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Hitler versus Rothschild: the Logistics and Background of World War Two

I would caution anyone to listen to people who call someone a liar without positing proof, and I do enjoy our banter Samseau, so please, if you believe I am lying about something, lay the reasoning on the audience and myself beyond a mere smear indictment. I assume you to be capable of this and I treat you with the intellectual capacity I would give any civilized opponent of mine in a debate on any subject.
LOL - I bet this will never happen.
Just a brief interjection of my own personal experience with family members who still see the NSDAP as a Evil in the General sense from the Approved World Media.

Regardless my question which is probably for "Piano", as I was recently given some Catholic approved pamphlets on the Polish Ulma family and their protection of Jewish families during WW2 by a very devout Catholic family member.
I guess cutting to the chase how does someone counter something like this and other events too regarding Catholic Priests who were either incarcerated or killed alledgedly by NDSAP during the War. Especially since the Ulma family was Beatified by the Catholic Church fairly recently.

My gut feeling was that War's outcomes aren't always pretty, that's obvious, but being that their were so many Bolshevik sympathizers among the Gentile population the NDSAP was doing it's best to root out a very Insidious network of Marxist Revolutionaries and that isn't an easy thing to do since the Jewish Diaspora network is generally very impenetrable and secretive in it's nature.

I mean Hitler or not, this "Thing" called "ZOG" is quite the hardest enemy to tackle because of its highly "Subversive" nature.
Just a brief interjection of my own personal experience with family members who still see the NSDAP as a Evil in the General sense from the Approved World Media.

Regardless my question which is probably for "Piano", as I was recently given some Catholic approved pamphlets on the Polish Ulma family and their protection of Jewish families during WW2 by a very devout Catholic family member.
I guess cutting to the chase how does someone counter something like this and other events too regarding Catholic Priests who were either incarcerated or killed alledgedly by NDSAP during the War. Especially since the Ulma family was Beatified by the Catholic Church fairly recently.

My gut feeling was that War's outcomes aren't always pretty, that's obvious, but being that their were so many Bolshevik sympathizers among the Gentile population the NDSAP was doing it's best to root out a very Insidious network of Marxist Revolutionaries and that isn't an easy thing to do since the Jewish Diaspora network is generally very impenetrable and secretive in it's nature.

I mean Hitler or not, this "Thing" called "ZOG" is quite the hardest enemy to tackle because of its highly "Subversive" nature.
I don't pretend to know the details of what Hitler and the NSDAP really did. It was all long before I was born and it's such a rabbit hole, trying to get at the actual truth. On the one hand there are normies and the accepted narrative where the Nazis were a unique sort of ultimate evil that can never be matched except maybe by a US president if he's a Republican, but even then only temporarily. The formerly evil US president is partially forgotten, partially forgiven in a decade or two, whereas Hitler never gets anywhere near rehabilitation.

On the other hand you have the Hitler fans who are convinced he was some sort of saint. It's very rare to encounter any middle ground and I've mostly given up on figuring it out.

That said, I do find it interesting that everyone including normies accepts the idea that with wars, the victors write the history. Yet it never seems odd or suspicious to most people that the losers of the biggest war in history are also the most profound evil that's ever existed. It's just a coincidence.
Just a brief interjection of my own personal experience with family members who still see the NSDAP as a Evil in the General sense from the Approved World Media.

Regardless my question which is probably for "Piano", as I was recently given some Catholic approved pamphlets on the Polish Ulma family and their protection of Jewish families during WW2 by a very devout Catholic family member.
I guess cutting to the chase how does someone counter something like this and other events too regarding Catholic Priests who were either incarcerated or killed alledgedly by NDSAP during the War. Especially since the Ulma family was Beatified by the Catholic Church fairly recently.

My gut feeling was that War's outcomes aren't always pretty, that's obvious, but being that their were so many Bolshevik sympathizers among the Gentile population the NDSAP was doing it's best to root out a very Insidious network of Marxist Revolutionaries and that isn't an easy thing to do since the Jewish Diaspora network is generally very impenetrable and secretive in it's nature.

I mean Hitler or not, this "Thing" called "ZOG" is quite the hardest enemy to tackle because of its highly "Subversive" nature.
Remember they gutted our Church starting in 1958 with Vatican II. The official Catholic stance post-war up until Pious XII's death in 1958 (where he was believed to be poisoned) was one of reconciliation and it did not approve of the Morgenthau plan implemented by the allies, nor did it accept the betrayal by the victors to Catholic Poland, giving it to Stalin. What narratives are approved now by the Catholic Church are not always historically factual, especially if it revolves around WW2, which was one of the main reasons Vatican II was forced upon the Church.

There is a very masonic communist element in the Catholic Church that wants to claim victimhood and representation in the holohoax as jewish "saviors". They always ignore everything inconveniently opposite to these claims. The Poles were rioting and violently attacking their own jewish ghettoes when the German army went into former German territory to rescue the Danzig and Bromberg victims that hadn't been killed yet. I don't know why the Poles started attacking their jews then, perhaps to try and blame it on the Germans, who knows, the reason is never plainly stated anywhere that I have found yet, and there was so much radio psychological warfare being broadcast in Poland in August 1939 it is difficult to decipher anything without British Intelligence's fingerprints on it. The Wehrmacht put a stop to the Poles killing their own jews just like they put a stop to the Polish communists and foreign Bolsheviks in Poland killing the ethnic Germans.

There were more Catholics on the Axis than anywhere else in the war combined. The Pope personally blessed Ante Pavelic's Ustase forces for cleansing southern Europe and Yugoslavia of communists, so many of the extracting of marxist revolutionaries was a surgical process. There were countless Catholic clergy who helped the defeated Axis officers and some of their leaders escape Allied-controlled post-war Europe, and the fact that many of these leaders fled to safety like Pavelic and Degrelle angered the jews and their shabbos goys to no end. Degrelle even wrote an open letter to Pope John Paul II about the nature of the post-war deception of Auschwitz, it is only 7 pages and worth a read to understand more about this narrative we are fed, especially with details of Polish clarification:

https://ia903007.us.archive.org/27/items/leondegrelleopenlettertopopejohnpaulii/Leon Degrelle Open Letter to Pope John Paul II.pdf

Some relevant quotes from the letter above:

"(Of the internees, 25 per cent were political or members of the Resistance, and 75 per cent were conscientious objectors, sexual perverts or common criminals.)

Exhaustion used to eat them up. The collapse of morale would eliminate the weaker souls. The cruelties of some guards, which are inevitable in any prison system, further added to the bitterness of the loss of individual privacy from having so many people crowded together. Some of these guards were Germans, but more often than not they were non-Germans: 'Kapos' and other internees who had become the torturers of their companions. There must also have been some depraved individuals who originated, in one camp or another, novel ways of killing people, tortures, monstrous whims, and summary murders.

Despite all the above, the Calvary of the majority of the exiles would have come to an end in the joy of the long-awaited day of the return to peace, had not the catastrophe of epidemics such as typhus, which killed many thousands, befallen them during the last weeks. These epidemics were infinitely increased by the incredible bombings which severed the railway-lines and roads, and sent boats loaded with refugees straight to the bottom, as at Lübeck. These raids annihilated the electric networks, the waterpipes and the reservoirs, cut off all revictualling, imposed famine everywhere, and rendered all transport of evacuees appalling.

Two-thirds of the internees who died during the Second World War perished at this time, victims of typhus, dysentery, starvation, and of the interminable delays in the pulverised channels of communication. This is established by the official figures. At Dachau, for example, following the same statistics of the International Committee, 54 internees died in January 1944 and 101 in February 1944. In 1945, however, 2,888 died in January and 3,977 in February! Of the total of 25,613 internees who died in this camp in 1940, 1941, 1942, 1943, 1944 and 1945, 19,296 perished during the last seven months of hostilities! At that time the aerial terrorism of the Allies no longer even served a military purpose, since Allied victory had In assured from the beginning of 1945."

Without the savage folly of these blind poundings, thousands of internees would have survived, instead of being converted into macabre exhibits in April and May 1945. Swarms of press and film carrion-beetles bustled about these exhibits greedy for photos and films. These were taken at sensational angles and were of an assured commercial yield. They still went to the trouble later on of retouching, superimposing, distorting and faking these visual documents in order to add finishing touches to the horror, which produced even more hatred.

The information 'artists' could just as easily have taken miles of similar film of the bodies of German women and children, except that they were a hundred times more numerous. They had died in exactly the same way: from hunger and from cold, or machine-gunned on the same frozen flat-waggons and on the same blood-stained roads. But as with the photos of the immense extermination of German towns which had buried six hundred thousand bodies, care was taken not to make such pictures known! They might have caused disquiet and, above all, prevented hatred . . . The truth is that in 1945 typhus, dysentery, hunger, and the numberless blastings of an unchecked airforce, hit foreign internees and the civilians of the Third Reich indiscriminately."

The Germans were not a murderous people, even if other parts of Europe were a bit more violent who were not on the Allied cause. Latvians, Croatians, and Ukrainians were more heavy-handed than the Germans army, and sometimes even the S.S. had to reign them in because they would get a little out of control with captured Bolsheviks and partisans. However, all of these peoples have justified reasons which is something the history books never mention. The Latvians had personally been subject to jewish murderers, Stalin's purges, the Croatians had to deal with large number of Yugoslavian communists who were very violent and murderous, and the Ukrainians had a justified vendetta against the USSR for nearly exterminating all of them with various intentional famines and purges. Part of why many of the foreign legions had to be trained through the Waffen-SS instead of acting on their own armies, outside of Italy, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, and Finland, was because the code of war had to be kept in line with Germanic morals, an inherently Catholic Bavarian conduct, but also a militaristic Prussian Protestant code of honor.

How would I encounter other Catholics who keep this jewish victimhood and faux-savior narrative alive? I would openly debate them reasonably, with historical fact versus historical fiction. Getting our own congregation unified again would take mountains to move, but it's a start to deprogram political propaganda from composing theological beliefs. They do not belong together. The majority narrative of Catholic Priests being incarcerated or killed by the German state between 1933-1945 is based entirely on the premise of a fictional work from a Communist sympathizing "priest" Father Johannes Lens.

No priest was ever targeted for being Christian, whether his confession was Protestant, Catholic, or Orthodox. Priests who were found to be collaborating with partisans, spreading communist or bolshevik sympathies, or who were found abusing their pulpit for being poltiical clergy were subject to legal issues including fines, imprisonment, or labor camp detention. This is no different than any other German citizen who would be caught doing the same thing. The work camps were a humane way of removing the subversive elements from society and placing them in a construction environment where they would be working towards the good of the nation instead of sabotaging it.

