly.

Here are images and speeches from these events:

"The Bromberg Massacre of 58000 Germans that led to WW2"

Britain purposefully lied to Germany when offering to mediate between them and Poland, they promised plenipotentiaries but never sent any. This was a deception because they were the ones sending telegrams and empty promises to Rydz-Smigly's government in Poland to not negotiate with Germany whatsoever and to refuse all of it's demands, simply saying they would come to their aid in the case of armed conflict, encouraging dismissal of any cooperation with Germany.

"For I am wrongly judged if my love of peace and my patience are mistaken for weakness or even cowardice!" - Hitler in a Speech about why he sent his troops into Poland. When the Wehrmacht went in, the massacres of ethnic Germans ceased.

Knowing that the Germans wouldn't tolerate the ethnic persecutions against their people in the lost territories given to Poland by the Versailles Treaty, the Zionists probably promoted these nonsense pogrom's using their controlled media, financed by the powerful banksters as a maneuver to provoke the Germans, luring them into invading Poland, thus creating a pretext to start one more profitable war as France and Britain reassured and promise assistance in Poland's foreign policy to whatever it may be.

The worst massacres will take place between 31 August and 6th September. The climax came on the 3rd of September in Bromberg, in what is known as Bloody Sunday. The mass murders would only end on the18th of September with the arrival of German troops near Lowitsch.

The Poles were out to defend the interest of these intellectual elite which were being threatened by the progress created by the National Socialist movement, that if it wasn't brought to a halt, it would certainly inspire the rest of the world into follow its example. If Germany wasn’t stopped, perhaps the world would be freed of the Banksters usury and these so called Freemasons, bankers designation to exploit, undermine and subjugate other peoples by sordid means and endless cycle of debt. Ironically enough, it seems the allies fought and defeated their liberators to save the world’s enslavers as you can see today. Adolf Hitler would be able to save the remaining Germans and would only retake territories lost to the asinine treaty of Versailles while Soviet Union takes the rest. However, war would only be declared on Germany by England and France.

"Once again the peoples were told that if they destroyed the leader of the German nation all would be well with the world. Germany rallied behind its leader. Britain trusted its Government. Both peoples believed their leaders would save the world. It was a tragedy of faith in men. One nation has to fight for a new economic and political system, the other to preserve the old ones. "


They didn't find the documents proving the greater encompassing details of Rydz-Smigly's deception until after they had taken Krakow. They found telegrams showing England, France, and even FDR in the USA promising to lend aid to Poland in the case of an armed conflict with Germany, and specific instructions to avoid compromising with Germany on the Danzig corridor.

The Polish situation cannot be simply reduced to a few sentences I'm afraid. It was a very complex geopolitical situation to understand, as millions of people fell for the propaganda in 1939 and believed Germany to be an aggressive expansionist power. No other place were German citizens being massacred. The German majority in re-propriated German regions given to Czechs were being assaulted up until the Munich conference in 1938, but the Danzig Corridor and Massacres of Germans were a much larger issue.

I will include in another spoiler, the Speech from Hitler on December 11th, 1941 detailing exactly how FDR manipulated the Polish situation to force a war in Europe, something Hitler knew, but the British and the French (outside of Churchill and his (((brain trust))) financiers) did not know. The man Hitler is talking about specifically is FDR, I have only included portions of the speech regarding the Polish situation, the speech is very long and too long for even one of my overly-winded explanations:

And now permit me to define my attitude to that other world, which has its representative in that man, who, while our soldiers are fighting in snow and ice, very tactfully likes to make his chats from the fireside, the man who is the main culprit of this-war. When in 1939 the conditions of our national interest in the then Polish State became more and more intolerable, I tried at first to eliminate those intolerable conditions by way of a peaceful settlement. For some time it seemed as though the Polish Government itself had seriously considered to agree to a sensible settlement. I may add that in German proposals nothing was demanded that had not been German property in former times. On the contrary, we renounced very much of what, before the World War, had been German property. You will recall the dramatic development of that time, in which the sufferings of German nationals increased continuously.

You, my deputies, are in the best position to gauge the extent of the blood sacrifice, if you compare it to the casualties of the present war. The campaign in the East has so far cost the German armed forces about 160,000 killed; but in the midst of peace more than 62,000 Germans were killed during those months, some under the most cruel tortures. It could hardly be contested that the German Reich had had a right to object to such conditions on its Frontiers and to demand that they should cease to exist and that it was entitled to think of its own safety; this could hardly be contested at a time when other countries were seeking elements of their safety even in foreign continents. The problems which had to be overcome were of no territorial significance. Mainly they concerned Danzig and the union with the Reich of the torn-off province, East Prussia. More difficult were the cruel persecutions the Germans were exposed to, in Poland particularly. The other minorities, incidentally, had to suffer a fate hardly less bitter.

When in August the attitude of Poland-thanks to the carte blanche guarantee received from England-became still stiffer, the Government of the Reich found it necessary to submit, for the last time, a proposal on the basis of which we were willing to enter into negotiations with Poland-negotiations of which we fully and completely apprised the then British Ambassador. I may recall these proposals today: "Proposal for the settlement of the problem of the Danzig Corridor and of the question of the German-Polish minorities. The situation between the German Reich and Poland has become so strained that any further incident may lead to a clash between the Armed Forces assembled on both sides. Any peaceful settlement must be so arranged that the events mainly responsible for the existing situation cannot occur again-a situation which has caused a state of tension, not only in Eastern Europe, but also in other regions. The cause of this situation lies in the impossible Frontiers laid down by the Versailles dictate and the inhuman treatment of the German minorities in Poland. I am now going to read the proposals in question. [Hitler then proceeded to read the first 12 points of these proposals.] The same goes for the proposals for safeguarding the minorities. This is the offer of an agreement such as could not have been made in a more loyal and magnanimous form by any government other than the National Socialist Government of the German Reich.

