Hitler versus Rothschild: the Logistics and Background of World War Two

This page has all the pertinent information on Weimar available in a summary form........

When I read through that it really stood out how streets in modern day Germany appear to be named after some of those Weimar characters.

There is a Rathenaustraße. Rathenau was actually assassinated in 1922 by machine gun fire from a car following him home.

There is a Tucholskystraße.

There are however no more of these although there used to be a lot in the 40s :
Interesting is that you can buy copies of old German newspapers going back a very long way :
About €50 each, but you'd be owning a piece of history.

Here you can view them digitally :

Here's a sample from 100 years ago, Wednesday 20th August 1924, during the Weimar period :
Not saying there is any enormous insights for us in that newspaper on that day but it is nevertheless interesting to see that it is there if you want to have a look.

That typeface is challenging but if you know German you can tell what most (but not all) of the words are.
I would like all of you to listen to this talk. When you have an hour to kill, it's very insightful. For those of you new to this subject, this is the best hour you could spend listening to objective discussion on the philosophies behind the Fascists and National Socialists. This is a group of Catholic historians who have studied and compiled an incredible breakthrough into understanding worldviews (weltanschauungs in German) and how the four basic worldviews of the ancient philosophers: monism, dualism, atomism, and pragmatism, and how the fifth worldview, the Apostolic Catholic worldview, stands in contrast to all of these.

"Proofs of the Catholic Origins of Fascism & National Socialism and the refutation of pagan influence"

The first part discusses the definition of Fascism and National Socialism, from objective pre-war sources. One thing that surprised me was that Mussolini was brought into the Fascist ideology by an Italian priest, during a time when he was exploring socialist-marxist schools of thought and had left his Catholic faith, only to return to Catholicism upon his embrace of fascism as the proper response to defend Europe against Bolshevism.

The second part goes into the study of all the alleged philosophers said to have influenced Hitler and Mussolini and other Fascists, and how the implementation of both Italian Fascism and German National Socialism was heavily rooted in a Christian worldview, specifically Catholic. Elsewhere here people have said that Hitler followed Schopenhauer, but he did not, he merely was an auto-didact and read tremendous volumes of works in his free time.

The third part describes in detail the origin of the hooked cross and how it actually spread to the east from the west and not vice versa. The Greek Tetrakite rotating cross, which eventually became known as the Hakenkreuz in Charlemagne's Europe, was a Pythagorean symbol that stood for the connection between man and the divine, the Monad. It's adoption as a Christian symbol was an entirely geographical singularity that had zero influence from the Hindus who adopted it following Alexander the Greats invasion into the east. Much like everywhere else in the world, the sub-races of the east take from the west, even in antiquity. Like I have shown in multiple posts, this symbol was heavily present in 1st century Christian catacombs, and later found its way into Byzantine Cathedrals like the Hagia Sophia and many Catholic Gothic Cathedrals of the Crusader eras.

The fourth part specifically discusses Hitler's existing worldview, which is based deeply in his Catholic upbringing. As I have proven before, it was not from the Vril Society or any kooky Theosophists. Hitler pointed out in Mein Kampf that when reading and studying, it is important to extract what can be used from every text, and this ability to recognize the useful knowledge differentiates the well-learned man from one who simply reads volume after volume but does not retain anything. If you are Catholic, you have a worldview that you start from that does not change simply because you read Schopenhauer.

Hitler believed every living thing had a will to live. Schopenhauer did not. The will to fight and defend Christian Europe from Bolshevism and Marxism is not a Schopenhauer worldview, it is a Catholic one.

The conclusion they wrap up is pretty succinct, going over all the other philosophers whose own worldview has allowed atheists and marxists and materialists to grow in stark contrast to the Catholic worldview. So what is different about the Catholic worldview that separates it rom the Monist, Dualist, Atomist, and Pragmatist worldviews? My philosophy, which is the same as Australian Christian Fascist, is what Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, Degrelle, and Rivera believed, was that there was not a cosmic cycle or "reincarnation of things", (which nullifies the doing good in the life we have) but lives this life in preparation for the next life, or eternity. This worldview is the total opposite of the materialist. When you root yourself in Catholic political philosophy, you are rooting yourself in something that cannot be subjective, and all other forms of thinking and systems of thought, paganism, monism, dualism, atomism, and pragmatism all resort to subjective reasoning. Catholic Integralism is the politic of the Catholic King, the implementation of Christian principles in the public space and the protection of those that are sharing those single principles of unity. That is the architecture of existing Catholics like Mussolini, Hitler, Feder, Mosley, and such.