Strangely enough, the Orthodox priests were given the most protection by the NSDAP over the Catholic Priests and Protestant preachers, with the only notable example of an Orthodox Priest going to a labor camp was a Serbian Bishop named Velimirovic, who was placed in a monastery under protective custody for three years in 1941 and only spent three months in Dachau before being released. They kept him far away from the bombing raids and from the chaotic Yugoslavian conflicts so that his position would not influence the Chetniks to further divisive action (they were known to both help and fight against the Germans on different occasions, another instance of understanding that is lost on many people living now). Mount Athos was put under the protection of the Wehrmacht and the SS, and no bomb ever touched it for the duration of the war, unlike many Catholic Cathedrals which were blown to bits by the Brits and Americans.

One would have to be very familiar with many subjects within the greater context of World War Two to begin to understand the reasoning behind what really happened and denouncing the lies of what never happened. Don't listen to EMJ on this subject as he has a vested interest in simply substituting the jewish victim narrative for an even phonier Catholic victim narrative.
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More lies.

The murder of tens of millions of Christians by bolshevists in USSR is a lie for you?
Waving the same flag under which the Christians were murdered at victory parades makes Russians look like a very brainwashed herd.
Ukrainians are super brainwashed too to hate on Russians so much and fight their brothers for the international jew.
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The murder of tens of millions of Christians by bolshevists in USSR is a lie for you?

The Bolsheviks certainly did cull tens of millions of Russian Christians, they exterminated the clergy, the nobles and upper classes, traditional farmers and millions of God-fearing Russian conservatives.

However, that is not the issue here - the best liars and manipulators of truth will try to pass a small amount of big lies on top of a large body of truths.
Hitler is a loser. He is a Litler. LOSER. LITLER.

Hitler attacked viciously the polish catholics. Not because they were commies. But simply because they were polish. He wanted to kill them all. Nobility. Clergy. To replace them. What a stupid man.

A complete retard. A suicidal drug addict maniac. A recipe for losing. A complete incompetent in military strategy. Who opened two fronts. When he couldnt even handle one. Incapable of manoeuvring the diplomatic field and make alliances. Which is what succesfull competent statesman do.

Someone could say he left some kind of legacy. His sacrifice wasn´t in vain. No. The opposite. Jews are much more powerful today. Thanks to him you have Israel and vatican II. He fell into the jewish trap and got obliterated. And now nobody can talk about jews. Because you´re Hitler. And nobody wants a Hitler. A loser. Litler.

He had many supporters in Europe. English royalty. Franco. Franco was advised by Hitler own people to stay out of the war. Admiral Canaries. Who of course Hitler killed because Hitler was a retard. Franco supported Canaries widow till she died. Because of Canaries advice.

They all bailed on him when they realized how stupid he was. Because he was that. A stupid. Except Mussolini who had the fate which is known.

The war with judaism is eternal. There´s no final solution. Just conflict. Forever conflict. The jews know this. That´s why they are exterminating europeans. The europeans forgot this.

Nazis chats and groups are known to be honeypots.

This is a pic of Dresden.


Well done Hitler. Clap clap clap. Who wouldn´t want this to happen to your city. Dude if I had the option. Those rubles are definety a new age architecture style.

The philistines (jew bitches US+UK) were also savages. To do this to another european country. All those beautiful german woman killed. How many models died in those bombings? What a waste.

Woman and children should always be protected no matter the situation. Philistines should have given a deadline for woman and children to leave. This is low level shit.

In real life there are no excuses. Only results. Excuses are for losers. At high level nobody cares. Nobody cares. Either you win or lose. Oh mister but my tommy hurts.

Never complain never explain.

You know one of the mottos of spanish army. NO IMPORTA. It means you have to do it. Nobody cares about your opinions or excuses. It doesn´t matter (no importa) do it.

If germans knew what that idiot would turn their country into.

Btw I was in Baden Baden not Heidelberg. And it was really nice. Really nice city. In winter it´s almost like a children´s tale. Highly recommend the visit. Beautiful and not corrupted girls there. It has one main road if I recall. Really nice little town. Best german town I´ve been to. Berlin is a tremendous shithole.

Maybe I will do an interail this summer. Who knows for how long you can do it. I was was travelling to asia with my wife. And we were passing through Russia airspace. And told her. I should visit it. Before one day it becomes impossible. She laughed. But she remembered what I had told her recently. Some friends of mine partied in Moscow and St Petesburg. But they didn´t said great things about it. Visiting the Kremlin would have been nice. Wanted to do the train which connects Russia to China. All gone. Because of retards.

The only good thing about Litler. Is that you can make fun of germans. Whenever a german starts stepping out of line. Boom Litler talk.
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Nothing you've said contradicts a thing I've written. You're just repeating yourself with empty verbiage, as you tend to do.

They declared war on Hitler, yes, and Hitler was a trashcan commander who didn't defend his people or lead them to victory.

See how simply I can write things compared to your walls of text?

Hitler idolized race and did not defeat his enemy. He doomed the White race because spiritually, he was weak. Your understanding of history is miniscule compared to mine. Seems like you only know a bit about the 20th century. Nothing you've said here is new to me, or even relevant to the discussion of why Hitler was trash.

Hitler did the right thing in France. He rounded up (((bankers))) and used their assets for war, just like he did in Germany. That he didn't go into Britain showed what an unbelievable fool he was.

Quoting someone out of context is an easy way to produce contradictions. Hitler was clever for seizing on the important political topics of his day, yet at the end he was a complete idiot for not following through on these ideas to their logical conclusions. Hitler was a garbage commander who lost despite starting with gigantic advantages. His army was literally 2x the size of France, Britain, and Poland put together at the start of the war.

That he kept adding enemies without finishing off other enemies was simply more testament to his retardation.

Yes, and historically it is what great Christian commanders did in order to protect their people from vicious demons.

Jews were expelled from Jerusalem and were not allowed to settle within a three-mile radius. A general massacre of the Jewish population ensued. The massacre devastated the Jewish communities of the Galilee and Jerusalem. Only those Jews who could flee to the mountains or Egypt are said to have been spared.

And also not written in the Wikipedia article was the general expulsion of Jews from the Empire into Khazar in ~600 AD. As Khazaria disintegrated between 750-900 AD, chews migrated into what is now present-day Poland.

So the classic solutions to Talmuds who declare war on you: Kill them until they surrender, and expel or quarantine the rest afterwards. Heraclius wasn't the only one to do this, plenty of other great Christian leaders did so prior to the "Enlightenment."

74 years is nothing. Communism was a failure, but hilariously still more successful than the abject failure known as Hitler. At least they had the smarts to kill their enemies, Hitler was a weakling who worshipped race and refused to invade Britain.

The truth is exactly what I've stated, and evidenced by the fact Hitler lost despite starting with massive advantages.

It's crazy anyone can buy into the cult of Hitler in the modern times. There's a reason no one likes losers.

As for the irrelevant iron cross discussion, you didn't disprove anything I said: It barely looked like a cross (vast majority of people polled on the street would have no idea it is Christian), and that Hitler kept it as tradition and no other reason. Not a single sentence in your wall of text disproved that Hitler was being anything other than pragmatic. Not a single sentence about Hitler's personal beliefs to even contradict a thing I said, because you won't find anything.

And not a single sentence in the last half of your massive post did you contradict the fact that Hitler was a imbecilic commander, one of the worst in history, who idolized race to the point where he let Talmudically controlled Britain survive for literally no reason.

You keep defending the "righteousness" of Hitler's cause. I'm not disputing that, not even once. Hitler was a retard, that's my point, who doomed the White race through his idolization of it.
Could WW2 Germany have actually invaded Britain with troops? How would Germany have been able to knock Britain out of the war when its naval forces couldn't hold a candle to Britain's navy? It's my understanding that the British launched Operation Catapult to seize, control, or destroy France's fleet and prevent Germany from acquiring it and using it against Britain. That is, Britain knew that Germany's naval forces were inferior to Britain's fleet and they did not want to lose their advantage to Germany.

I'm open to thoughts from anyone.
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The Bolsheviks certainly did cull tens of millions of Russian Christians, they exterminated the clergy, the nobles and upper classes, traditional farmers and millions of God-fearing Russian conservatives.

However, that is not the issue here - the best liars and manipulators of truth will try to pass a small amount of big lies on top of a large body of truths.
They starved the ukrainians to death. Holodomor. Ukrainians becoming cannibals. The story about one family who had many children. And one of the child started noticing her brothers disappearing. They were eating them. She ran from the house. Before she would be turned into a turkey.

A luxury broker sent me a text if I could go with him to Poland in September. Cause the rich polish are getting the f out of the country. I can´t go. Staying one week out of home. Not possible. I´m retired also. Not a good sign.
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Hitler is a loser. He is a Litler. LOSER. LITLER.

Hitler attacked viciously the polish catholics. Not because they were commies. But simply because they were polish. He wanted to kill them all. Nobility. Clergy. To replace them. What a stupid man.

A complete retard. A suicidal drug addict maniac. A recipe for losing. A complete incompetent in military strategy. Who opened two fronts. When he couldnt even handle one. Incapable of manoeuvring the diplomatic field and make alliances. Which is what succesfull competent statesman do.

Someone could say he left some kind of legacy. His sacrifice wasn´t in vain. No. The opposite. Jews are much more powerful today. Thanks to him you have Israel and vatican II. He fell into the jewish trap and got obliterated. And now nobody can talk about jews. Because you´re Hitler. And nobody wants a Hitler. A loser. Litler.

He had many supporters in Europe. English royalty. Franco. Franco was advised by Hitler own people to stay out of the war. Admiral Canaries. Who of course Hitler killed because Hitler was a retard. Franco supported Canaries widow till she died. Because of Canaries advice.

They all bailed on him when they realized how stupid he was. Because he was that. A stupid. Except Mussolini who had the fate which is known.

The war with judaism is eternal. There´s no final solution. Just conflict. Forever conflict. The jews know this. That´s why they are exterminating europeans. The europeans forgot this.

Nazis chats and groups are known to be honeypots.

This is a pic of Dresden.


Well done Hitler. Clap clap clap. Who wouldn´t want this to happen to your city. Dude if I had the option. Those rubles are definety a new age architecture style.

The philistines (jew bitches US+UK) were also savages. To do this to another european country. All those beautiful german woman killed. How many models died in those bombings? What a waste.

Woman and children should always be protected no matter the situation. Philistines should have given a deadline for woman and children to leave. This is low level shit.

In real life there are no excuses. Only results. Excuses are for losers. At high level nobody cares. Nobody cares. Either you win or lose. Oh mister but my tommy hurts.

Never complain never explain.

You know one of the mottos of spanish army. NO IMPORTA. It means you have to do it. Nobody cares about your opinions or excuses. It doesn´t matter (no importa) do it.

If germans knew what that idiot would turn their country into.