The Polish Government at that period refused even as much as to consider this proposal. The question then arises: how could such an unimportant State dare simply to refuse an offer of this nature and furthermore, not only indulge in further atrocities to its German inhabitants who had given that country the whole of its culture, but even order mobilization? Perusal of documents of the Foreign Office in Warsaw has given us later some surprising explanations. There was one man who, with devilish lack of conscience, used all his influence to further the warlike intentions of Poland and to eliminate all possibilities of understanding. The reports which the then Polish Ambassador in Washington Count Potocki, sent to his Government are documents from which it may be seen with a terrifying clearness to what an extent one man alone and the forces driving him are responsible for the second World War. The question next arises, how could this man fall into such fanatical enmity toward a country which in the whole of its history has never done the least harm either to America or to him personally?

...[skipping to other relevant parts]...

This fact was realized and fully appreciated also by many Americans including some of high standing. A threatening opposition was gathering over the head of this man. He guessed that the only salvation for him lay in diverting public attention from home to foreign policy. It is interesting to study in this connection the reports of the Polish Envoy in Washington, Potocki. He repeatedly points out that Roosevelt was fully aware of the danger threatening the card castle of his economic system with collapse, and that he was therefore urgently in need of a diversion in foreign policy. He was strengthened in this resolve by the Jews around him. Their
Old Testament thirst for revenge thought to see in the U.S.A. an instrument for preparing a second "Purim" for the European nations which were becoming increasingly anti-Semetic. The full diabolical meanness of Jewry rallied round this man, and he stretched out his hands.

Thus began the increasing efforts of the American President to create conflicts, to do everything to prevent conflicts from being peacefully solved. For years this man harboured one desire-that a conflict should break out somewhere in the world. The most convenient place would be in Europe, where American economy could be committed to the cause of one of the belligerents in such a way that a political interconnection of interests would arise calculated slowly to bring America nearer such a conflict. This would thereby divert public interest from bankrupt economic policy at home towards foreign problems.

His attitude to the German Reich in this spirit was particularly sharp. In 1937, Roosevelt made a number of speeches, including a particularly mean one pronounced in Chicago on 5th October, 1937. Systematically he began to incite American public opinion against Germany. He threatened to establish a kind of Quarantine against the so-called Authoritarian States. While making these increasingly spiteful and inflammatory speeches, President Roosevelt summoned the American Ambassadors to Washington to report to him. This event followed some further declarations of an insulting character; and ever since, the two countries have been connected with each other only through Chargés d'Affaires.

From November 1938 onwards, his systematic efforts were directed towards sabotaging any possibility of an appeasement policy in Europe. In public, he was hypocritically pretending to be for peace; but at the same time he was threatening any country ready to pursue a policy of peaceful understanding with the freezing of assets, with economic reprisals, with demands for the repayment of loans, etc. Staggering information to this effect can be derived from the reports of Polish Ambassadors in Washington, London, Paris and Brussels.

In January, 1939, this man began to strengthen his campaign of incitement and threatened to take all possible Congressional measures against the Authoritarian States, with the exception of war, while alleging that other countries were trying to interfere in American affairs and insisting on the maintenance of the Monroe Doctrine, he himself began from March 1939 onwards, to meddle in European affairs which were no concern at all of the President of the U.S.A., since he does not understand those problems, and even if he did understand them and the historic background behind them, he would have just as little right to worry about the central European area as the German Reich has to judge conditions in a U.S. State and to take an attitude towards them.

But Mr. Roosevelt went even farther. In contradiction to all the tenets of international law, he declared that he would not recognize certain Governments which did not suit him, would not accept readjustments, would maintain Legations of States dissolved long before or actually set them up as legal Governments. He even went so far as to conclude agreements with such Envoys, and thus to acquire a right simply to occupy foreign territories.

On 5th April, 1939, came Roosevelt's famous appeal to myself and the Duce. It was a clumsy combination of geographical and political ignorance and of the arrogance of the millionaire circles around him. It asked us to give undertakings to conclude non-aggression Pacts indiscriminately with any country, including mostly countries which were not even free, since Mr. Roosevelt's allies had annexed them or changed them into Protectorates. You will remember, my Deputies, that I then gave a polite and clear reply to this meddling gentleman. For some months at least, this stopped the flow of eloquence from this honest warmonger. But his place was taken by his honourable spouse. She-declined to live with her sons in a world such as the one we have worked out. And quite right, for this is a world of labour and not of cheating and trafficking.

After a little rest, the husband of that woman came back on the scene and on the 4th November, 1939, engineered the reversion of the Neutrality Law so as to suspend the ban on the export of arms, in favor of a one-sided delivery of arms to Germany's opponents. He then begins, somewhat as in Asia and in China, but the roundabout way of an economic infiltration to establish a community of interests destined to become operative sooner or later. In the same month, he recognizes, as a so-called Government in
exile, a gang of Polish emigrants, whose only political foundation was a few million gold coins taken with them from Warsaw.