This topic is pretty profound on the philosophical level to understand the differences at least.

Also, this article here is a new find for me, Hitler announced to the press that he was not joining the new German Church but had decided to remain a Catholic. In the age of non-existing constant paparazzi, this is probably one of the last media statements from Hitler in his life as head of state about his personal life in public. In stark contrast to the absolutely zero proofs for him being anything other than a Catholic, here is another piece that solidifies his personal religious beliefs:

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This topic always fascinated me, the book burnings, Bücherverbrennungen :
Took place from March to October 1933, well before the war started in about 25 German student cities.
At the time they did a live audio over the radio of commentary as they through books into the fire. Was very theatrical :
At the meeting places, students threw the pillaged, banned books into the bonfires with a great joyous ceremony that included live music, singing, "fire oaths," and incantations
As for what was burned the article above contains a list of authors and topics. It's actually less offensive than the censorship we have today given that the authors burned include Marx and Freud. I'd love to see Marx and Freud books getting burned even just for the symbolism of it, for all the misery they have caused.

The German article contains more detail :
„Wir haben unser Handeln gegen den undeutschen Geist gewendet. Ich übergebe alles Undeutsche dem Feuer!“ endete, warfen neun ausgewählte Vertreter der Studentenschaft zu den markanten „Feuersprüchen“ die ersten Bücher in die Flammen. Anschließend wurden unter großem Gejohle der Studenten und des Publikums die übrigen Bücher bündelweise von den Lastwägen gehoben und von einer Menschenkette weitergereicht, an deren Ende die Bücher des „undeutschen Geistes“ von beispielsweise Karl Marx, Heinrich Heine, Kurt Tucholsky, Sigmund Freud und vielen anderen – insgesamt 94 Autoren – ins Feuer geworfen wurden.

Ein großer Scheiterhaufen von marxistischen Fahnen und Büchern war aufgerichtet worden – und bald loderte eine große Flamme empor und vernichtete die Symbole und geistigen Erzeugnisse einstiger Marxistenherrschaft.

High on the list of burned authors was Magnus Hirschfield :
Magnus Hirschfeld (14 May 1868 – 14 May 1935) was a German physician, sexologist and LGBTQ advocate. Hirschfeld was educated in philosophy, philology and medicine. An outspoken advocate for sexual minorities, Hirschfeld founded the Scientific-Humanitarian Committee and World League for Sexual Reform. He based his practice in Berlin-Charlottenburg during the Weimar period. Performance Studies and Rhetoric Professor Dustin Goltz characterized the committee as having carried out "the first advocacy for homosexual and transgender rights".

What a loss that LGBTQ advocacy books should be burned (not!)
Burning those books is well in tune with what E. Michael Jones is always saying -

From the main article, topics burned include :
  • The works of traitors, emigrants and authors from foreign countries who believe they can attack and denigrate the new Germany (H. G. Wells, Romain Rolland);
  • The literature of Marxism, Communism and Bolshevism;
  • Pacifist literature;
  • Literature with liberal, democratic tendencies and attitudes, and writings supporting the Weimar Republic
  • All historical writings whose purpose is to denigrate the origin, the spirit and the culture of the German Volk, or to dissolve the racial and structural order of the Volk, or that denies the force and importance of leading historical figures in favor of egalitarianism and the masses, and which seeks to drag them through the mud (Emil Ludwig);
  • Books that advocate "art" which is decadent, bloodless, or purely constructivist (George Grosz, Otto Dix, Bauhaus, Felix Mendelssohn);
  • Writings on sexuality and sexual education which serve the egocentric pleasure of the individual and thus, completely destroy the principles of race and Volk
  • The decadent, destructive and Volk-damaging writings of "Asphalt and Civilization" literati: (Oskar Maria Graf, Heinrich Mann, Stefan Zweig, Jakob Wassermann, Franz Blei);
  • Literature by Jewish authors, regardless of the field;
  • Popular entertainment literature that depicts life and life's goals in a superficial, unrealistic and sickly sweet manner, based on a bourgeois or upper class view of life;
  • Patriotic kitsch in literature.
  • Pornography and explicit literature
  • All books degrading German purity.