Btw I was in Baden Baden not Heidelberg. And it was really nice. Really nice city. In winter it´s almost like a children´s tale. Highly recommend the visit. Beautiful and not corrupted girls there. It has one main road if I recall. Really nice little town. Best german town I´ve been to. Berlin is a tremendous shithole.

Maybe I will do an interail this summer. Who knows for how long you can do it. I was was travelling to asia with my wife. And we were passing through Russia airspace. And told her. I should visit it. Before one day it becomes impossible. She laughed. But she remembered what I had told her recently. Some friends of mine partied in Moscow and St Petesburg. But they didn´t said great things about it. Visiting the Kremlin would have been nice. Wanted to do the train which connects Russia to China. All gone. Because of retards.

The only good thing about Litler. Is that you can make fun of germans. Whenever a german starts stepping out of line. Boom Litler talk.
You're quite emotional, and not posting with rational intent. Are you Polish? You do your people no favors by dividing reconciliation between Poles and Germans with these lies. Wladislaw Studnicki was against this before WW2 and at least had a sound mind for a Pole during these times.

No one here is suggesting that you must like Hitler, you're free to dislike anyone you want, but you never knew the guy, you've never met people who knew him, and you're repeating the lies from the same jewified sources that turn him into a slimy caricature of the worst of humanity. Therefore you are lying viciously with these emotional and illogical sentiments.

Leon Degrelle and his family knew Hitler very well, and Leon Degrelle wrote continuously in his literary works how these rumors of Hitler being a drug addict and ordering murders are absolutely false. If you knew what the Allies did in order to capture Degrelle, which they never did, then you would be very ashamed to be shilling for the liars who poison the truth of history with their jewish bias.

However, he did not viciously attack the Polish Catholics, or anyone because of their religion. He made plenty of alliances and many more non-Germans stuck with him to the end than is ever advertised in mainstream history. No one here is denying that killings never took place on the Axis side. The laws of war dictate severe action against partisans, this was a breach of all honor, and therefore any deceitful coward, no matter where they hailed from, who wore civilian clothes and who led soldiers to their death deserved to die a thousand-fold, which certainly did happen.

You got your quip on Canaris and Franco straight out of jewish wikipedia, literally word for word. There's always more to it, and Franco did not stay neutral simply because of some advice allegedly given to him by Canaris. Franco had no desire to fight the British just like Hitler had no desire to fight them. Spanish reconstruction aside, Franco then sending 20,000 men to the Eastern Front in 1941 and making the "recall" in 1944 an unofficial order since nearly a thousand of them stayed until the end of the war certainly breaches neutrality (no importa right?)

Canaris also allegedly helped the then "Rebbe" Schneerson flee Europe, who could have been used as leverage against International jewry just like they did when they arrested Louis Nathaniel de Rothschild, so this effectively makes Canaris a traitor to Europe, another General of the aristocracy like Paulus who cared more about his status than his countrymen. If he was executed for these reasons, it is fitting. It was the willful treacherous negligence of men like this that is partly to blame for the course of events. Again treachery strikes as the culprit, not the actions of Hitler.

Franco himself never denounced Hitler, were it not for the intervention of the rebuilt Luftwaffe under Hitler's orders, then Franco never would have won the war in Spain against the communists, at least not in three short years.

If germans knew what that idiot would turn their country into.
Hitler's social programs and financial strategies turned Germany from a diseased cesspit into a world superpower that allowed the blossoming of the true intelligence of Europe to produce wonders which the rest of the undeveloped world stole all of its modern advancements from, everything from the standard work-week with vacation time and pension benefits for ordinary citizens to cross-country highways, automotive engineering, rocket technology, aviation technology, physical fitness standards, hygiene standards in buildings, and more. Many of the things we take for granted in the modern age spawned from Germanic minds.

You're another on here who is blaming him for things that Churchill, FDR, Bomber Harris, Montgomery, and later Eisenhower were responsible for. Hitler did not destroy Germany, these jewish pawns did. They dropped the bombs that destroyed those divine cities and Cathedrals, not Hitler, that's cause and effect. They were prepared to wage war on Germany the same way before the NSDAP ever came into power because their entire goal from WWI was to prevent German mercantilism from rising by any means necessary.

These infantile accusations reek of defeatism. "If only Hitler hadn't stood up to the jews, we would still be able to call them jews! If only Hitler had not saved Germany, he wouldn't have destroyed Germany!" You talk big labeling this chat a fed "honeypot" when the uniparty line to tow is hopelessness, something they push incessantly, and which you back up here. A free soul will not be contained by this atavist rhetoric.

You step up to the task and you fight, and you may lose, or you do not fight, and you will most certainly lose. That is the reality, incredibly outnumbered, outfinanced, outgunned, it doesn't matter, you fight against the destruction of your people or you are complicit in that destruction. Simply "causing more destruction by fighting back against the jews system" is the willful slave argument. "Don't you dare fight back because I love my slavery and I don't want to end up dead." Too bad, defeatists will not have a voice at the table when the rawness of human nature overpowers the mediocre jewish system once more.

Always the vitriol from people like you who curse Europeans for doing something and would curse us again in the same instance for doing nothing. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Get thee behind me with your psychological warfare.

He had many supporters in Europe. English royalty. Franco. Franco was advised by Hitler own people to stay out of the war. Admiral Canaries. Who of course Hitler killed because Hitler was a retard. Franco supported Canaries widow till she died. Because of Canaries advice.

They all bailed on him when they realized how stupid he was. Because he was that. A stupid. Except Mussolini who had the fate which is known.
Wrong again. Spanish and French Waffen SS fighters were the last European forces to fight the Soviets, defending the Fuhrerbunker.

Your lies that Hitler was not a decent statesmen and couldn't gain allies are easily disprovable. Germany was trading partners with much of the known world under Hitler's rule. As for wartime allies, more is at stake for them, so here is a list of all non-German national leaders, and significant figures in Europe and elsewhere, who lead support in the war and stayed loyal to Hitler and did not bail on him, or more appropriately, the vision of Europa, until their end, during or after the war, other than Mussolini. All of these men commanded either paramilitaries, armies, or delegations, and never abandoned one another against the western traitors and the Bolsheviks. Many of them were killed by the satanic Allies in late 1945 and throughout 1946 in kangaroo trials, but some were never caught:


Rodolfo Graziani - Minister of Defense of the Italian Social Republic and sole Italian Marshal to remain loyal to Mussolini after his government was beaten in 1943. He commanded Army Group Liguria until the end of the war in May1945. He was sentenced to 19 years in prison but served a much shorter sentence, and made ties with Italian neo-Fascist groups in the 1950s, never denouncing his views.

Marshall Phillip Petain - Head of State of Vichy France, never backed down from his role in fighting for a true free France, he died in 1951 after his death sentence was commuted to life by De Gaulle.
Pierre Laval - Prime Minister of Vichy France, extradited from Spain and executed in late 1945 by the French Communists in charge.

Arthur Seyss-Inquart - Austrian Reichskommissar of the Netherlands. Tortured and tried at Nuremberg, where he was hung by the cowards of the kangaroo courts in 1946.

Josef Gaspar Tiso - Catholic Priest and President of the Slovak Republic, more ardent in jewish deportations than anyone else in this time period. Captured after the war by the Soviets, he was tried for a laundry list of fake charges and executed by hanging in Bratislava in 1947, still in his liturgical vestment.

Leon Degrelle - Rexist Political Leader and Waffen-SS General, continued agitating and writing into the mid 1990s and fought the post-war Allied victor narrative for nearly 50 years after the fighting ceased. He was intended to be Hitler's successor had the Axis not been defeated.

Ferenc Szalazi - Head of State of Hungary and Leader of the Arrow Cross Party, executed by Soviets in 1946.
Admiral Miklos Horthy - Regent of the Kingdom of Hungary
Bela Imredy - former Prime Minister of Hungary, executed by Soviets in 1945.
Pal Teleki - another former Prime Minister, signed Hungary into the Axis as the 4th nation, died in 1941

General Ion Antonescu - Prime Minister and Conducător of Romania, signed it into the Axis as the 5th nation
Horia Sima - Leader of the Iron Guard after Codreanu, controversial and complex history, but in short he was in the Iron Guard, partnered with Antonescu, later arrested for a political reason, then later released, then began another pro-Axis government that was short-lived, escaped the Reds and died in Spain in 1993, never renounced his beliefs or association with the NSDAP.

Ante Pavelic - Leader of the Independent State of Croatia (NDH) and founder of the Ustase. Escaped capture with the help of the Catholic Church and lived in Spain until dying in 1959. He also never denounced his beliefs, affiliations, and actions during the war.
Slavko Kvaternik - Ustase General, Minister of the Armed Forces of Croatia. After the war the US Army captured him and extradited him to Yugoslavia, where he was executed by hanging at the hands of the Soviets in 1947. Never abandoned the cause.

Vidkun Quisling - Minister-President of Norway. Executed in 1946. "His last words "I have been judged unfairly, I die innocent." ring true for every one of these men who were killed by the Allies.

The Netherlands;
Anton Mussert - Leader of the National Socialist Movement in the Netherlands (NSB) before and during the war, his men fought against the Partisans for the duration of the war. He was executed in 1946 by firing squad.

Tsar Boris III of Bulgaria - Maintained an alliance with Germany until his mysterious death in 1943, likely poisoned by agents of the East.
Bogdan Filov - Prime Minister of Bulgaria who signed it as the 7th nation to the Axis powers, staunch supporter of Germany, executed by Bolsheviks in early 1945 after being overwhelmed into an armistice.
Petar Gabrovski - another Prime Minister of Bulgaria, also started the Bulgarian National Socialists aka Ratniks, he was cowardly assassinated by "the peoples tribunal" in early 1945.

General Milan Nedic - Prime Minister of Serbia, held out until the combined forces of the Red Army, Yugoslav partisans overwhelmed them in Belgrade. He was handed over by the British after the war to the partisans, who later pushed him out a window to his death in 1946.
Dimitrije Ljotic - leader of the Yugoslav National Movement (Zbor), formed Serbian volunteer corps and detachments (SDK) to fight communist partisans, died in a car crash in April 1945.
Stevan Moljevic - Serbian Politician and architect of the Greater Serbia plan, he was pro-Axis the entire war. He was arrested by Yugoslav partisans in late 1945, sentenced to 20 years in prison, where he died in 1959.

Emil Hacha - President of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, savagely beaten by the Red Army after they took Prague, and thrown in a cell where he died in June of 1945.

Oskars Dankers - Latvian General and head of the Latvian Self-Government. Interned and tried at Nuremberg after the war, but escaped prosecution, he outlived the war and died in 1965 in Michigan in the USA.

Hjalmar Mae - Head of the Estonian Self-Administration. He investigated Nemmersdorf, he was an ardent anti-communiust until he died in 1978 and was posthumously labeled an enemy of jewry for his affiliation and cooperation with Germany.