Therefore, since Hitler and friends did not go all the way, but instead half-assed their campaign by leaving Britain free to evacuate their soldiers from Dunkirk and not even attempting to take London, they doomed Germany to utter defeat. What's even more baffling about Germany's refusing to invade Britain was that they instead decided to go full retard on invading Moscow, which had 10x the distance as London and 10x the risks. Just a mess of a military strategy, which is why I consider Hitler to be a completely idiot and one of the worst commanders of all time.
Placing the blame of the outcome of the war solely on Hitler and the German Generals and reiterating this claim of him being a "complete idiot and worst commander of all time" is nowhere close to being historically accurate. Other than saying Talmudic England should have been wiped out (the "City of London" within London should have, but not England nor it's people), you do not properly blame British Intelligence and its parliamentarian ideologues for what they have done, both their failings and their conniving of other governments, both on the Allied and the Axis.

There is so much more intelligence work that went on behind the scenes that is not fully understood how it happened without careful scrutinizing, only that it did happen, an example being England's full devotion to psychological warfare on its own citizens first, which the USA also did through means of fostering conflict elsewhere. There were mistakes made on both sides, but for the Axis it was not as cut-and-dry as you make it sound. "Invading Moscow" was never Hitler's intention. The Baku oil fields were always the target, hence why Operation Pike, which you mention in the next part of your post, was contrived, with that same target in mind in England's plans.

What's even more astonishing is the following article from Ron Unz:

It turns out that Britain and France were planning to attack the USSR before Hitler's sudden invasion of Poland. Both Britain and France agreed with Hitler that the USSR was a demon state that needed to die!! If Germany did not invade Poland, then the USSR would have been attacked by Britain, France, and Germany. The world would be a completely different place today and Russia probably would not exist.

"Both Britain and France agreed with Hitler that the USSR was a demon state that needed to die" where did you interpret this from the Unz article? It says nothing of this sort. It does mention a great deal of how riddled all three countries (USA, England, and France) were with commie cells loyal to Stalin.

Read more into Operation Pike. It was not written between Britain, France, and Germany, but by Britain and France with the intent to project Germany's fight with the Soviet Union or alliance with the Soviet Union and prevent Germany from reaching these resources that would enable it to be almost perpetually resourceful in their eyes.

Bombing Soviet oil fields was only a means to an end for them to stop the Germans from reaching it, hence why this operation was discussed after the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact occurred and made lower-level uncertainties about whose side the Soviets would take. In truth as we know now with the 46 years of history post-war, the Soviets only had one side: their own. Unz is a jew, even though he means well, but based on that article I don't think he did any further extrapolation of Operation Pike.

The British and the French would not have indiscriminately bombed Soviet cities with it the way they did to German ones shortly after Chamberlain's declaration of war on Germany. Their entire prerogative was to dismantle the gains and liberties achieved under National Socialism, by any means necessary. Also at the time of drafting Operation Pike (August-October 1939) the USA had not shipped any of its Lend-Lease-Act equipment of tanks, trucks, planes, bullets, and gear to the Soviet Union in barges at the port of Murmansk yet, so the USSR had no way of re-arming itself once it was depleted of most of its tanks and motorized units the way they nearly were in December 1941 after six months of attack from Germany.

Simply having England and France potentially bomb the Soviet Union prior to Germany's advance on France would not have put the United States and their endless supplies on the side of Europe against the Soviets, so the conclusion drawn from this far-fetched hypothetical is more fan-fiction than anything realistic. The controlling circles of the USA were pro-Soviet from the beginning, their Wall Street financiers gave the most funding to the initial Bolsheviks than any other party in the world.

The conclusion in the article that Hitler's actions "inadvertently saved the Allies from the consequences of their own plans" is based on a faulty understanding of causality. The claim that Operation Pike was about to be carried out in 1940 just prior to the German advance on France is not supported by historical evidence. Operation Pike as described in the article was merely a hypothetical plan developed by Allied planners to bomb Soviet oil fields in the Caucasus region to, like I said, deny Germany access to resources. It had never been logistically assessed past the drafting phase in a world of very changing geopolitics month-to-month, unlike real would-be Operations (Roundup and Sledgehammer) which were scrapped. There is no evidence to suggest that it was imminent or directly linked to the German advance on France.

So, if Hitler did not have an effective means to fight a war against France and Britain, he shouldn't have invaded Poland, based on normal military logic of not carrying out a plan unless one has a complete strategy to eliminate all threats. Instead, one should play it safe until there is an advantage. Had this elementary strategy been followed, Germany would have come out on top, easily.

The true villains in WW2 were the American, then the British, mainly because of treachery in all its forms. These two played on every hostility and prearranged much conflict, with the British taking on a more espionage side and the Americans being legislatively conniving as well as suppliers to other nations to keep them in the war. America had produced the most equipment out of every nation combined in WW2, and a significant portion of the Soviet's ground forces were due to the Lend-Lease-Act shipments to Murmansk. Which is why there is a speech from Hitler in December 1941 that says the Soviets were utterly destroyed and would never recover. He was not aware of the constant stream of barges going into Murmansk that resupplied the entire red army that winter, and the supplies kept coming, coupled with Stalin's "not one inch backwards policy" enforced by death from the commissars, they basically had strategy-game level waves of men and supplies to throw at Germany and fight war by overwhelming attrition.

The USA is doing the same thing for the last two years to keep Eastern Europe in a state of deteriorating warfare once again, only this time the Lend Lease is under the completely jew-controlled administration, so they will never stop as long as there are Europeans to be killed. This time however, there is no Hitler figure fighting back against the cabal, every world leader is entrenched in this system. Every single one of them. The post-WW2 order still very much exists, it's just cannibalizing itself in some areas because it was never built on righteous foundations to begin with. It's all rotten, and the people are still fodder for the grinder.

