Greece becomes first Orthodox country to legalize Same-Sex Marriage

I'm not endorsing it in any way but as long as gay marriage doesn't come with being allowed to 'have' children, that eventually just takes them all out of the gene pool doesn't it?

Well, no. That line of thought establishes "being gay" as genetic and not a mental illness, which gives it further credence.

I believe the same Greek law permits said "couples" to also adopt children, which means they can groom those children to grow up to be accepting and embracing the same mental illness that had developed in their adoptive "parents".
All of this is only meaningful (and of course big picture it isn't) if the time all of this chaos continues for decades longer ... my suspicion, though just a guess, is that it's 10 years, tops.
I hope you are right. There's only so much degeneracy a clean living guy can stomach. Whenever I walk around in the town nearest me, I look like that gif of Client Eastwood in GranTorino
We talk here as if the Greek people wanted this. As if democracy was actually working. The government in Greece has been captured by ZOG and they pass any law they like even if no one on the street supports it. Such is the nature of western (pluto)democracy. The people have no say in legislative process. To say that Greece as a whole has accepted homo unions is an overstatement.
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We talk here as if the Greek people wanted this. As if democracy was actually working. The government in Greece has been captured by ZOG and they pass any law they like even if no one on the street supports it. Such is the nature of western (pluto)democracy. The people have no say in legislative process. To say that Greece as a whole has accepted homo unions is an overstatement.

80% of the people are against it according to official polls (so the actual number might be even higher), but the government simply ignored that, as they do in democracies. They don't care, they will do what the US embasy, Sauros and/or WEF tells them to do.
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80% of the people are against it according to official polls (so the actual number might be even higher), but the government simply ignored that, as they do in democracies. They don't care, they will do what the US embasy, Sauros and/or WEF tells them to do.
Where do you see that?

Some interesting info on this Wiki page. They cite a 2006 survey that found only 15% of Greeks favor gay marriage. But then they cite a 2024 survey saying 62% are in favor. So either half the Greek population went from based to woke in 18 years, or there's some serious statistical manipulation going on.

My bad. My 80% figure was about the adoption of children by fags through a surrogate mother.
70% are against adoption in general.
50% are against gay "marriage".
According to recent polls anyway. Nobody knows the real numbers.
This all relates to Tucker's recent post on social manipulation.

The deep state has commandeered social media throughout the West, and also has control over the EU and individual European states, forcing them to accept these satanic behaviors.

Once you understand how much the powers-that-be are shoving this down people's throats, you see individual cases like this Greek law much differently.

This law doesn't depend on the will of the Greek voters at all. The majority vote of the Greek public is anti-democratic according to the ruling regime.
Next, they will want to take the children.
Or Ukraine. Have the Ukrainians legalized gay marriage yet? I get lost in the weeds on this stuff - so many changes.

As for coming after children, that is now a given. 30 years ago, when Clinton did "don't ask/don't tell" I told my Army Company Commander "some day your Company will be commanded by an artificially inseminated lesbian in tennis shoes because her feet are swollen." He thought I was a conspiracy loon. Turns out, I wasn't loony enough. As loony as I was, I never thought we would be at the point that parents who object to their kids being tranny-groomed would be threatened with prison. Tranny-grooming wasn't even on my radar back then - yet here we are.
This is sad news. Serious question: Why is Christianity unable to withstand the winds of secularism and the nonsense it blows in? Various Prot denominations, The Catholic Church, and even the Greek Orthodox Church are seemingly unable to stop this. Are the various Russian/Slavic Orthodox Churches next?
This is sad news. Serious question: Why is Christianity unable to withstand the winds of secularism and the nonsense it blows in? Various Prot denominations, The Catholic Church, and even the Greek Orthodox Church are seemingly unable to stop this. Are the various Russian/Slavic Orthodox Churches next?

Russian/ Georgian/Serbian and Antiochian Orthodox churches and countries that fall under that religious order aren't adopting this anytime soon.

I doubt Ukrainians for that matter (even under (((zelensky))) will do so either.

Russian/ Georgian/Serbian and Antiochian Orthodox churches and countries that fall under that religious order aren't adopting this anytime soon.

I doubt Ukrainians for that matter (even under (((zelensky))) will do so either.
I'm not trying to be dismissive, but I remember being told the same thing about the Greeks. Well, here we are....
It's frustrating. As a Prot, it's even worse when every Church you even think about joining is totally pro-whatever-thing you despise.
I'm not trying to be dismissive, but I remember being told the same thing about the Greeks. Well, here we are....
It's frustrating. As a Prot, it's even worse when every Church you even think about joining is totally pro-whatever-thing you despise.
Those countries aren't part of the EU and don't have political elements with viable pathways to success vs Greece being in the EU.
The Greeks seemed to be the most polarized European Nation when it came to the virus hoax, many were still fearful and hopped on the vax wagon immediately, and many more still wearing masks in public, outdoors, on transportation long after the rest of the liberal Europeans stopped following "mandates." Yet some were hardcore anti-vax and anti-hoax from the start. They had a chance with Golden Dawn and its successor to turn this around but the Athenians are very pozzed people. I know several families there and one just had a sudden death which sounded very similar to a side effect from one or a combination of the shots.

This kind of playout on the population, whether it's done for fake viruses or for homofaggotry to tear down the family of the nation even further, has the effect it does based on the people's spiritual state. There are too many compliant people who do not understand these ramifications that don't protest and riot when something like this makes headlines. They should be marching on their legislative centers with fury.. even so there are many Greek and Orthodox Greek intellectuals who know their history and know what is going on but they do not have the force to stop this madness by themselves.

The Greeks are also very close-knit, much like how the jews are among themselves, and some jews even see Greeks as rivals in certain sectors of law, medicine, and business. This is just another one-sided war waged against one people by another. Look into those 170 politicians histories and you will no doubt find the same talmudic bribery and corruption that there is in the rest of the west. The Greek people deserve better, and their traitorous system threw the only party that could have done it in jail and attempted to disperse them completely.

Maybe I'm being hopeful, but I don't think this will last long. With the Russian government's overturning of all LGBT destructive propaganda, the other Orthodox countries should be concerned about their Greek brothers and formulate a strategy to overturn this.