Going through the list of books and authors that were burned, many of them are things many members here would agree with, although does go a bit over the top, getting carried away with the frenzy of the times. It's censorship, but a healthier censorship than what we have to put up with these days and at least it was out in the open with some theatre to it, not being done by secret algorithms :

Given what was burned and why, it's hard to really be angry or regretful about it.
I have not seen these before. I knew National Socialists were supported by the churches, rebuilt churches that the USA backed Marxists burned down in Eastern Europe, and that Hitler was able to bring Catholics and Protestants together. It is neat to hear their words on the subject of Christianity within National Socialism and how they are tied together.

I have not seen these before. I knew National Socialists were supported by the churches, rebuilt churches that the USA backed Marxists burned down in Eastern Europe, and that Hitler was able to bring Catholics and Protestants together. It is neat to hear their words on the subject of Christianity within National Socialism and how they are tied together.

Read my last post above, there is a wealth of information out there on all the Third position parties in the 20th Century being based on Christian morals, some more closer to Church dogma than others, but none of them were based on heathen mindsets. It is literal village-level superstition for people to associate a symbol like the fasces or the swastika with some kind of anti-Christian worldview. And in the judaized diseased doctrine of watered-down Holocaustianity, there is a spiteful dichotomy of making everything jewish good and everything against jewry evil. This is mainly what the Third positionists sought to correct in the 1920s and 1930s. The spread of zionism was infecting the Churches even then because of Herzl's work in the late 1800s. This is why the jews are so afraid of Europeans (and that means White Americans too) embracing this collectively. It means economic, social, spiritual, and racial integrity that is not beholden to parasites, jews or otherwise.

Relevant Hitler speech where he affirmed his purpose and thanked God for protecting him after the July 20th 1944 bomb plot:

View attachment HitlerThanksGodForProtectingHim.mp4

The discussion video I posted above is worth an hour of sitting through when you have one.
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Read my last post above, there is a wealth of information out there on all the Third position parties in the 20th Century being based on Christian morals, some more closer to Church dogma than others, but none of them were based on heathen mindsets. It is literal village-level superstition for people to associate a symbol like the fasces or the swastika with some kind of anti-Christian worldview. And in the judaized diseased doctrine of watered-down Holocaustianity, there is a spiteful dichotomy of making everything jewish good and everything against jewry evil. This is mainly what the Third positionists sought to correct in the 1920s and 1930s. The spread of zionism was infecting the Churches even then because of Herzl's work in the late 1800s. This is why the jews are so afraid of Europeans (and that means White Americans too) embracing this collectively. It means economic, social, spiritual, and racial integrity that is not beholden to parasites, jews or otherwise.

Relevant Hitler speech where he affirmed his purpose and thanked God for protecting him after the July 20th 1944 bomb plot:

View attachment 16370

The discussion video I posted above is worth an hour of sitting through when you have one.

Well at least we don't speak German.
Here is a compilation of speeches by Vidkun Quisling, the leader of Norway during WW2.

It gives a non-German perspective on the confusion some people have between communist marxism and National Socialism, as they implemented a similar system and sought to create a unified Europa as outlined by the other non-German leaders, like Degrelle, Mussert, Pavelic, etc.

He also confirms, just like Degrelle does, of all the work Germany was doing to restore the Churches in Europe.

Of particular interest is his line around the 9 minute mark: "And to the good Norwegians who do not want anything to do with politics. I want to say that party politics and national politics are two completely different things. Party politics is a fight between different interest groups for influence over the state's government, or such interest groups different political maneuvers to hold their position of power in the state against the interests of the people. Party politics is a plague. But national politics is a completely different thing, and a big thing. National politics is to govern state and society for the benefit of the whole people. "

'Traitor? Vidkun Quisling In His Own Words"

Between 10 and 18 minutes he goes into more details on the geopolitical alliance between the jewish proxies (USA, Britain, USSR)

At 19 minutes he confirms a Churchill quote:

"Churchill has stated himself that he wants to ally with the devil himself when it comes to crushing the new national movements in Europe. He is truly allied with the devil. He has allied himself with bolshevism. Bolshevism's goal is to eradicate and destroy all European culture. Destroy everything that one appreciates in this life. All that is sacred for us. Home, family, spouse, children, morals, and Christianity."