Ioannis Rallis - Last Prime Minister of the Greek Government during the War, after being captured by the Allies he was sentenced to life in prison where he died in 1946.

Haj Amin al-Husseini - The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, he created the Bosnian Muslim Waffen-SS division and the Freies Arabien Legion, he also invited many persecuted Germans after the war in Egypt in the budding Nasser government, never backed down from his alliance with Hitler. He died in 1974.

Rashid Ali-Al Gaylani - Arab Nationalist and Prime Minister of Iraq. forced out of Iraq by the 1941 Anglo-Iraq War to disrupt the pro-Axis Iraqi government, he was received by Hitler in Berlin where he continued to work as the leader of a government in exile, and stayed there until the end of the war, where he then fled to Saudi Arabia.

Reza Shah Pahlavi - the Shah of Iran, outed by the joint British and Soviet invasion of 1941 for being pro-Axis. He died in South Africa in exile in 1944 and never renounced his pro-German stance.

Subhas Chandra Bose - Leader of the Provisional Government of Free India and the Indian National Army, created the Azad Hind Waffen-SS foreign legion. Died from injuries caused by a plane crash in 1945.

Oswald Mosley - BUF leader and member of Parliament, viciously attacked by the pro-warmongers in England, he was imprisoned in 1940 after Churchill's government proscribed the BUF and any anti-war group, he was eventually released in 1943. He never denounced Hitler, and died in 1980.

Fritz Kuhn - German-American leader of the German American Bund, would hold massive National Socialist rallies with 20,000+ people at Madison Square Garden in attendance before the US government banned it, he was imprisoned for phony crimes in 1939, deported to Germany in 1943 and served time after the war in another prison, died in 1951.

For the sake of the argument, Germany had many South American, South African, and East Asian allies as well not just with Japan, but they were not physically present in the European theater of the war so I did not include them here. Regardless, Hitler certainly made alliances all across the world many nations, many of them not even European.
You're quite emotional, and not posting with rational intent. Are you Polish? You do your people no favors by dividing reconciliation between Poles and Germans with these lies. Wladislaw Studnicki was against this before WW2 and at least had a sound mind for a Pole during these times.
Nope not polish. European. From the best european catholic countries stock.

Not lies. Litler attacked Poland. Litler killed innocent polish catholics. Litler=retard.

No one here is suggesting that you must like Hitler, you're free to dislike anyone you want, but you never knew the guy, you've never met people who knew him, and you're repeating the lies from the same jewified sources that turn him into a slimy caricature of the worst of humanity. Therefore you are lying viciously with these emotional and illogical sentiments.

I never knew Litler? Lol. Well that´s a first. You must personally know an historical figure to comment? Ok. Sorry for my ignorance. I guess you went to school with him? Best mates?

You don´t need jew sources to see what´s obvious to anyone with half a brain. He lost the war. And Germany and Europe were permanently broken and subject to jewish power. Specially protestant countries even though they won the war. They became jew bitches. They defended jews. Now you take them.

I was actually trying to see if the post war division of Germany between east and west map was made along the lines of the german protestant-catholic division. There seems to be some correlation. Commies took protestant germany. Is this a surprise?

Leon Degrelle and his family knew Hitler very well, and Leon Degrelle wrote continuously in his literary works how these rumors of Hitler being a drug addict and ordering murders are absolutely false. If you knew what the Allies did in order to capture Degrelle, which they never did, then you would be very ashamed to be shilling for the liars who poison the truth of history with their jewish bias.

However, he did not viciously attack the Polish Catholics, or anyone because of their religion. He made plenty of alliances and many more non-Germans stuck with him to the end than is ever advertised in mainstream history. No one here is denying that killings never took place on the Axis side. The laws of war dictate severe action against partisans, this was a breach of all honor, and therefore any deceitful coward, no matter where they hailed from, who wore civilian clothes and who led soldiers to their death deserved to die a thousand-fold, which certainly did happen.

He made great alliances. And lost. Guess they weren´t so great afterall.

Elite dumps a losing horse as fast as they cheered him. There´s no grey areas in champions league. Small mistake and you´re gone. Chess, not checkers.

You got your quip on Canaris and Franco straight out of jewish wikipedia, literally word for word. There's always more to it, and Franco did not stay neutral simply because of some advice allegedly given to him by Canaris. Franco had no desire to fight the British just like Hitler had no desire to fight them. Spanish reconstruction aside, Franco then sending 20,000 men to the Eastern Front in 1941 and making the "recall" in 1944 an unofficial order since nearly a thousand of them stayed until the end of the war certainly breaches neutrality (no importa right?)

Canaris also allegedly helped the then "Rebbe" Schneerson flee Europe, who could have been used as leverage against International jewry just like they did when they arrested Louis Nathaniel de Rothschild, so this effectively makes Canaris a traitor to Europe, another General of the aristocracy like Paulus who cared more about his status than his countrymen. If he was executed for these reasons, it is fitting. It was the willful treacherous negligence of men like this that is partly to blame for the course of events. Again treachery strikes as the culprit, not the actions of Hitler.

Franco himself never denounced Hitler, were it not for the intervention of the rebuilt Luftwaffe under Hitler's orders, then Franco never would have won the war in Spain against the communists, at least not in three short years.

Hitler killed Canaries. And Franco supported Canaries widow with a pension until she died.

What does it say to you? probably nothing.

Hitler's social programs and financial strategies turned Germany from a diseased cesspit into a world superpower that allowed the blossoming of the true intelligence of Europe to produce wonders which the rest of the undeveloped world stole all of its modern advancements from, everything from the standard work-week with vacation time and pension benefits for ordinary citizens to cross-country highways, automotive engineering, rocket technology, aviation technology, physical fitness standards, hygiene standards in buildings, and more. Many of the things we take for granted in the modern age spawned from Germanic minds.

Nope it was the guy before. I think Bismarck was the one who created social welfare.

Napoleon left a legacy. Not Hitler. The napoleon code influenced almost all countries. And it´s still in use till today in France.

The rest of the world stole from Germany????? Ahahahahahah. Germans are barbarians. They are useless tribes with half a brain. Who act like drones. Who take orders without questioning them. With no critical thinking. Germans became more and less civilized in the last 100 years. Strong emphasis in more and less.

You know what germans invented which greatly contributed to humanity? Marxism.

Electricity was invented by americans. Medicine is french. Planes are english. Roads are romans. What are you on about?

The core of all european knowledge is greek and italian. With a very small jewish contribution.

The spanish and portuguese crossed the world on tiny ships while germans were still wiping their asses with tree leafs.

Never understood this bullshit about germans? As if they are superior. They were barbarians. And now are disguised as civilized. But still have that irrational savagery inside them. Waiting to get out. At the first excuse. They are white monkeys in suits. A cancer to Catholic Church.

They destroyed Europe two times. Litler just finished the shit they had started years before. Because they like to lose. And that´s what make them superior. Getting their ass whooped twice.

Germany. All peace and love and nature. one of the biggest arm dealer in the world. Protestant countries are hypocrites. They developed it into an art form. But it´s starting to bite them in the ass.

You're another on here who is blaming him for things that Churchill, FDR, Bomber Harris, Montgomery, and later Eisenhower were responsible for. Hitler did not destroy Germany, these jewish pawns did. They dropped the bombs that destroyed those divine cities and Cathedrals, not Hitler, that's cause and effect. They were prepared to wage war on Germany the same way before the NSDAP ever came into power because their entire goal from WWI was to prevent German mercantilism from rising by any means necessary.

They bombed because they could. Because the moustache fag left it wide open. Of course they are too blame also. All of Germany destruction was a crime. Specially Dresden. Which was the most disproportionate. But philistines got their payback. you like jews so much. Take them. Now you have them. And how is it going protestant white knights?

Not only for the beautiful women which died. And children. Totally innocent. Not a drop of guilt. Why were they punished for the reckless fag moustache?

But also. The architecture. Buildings who took maybe centuries to be built. Completely destroyed. Those guys working hard labour. And then a bomb comes and goodbye all the effort. The craft which cannot be remade. Because the artisan died. It can never be remade. Those special ornaments.

War is ugly. It´s truly an ugly event. I mean in Europe. I have no fascination for war. They destroy the best genes. The bravest die. And the country is left with useless. If you make a war in Africa. What is destroyed? Sand?

These infantile accusations reek of defeatism. "If only Hitler hadn't stood up to the jews, we would still be able to call them jews! If only Hitler had not saved Germany, he wouldn't have destroyed Germany!" You talk big labeling this chat a fed "honeypot" when the uniparty line to tow is hopelessness, something they push incessantly, and which you back up here. A free soul will not be contained by this atavist rhetoric.

You know what´s defeatism? Sacrificing your entire country in VAIN.

There´s many proven strategies with jews. Norway even though barbarians. Had a clause forbidding jews entering the country. Till 1850 I think. That´s it. No jews allowed (jesuits weren´t allowed also). You set a timetable and jews either you convert or get the fuck out. They don´t want to leave. They pay more taxes. Jews were confined to city limits for a long time in history.

Spanish and portuguese expelled jews. And?

You step up to the task and you fight, and you may lose, or you do not fight, and you will most certainly lose. That is the reality, incredibly outnumbered, outfinanced, outgunned, it doesn't matter, you fight against the destruction of your people or you are complicit in that destruction. Simply "causing more destruction by fighting back against the jews system" is the willful slave argument. "Don't you dare fight back because I love my slavery and I don't want to end up dead." Too bad, defeatists will not have a voice at the table when the rawness of human nature overpowers the mediocre jewish system once more.

Always the vitriol from people like you who curse Europeans for doing something and would curse us again in the same instance for doing nothing. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Get thee behind me with your psychological warfare.

You step up fight and win. Or you step up and prepare things for others to win. Or you sacrifice yourself for a greater cause and leave a legacy. Or you have a first loss and you come back stronger and f them all up.

You don´t step up lose in such a disastrous fashion that you impact future generations success by being such a loser. Litler was a complete loser. He left nothing. He made things worse. And until today. His loser stench is felt all over the west. Reason why nobody till today can talk about jews. Because of Hitler. Because Hitler=destruction. He actually was the best thing which could have ever happened to jews.

Wrong again. Spanish and French Waffen SS fighters were the last European forces to fight the Soviets, defending the Fuhrerbunker.

Your lies that Hitler was not a decent statesmen and couldn't gain allies are easily disprovable. Germany was trading partners with much of the known world under Hitler's rule. As for wartime allies, more is at stake for them, so here is a list of all non-German national leaders, and significant figures in Europe and elsewhere, who lead support in the war and stayed loyal to Hitler and did not bail on him, or more appropriately, the vision of Europa, until their end, during or after the war, other than Mussolini. All of these men commanded either paramilitaries, armies, or delegations, and never abandoned one another against the western traitors and the Bolsheviks. Many of them were killed by the satanic Allies in late 1945 and throughout 1946 in kangaroo trials, but some were never caught:


Rodolfo Graziani - Minister of Defense of the Italian Social Republic and sole Italian Marshal to remain loyal to Mussolini after his government was beaten in 1943. He commanded Army Group Liguria until the end of the war in May1945. He was sentenced to 19 years in prison but served a much shorter sentence, and made ties with Italian neo-Fascist groups in the 1950s, never denouncing his views.