Conversely, if there was a plan to eliminate Britain and France, then Hitler should have followed through with it. Instead the excuse Hitler gave was that he believed Britain would come "to their senses" or some other ridiculous excuse for being a garbage commander who leaves his enemies alive and fights a two-front war.

He was extremely stupid, and is the reason the world is such a mess today. It doesn't matter if Hitler had "good ideas," he didn't, his criticisms of the Jews can also be found in Chrysostom's Against the Jews, nothing original about Fascist critiques of Talmudism.

The multiple-front war was forced on Hitler, not the other way around. This simplistic argument "only an idiot fights a war on multiple fronts, only an idiot starts more fights before he finishes previous ones, only an idiot keeps making enemies" flies in the face of historical events and is not what happened. Fighting a war on multiple fronts was reactive, Europa, mainland Europe, was under attack from all sides, and therefore it would behoove any defender of Europe to hold down every corner of the fort.

Blaming Hitler for not being victorious over all these powers combined, whose jewish handlers sought to destroy him well before the war, and desired to destroy Germany before he even came to be known, is a cope strategy at best. It's so easy to keep blaming Hitler for everything wrong after 1945 because then no one else has to take responsibility for the world we live in now, we can just say "Hitler's fault," issue baseless ad hominems on his person, and go about our business. You can't honestly believe every strategy which affected the war was:
A. On Hitler's person to effect or on people directly loyal to Hitler to make
B. Completely subservient to any decision Hitler could make
C. Within the scope of the Reich to predict, encounter, and react to successfully with all of their available manpower, equipment, and capabilities.

Moreover, why blame Hitler? Because he stood against the schemers and failed? Why not blame the schemers? I blame the Rothschild banking family, and the other 9,000-10,000 interconnected bankers around the world who have kept us in these state of affairs. I blame the sellouts, the traitors, the gatekeepers, the liars, the operatives, every single Iscariot politician who used their voice to keep people in the dark and turn man against fellow man for their pittance of jewish lapdog money. Why not blame FDR, Churchill, Stalin? They are certainly far more guilty for the present strife than Hitler ever could be. The illogic to blame Hitler for our state of affairs is treacherous by nature. It's a satanic depression to blame one who essentially was martyred against the very devils who continue to wage their war to this day.

For all of these post-war alternate envisioning, no one ever thinks what would become of the world if Hitler had never been in the first place. Corroborating everything that happened and was in progress before Hitler committed any actions that led to any causal reaction on a world scale, no one would have stood up to the demonic menace of Bolshevism and dwindled its numbers down in a hot war. Who would have? Whatever the case, there would have been massive revolutions of jewish chaos everywhere if Bolshevism was left unchecked. Hitler was the anomaly which threw a serious wrench in the plans of the NWO.

Whatever your gripes with Hitler are, you should be forgiving, and in the very least grateful for him standing up against the Rothschilds, and start blaming the men who are still alive and flourishing off of our misery today just as they were then and as they were before Hitler.

We are not Byzantine Emperors dealing with random migratory judaic cults, we are all on the verge of being deracinated and depopulated by a very jewish world order that is in charge of all the critical institutions that govern modern ways of living. They are waging both a racial war and a spiritual war on everyone, some more than others like the White European Christians, of whom they hold the most enmities against. These times require more methodical surgical extractions of the parasite before we can figure out how to set our societies straight.
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Praising Hitler is like praising a coach who lost big time. My team loses. I keep praising the coach. That’s a first. Unless you like to lose. I like to win. When I coached. My goal was to win. Not good intentions only.

You can say Hitler identified a disease. But he killed the patient with the cure.

The two front war was a mistake. Fighting Russia was suicide. Nobody wins against Russia. General winter, etc. Russia could only be conquered from inside.

And it was Germany one of the biggest donor of bolsheviks. Yeah it was the Germans who funded the Trotsky et al.

Even today inside the Catholic Church it’s the Germans who are funding the left wing. Order of Malta Germans are a plague.

The battle against Jewish religion is a decades battle. Century. And it will never stop. There will never be a moment when you’ll sit in the couch and say ufff it’s done.

Everything has already been tried. I think hatred approach is the worse. I would make them assimilate through love. And I think they were almost going to integrate in some moment in history. Some Czech treaty. Don’t remember the name now.

Jews have to integrate into Christianity. Slowly with different policies it must happen. Without any violence or hatred for jews. Because individual jews are fine.

I’ve dated a Jewish chick. She was ok. Not religious. Roots from Poland. She didn’t like Germans. But now she’s on Facebook and LinkedIn posting shit about the Hamas terrorist attack. She’s like a drone. She doesn’t stop. Every fucking day. I almost went to reach out to her and say people are sick of your posts. As a group they are terrible.

Slowly Jewish religion must be banished. And all others to be fair. Through incentives. Carrot and stick. Taxing synagogues with a brutal increase in property tax. Prohibition of Jews marrying between themselves. Unless paying a hefty sum. Tax benefits for Jews marrying Christian’s. Etc etc. or if Jews marry themselves they can only have one children. Unless of course they convert.

But now nobody can talk about this. Because Hitler was too extreme. And you become literally Hitler.

Italy and France are cultural bastions of Europe. Not Germany. I don’t hate Germans. They are like polish Czechs or Dutch to me. I have zero fascination for germans.