At 23 minutes another profound revelation from that time:

"That the jews play the leading role in this bolshevik world movement and in the Soviet Union can be seen from statistic of all the key positions they hold there. The communist doctrine was conceived by jews and put into practice by jews. The Bolshevik revolution in Russia in 1917 was financed by jewish bankers in New York, an apparent paradox that can only find a satisfactory explanation in the fact that both the Anglo-Saxon plutocracy and Russian bolshevism are both instruments of international jewry's plans for world conquest. "

He elaborates further:

"In a conversation with the French ambassador Saint Aulaire, reproduced in his book: "Geneva versus Peace", Paris 1936, one of the jewish finance chiefs has expressly confirmed this. The American jewish banker stated, among other things: "We (that is, the jewish plutocracy) communicate with the total Marxism of the International, our religion, because Marxism is a weapon of our jewish nationalism. It is precisely because communism and capitalism are antipodes that they hand us the two poles of the planet and allow us to be its axis. We control the world from above by money power and from below by revolution. The goal? Israel is a nation made up of elements of all countries. We are a people's union that unites all other peoples. That is what qualifies us to gather them all around us (and below us). Israel is the microcosm and the germ of the coming world kingdom." So far this modern prophet. But it is this jewish materialistic messianic kingdom, or rather Satan's kingdom, which is now in full swing, and which threatens the people of Europe and Norway with death and destruction."

Here is a pdf of one of the chapters from that book, it really exposes the plutocracy:
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Words from an actual conservative German, whose grandfathers fought for the Nazis, about how retarded Hitler was:

I was just having a conversation about this kinda stuff with a 100% German guy who moved here to try and launch his product line in the USA. Both his grandfathers were part of the Nazi party and he revered them which every man should of their grandfathers but he also said if his grandfathers were alive today they would hate the Nazi party and regret all their actions. Not because the Nazis were bad but because it enabled the demise of his country and no goal was worth what the price was to his country.

That was very sad to me but it makes sense considering what they were trying to accomplish in the beginning and what it ended up as....they handed their children directly to it when their goal was to actually deliver them from it.

Unrelated but another thing he said which I found interesting was to say that Americans are not European in any way, "European" isn't even a thing. I said yea nationality wise we're all Americans that's true but culture wise what about the ones that were originally from Europe? He pointed to some guy and his wife at a nearby table and said "go ask them what their culture is, they will give you 6 different answers. They say European because they don't know themselves. You think just because someone taught them how to make schnitzel that makes them German? Nobody in Europe calls themselves European, I'm German....I would never call myself European. How many white people in the USA can tell you their culture with one word? Europe is a continent it's not a culture, call yourself an American you have nothing to do with Europe anymore and that was true a long many generations ago".

I'm not sure if I agreed with that and I've never heard that before but I'm not sure if could tell him he's wrong. It was a very interesting dinner with a hardcore conservative from a different country, we talked for a very long time about all kinds of stuff like that.

The conversation was really eye opening. Whether it was intentional or not he is the direct reason why the jews have so much leverage over the world today. He spoke a lot to that point and how what hitler has been turned into in some circles just doesn't make any sense. He was as hardcore conservative as they come and 100% German all the way down the line, he blamed hitler for the irreparable destruction of his country and heritage. He also said all the conservatives in Germany he is close with feel the same and hitler is only idolized by people who are lost and not looking for a solution they just desperately want something to make their identity....they accomplish nothing. It doesn't make sense to model yourself on the views and actions of someone that led to your demise, hard to argue with that.
Maybe Hitler should've bombed the London Banking district to really send a message..maybe all of the Rothschild Banks?

Were the Russians (Czar) ready for the Western Jewish Financed Cabal and the ensuing Rape, Starvation, and Murder of Millions? Was it better he didn't prepare and let by gones be bygones? What method would a Pro German Chancellor do to counter the Rich Jew/Revolutionary Jew tag team, thus Commisar/Technocrat Jew in 1930s Germany since they were Insidiously destroying all aspects of the Mostly Christian Orderly Culture? What other Diplomatic measures should another hypothetical Chancellor should've done to a Jewish infested US and British Government?

