Greece becomes first Orthodox country to legalize Same-Sex Marriage

Those countries aren't part of the EU and don't have political elements with viable pathways to success vs Greece being in the EU.
Yes, this is the answer. It's the government and scared entities below it that crumble. That won't happen for some time in all those EE places, though it may eventually - who knows.
Yes, this is the answer. It's the government and scared entities below it that crumble. That won't happen for some time in all those EE places, though it may eventually - who knows.
Unfortunately Montenegro, which is outside the EU, has already legalized the same sex unions. This is despite it being a canonical territory of the Serbian Orthodox Church. I wouldn't be surprised if it, or Cyprus which has also legalized same-sex unions, go the way of Greece soon.
I was just reading an article on a Dutch news website about this whole ordeal. They apparently have a weekly article in which they have a list of the "positive" news from the past week, where some fags decided it was a good idea to put the legalization of same-sex marriage at the top of the list. Here is a translation of that specific part of the article:

"Because the negative news often dominaties (the news website), the positive news often gets overshadowed. That's why we make a list of cheerful news articles every week"
Greece opens up marriage for same-sex couples
"The Greek parliament voted in favour of a bill which will allow same-sex couples to marry. The country is one of the first Orthodox Christian countries to take this step."
176 MP's voted in favour of the bill. The same law also makes it possible for same-sex couples to adopt children. A civil union was made possible in Greece in 2015
Link to the article:
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I'm not trying to be dismissive, but I remember being told the same thing about the Greeks. Well, here we are....
It's frustrating. As a Prot, it's even worse when every Church you even think about joining is totally pro-whatever-thing you despise.

Did you know both Greece and Italy have some of the highest historical abortion rates in the world? The rot in the seats of Catholicism and Orthodoxy have been rotten for quite some time, but unlike the Catholic Church the Orthodox Church can insulate itself from the evil that flows down from the top.

I won't go into all the details, but basically top clergy like Pope Francis and Patriarch Bartholomew are taking money from chews and are selling out their Churches for power and money. This isn't the first time this sort of thing has happened, but again Orthodox have forcibly defrocked Patriarchs before, as Bishops know their rights, but such things are extremely rare in Catholicism (although it HAS occurred).
Greece - both islands and mainland is somewhere I've enjoyed visiting on and off over the years, have met quite a few people from there..
Greece's legalization of same-sex "marriage" does not surprise me. What does surprise me is that it took so long. Unlike much of Eastern Europe, Greece has long been part of Western organizations and a recipient of Western aid (with all the strings attached) and base for NGOs (we know what that means).
Those countries aren't part of the EU and don't have political elements with viable pathways to success vs Greece being in the EU.
From late 2009 Greece was non stop in the news in Germany about being thrown off the Euro and returned to their previous currency the 'drachma' :
When that was happened, Angela Merkel seemed to push very hard to make Greece stay on the Euro currency, not have a 'Grexit' which they feared may have triggered some kind of chain reaction in the EU. Greece has all along been not only in the EU, but on the Euro currency and in the Schengen zone. Many other countries in Europe are not all three of those and none of them, especially some of the neighbours in the former Yugoslavia.

Not sure what kind of deal-with-the-devil bailout happened back then to allow Greece to retain the Euro currency but it obviously had unfortunate strings attached. I'm very sorry to hear this.. Western Europe leads the gay thing but there is unfortunately now a dark coloured region in the eastern Mediterranean on the gay map :

Greek "society" is defeated and apathetic; thus, an ideal US colony.
There was high unemployment and some kind of attitude problem I heard, thinking that because of their link to the ancient Greeks, nothing could touch them.
Maybe I'm being hopeful, but I don't think this will last long. With the Russian government's overturning of all LGBT destructive propaganda, the other Orthodox countries should be concerned about their Greek brothers and formulate a strategy to overturn this.
Watch this space, it will be a happy day when the trend starts to reverse.
Greece - both islands and mainland is somewhere I've enjoyed visiting on and off over the years, have met quite a few people from there..

From late 2009 Greece was non stop in the news in Germany about being thrown off the Euro and returned to their previous currency the 'drachma' :
When that was happened, Angela Merkel seemed to push very hard to make Greece stay on the Euro currency, not have a 'Grexit' which they feared may have triggered some kind of chain reaction in the EU. Greece has all along been not only in the EU, but on the Euro currency and in the Schengen zone. Many other countries in Europe are not all three of those and none of them, especially some of the neighbours in the former Yugoslavia.

Not sure what kind of deal-with-the-devil bailout happened back then to allow Greece to retain the Euro currency but it obviously had unfortunate strings attached. I'm very sorry to hear this.. Western Europe leads the gay thing but there is unfortunately now a dark coloured region in the eastern Mediterranean on the gay map :
View attachment 5278

There was high unemployment and some kind of attitude problem I heard, thinking that because of their link to the ancient Greeks, nothing could touch them.

Watch this space, it will be a happy day when the trend starts to reverse.
I think you proved my point. EE countries (minus UKR) arent under debt default obligatory status and dont have political pressure like Greece did since the 2000's default.
To be honest there’s some doctrinal problems with how modern Christianity works.