Marshall Phillip Petain - Head of State of Vichy France, never backed down from his role in fighting for a true free France, he died in 1951 after his death sentence was commuted to life by De Gaulle.
Pierre Laval - Prime Minister of Vichy France, extradited from Spain and executed in late 1945 by the French Communists in charge.

Arthur Seyss-Inquart - Austrian Reichskommissar of the Netherlands. Tortured and tried at Nuremberg, where he was hung by the cowards of the kangaroo courts in 1946.

Josef Gaspar Tiso - Catholic Priest and President of the Slovak Republic, more ardent in jewish deportations than anyone else in this time period. Captured after the war by the Soviets, he was tried for a laundry list of fake charges and executed by hanging in Bratislava in 1947, still in his liturgical vestment.

Leon Degrelle - Rexist Political Leader and Waffen-SS General, continued agitating and writing into the mid 1990s and fought the post-war Allied victor narrative for nearly 50 years after the fighting ceased. He was intended to be Hitler's successor had the Axis not been defeated.

Ferenc Szalazi - Head of State of Hungary and Leader of the Arrow Cross Party, executed by Soviets in 1946.
Admiral Miklos Horthy - Regent of the Kingdom of Hungary
Bela Imredy - former Prime Minister of Hungary, executed by Soviets in 1945.
Pal Teleki - another former Prime Minister, signed Hungary into the Axis as the 4th nation, died in 1941

General Ion Antonescu - Prime Minister and Conducător of Romania, signed it into the Axis as the 5th nation
Horia Sima - Leader of the Iron Guard after Codreanu, controversial and complex history, but in short he was in the Iron Guard, partnered with Antonescu, later arrested for a political reason, then later released, then began another pro-Axis government that was short-lived, escaped the Reds and died in Spain in 1993, never renounced his beliefs or association with the NSDAP.

Ante Pavelic - Leader of the Independent State of Croatia (NDH) and founder of the Ustase. Escaped capture with the help of the Catholic Church and lived in Spain until dying in 1959. He also never denounced his beliefs, affiliations, and actions during the war.
Slavko Kvaternik - Ustase General, Minister of the Armed Forces of Croatia. After the war the US Army captured him and extradited him to Yugoslavia, where he was executed by hanging at the hands of the Soviets in 1947. Never abandoned the cause.

Vidkun Quisling - Minister-President of Norway. Executed in 1946. "His last words "I have been judged unfairly, I die innocent." ring true for every one of these men who were killed by the Allies.

The Netherlands;
Anton Mussert - Leader of the National Socialist Movement in the Netherlands (NSB) before and during the war, his men fought against the Partisans for the duration of the war. He was executed in 1946 by firing squad.

Tsar Boris III of Bulgaria - Maintained an alliance with Germany until his mysterious death in 1943, likely poisoned by agents of the East.
Bogdan Filov - Prime Minister of Bulgaria who signed it as the 7th nation to the Axis powers, staunch supporter of Germany, executed by Bolsheviks in early 1945 after being overwhelmed into an armistice.
Petar Gabrovski - another Prime Minister of Bulgaria, also started the Bulgarian National Socialists aka Ratniks, he was cowardly assassinated by "the peoples tribunal" in early 1945.

General Milan Nedic - Prime Minister of Serbia, held out until the combined forces of the Red Army, Yugoslav partisans overwhelmed them in Belgrade. He was handed over by the British after the war to the partisans, who later pushed him out a window to his death in 1946.
Dimitrije Ljotic - leader of the Yugoslav National Movement (Zbor), formed Serbian volunteer corps and detachments (SDK) to fight communist partisans, died in a car crash in April 1945.
Stevan Moljevic - Serbian Politician and architect of the Greater Serbia plan, he was pro-Axis the entire war. He was arrested by Yugoslav partisans in late 1945, sentenced to 20 years in prison, where he died in 1959.

Emil Hacha - President of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, savagely beaten by the Red Army after they took Prague, and thrown in a cell where he died in June of 1945.

Oskars Dankers - Latvian General and head of the Latvian Self-Government. Interned and tried at Nuremberg after the war, but escaped prosecution, he outlived the war and died in 1965 in Michigan in the USA.

Hjalmar Mae - Head of the Estonian Self-Administration. He investigated Nemmersdorf, he was an ardent anti-communiust until he died in 1978 and was posthumously labeled an enemy of jewry for his affiliation and cooperation with Germany.

Ioannis Rallis - Last Prime Minister of the Greek Government during the War, after being captured by the Allies he was sentenced to life in prison where he died in 1946.

Haj Amin al-Husseini - The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, he created the Bosnian Muslim Waffen-SS division and the Freies Arabien Legion, he also invited many persecuted Germans after the war in Egypt in the budding Nasser government, never backed down from his alliance with Hitler. He died in 1974.

Rashid Ali-Al Gaylani - Arab Nationalist and Prime Minister of Iraq. forced out of Iraq by the 1941 Anglo-Iraq War to disrupt the pro-Axis Iraqi government, he was received by Hitler in Berlin where he continued to work as the leader of a government in exile, and stayed there until the end of the war, where he then fled to Saudi Arabia.

Reza Shah Pahlavi - the Shah of Iran, outed by the joint British and Soviet invasion of 1941 for being pro-Axis. He died in South Africa in exile in 1944 and never renounced his pro-German stance.

Subhas Chandra Bose - Leader of the Provisional Government of Free India and the Indian National Army, created the Azad Hind Waffen-SS foreign legion. Died from injuries caused by a plane crash in 1945.

Oswald Mosley - BUF leader and member of Parliament, viciously attacked by the pro-warmongers in England, he was imprisoned in 1940 after Churchill's government proscribed the BUF and any anti-war group, he was eventually released in 1943. He never denounced Hitler, and died in 1980.

Fritz Kuhn - German-American leader of the German American Bund, would hold massive National Socialist rallies with 20,000+ people at Madison Square Garden in attendance before the US government banned it, he was imprisoned for phony crimes in 1939, deported to Germany in 1943 and served time after the war in another prison, died in 1951.

For the sake of the argument, Germany had many South American, South African, and East Asian allies as well not just with Japan, but they were not physically present in the European theater of the war so I did not include them here. Regardless, Hitler certainly made alliances all across the world many nations, many of them not even European.
You forgot soviet union alliance.
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"The Bromberg Massacre of 58000 Germans that led to WW2"
I have some questions about this. The consensus amongst historians appears to be that the Polish massacre of Germans within its borders happened after the 1939 German invasion. Now, that doesn't necessarily mean that those historians are correct. If it is true that Germans were being massacred/abused by the Polish before Germany's invasion, wouldn't we expect to see reports of this? Did Germany send any official protests to the Polish government (or to anyone else) before the invasion? Can you name and date those reports? Did Germany publish any reports mentioning poor treatment of German citizens in Poland prior to the war so that the German people would be willing to wage a war against Poland? Surely we would expect to see German newspaper reports of these atrocities being published before the outbreak of war.

In your own post you included this quote: "The worst massacres will take place between 31 August and 6th September." Germany's invasion was on 1 September 1939. It seems like your own quote suggests that the massacres took place in response to the German invasion.

I would appreciate any insight that anyone can offer.
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Your invitation to Octoberfest has been officially rescinded.
The rest of the world stole from Germany????? Ahahahahahah. Germans are barbarians. They are useless tribes with half a brain. Who act like drones. Who take orders without questioning them. With no critical thinking. Germans became more and less civilized in the last 100 years. Strong emphasis in more and less.

You know what germans invented which greatly contributed to humanity? Marxism.

Electricity was invented by americans. Medicine is french. Planes are english. Roads are romans. What are you on about?

The core of all european knowledge is greek and italian. With a very small jewish contribution.

The spanish and portuguese crossed the world on tiny ships while germans were still wiping their asses with tree leafs.

Never understood this bullshit about germans? As if they are superior. They were barbarians. And now are disguised as civilized. But still have that irrational savagery inside them. Waiting to get out. At the first excuse. They are white monkeys in suits. A cancer to Catholic Church.

They destroyed Europe two times. Litler just finished the shit they had started years before. Because they like to lose. And that´s what make them superior. Getting their ass whooped twice.

Germany. All peace and love and nature. one of the biggest arm dealer in the world. Protestant countries are hypocrites. They developed it into an art form. But it´s starting to bite them in the ass.
Germans are indeed barbarians. They are incompatible with Christianity. They are still pagans at heart.
In the South, the true core of Europe, they are considered as Orcs: destroyers and userpers.

They infiltrated the Roman Papacy in the 10th century, after they invaded the civilized south, and immediately started introducing heresies and sowing propaganda against the Greek world. They brutally subjugated and enslaved the Orthodox Gauls and the Latins and imposed their diabolical mentality in those lands. They userped the name "Roman Empire" and installed a heretical false-Emperor that eventually conquered all western Orthodox Christian Europe via propaganda and military oppression.

After that, they are responsible for numerous falsehoods like "rationalism". "humanism", materialism and various other idiocies of 19th century German "philosophy", which eventually gave birth to the abomination of Marxism. Then Nitsche and nihilism. National Soycialism. The Frankfurt School.

Surely I am missing a lot of heresies here. I haven't touched on how many Orthodox Christians they killed in Russia, Greece and Serbia. They are in the millions and no one talks about it.

They are the devil's favorite children. Let them be vanquished via immigration and propaganda.
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Nope not polish. European. From the best european catholic countries stock.

Not lies. Litler attacked Poland. Litler killed innocent polish catholics. Litler=retard.

I never knew Litler? Lol. Well that´s a first. You must personally know an historical figure to comment? Ok. Sorry for my ignorance. I guess you went to school with him? Best mates?

You don´t need jew sources to see what´s obvious to anyone with half a brain. He lost the war. And Germany and Europe were permanently broken and subject to jewish power. Specially protestant countries even though they won the war. They became jew bitches. They defended jews. Now you take them.

I was actually trying to see if the post war division of Germany between east and west map was made along the lines of the german protestant-catholic division. There seems to be some correlation. Commies took protestant germany. Is this a surprise?

They bombed because they could. Because the moustache fag left it wide open. Of course they are too blame also. All of Germany destruction was a crime. Specially Dresden. Which was the most disproportionate. But philistines got their payback. you like jews so much. Take them. Now you have them. And how is it going protestant white knights?