Had a German tenant he would pay me upfront rents. Like sending me messages if he could pay 6 month in advance. Had another German tenant was a crock of shit. Almost punched him.

Killing beautiful Jewish girls. Or treating them bad? Why? Marry them. And convert them.

Taking a hiatus from CiK. All the best fellows.
However, blaming Hitler is exactly what the satanic jews want you to do. If he did not come along, or someone like him, we would be in a much worse situation nowadays, further accelerated along jewish plans which have been in development for several centuries.
I doubt that. If anything WWII accelerated Europe's demise. Its beautiful cities were left in ruins, populations greatly decreased, morale plummeted, half the countries under the yoke of communism and the other half under US occupation. With no hope of reversing this trend in the future.

The hate for Germany in the south is entirely warranted and cannot be blamed on the Jews. Many war crimes occured under German occupation with no Jew in sight to blame.

Why didn't Metaxas and Franco join the Axis?
If Spain had joined in 1941, Axis would have won the war. Why didn't they? The official excuse was that Spain was still rebuilding. An empty excuse, because taking Gibraltar would not require an all out effort. At the very least they could have allowed German troops to attack it. That would have turned the Med into an Axis lake, which would bring about the collapse of British holdings in the Middle East.
And from there the USSR would be toast, with most of Lend Lease gone and Baku within a few days march from the Iranian border.

Even without Spain, Hitler's strategy should have been "Med first". He didn't listen to his generals and lost the war. And no one likes a loser.
He said he was an instrument of Providence. For what? For dooming Europe for the next 150 years? Clearly the divine promises he received weren't from God, but from someone else.

It's very simple. If Hitler and his Generals had no plan to deal with Britain after invading Poland, then they shouldn't have invaded Poland. But if they believed they had to invade Poland, then they should have had an immediate plan to attack both Britain and France to cut off the heads of the (((snake))). This is basic military logic. You either go all the way, or you don't go at all.

Therefore, since Hitler and friends did not go all the way, but instead half-assed their campaign by leaving Britain free to evacuate their soldiers from Dunkirk and not even attempting to take London, they doomed Germany to utter defeat. What's even more baffling about Germany's refusing to invade Britain was that they instead decided to go full retard on invading Moscow, which had 10x the distance as London and 10x the risks. Just a mess of a military strategy, which is why I consider Hitler to be a completely idiot and one of the worst commanders of all time.
I agree with the logic of attacking Britain, but even without Dunkirk, it wasn't possible to overcome the RN.
The OKW proposed a Mediterranean strategy, to indirectly target Britain. With Spain joining Axis, they would have won the war.
Without Spain, taking Gibraltar was an impossible task, because Italy sucked.

Which reminds me... Germany's indecisive planning to seize the French Fleet, after France capitulated.
A massive strategic blunder. Even Churchil understood its significance, because Britain is a sea nation.

Hitler lost Spain because he favored Vichy and Italy. He lost all three and the war. A complete failure in grand strategy and diplomacy. His love affair with Mussolini prevented Europe from presenting a united front against Britain.

p.s. Franco and Mussolini are also to blame. Their petty territorial claims meant they had to be coerced to fall in line and Hitler didn't have the guts to do that.
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The thing is that Hitler and NSDAP Germany is such a big topic
It is probably the most lied about war and epoch in History.
But having said that, people will believe what their knowledge and intuition tell them..
And someone "convinced against their will is of the same opinion still.." so what I say might come across as completely ludicrous to some whilst seeming persuasive to others.

The way I see WWII is as a war that could have easily been avoided, had the will been there.
Unfortunately the situation was the complete opposite. The Great Powers wanted war .

Churchill said as much, saying once that the First World War and the Second World War were in essence one war and the purpose had been to put Germany back into its box (as a burgeoning world power that threatened the Trans Atlantic status quo).
John Major, elected British Prime minister in 1991, said in a speech made on the continent that the First World War and Second World War were "just one long war really, and all with the same aim.." - thus echoing and confirming what Churchill had said.
And also what @JR5 mentioned above.
Both the Second World War and First World War ..and even the Franco Prussian war - were all very much concerned with the balance of power in Europe - a balance of power which the rise of Prussia and then a unified Germany - was thoroughly shaking up.
James Baker, George H W Bush's foreign secretary, gave an interview in the 1990's with a German magazine (either Die Stern OR Die Spiegel, can't remember which, it began with an S..) in which he said - roughly - "We created this bad guy, this outlandish propaganda figure, and then - when we actually won the war - we found ourselves stuck with him.."