I think a lot of Christians, focus too much on proselytization, “keeping the flock” or the God interventionism cope of “I don’t have to do anything, God will take care of it”.

No, converting random people will not strengthen the Church, billions of secular people alive have already proven the fact there are no “undeniable” intellectual arguments for Christianity or anything else.

If losing the number of practicing Christians is a problem because we have to number max # of “souls” saved then you’re an idiot, I’m sorry. I would rather have 100,000 hardcore [true to the faith] Christian’s then millions of imbeciles.

Also the classic “Christians used to be fed to lions, then it become the state religion” is not applicable to modern times. I don’t believe God will do some kind of intervention to save the Church while we lay on the couch. Again, Christians have take it up a notch.

I want to hear contrarian opinions but most of these so called Christians world over are not living up the standard and can’t even be called Christians. Am I suppose to feel shame condemning these Christians in name only because we have show solidarity against the other “teams”?
Greece - both islands and mainland is somewhere I've enjoyed visiting on and off over the years, have met quite a few people from there..

From late 2009 Greece was non stop in the news in Germany about being thrown off the Euro and returned to their previous currency the 'drachma' :
When that was happened, Angela Merkel seemed to push very hard to make Greece stay on the Euro currency, not have a 'Grexit' which they feared may have triggered some kind of chain reaction in the EU. Greece has all along been not only in the EU, but on the Euro currency and in the Schengen zone. Many other countries in Europe are not all three of those and none of them, especially some of the neighbours in the former Yugoslavia.

Not sure what kind of deal-with-the-devil bailout happened back then to allow Greece to retain the Euro currency but it obviously had unfortunate strings attached. I'm very sorry to hear this.. Western Europe leads the gay thing but there is unfortunately now a dark coloured region in the eastern Mediterranean on the gay map :
View attachment 5278

There was high unemployment and some kind of attitude problem I heard, thinking that because of their link to the ancient Greeks, nothing could touch them.

Watch this space, it will be a happy day when the trend starts to reverse.

Do you have the legend for this (or the link to the map), so we know what the colors mean?
Right, but what do the green, purple, and the other 2 lighter blue colors mean? Assuming, say, the purple means homos forbidden, why are all the Muslim countries gray? The logic ain't logic-ing. That was my point.
Maybe I'm being hopeful, but I don't think this will last long. With the Russian government's overturning of all LGBT destructive propaganda, the other Orthodox countries should be concerned about their Greek brothers and formulate a strategy to overturn this.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but Eastern Europeans aren't exactly big on solidarity. Also, Southeast Europeans aren't intelligent, I'm unhappy to say. They cannot see what's happening in Greece, and a big chunk of Romanians and Bulgarians are still eager to be patted on the head by the West. They also think this EU economy thing is going to go great for them, just like the Greeks thought in the beginning. They don't understand the cyclical nature and the legal implications of FDI flowing in. Romanians get a lot of credit for supporting Serbia back when, but that was 30 years ago and they had less Western control over their media and what happened there was obviously outrageous.

Regarding Greece, Greece is a beach country with beach people. You can forget beach countries as soon as restrictions on female behavior fall away. They'll throw away their civilization in the blink of an eye if that means they can dance like retards with girls in G-strings. It is what it is. I'd see a future for Romania, maybe, if the main articulation of their nationalism wasn't just hating Russia for not giving them perfect nationhood in their entire territory after the Russo-Turkish war and taking Moldavia. IQ maps are real, unfortunately. I hope that the fact that there are a lot of monastics there praying for the nation will help, but the trajectory doesn't look so great.
In Constanta, they already have to import Sri Lankans to be able to run hotels and restaurants, and they still don't get the hint about how the EU works. Strong Never Gonna Make It vibes right there.
Do you have the legend for this (or the link to the map), so we know what the colors mean?
Right, but what do the green, purple, and the other 2 lighter blue colors mean? Assuming, say, the purple means homos forbidden, why are all the Muslim countries gray? The logic ain't logic-ing. That was my point.
It's from Wikipedia, here is the legend :
The two lighter blues, two greens, purple are some measure of gay.
The dark blue / indigo means the full gay.
Wouldn't shades of brown be more appropriate?
Grey means normal, ie no state promoted or condoned, homosexuality.
Cyprus has not fallen to this evil like Greece (yet) but is unfortunately also not as based as some other places coloured grey on the map.

I've never been there but almost did a few times, curious about the place.

It is in the EU but from what I heard has closer ties with Russia than the other parts of the EU.

It also had something nasty happen to it around the time of the financial crises, but maybe it will have the good sense not to sell out on this one if it is pressured.
Cyprus has not fallen to this evil like Greece (yet) but is unfortunately also not as based as some other places coloured grey on the map.

I've never been there but almost did a few times, curious about the place.

It is in the EU but from what I heard has closer ties with Russia than the other parts of the EU.

It also had something nasty happen to it around the time of the financial crises, but maybe it will have the good sense not to sell out on this one if it is pressured.
Someday Cyprus will receive an offer they can't refuse - embrace of sodomy in exchange for American protection.
We've seen it already in Taiwan: back in 2018 they had a referendum in which they rejected sodomite marraiges, only to have their government legalize them the very next year.
Muh democracy.