Not only for the beautiful women which died. And children. Totally innocent. Not a drop of guilt. Why were they punished for the reckless fag moustache?

But also. The architecture. Buildings who took maybe centuries to be built. Completely destroyed. Those guys working hard labour. And then a bomb comes and goodbye all the effort. The craft which cannot be remade. Because the artisan died. It can never be remade. Those special ornaments.

War is ugly. It´s truly an ugly event. I mean in Europe. I have no fascination for war. They destroy the best genes. The bravest die. And the country is left with useless. If you make a war in Africa. What is destroyed? Sand?

You know what´s defeatism? Sacrificing your entire country in VAIN.

There´s many proven strategies with jews. Norway even though barbarians. Had a clause forbidding jews entering the country. Till 1850 I think. That´s it. No jews allowed (jesuits weren´t allowed also). You set a timetable and jews either you convert or get the fuck out. They don´t want to leave. They pay more taxes. Jews were confined to city limits for a long time in history.
You're a clueless enemy to your own people at best, at worst a willing traitor to your own kind, if you really are European. Don't you understand that European solidarity is the only way forward? Between all of the nations of Europe who share similar blood, history, and faith? Your hatred for Germans is worse than the jews, and you putting down Germans makes you an enemy of Europe.

Hitler did not attack Poland because the land that the Wehrmacht entered to save the ethnic Germans who were being massacred on was historically Germanic land. This land was only given to the Poles by Versailles. Do you support what the illegal Diktat of Versailles did? That is what you are suggesting.

For your information yes I have met people who knew Hitler, and I was very close to interviewing a woman who was one of his housekeepers before she died in 2022. I am still continuing my research via other means.

Your reasoning is incredibly flawed in that you blame everything of today's world on Hitler alone, and moreover calling Germans barbarians is a classic jewish-trope. It's what they've been educating everyone else in Europe in their school classrooms since WW1. Does it ever occur to you that you've been lied to about Germans? That out of every race of people on this planet, the European Germanics are denied manifest destiny under punishment of imprisonment or death?

As far as inventions go if you're going to play that ridiculous reductionist angle, then Karl Marx was a racially mixed jew and not a pure German. Someone who is half-jewish, is still jewish. No jew has ever invented anything of use that isn't some abstraction or a spinoff to an already existing field of study, or something that only belongs in the new world order.

No one is disagreeing that Europa began with the Greeks. You know who also gave a speech about Europe's culture coming from the Greeks first, and then the Romans second, was Hitler. If you've done more research on genetics then you know that these people are all similar and your jewish-pagan stone age fake history fable is a product of the jewified school system that you went to.

Listen to Hitler here, when he lays the case for the defense of Europe:
"Was ist Europa?"

The Middle East never stopped talking about jews after Hitler, and despite their barbarism, they are still freer people in many areas than the Europeans. So no, Hitler did not make it unable for people to talk about jews. The oppression of the jewified USA, Britian, and USSR shock golem empires forced it down their throats with their talmudic-inspired legalism and repetitive psychological attacks. The limp-wristed and psychologically-imprisoned European population under the sorcerous spellcraft of jewish laid guilt who refuse to talk about the jew are the problem, not Hitler. No excuses right? With or without Hitler, holohoax laws, the brave souls of Europa should fear no imprisonment, ostracization, or death at the hands of their occupiers, but should only fear continuing to live the way they do under this mind control.

The jew bs is just a smokescreen, the reason why they prop up the fake holohoax so much is so that unbiased research and planning for economics can never imitate Hitler's economic recovery, which is what freed the German people, then the Austrians in 1938, and everyone else who fell under his sphere of influence until the collapse in 1945.

Nope it was the guy before. I think Bismarck was the one who created social welfare.

Napoleon left a legacy. Not Hitler. The napoleon code influenced almost all countries. And it´s still in use till today in France.
Where do you think they based their ideas on? The Napoleonic Code was a portmanteau of ideas from enlightenment principles from the secular French Revolution ideals, along with the existing legalities introduced 600 year earlier from Sachsenspiegel, a significant Germanic medieval code written during the height of the Holy Roman Empire, the height of Catholic Europe. The Napoleonic Code was proliferated to many countries but it was not the exact same as it was in France. When it was applied to the Germany territories, they still had legalities from Sachsenspiegel, so they did not take everything from Napoleon.

Hitler's legacy is clear enough, he is the most lied about man in history. You do a good job of keeping the jewish racket of lies alive by taking a dump on him with your infantile accusations.

Electricity was invented by americans.
Electricity itself is a natural phenomenon and thus wasn't "invented" in the traditional sense. In regards to the Americans, you're wrong.

Electricity was first studied in Europe before it came to America. Big fat masonic Ben Franklin is a gross over-simplification of how humans began to use it. Ewald Georg von Kleist, a German, Andreas Cunaeus, a Dutch, Pieter van Musschenbroek, another Dutch, and Jean-Nicolas-Sébastien Allamand, a Swiss, all experimented with it prior to any Americans.

Going further back, these men made leagues of research before America even spawned.

William Gilbert (1544–1603): English scientist who studied magnetism and electricity, coining the term "electricus" from the Greek word for amber.
Otto von Guericke (1602–1686): German scientist who invented the first static electricity generator.
Stephen Gray (1666–1736): English scientist who distinguished between conductors and insulators of electricity.

Medicine is french. Planes are english. Roads are romans. What are you on about?

The core of all european knowledge is greek and italian.
Which medicine? Medicine has been around for over 5000 years, going as far back as Ancient Egypt, Ancient India, Ancient China, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome.

Louis Pasteur, the French you are likely talking about, is a traitor to mankind. His work has made millions of people sick and diseased, and fatally harmed who knows how many more. Vaccination is a jewish weapon. Pasteurization is a Rothschild scam. I drink my milk raw like any proud White man and I have no genetic defects for "lactose-intolerance" because I am not injected with any experimental jew cum.

As for aviation, it's across the board. In 1783, Joseph-Michel and Jacques-Étienne Montgolfier conducted the first manned hot-air balloon flight in France. The Anglo minds may have created airplanes but the German minds took it to the next level. We'd still be in gliders had the ingenuity of the 1930s rocket technology never arisen out of Germany.

As for roads, no one contradicts that Rome built the best roads of the ancient world, better than Egypt, Greece, Persia, China, etc, so by your argument here any other culture that is not Roman had been advantaged by their road system. Germany took it again to the next level with the Autobahn, the precursor to all of the highways around the world today. "Ike the Kïke" Eisenhower is wrongfully attributed to being the man who started modern highways, but being the yellow-bellied jew that he is, he lifted the idea from the German people he massacred. Eisenhower observed the efficiency and strategic advantages of the German Autobahn during World War II, and was influenced by its ability to facilitate rapid troop movements and transportation leading to economic growth. The U.S. interstate system adopted identical engineering principles from the Autobahn such as controlled access, divided lanes, and grade-separated interchanges to enhance safety, efficiency, and speed of travel.

The spanish and portuguese crossed the world on tiny ships while germans were still wiping their asses with tree leafs.

Never understood this bullshit about germans? As if they are superior. They were barbarians. And now are disguised as civilized. But still have that irrational savagery inside them. Waiting to get out. At the first excuse. They are white monkeys in suits. A cancer to Catholic Church.
You talk about sea-going expeditions but are incredibly ignorant to the broader aspect of history from this time. Germany as a unified nation did not exist during the Age of Exploration. However, the Germanic peoples and city-states had a long maritime and seafaring tradition. Hanseatic League cities like Hamburg and Bremen were influential in Northern European trade routes and maritime commerce during the Middle Ages and Renaissance.

More specifically, these Germans developed and refined shipbuilding techniques suitable for the North and Baltic Seas, contributing to the construction of sturdy and seaworthy vessels used in trade and exploration. German clockmakers also developed advanced astronomical clocks that aided navigation by determining time and celestial positions accurately. These clocks were crucial for calculating longitude and helped sailors determine their position at sea.

German instrument makers improved and refined navigational tools such as quadrants and cross-staffs, used for measuring angles of celestial bodies to determine latitude. These tools were essential for navigating across oceans.

As for what they were using to wipe for hygiene, you are failing miserably here dude. No one had toilet paper at this time, not even the explorers and conquistadores on the boats. Both they and the Germanic states had chamber pots for that, as well as rags, cloths, and designated latrines (on the boats) or cesspits on land. The Castles and nobles of the German provinces had better standards than the peasantry but if you think the rest of Europe wasn't like this then you're believing another lie.

Never understood this bullshit about germans? As if they are superior. They were barbarians. And now are disguised as civilized. But still have that irrational savagery inside them. Waiting to get out. At the first excuse. They are white monkeys in suits. A cancer to Catholic Church.

They destroyed Europe two times. Litler just finished the shit they had started years before. Because they like to lose. And that´s what make them superior. Getting their ass whooped twice.

Germany. All peace and love and nature. one of the biggest arm dealer in the world. Protestant countries are hypocrites. They developed it into an art form. But it´s starting to bite them in the ass.
There have been Germanic castles from the 10th, 11th, and 12th centuries before the great Catholic Cathedrals were construced. Neurathen is one that overlooks the river Elbe. You've never been to Bayern, the palaces of Ludwig II are very impressive culturally and architecturally.

If you're so superior than the Germans, then cease using all of their inventions. Don't ever print a piece of paper ever again, never drive a car again or anything with an internal combustion engine (and uninstall that airbag too). never type on a computer again, never drive a diesel truck ever again, never listen to a symphony again, never look through a telescope, and never talk on a telephone ever again.

You're even buying the phony WW1 narrative. The only people who hate Germans for these made-up reasons are jews, jew-lovers, and self-hating Whites. If you're Catholic and "from the best stock" then you must mean Italy or Spain. I have been in both countries aplenty, and there is no fear of the jew from these Nationalists. Their governments might be cucked, but they don't blame Hitler for their present predicaments like some brainwashed coward.

I am not moving on this moral truth. Those who betrayed another are guilty of this sin, like Cain unto Abel, and the ones who were betrayed are not. Anyone who corrupts this truth into blaming those who were betrayed is doing the jew's work, which is what you are echoing.

All of you who claim to be a Christian who infight with other confessions blaming them for your woes are the sweetest tune a jew can dance to. Go on, keep being a Catholic and hating Protestants, @KomnenAl keep being Orthodox hating Catholic, keep dividing and committing genetic suicide all the while the jew and its minions move in for the final kill.

