Greece becomes first Orthodox country to legalize Same-Sex Marriage

Communication from Mount Athos on "same-sex marriage"

I always get a kick out of lines such as what they close with.

A good ending ... once we die.

I have no problem with it, but hey, I guess it's just in my personality to point out how this language is, let's just say, curious.
Someday Cyprus will receive an offer they can't refuse - embrace of sodomy in exchange for American protection.
We've seen it already in Taiwan: back in 2018 they had a referendum in which they rejected sodomite marraiges, only to have their government legalize them the very next year.
Muh democracy.
The EU will probably say, accept homo "marriage" or we'll open the green zone and let the Turks have the rest of the island.
No, converting random people will not strengthen the Church, billions of secular people alive have already proven the fact there are no “undeniable” intellectual arguments for Christianity or anything else.

What are you talking about? Secular people are going extinct, they don't reproduce. You don't need IQ 150 to figure out how it ends for a sodomite society.

As for the 3rd world and their exponential increase, most of them will starve or die once there are no more intelligent secular people left in 200 years.

This entire timeframe isn't even a blink of an eye to God, I'm sure this is all very boring to Him. Either people snap out of their sin or they will disappear Roman style.

If losing the number of practicing Christians is a problem because we have to number max # of “souls” saved then you’re an idiot, I’m sorry. I would rather have 100,000 hardcore [true to the faith] Christian’s then millions of imbeciles.

The above sentence is incomprehensible, but I think you're trying to say that Churches try to be popular at the expense of their faith. That's not true for the Orthodox faith at all, although it applies to many other "Churches".

Also the classic “Christians used to be fed to lions, then it become the state religion” is not applicable to modern times. I don’t believe God will do some kind of intervention to save the Church while we lay on the couch. Again, Christians have take it up a notch.

The Russian examples proves the opposite of what you want to prove, the Commies and chews are out of power while the current President is a member of the Church. All the persecution in the world and yet it failed.
We talk here as if the Greek people wanted this. As if democracy was actually working. The government in Greece has been captured by ZOG and they pass any law they like even if no one on the street supports it. Such is the nature of western (pluto)democracy. The people have no say in legislative process. To say that Greece as a whole has accepted homo unions is an overstatement.
See, with a king, the people could in theory kill him if he upset them too much.

In a “democracy,” there is no one leader and they tell you this is what you voted for, and there's a multi billion dollar media reinforcing that idea.

This is why democracy is better for the elites than a monarchy. The end.
Of course it is, democracy is a mask for plutocracy. It's a hideous scam and an enemy of the people.
The Greeks need another Metaxas now. If people are weak enough to fall in line with the jew world order types in their government they can easily be corralled by a strong militarist rule. The arguments and debates "for" democracy are over. It is an invalid, expiring in a convalescent home where it's brain has died and the body is waiting to catch up. The argument now is for what is the best mode of authoritarian rule for each respective nation to keep the wolves and the plutocrats away from plundering their people? Who will it be?

The former authoritarian figures could rule without making a huge issue with the jews, but now these international elements consisting highly of jews and cryptos have overstepped their boundaries in every country and no successful revival of the people is guaranteed unless each one of these future strong authoritarian leaders goes full reverse-Weimar on the existing governments, at the expense of much kvetching and financial boycotting and starvation. They truly seek to destroy the cradle of Europa by corrupting the Greeks to no end. As if 400+ years of Turkish onslaught wasn't bad enough. Every Greek remaining that has Hellenic warrior blood in his veins will not go out so easily, it is in their body, their DNA, waiting to awaken.


The Orthodox Nationalist: Greek Nationalism From Metaxas to Papadoupolos
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I must say that this pompous & ambitious man (metropolitan of Piraeus) during the COVID dictatorship had said in one of his many interviews that if the state decides to close the churches he will “...obey God rather than men (Acts 5,29). So, he just obeyed men rather than God & closed the churches...Long story short, he is another gatekeeper.
I must say that this pompous & ambitious man (metropolitan of Piraeus) during the COVID dictatorship had said in one of his many interviews that if the state decides to close the churches he will “...obey God rather than men (Acts 5,29). So, he just obeyed men rather than God & closed the churches...Long story short, he is another gatekeeper.

That seems like quite the leap in logic, do you know why the Churches were closed? Did he have a say in the matter or were the churches coerced?
There were posters in the subways, advertising Maria Abramovic when I was in Athens, three years ago. Muzzy refugees everywhere, Africans trying to sell bracelets in the tourist areas. Youngins who I assume were native Greeks spray painting graffiti and leaving litter in their public areas and roads. Communists marched the streets but I was told they do that every other weekend anyways. There were a few streets with heroin addicts nodding off but not overwhelming like in cities back stateside, and at least the police will go run them off every few days. One of the gift shops was run by Vietnamese, some of the goods sold in the Greek tourist shops sold made in China stuff, what the hell? There weren't too many foreign workers... but I did see the occasional darkie fruit picker and grease monkey here and there. An IT management guy told me he travels for work in Turkey since his company outsourced there for cheap labor.

Once you get out of Athens tho, it's Greece, everyone looks Greek, except for the occasional Gypsy or Euro tourist. You can get your food at small shops who procure from small farms, people fillup church on sundays, taverns most nights, they still have real Greek community. There was a fairly prominent anti-Vax protest in the main square in Syntagma. In the immigrant infested part of town, I ran into a small WN bookstand with translated version of WW2 era prints, but the guy somehow had no books on Metaxas?! and I forgot to ask about Golden Dawn. At the public beach gym in Piraeus, this dude had a huge Baphomet sigl tatted on his back and a Reichsadler on his chest. Odd choice since the Nazis caused the deaths of many Greeks. Seems like some people choose far right politics mostly to be a public nuisance. He was chased off by a Greek 'babushka'

According the American domestic intelligence agency, the ADL, they were the most jew-unfriendly European nation, so in all, I'm still optimistic for the Hellenes.

btw if you're white manlet, desiring to have a family of European kids, I'd recommend trying your luck out in Athens. In the southern part of the nation, the people have Asian heights and body sizes for some reason. Plus everyone speaks English.
btw if you're white manlet, desiring to have a family of European kids, I'd recommend trying your luck out in Athens. In the southern part of the nation, the people have Asian heights and body sizes for some reason. Plus everyone speaks English.
It's the same deal in Portugal and Spain, though in Spain they speak very little English. Some Mediterraneans just don't have the genes for height. It's strange though when you go a little north to Montenegro and Bosnia the people are giants.