I mean do white men congregate and start an International mafia of assaisains and intelligence gathering to tackling this Age old Problem? I'm being a bit facetious here...just hypothetical since the opposition is quite entrenched and organized regardless of infighting.

I'm not trying to make a Saint out of Uncle Adolph, but if he didn't move, then another current Great Britain?..I mean those Good guys ain't much better off correct?
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Words from an actual conservative German, whose grandfathers fought for the Nazis, about how retarded Hitler was:
No Samseau, Adolf Hitler was not retarded.

The talking points of this alleged conservative German sound like the typical liberal "no such thing" argument when it comes to race and culture, for which there is immeasurable data to prove the contrary. Americans being de-Europeanized is a phenomena that only gradually grew over the course of the 20th century, whereas for a majority of American history, the conclaves of the settlers and their descendants retained much of their European ancestral habits, especially languages and confessional differences. They were smart enough not to destroy themselves then, but now in our modern age how many destroy themselves while clinging to no root?

FrancisK: I was just having a conversation about this kinda stuff with a 100% German guy who moved here to try and launch his product line in the USA. Both his grandfathers were part of the Nazi party and he revered them which every man should of their grandfathers but he also said if his grandfathers were alive today they would hate the Nazi party and regret all their actions. Not because the Nazis were bad but because it enabled the demise of his country and no goal was worth what the price was to his country.
Again with this blaming Hitler nonsense. They did not enable the demise of Germany. Germany was targeted for extermination long before the NSDAP ever came into being.

Every one who blames Hitler, including these brainwashed German eunuchs of today, have no idea of what would have happened had he not come to power. I've clearly written it in detail, so here it is in short summary for those who do not "have time". Not a single proponent of the "blame Hitler and call it a day" crowd can ever explain what was going on before Hitler and what would have continued had he never come along.

If Adolf Hitler had not come to power to rebuild Germany as the bulwark against communism and if National Socialism had not kinetically worn down the USSR and the growing bolshevik threats in Europe, then everything would have been destroyed. No argument any can come up can prove an alternative to this being true. That is the complete trajectory of that history, whatever mistakes were made, they were the last stand against the NWO, and they lost because of treachery, nothing else.

The conversation was really eye opening. Whether it was intentional or not he is the direct reason why the jews have so much leverage over the world today. He spoke a lot to that point and how what hitler has been turned into in some circles just doesn't make any sense. He was as hardcore conservative as they come and 100% German all the way down the line, he blamed hitler for the irreparable destruction of his country and heritage. He also said all the conservatives in Germany he is close with feel the same and hitler is only idolized by people who are lost and not looking for a solution they just desperately want something to make their identity....they accomplish nothing. It doesn't make sense to model yourself on the views and actions of someone that led to your demise, hard to argue with that.

@FrancisK Blaming Hitler is exactly the kind of jewish propaganda that biased and unlearned men propagate. Every single German postwar was literally brainwashed to hate Hitler from birth by their jewish American occupiers, and to hate anything that National Socialism achieved and stood for while parasites in the US and USSR built their modern superpowers from intellectual war booty. This entire alleged conversation just proves how lost these deracinated "conservatives" are, no different from liberal morons. How can Germans go from 99% loving Hitler willingly and openly, to being forced to hate him 100% or be in trouble? They are oppressed.

Those who blame Hitler for the present troubles are no different than a man who watches a woman get raped and refuses to intervene in case he might lose while blaming another for the potential consequences of attempting to stop the rape. It is a cowardly morality perpetuated by spineless cowards.

Here is some non-German context on Hitler and what his gambit against Rothschild amounted to. My great uncles fought for Franco in the 30s, one died, and the surviving one's original unit petitioned to go to the Eastern front in 1941 to fight with the Germans against the USSR, but ultimately were unable to because of their own government's politics. A few individuals from their country did end up in the Waffen SS. Millions of men all over the world flocked to fight Bolshevism from over 50 countries. You should try talking to right-wing Spaniards, Galicians, Romanians, Argentinians, Brazilians, and Croatians instead of brainwashed German cuckservatives. The men of the Waffen-SS (European and non-European alike) showed more courage than any military unit combined in the last 200 years and kept operating in guerilla units well into 1948. That crusader spirit was never fully destroyed.