It was a dispute over borders in Central Europe. Thats all it was. And that's how it should have stayed and the basis upon which it should have been resolved.
I remember learning some interesting things whilst studying History.
One History lecturer telling the class just how shocked both Hitler and Goebbels were on the morning that Britain and its Empire declared war on Germany. It came at them, supposedly, like a bolt from the blue.
That is credible as Britain had been Very Close to the Czechoslovak government and yet had allowed the annexation of the (German) Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia and THEN done nothing when Germany overtook Czechoslovakia after having enough of the Benes government and their politicking and war mongering.
Britain and France's alliance with Poland was a very recent thing and a pact that had been created for one reason in my book - to set Germany up for war - a war made necessary by Hitler disestablishing the German Exchequer and taking the German Central Bank and the Reichsmark off the Gold Standard.
Think Abraham Lincoln (banning interest rates) Muamar Qadafi (creating a gold backed African Currency) JFK (replacing the Federal Reserve with silver backed dollars) and Saddam Hussein (who similarly wanted to set up a gold backed currency)
The fact that it was a shock to the germans is confirmed by the fact that when the Brits declared war at 11am on 3rd September the French seemed to get cold feet, became hesitant and it took them several hours, six hours, to back up Britains declaration.
And Poland? Oh Britain had no time for Poland - they were just a means to an end. Both France and Britain spent a whole six days ignoring the Polish military attaches. When they did finally meet them on the 9th September Britain and France were entirely unable to offer military supplies..
eh? Some allies.
They didn't care. They just wanted their war.
Or maybe I stand corrected given the bravery with which whole battalions of British troops threw themselves against the Soviet Red Army when they similarly invaded Poland two weeks later - true to their word the British and the French sacrificed their troops bravely against Stalin because Plolands borders meant everything to the- oh.. no... wait.
Britain and France had given no credible signs that they would defend Poland in seriousness - so the Germans had read the signs - and you know what? The Germans were right - France invaded Germany briefly well yes (France wanted a war with Germany) but neither country did anything to push back the German and then later Soviet incursions into Poland. In fact the Brits and the French didn't even declare war on the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union was somehow still their ally.
Because it was never about Poland.

David Irving was right - it was a dispute over borders in Central Europe and it had nothing to do with Britain or France and the best thing would have been some kind of treaty or accord to peaceably resolve the situation.
I was at a History Seminar where a lecturer said "given the cruelty of the allied terror bombing, the Allies should have successfully sued for peace with the Germans in 1943 or 1944, the Germans would have agreed" Woah! Woah! All these history lecturers jumped up and chimed in.
One referenced the Holobunga and quoted AJP Taylor saying "yes but who chopped the wood, who drove the trains, who stoked the fires, who worked the crematoria, who ran the gas chambers?" ie: no negotiation with "literally devils" (even though the Holobunga never happened)
Then someone mentioned David Irving and we were given an impromptu lecture on him.
"David Irving is dangerous okay? Because he has the best knowledge of the sources and evidence and he is the best at assessing what documents are real and which documents are forgeries and thus which events really happened and which were just alleged."
Right. SO the anti semite and conspiracy theorist David Irving is literally the only actual historian who can verify and confirm documents and events? Kind of contradictory.
Late Stage Irving has seemed very odd in recent years but bear in mind that this was after his jail spell, loss of his children and the British Police confiscating without legal justification his complicated card index system (his pride and joy) and destroying half of it - all whilst he was jailed in Austria on trumped up charges. So it is entirely possible that David Irving was gotten to in latter years and thus his narrative has gone haywire.

Early Years Irving was the one who discovered "the Focus" - a group of jewish financiers who were running Churchill. Freemason Churchill was a complete drunk and in grave financial troubles, he had an ancestral estate that he could not afford, his own father had died of Syphilis and Churchill could not afford to pay off the debts of his son who was now a gambling addict.
Churchill needed money. The jews needed a politician who would ram through their "War on Germany" - a war that they proclaimed back in 1933.
Churchill was cultivated and was in the pay of Jewish bankers.
Not only that but the Judeo-philic Benes Govt of Czechoslovakia was similarly paying fortunes to other British MPs to make trouble for Germany.
When Chamberlain visited the Munich conference the Germans showed him evidence that Churchill and his fellow jewish agents were plotting with the Benes Czech government and planning to take Chamberlain out (which is what happened).
British officials who saw the evidence registered their surprise and shock at Chrurchill and others' Treachery. A hanging offence.
Thereafter the Brits closed shop and refused to meet with or accept evidence from German officials about the matter going forward.
If you watch the French (Nazi made) documentary "Forces Occultes" you can see the events related by a French politician who joined a mainly jewish, highly placed, freemason lodge that was obsessed with political interference and seeking war with Germany. He objected and they stabbed him. Its all there in his account.
France England and Wall Street wanted war with Germany at any cost, because of Germany's banking policies.

Germany was not ready for war and was not planning to engage in a Big War with great powers.
When Hitler attacked Poland on 1 September, Germany had no more than 2980 tanks altogether. After two weeks of fighting in Poland, the German tanks were running short of fuel, and the bombers were out of bombs.It was not a war that they had sought let alone planned for.
But for the invasion of the Soviet Union 2 weeks later Germany could have been in real trouble. They hadn't been long term planning an invasion.

We can say what we like about German expansion in Europe but remember what Laura Ingraham and Sean Hannity say:
"Putin wants to recreate the Soviet Union!" "He said ..! He said that the worst thing in history was the demise of the Soviet Union!" "So, he must want all those territories back." "He's a maniac!" etc.
What Putin actually said was that the biggest >un-acknowledged tragedy< of the 20th century was the very sudden break up of the Soviet Union where 10's of millions of Russians found themselves suddenly outside Russian or Moscow Friendly territory.

Exactly what happened to millions of Germans after WWI.
Post WWI Germany was the smallest country German speakers had ever been forced into, and millions of Germans were isolated far outside her borders and facing discrimination - (Donbass anyone?)
Thats were the idea of Lebensraum came from - when Hitler became a serious politician he was looking for a means to re-unite and protect the German speaking peoples who had been scattered to places like Poland, Sudetenland, Schleswig-Holstein, Lithuania etc.
But in the case of Poland Hitler had wanted a peaceable political settlement. It was his generals who were pressuring for retribution and a more bullish response.
What Hitler wanted was
- a German Built motorway through the Polish Corridor
- and the return of the German city of Danzig.
Instead he was faced with the Bomberg massacres (perpetrated by Jewish commisars in Poland) which any ruler would have felt duty bound to stop and to avenge. As it was Hitler wanted a political solution and his Generals were pressuring him to act.