Those who attack their brothers in the faith with lies, and racially separate themselves from their kin, are the most spineless people out there. You are doing the two things a jew would never do to another jew, and that is why they win and we lose, not because someone fought them and didn't succeed.
Germans are indeed barbarians. They are incompatible with Christianity. They are still pagans at heart.
In the South, the true core of Europe, they are considered as Orcs: destroyers and userpers.
And I thought I was deemed the bigot here by the resident philosemites for suggesting that non-Europeans are incompatible with Christianity. So by your logic here, then no Turk, no Indian, no Chinaman, no African, no Mesoamerican, no Polynesian are compatible with Christianity. Seeing as how they all come from Pagan origins. Not only that, there are daily videos of these people living as heathens, dismembering each other with machetes, eating fingers from rivals, cutting off heads for the slightest offenses, and praying to actual demons and their effigies. I don't see any Germans doing this. As a matter of fact, I've never seen a White person who wasn't mixed blood, jewish, or gripped with some debilitating genetic disorder behave this way.

In all my time in Greece and Italy barring some islands, the only people they complain about are the brown invaders raping and killing, spreading drugs and disease, and turning the cities into garbage. They complain about their liberal politicians, about their jewish fake money system. Not Germans.
They infiltrated the Roman Papacy in the 10th century, after they invaded the civilized south, and immediately started introducing heresies and sowing propaganda against the Greek world. They brutally subjugated and enslaved the Orthodox Gauls and the Latins and imposed their diabolical mentality in those lands. They userped the name "Roman Empire" and installed a heretical false-Emperor that eventually conquered all western Orthodox Christian Europe via propaganda and military oppression.

After that, they are responsible for numerous falsehoods like "rationalism". "humanism", materialism and various other idiocies of 19th century German "philosophy", which eventually gave birth to the abomination of Marxism. Then Nitsche and nihilism. National Soycialism. The Frankfurt School.
You are another holier-than-thou shekel heckler who refuses to identify what his nationality is and barks from the shadows with jewish lies. You still believed in the holohoax not less than a year ago on RVF, so it's not surprising that you fall for many of these other divisionary traps. You're desperate for a victim narrative, its depressing.

The historical narrative you present about Germans infiltrating the Roman Papacy and introducing heresies is highly misleading The Holy Roman Empire was established in 800 AD with Charlemagne's coronation by Pope Leo III (end of the 8th century, much prior to the split of 1054). It was a political entity encompassing parts of modern-day Germany, Italy, and other regions, aiming to revive aspects of the Western Roman Empire, it was not a monolithic force of "barbarians" bent on destruction.

Painting Germans as enslavers of Orthodox Gauls and Latins is a typical emotional reduction of complex medieval power dynamics. Medieval Europe saw frequent conflicts and alliances among various ethnic and political groups. The Holy Roman Empire did not systematically enslave Gauls or Latins but rather integrated and governed these populations under feudal structures. There were many more political alliances than there were conflicts. Your claims of widespread enslavement lack historical evidence and ignore the intricate relationships and power dynamics of the time.

Concepts like rationalism and humanism developed across Europe during the Renaissance and Enlightenment periods influenced by thinkers from various European nations, not solely Germans. There were many French, Italians, English, and Spaniards among them. Marxism emerged in the 19th century as a response to industrial capitalism, both brought about by jews. To this very day it is still jews pushing both of these extremes.

Surely I am missing a lot of heresies here. I haven't touched on how many Orthodox Christians they killed in Russia, Greece and Serbia. They are in the millions and no one talks about it.
Historical events like the Crusades involved multiple European powers and were driven by theocratic political motives. Accusations of Germans alone being responsible for mass killings lack historical substantiation. You're speculating based on lies about historical events like the Crusades and Balkan conflicts, also spread by the jews and freemasons.

Do you deny that Bolshevik jews murdered over 60 million Orthodox Christians? If you can't distinguish between a jew and German, a jew and an Englishman, a jew and a Greek, a jew and an Italian, a jew and a Spaniard, then you have no functioning friendly/foe deciphering mechanism. The German people are not responsible for this. No one ever talks about that, and it seems all of you Germanophobes seem to forget about this because your hatred for anything "German" overrides your rational faculties.

They are the devil's favorite children.
Your open hatred is finally unmasked at last. The Germans are the devil's favorite children? You would pray for a jew but wish for the destruction of your fellow European?

I wonder what Christ thinks who the devil's children are:

ὑμεῖς ἐκ τοῦ πατρὸς τοῦ διαβόλου ἐστὲ καὶ τὰς ἐπιθυμίας τοῦ πατρὸς ὑμῶν θέλετε ποιεῖν. ἐκ ἀρχῆς ἀνθρωποκτόνος ἦν, καὶ ἐν τῇ ἀληθείᾳ οὐχ ἕστηκεν, ὅτι οὐκ ἔστιν ἀλήθεια ἐν αὐτῷ· ὅταν λαλῇ τὸ ψεῦδος, ἐκ τῶν ἰδίων λαλεῖ, ὅτι ψεύστης ἐστίν, καὶ ὁ πατὴρ αὐτοῦ.

"Humeis ek tou patros tou diabolou este kai tas epithymias tou patros humon thelete poiein. ek arches anthropoktonos en, kai en te aletheia ouch hesteken, hoti ouk estin aletheia en auto; hotan lalae to pseudos, ek ton idion lalei, hoti pseudistes estin, kai ho pater autou."

"You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has not stood in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks lies, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of lies."

John 8:44-45 Septuagint

Let them be vanquished via immigration and propaganda.
Let everyone here see this.

If you advocate for the death of my family, kin, and countrymen with your obvious hatred full of disorganized jewish fables, don't be surprised if it backfires upon you when you are surrounded by enemies in the future and face certain death alone in your misery, when you could have had allies.

The Greek and Serbian Nationalists would disown you for this, especially with the crossroads Europe is at now. Your own people are being destroyed via immigration and propaganda, everyone in Europe is. If you think you can sit by and let one nation suffer this fate and somehow it will not transmute to your borders you are fooling yourself, so it begets the line of thinking that you are not either of these.

I have a suspicion you are probably half-Turkish since you seem to have an identity crisis, who knows. You fit the bill of the unlearned highly superstitious islander type who hates everyone that isn't related to them or isn't a part of their Church. I've met your type in Crete and near Pyrgos. These people have no idea what awaits their children by their jewish non-Germanic masters. The whole world be damned and as long as you have your Cevapi and your Icons nothing else matters right? No wonder why you're cool with seeing others destroyed, you already are.

The second you start calling for my destruction and the destruction of innocents is the second I'm through reasoning with you satanic adversaries and kosher operatives. The lines are in the sand and I know where I stand and where you don't.
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I wonder for how long your lies will be tolerated here. I won't respond to the personal insults because they mean nothing to me.
It's just feminine behavior, typical of a neo-pagan gnostic. Every time Idolf Hitler is attacked they go crazy.
You're a clueless enemy to your own people at best, at worst a willing traitor to your own kind, if you really are European. Don't you understand that European solidarity is the only way forward? Between all of the nations of Europe who share similar blood, history, and faith? Your hatred for Germans is worse than the jews, and you putting down Germans makes you an enemy of Europe.

Nope. Germans are enemies of Europe. They act like jews. Always creating problems. They are dumb. Drones. Who cant see besides whats in front of them.

They are nowadays the cancer of the Catholic Church.

Hitler did not attack Poland because the land that the Wehrmacht entered to save the ethnic Germans who were being massacred on was historically Germanic land. This land was only given to the Poles by Versailles. Do you support what the illegal Diktat of Versailles did? That is what you are suggesting.
He was ethnically cleansing Poland. He wasnt just protecting germans. The goal was to kill all poles. He is a stupid. Versailles was hard on Germans. But this is what happens to retards.

For your information yes I have met people who knew Hitler, and I was very close to interviewing a woman who was one of his housekeepers before she died in 2022. I am still continuing my research via other means.
Looll. Very close. Do continue your research. And let us know about your findings.

Your reasoning is incredibly flawed in that you blame everything of today's world on Hitler alone, and moreover calling Germans barbarians is a classic jewish-trope. It's what they've been educating everyone else in Europe in their school classrooms since WW1. Does it ever occur to you that you've been lied to about Germans? That out of every race of people on this planet, the European Germanics are denied manifest destiny under punishment of imprisonment or death?

Looll. Germans are dumb drones. And you seem to have the mentality of the people you criticize. Victim mentality.

As far as inventions go if you're going to play that ridiculous reductionist angle, then Karl Marx was a racially mixed jew and not a pure German. Someone who is half-jewish, is still jewish. No jew has ever invented anything of use that isn't some abstraction or a spinoff to an already existing field of study, or something that only belongs in the new world order.

Marx=protestant german jew.

Btw rothschilds were also Germans.

No one is disagreeing that Europa began with the Greeks. You know who also gave a speech about Europe's culture coming from the Greeks first, and then the Romans second, was Hitler. If you've done more research on genetics then you know that these people are all similar and your jewish-pagan stone age fake history fable is a product of the jewified school system that you went to.

Listen to Hitler here, when he lays the case for the defense of Europe:
"Was ist Europa?"

Yep he wasnt 100% retard. Hitler is similar to communists. They get something right about the problems but the solutions are always wrong.

The Middle East never stopped talking about jews after Hitler, and despite their barbarism, they are still freer people in many areas than the Europeans. So no, Hitler did not make it unable for people to talk about jews. The oppression of the jewified USA, Britian, and USSR shock golem empires forced it down their throats with their talmudic-inspired legalism and repetitive psychological attacks. The limp-wristed and psychologically-imprisoned European population under the sorcerous spellcraft of jewish laid guilt who refuse to talk about the jew are the problem, not Hitler. No excuses right? With or without Hitler, holohoax laws, the brave souls of Europa should fear no imprisonment, ostracization, or death at the hands of their occupiers, but should only fear continuing to live the way they do under this mind control.

The jew bs is just a smokescreen, the reason why they prop up the fake holohoax so much is so that unbiased research and planning for economics can never imitate Hitler's economic recovery, which is what freed the German people, then the Austrians in 1938, and everyone else who fell under his sphere of influence until the collapse in 1945.
Hitler economic recovery. You mean the rubles? What was german GDP in the end of the war?

You chose the good parts and leave the bad parts. Cherrypicking.

Where do you think they based their ideas on? The Napoleonic Code was a portmanteau of ideas from enlightenment principles from the secular French Revolution ideals, along with the existing legalities introduced 600 year earlier from Sachsenspiegel, a significant Germanic medieval code written during the height of the Holy Roman Empire, the height of Catholic Europe. The Napoleonic Code was proliferated to many countries but it was not the exact same as it was in France. When it was applied to the Germany territories, they still had legalities from Sachsenspiegel, so they did not take everything from Napoleon.

Looll. What is this?

Hitler's legacy is clear enough, he is the most lied about man in history. You do a good job of keeping the jewish racket of lies alive by taking a dump on him with your infantile accusations.

No. Thats why I talk about objective not subjective. Hitler lost the war. This I think is undebatable. The reasons for him losing we could write a 5000 Pages book. But the final result is irrefutable.