I don't expect you to understand this as a non-European, but I'm trying to give you clarity on these matters. I've followed in Irving's footsteps and met with elder Germans who knew Hitler, he was most definitely not misguided, mislead, or "retarded". I don't raise the man up to a holy relic, but I will call a spade a spade. Hitler and the men of the NSDAP, along with Mussolini and Codreanu, organized the only real resistance to the birth pains of the NWO. Unfortunately, that battle was not won, but the war never stopped as the White-Genocide that started before Hitler in Russia continues to this day in every space of White nations.

The German conservatives do not like me because I expose their cognitive dissonance all the time. They will learn, or eventually they will all die because they did not do what was necessary to preserve their own people in an existential conflict.
Maybe Hitler should've bombed the London Banking district to really send a message..maybe all of the Rothschild Banks?

Were the Russians (Czar) ready for the Western Jewish Financed Cabal and the ensuing Rape, Starvation, and Murder of Millions? Was it better he didn't prepare and let by gones be bygones? What method would a Pro German Chancellor do to counter the Rich Jew/Revolutionary Jew tag team, thus Commisar/Technocrat Jew in 1930s Germany since they were Insidiously destroying all aspects of the Mostly Christian Orderly Culture? What other Diplomatic measures should another hypothetical Chancellor should've done to a Jewish infested US and British Government?

I mean do white men congregate and start an International mafia of assaisains and intelligence gathering to tackling this Age old Problem? I'm being a bit facetious here...just hypothetical since the opposition is quite entrenched and organized regardless of infighting.

I'm not trying to make a Saint out of Uncle Adolph, but if he didn't move, then another current Great Britain?..I mean those Good guys ain't much better off correct?
Hitler talked about this in his speeches. Every other Third Position leader echoed it postwar, from Mosley to Degrelle and even those in Spanish circles. The Third Reich was the only powerhouse that had the capability to defeat the USSR. No one else. Not Spain, not Italy, not Greece, not even Romania and Bulgaria. The only ones who stood on their own but would have eventually been overwhelmed were the Finns. The USA and England were literally resurrecting the USSR from 1941 with Lend-Lease until Germany was destroyed to wear them down through attrition while safely bombing the Germans from afar. The antipodes of plutocracy and bolshevism (capitalism and communism) working in tandem.

Hitler was a much better diplomat than any of the English or French or Polish heads of state. They simply were bought out and told not to concede with Germany under any circumstances. Hypothetically these discussions are interesting but they ultimately can't produce any other answers because of the constraints of that time. The real discussion should be rooting out the traitors who caused Germany to lose and identifying that similar behavior today among Whites.

Yes, Whites do need to organize along racial lines. Any White father with White children intrinsically understands this. Whites attacking Whites who are fighting for the future of their race is the most disturbing aspect of this fight. Other races stand together through thick and thin, only Whites discourage pride of their people. We will become an endangered species within decades unless those "righteous whites" get off their White guilt moral high ground and help the rest of our race save the futures of our children's children. Those who play the blame game and refuse to identify treachery cannot be trusted with this endeavor.

The traitor must always be held in contempt the most, which is what none of the halfwit arguments even acknowledge in attempting to save face by belittling Hitler. Every insult of Hitler should be prefaced by a larger insult to FDR and Churchill, but they never do this because they don't know the truth.

No matter what one's ideology, religion or politics, Whites must agree on one thing, our young White children should be able to thrive in a country their ancestors built without having to deal with jewish subversion who have put a target on their young backs, can we at least agree on that.

See which self-proclaimed White users of this forum respond negatively to this post as that only proves my point further that treachery is a stain on our race.
If Adolf Hitler had not come to power to rebuild Germany as the bulwark against communism and if National Socialism had not kinetically worn down the USSR and the growing bolshevik threats in Europe, then everything would have been destroyed. No argument any can come up can prove an alternative to this being true. That is the complete trajectory of that history, whatever mistakes were made, they were the last stand against the NWO, and they lost because of treachery, nothing else.

This is completely false, there was no need for a cult of Hitler, the Hitler Oath, and Hitler mania. The Nazi party could have existed just fine without Hitler. The Hitler worship is nonsense and he was a parasite on the party who took power and lead Germany to its doom. The Nazi party without Hitler would have done immeasurably better and made far more strategic military decisions that probably would have won them the war.