I looked it up a while back and (from memory) Germany had a standing professional army of 600,000 in 1939.
When the war in Poland reared its head, Germany through mobilisation and call ups swelled their ranks to circa 1.2 million men.
Britain had at least 2 Million, standing professional army. France had the biggest military in the Western World at around 2 million men.
Hitlers Germany was MASSIVELY outnumbered in 1939. (Factor in the vast Red Army and the United States War Machine after 1941 and it gets even worse)
I know so many jews personally, who turn up to anti lockdown or vaccine freedom events, and whose line in reassurance is "don't worry, good always wins! Hitler thought He Would Conquer the Whole World! But look what happened to him! Even the greatest tyranny can be defeated!" - well, yeees, but Hitler and the NSDAP had not been expecting a war to be sprung on them - and from the moment it was, just like Japan in the East, Germany was an underdog at a massive disadvantage.

General George C. Marshal, in his final report to President Franklin D. Roosevelt, noted that Hitler was in no way prepared for a long war. In fact, he was not even prepared for a war against England and France, let alone against the Soviet Union.
Colonel A. G. Texley, in an article in Quartermaster Review, June 1948 said the same.
Thinking about it, the Germans were not the kind to plot a war of 'world domination' without at least having built up a pre eminent Navy first.
Dr Burton Klein published a book, "Germany's Economic Preparation for War" (Cambridge, 1959), where he rejected the common accusation that Germany had a military economy entirely directed towards warfare: "France and England each spent as much or more on armaments, and put together their spending on arms was much higher." (so much for the 'appeasement' spiel kids get in history lessons)
British historian AJP Taylor actually admitted much the same thing.

Hitlers and the NSDAP's real problem was the presence of Stalin's war machine and Red Army so close to their borders.
"Stalin had a total of 15 000 tanks, five times more than Hitler. He also had special A-tanks (Avtostradnye tanks), which would run on German motorways. Most of the 15 000 tanks were amphibian.
The Germans lacked heavy tanks. Germany had no more than six tank divisions. Berlin lost a third of its tanks. Hitler had a total of 3410 tanks, 210 of which lacked cannons. Not one of them was amphibian
" (Viktor Suvorov, "Suicide", Moscow, 2000, p. 192, p. 299).
And with an army so poorly equipped,Hitler wanted to invade the world or the Soviet Union and create a fantastical "Lebensraum"?" Not likely.

Germany and the Soviet Union had an uneasy coexistence and yet, as we have just seen, Germany was a long way off being prepared for war.
The Bolshevik Soviet Union (still jew led under Stalin's "eminence grise" Lazar Kaganovich) was BRUTAL. far more brutal than either Germany or Japan.
The Soviets ruled Poland for not even 2 years leading up to Barbarossa June 1941.
What happened in that time?
Katyn Massacre - cold blooded and brutal.
21 months or so of Soviet rule and up to 750 000 people belonging to various ethnic minorities were killed.
1 250 000 of the former Polish citizens were deported to Siberia and Central Asia in February 1940.
The old, the young, children and the sick died of the cold, which reached minus 30-40 degrees below. The railways to the east were lined with frozen corpses. A new wave of deportations killed its victims by thirst in covered wagons.
Yet, Britain and France turned the other cheek - saw the Soviets do no wrong - and were quite fine to use the Soviets as their great "ally" against a Germany that was trying to save its citizens from brutal massacres on the other side of its border in Poland (again .. Donbass anyone?).
But sure, it was all about Poland ..somehow. Until the shooting started.. then they were left well alone; the Allies wanted Germany - not any defence of Poland.

During the "phoney war" it seems a lot of negotiation was regarding whether Germany would give in and change back to the Elites' preferred banking practises.
Once War Proper was joined Hitler put paid to the Mighty France and allowed the BEF to escape Dunkirk, although that was partly confused communications as the Germans had not expected such a cowardly British retreat exposing their erstwhile allies..

I had mates who became Royal Marines Officers in the late 80s and early 90s.
Back then a gent called Viktor Suvorov used to help the Marines with their classroom preparation regarding the Soviet Bloc and Comintern forces. Suvorov was highly regarded by the British military at that time, even in the early 90's.
Per Suvorov, the Red Army had planned an attack on German territory called Operation Thunder.
It was scheduled for 6 July 1941. The High Command of the Red Army had already on 21 June (the day before Hitler's attack), received orders to attack Romania on 6 July 1941. The commander of this operation was to have been Marshal Semyon Timoshenko. He was scheduled to go to Minsk on 22 June to prepare the attack, in which 4.4 million men were to have been used.
"On 17 May, Soviet authorities banned all foreign journalists and diplomats from visiting the western borders of the union. After Hess' flight to Scotland, Stalin postponed the plans for an attack. On 24 May, the Soviet military command decided on a new date for the attack, 6 July 1941. On 10 June orders were given for the Wehrmacht to begin the attack on the Soviet Union on 22 June."
The Germans beat the Soviets to the punch and attacked first.
"Stalin intended to force his way through the capitalist countries like an icebreaker and occupy the territories held by Hitler, later to turn all of Europe over to communism", according to the books "The Icebreaker" (Moscow, 1992), "M Day" (Moscow, 1994) and "The Last Republic" (Moscow, 1996) all Suvorov.
This was the reason why Moscow's losses were so enormous - they were not expecting an attack on their offensive positions - 600 000 men lost in the first three weeks, 7615 tanks, 6233 fighter planes and 4423 artillery pieces.
Estonian schoolbooks already claim that Nazi Germany by attacking the Soviet Union, prevented a Soviet attack on Germany (M. Laar, M. Tilk and E. Hergauk, "History for the 5th Grade", Tallinn, 1997, p. 190) and yet British and Western history books repeat the Banking Cabal's propaganda instead.