Electricity itself is a natural phenomenon and thus wasn't "invented" in the traditional sense. In regards to the Americans, you're wrong.

Electricity was first studied in Europe before it came to America. Big fat masonic Ben Franklin is a gross over-simplification of how humans began to use it. Ewald Georg von Kleist, a German, Andreas Cunaeus, a Dutch, Pieter van Musschenbroek, another Dutch, and Jean-Nicolas-Sébastien Allamand, a Swiss, all experimented with it prior to any Americans.

Going further back, these men made leagues of research before America even spawned.

William Gilbert (1544–1603): English scientist who studied magnetism and electricity, coining the term "electricus" from the Greek word for amber.
Otto von Guericke (1602–1686): German scientist who invented the first static electricity generator.
Stephen Gray (1666–1736): English scientist who distinguished between conductors and insulators of electricity.
Dude you are a fanatic. You cant see things within reason.

Ok sure.

Theres always contributions from many people to any invention.

Which medicine? Medicine has been around for over 5000 years, going as far back as Ancient Egypt, Ancient India, Ancient China, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome.

Louis Pasteur, the French you are likely talking about, is a traitor to mankind. His work has made millions of people sick and diseased, and fatally harmed who knows how many more. Vaccination is a jewish weapon. Pasteurization is a Rothschild scam. I drink my milk raw like any proud White man and I have no genetic defects for "lactose-intolerance" because I am not injected with any experimental jew cum.

French are the founders of modern medicine.

As for aviation, it's across the board. In 1783, Joseph-Michel and Jacques-Étienne Montgolfier conducted the first manned hot-air balloon flight in France. The Anglo minds may have created airplanes but the German minds took it to the next level. We'd still be in gliders had the ingenuity of the 1930s rocket technology never arisen out of Germany.

Ok. Sure.

As for roads, no one contradicts that Rome built the best roads of the ancient world, better than Egypt, Greece, Persia, China, etc, so by your argument here any other culture that is not Roman had been advantaged by their road system. Germany took it again to the next level with the Autobahn, the precursor to all of the highways around the world today. "Ike the Kïke" Eisenhower is wrongfully attributed to being the man who started modern highways, but being the yellow-bellied jew that he is, he lifted the idea from the German people he massacred. Eisenhower observed the efficiency and strategic advantages of the German Autobahn during World War II, and was influenced by its ability to facilitate rapid troop movements and transportation leading to economic growth. The U.S. interstate system adopted identical engineering principles from the Autobahn such as controlled access, divided lanes, and grade-separated interchanges to enhance safety, efficiency, and speed of travel.

Looll. Dude you are a fanatic. How can someone reason with you?

This is only valor for others who read this.

You talk about sea-going expeditions but are incredibly ignorant to the broader aspect of history from this time. Germany as a unified nation did not exist during the Age of Exploration. However, the Germanic peoples and city-states had a long maritime and seafaring tradition. Hanseatic League cities like Hamburg and Bremen were influential in Northern European trade routes and maritime commerce during the Middle Ages and Renaissance.

Loooll. What? Germans dont exist in maritime exploration. Even the dutch are better.
You know what germans are good at? Destroying civilizations.

More specifically, these Germans developed and refined shipbuilding techniques suitable for the North and Baltic Seas, contributing to the construction of sturdy and seaworthy vessels used in trade and exploration. German clockmakers also developed advanced astronomical clocks that aided navigation by determining time and celestial positions accurately. These clocks were crucial for calculating longitude and helped sailors determine their position at sea.

German instrument makers improved and refined navigational tools such as quadrants and cross-staffs, used for measuring angles of celestial bodies to determine latitude. These tools were essential for navigating across oceans.

Looll. Dude stop. Spanish and portuguese invented all maritime instruments.
Germans? Loooll.

As for what they were using to wipe for hygiene, you are failing miserably here dude. No one had toilet paper at this time, not even the explorers and conquistadores on the boats. Both they and the Germanic states had chamber pots for that, as well as rags, cloths, and designated latrines (on the boats) or cesspits on land. The Castles and nobles of the German provinces had better standards than the peasantry but if you think the rest of Europe wasn't like this then you're believing another lie.

English kings had nobles whose job was wiping the king ass. Romans had sanitation.

You know Rome right? The german city? Looll.

There have been Germanic castles from the 10th, 11th, and 12th centuries before the great Catholic Cathedrals were construced. Neurathen is one that overlooks the river Elbe. You've never been to Bayern, the palaces of Ludwig II are very impressive culturally and architecturally.

The best castle ive seen in Germany was the bayern munchen stadium. Probably the most beautiful stadium.

If you're so superior than the Germans, then cease using all of their inventions. Don't ever print a piece of paper ever again, never drive a car again or anything with an internal combustion engine (and uninstall that airbag too). never type on a computer again, never drive a diesel truck ever again, never listen to a symphony again, never look through a telescope, and never talk on a telephone ever again.
Looll. Ok time to uninstall airbags.

You're even buying the phony WW1 narrative. The only people who hate Germans for these made-up reasons are jews, jew-lovers, and self-hating Whites. If you're Catholic and "from the best stock" then you must mean Italy or Spain. I have been in both countries aplenty, and there is no fear of the jew from these Nationalists. Their governments might be cucked, but they don't blame Hitler for their present predicaments like some brainwashed coward.

I am catholic. Im not jew. Nationalists most of the time are retards. And fall into the jewish trap.

No more doxxing for you Hitler fan boy.
I am not moving on this moral truth. Those who betrayed another are guilty of this sin, like Cain unto Abel, and the ones who were betrayed are not. Anyone who corrupts this truth into blaming those who were betrayed is doing the jew's work, which is what you are echoing.

All of you who claim to be a Christian who infight with other confessions blaming them for your woes are the sweetest tune a jew can dance to. Go on, keep being a Catholic and hating Protestants, @KomnenAl keep being Orthodox hating Catholic, keep dividing and committing genetic suicide all the while the jew and its minions move in for the final kill.

You do know it was protestant countries (US+UK) who bombed Germany to death. Which was completely disproportionate. Even though germans are dumb. They didnt deserve that fate.

Hitler was catholic. But he became crazy with all the power given to him. And turned into some new age neopagan shithead.

Those who attack their brothers in the faith with lies, and racially separate themselves from their kin, are the most spineless people out there. You are doing the two things a jew would never do to another jew, and that is why they win and we lose, not because someone fought them and didn't succeed.
We lose because the only solution always presented is violence. When theres obviously other strategies. People keep waiting for violence. No need for violence. This can be solved peacefully.
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I wonder for how long your lies will be tolerated here. I won't respond to the personal insults because they mean nothing to me.
It's just feminine behavior, typical of a neo-pagan gnostic. Every time Idolf Hitler is attacked they go crazy.
As if your calling all Germans the favorite children of the devil and your wish for all of them to be destroyed is not a personal insult? And as if that wish for violence upon millions of innocent Christians compares to anything I've said against your ambiguous and deceptive character. Only in your mind however, they're not Christians so its ok for them to be destroyed.

What's feminine is how whiny you are about a bunch of made up fantasies where Germans are somehow responsible for everything wrong with this world and blaming them for splintering Christianity, indicting them for fake historical charges going back over 1100 years. What you think you know about German history is not true. You don't know. They were never pagans originally but were one of the lost tribes of Israel that eventually settled in the Jutland peninsula. They were known as Jutes, and they descended from the tribes of Judah and Dan. The history you're spouting about Germanic origins is literally the pagan-jewish version of history which involves cavemen and evolution and other literal anti-creationist theories. That is fake history.

You act like you're privy to divine knowledge that the rest of us aren't, calling everyone who is not in your specific brand of Orthodoxy a heretic left and right then retreating to your pseudo-monastic position of "I refuse to elaborate any further." You think you won't be called out for that?

I wonder what an Orthodox priest would say about a layperson LARPing on a Christian forum calling everyone who disagrees with them a heretic, a pagan, or a gnostic. You have every right to debate me and prove my evidence wrong but you don't do that, you just make shit up or piggyback off of other phony genocide myths and paint your opposition as literal demons. The way you dish these insults out is no different than leftist feminists calling everyone they don't like a racist or a sexist, it's designed to "shut down" their credentials to the viewing audience.

Let's be clear, calling members "pagan" "gnostic" and "heretic" are insults on this forum, and just so you're aware, this is no longer RVF and is not strictly an Orthodox forum, so your interpretation of Christianity does not reign supreme. If you're going to keep dividing the brethren because of confessional differences then you are an enemy of Christendom as you are not helping one bit at reunification. People like you will never help bring Catholics and Orthodox together under one Church, you will only push them away with your χωριό rhetoric. And since you're not a priest, you have absolutely zero moral or spiritual authority to call any of us here heretics when you won't even confirm which Orthodox Church you are with.

On top of that you never name the jew, and you have yet to present any facts on this thread for any of your jewish claims. For as much as you think this subject bothers me, you clearly keep coming back to stir the pot with emotional baggage. I won't deny I have a personal connection to family lives being destroyed by the WW2 victor narrative, and some of them had to emigrate out of Europe because of these lies lest they face real and unrighteous discrimination fomented by demonic talmudic enforcers.

For everything else on this subject, you're simply parroting the mainstream narrative for the grievance racket on WW2, where jews get first dibs, and afterwards every other non-German can line up and claim they were massacred to participate in the "woe is me" fest. That's weak and limp. Whatever country or group of countries you are from, you had thousands of men who willingly joined the Axis cause as anti-communist security details, auxiliary police squads, anti-partisan units, and Wehrmacht volunteers or Waffen-SS Foreign Legion troops for the Eastern Front, where the last Christian crusade for Europe took place against the very literal anti-God anti-Christian communist hordes.

Either way, your posts on RVF were very telling of how upset this subject makes you, so if you can't handle certain truths because they prove inconvenient to your narrative of history, stay away from the discussion or embrace cognitive dissonance until you overcome it, because I will not back down. This argument is way beyond Hitler, he is just one man, you willingly and ignorantly demonize an entire race of people in their entire history and attempt to justify their annihilation by your version of dogmatic natural selection.
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I thought it was pretty much in the bag here on this forum that the Upper Eschelon of what we call the Jews was the Enemy of Mankind. Does that mean all Jews are this way?...No, but more than a few Normie Jews are probably are sympathetic to their Globo-Ho-Mo Judeo-Masonic Revolution as something Progressive and Good for all mankind.

I thought through Revisionist History it was a sure fire bet that the Soviets were headed West and something had to be done? Especially in the Modern era where the World had become smaller with Mechanization; land, air, and sea, as well as the Modern Sophisticated Economic Financial Entities, where before dealing with them (Jews) was generally a local or regional occurence?
The Germans I grew up with in Texas were good folks generally speaking, as well as the Czechs.
Some have their ethnic ways, but were solid folks.