He was a megalomaniac who managed to seize absolute power, and it is to the lasting shame of Germans they were willing to make a King out of a fool. The regular Nazi party had some of the most intelligent men in the world, and Hitler wasn't in that list. He was just the commoner who knew how to appeal to the masses, and his ability to gain absolute power is totally baffling.
This is completely false, there was no need for a cult of Hitler, the Hitler Oath, and Hitler mania. The Nazi party could have existed just fine without Hitler. The Hitler worship is nonsense and he was a parasite on the party who took power and lead Germany to its doom. The Nazi party without Hitler would have done immeasurably better and made far more strategic military decisions that probably would have won them the war.

He was a megalomaniac who managed to seize absolute power, and it is to the lasting shame of Germans they were willing to make a King out of a fool. The regular Nazi party had some of the most intelligent men in the world, and Hitler wasn't in that list. He was just the commoner who knew how to appeal to the masses, and his ability to gain absolute power is totally baffling.
It is baffling to you because of your false premise that he was a fool. If you change that belief to the correct belief that he was a genious, everything will fall into place. Did he make mistakes during the war? Yes, a few important ones, like Dunkirk. But in the end of the day Germany lost the war in 1941-1942 because of inadequate allies and sometimes treacherous generals.

These generals mostly survived the war and were used by American agencies to remove any blame from the general staff and place it all to "madman Hitler". Military appraisals of German generals after the war are based on self-aggrandizing memoirs and co-operation between generals and Western agents. Prime examples are Guderian's "Panzer Leader", Manstein's "Lost victories", Basil Liddell-Hart's "The other side of the hill" and most importantly Halder's involvement with the US Army Historical Division, which brought forth thousands of reports written by former Wehrmacht officers (led by Halder) under U.S. Army supervision. These reports emphasized the brilliance of the German General Staff and the so-called failures of Hitler.

Was Guderian a great general? According to him, yes. In his book, he did everything right during Barbarossa. Why was he sacked then? Maybe because he let thousands of trapped Soviet soldiers to escape to the east, never forming a truly closed ring around the Soviet pockets. He wanted a glorious panzer advance to Moscow, led by him of course, alone if need be, while cursing the slow infantry for not keeping up and blaming Von Kluge and the logisticians for not predicting his foolishness. Maybe he was sacked because he squandered his panzer strength by constantly advancing, outrunning his logistical base and not adhering to the strategic plan.

What is the military appraisal of Guderian, after the war? He was a brilliant and daring panzer commander who was let down by poor logistics, timid infantry generals and madman Hitler. If he was allowed a free hand he and Hoth would surely conquer Moscow.

It's a reversal of the truth.
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I don't know much about it. I wasn't there (and I can barely figure out and explain events I actually witnessed). But it seems to me that Hitler went to war against the jews during WW2 and the jews won. So if you're rooting for the jews then it makes sense to bash Hitler. Otherwise, not so much. Nobody, and I mean nobody has ever so acurately and unabashadly called out the JQ. In additiion, unlike like all of us, Hitler actually went to his death in an attempt to stop (((them))).

I personally have come to like many aspects of Hitler from seeing and hearing him on film. I like his style. Sure, he obviously overstretched his reach due to ego and/or paranoia, but he was obviously high IQ, and to label him a "fool" or "dumb" or to blame him for Germany's current state of globohomo jewry is a "hindsight is 20/20," alternate take on history. We have no way of knowing if Germany is currently better or worse off because of Hitler's brief existence in time.
This is completely false, there was no need for a cult of Hitler, the Hitler Oath, and Hitler mania. The Nazi party could have existed just fine without Hitler. The Hitler worship is nonsense and he was a parasite on the party who took power and lead Germany to its doom. The Nazi party without Hitler would have done immeasurably better and made far more strategic military decisions that probably would have won them the war.

He was a megalomaniac who managed to seize absolute power, and it is to the lasting shame of Germans they were willing to make a King out of a fool. The regular Nazi party had some of the most intelligent men in the world, and Hitler wasn't in that list. He was just the commoner who knew how to appeal to the masses, and his ability to gain absolute power is totally baffling.

Come on Sam you can do better than this.