Hitler wanted a peaceful and political solution to his biggest problem. So many Germans were stuck outside of a heavily shrunken "Germany" after the Versailles treaty.
He wanted to reunite the German speaking peoples spanning Central Europe so that they could 'breathe again' and flourish.
Like a plant or a tree that has all its roots and leaves and branches tended by the same gardener and not one half healthy and the other half poisoned in a neighbours' with a wall running through the heart of the tree. That was his evolved understanding of lebensraum or a "living/breathing space" for the German people.
But the elites wanted Germany crushed. The rest is history.

Just some food for thought for those who believe that Hitler was an aggressor attacking and invading countries for no reason.
All his incursions were into territory that was right next door to a greatly shrunken Germany whose people lay the other side of an arbitrary, Versailles imposed border (Ruhr valley, Austria, Sudetenland, Schleswig Holstein, Poland etc.) and in the case of Poland his hand was forced by the outrages and atrocities being perpetrated against ethnic Germans in a neighbouring country.
So the idea of an aggressive, expansionist war leader is misplaced.
The idea that he opened up a two front war out of pig headedness is also mistaken.
Hitler and Germany were being surrounded and readied for slaughter. They put up an amazing fight, all things considered.
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I agree with most of the above post.

I will only add that the Kriegsmarine expansion program (called Plan-Z) envisaged Germany fighting a great war not before 1945. The programs for the Heer and the Luftwaffe wouldn't be completed before 1943.

Germany certainly wasn't ready for a long war in 1939. It had around 100 divisions in September, 60 of which were newly raised and of mediocre quality. Its tanks were thinly armored and had small guns and their doctrine not fully developed yet. The so-called West Wall was still only 20-30% completed and if France wanted to help Poland they could have caused much trouble in September-October, against the only 18 German divisions stationed in the western front, but they weren't ready either.

Where I disagree is that I don't believe Suvorov's hypothesis. The USSR was in the middle of a massive reorganization following Stalin's purges and would be unfit to fight an offensive war until 1943. Its army's positions were those of an army wanting to defend in great depth not launch a major offensive.

It seems most major powers were arming themselves for a conflict after 1943. The 7-month Phony War showed that no-one was willing or able to go on the offensive. What happened in May was a massive gamble that succeeded against all odds thanks to the daring (borderline insubordination) of a few low-level panzer commanders.

Having said that, I think Germany had a small window to win the war after France fell, if they played the diplomacy game better.
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So if Germany wasn't ready for war then they shouldn't have gone to war... Absolutely moronic commandeering. It's impossible to defend these military desicisons.

Compare it to someone like Constantine the Great, who waited patiently up in Gaul for almost 10 years before striking into Rome, when circumstances had shifted into his favor. That's what a great commander looks like. Not the shoot from the hip and gamble your country approach, which is truly demonic foolishness.
@BarrontheTigerCat thanks that was an absolutely amazing read.

I may speak a few languages but am very much a novice in history. Only knew about a smaller part of all of that. Did know about the fragmented German regions. This thing about the allies objecting to German banking practices is not that clear will have a closer read. What these various regimes did with their banks to cause annoyance.

You can tell some of those details from Hitler's speeches, where they were very much not wanting to have a war but felt compelled into it by Churchill and the 'allies'.

The controlling circles of the USA were pro-Soviet from the beginning, their Wall Street financiers gave the most funding to the initial Bolsheviks than any other party in the world.
Did Germany have debts to Wall Street as well? I suspect these details are suppressed in the mainstream history narrative where it is all of course drowned out by Hitler bad. So if it's all Hitler bad, Germany bad then to balance that out there must be an unspoken us good, perfect and angelic. The citizens need to ignore the current days propaganda and try to uncover the truth and convince as many people of it.

"Stalin intended to force his way through the capitalist countries like an icebreaker and occupy the territories held by Hitler, later to turn all of Europe over to communism", according to the books "The Icebreaker" (Moscow, 1992), "M Day" (Moscow, 1994) and "The Last Republic" (Moscow, 1996) all Suvorov.
Actually that reminds me of a book I saw on someone's shelf recently, had never heard of it, The Hitler Book
Apparently the Soviets took some guy prisoner during the war and tortured a lot of information out of him about Hitler. Then they used that information to write a book about Hitler as a gift for Stalin. This book was only published in 2005, and translated from the Russian into German and then into some other languages.
Late Stage Irving has seemed very odd in recent years but bear in mind that this was after his jail spell, loss of his children and the British Police confiscating without legal justification his complicated card index system (his pride and joy) and destroying half of it - all whilst he was jailed in Austria on trumped up charges. So it is entirely possible that David Irving was gotten to in latter years and thus his narrative has gone haywire.

David Irving - Jailed and Beaten For Telling Truth of 2nd World War

Unfortnatly, this guy doesn't link to the German originals of this speeches. Would like to listen to it in German.
In the translation you can clearly see that he was Christian (after 11m30s)

Not a single mention of Christ; could have easily been a Muslim or Talmudic speech. At most we can say Hitler was a monotheist. Zero humility or self-awareness either, I might add, but that's hardly limited to Hitler.