Greece becomes first Orthodox country to legalize Same-Sex Marriage

Greece's legalization of same-sex "marriage" does not surprise me. What does surprise me is that it took so long. Unlike much of Eastern Europe, Greece has long been part of Western organizations and a recipient of Western aid (with all the strings attached) and base for NGOs (we know what that means).
Something that really complicates this issue for the Church is that in Greece all priests (except for monastics) are government employees (which is why COVID lockdowns were so effective there). If you're a government employee, but don't follow the government's laws (ie, regarding who can be married), how does that work? I'm sure it's just a matter of time before the Church in Greece is severely pressured by the government to perform same-sex marriage ceremonies.
Remember, the governing party that passed this law is "right-wing". About 35 out of 170 MPs of the party voted no. Some of those that voted yes claimed they did it under pressure or "for geopolitical purposes".
The bill passed with the votes of the leftists. The head of the leftist party is a US-planted open fag.

As for the reaction of the local Synod, it was good. It openly opposed the bill and the poor children of these "couples" will not be baptised.
As far as I am concerned, from now on I owe no taxes to this state.
So it appears they have been working tirelessly to push through anal sex on an orthodox country, finally making it happen.

What have the so called right wing, conservative, traditionalist politicians been working on?

Oh right, nothing.
There was a nationalist party with clearly fascist/nazi symbology in Greece called Golden Dawn with a peak popularity of 7% and rising, so the government simply arrested their entire leadership and threw them in prison after trials lasting up to 5 years. Now they poll around 2%, if that can be trusted. They'll probably do something similar with the AfD in Germany.

Suppression works, at least in the medium-term unfortunately.

Gay “marriage” is an issue worth fighting over. There is such a slippery slope after that point. Greece, behing behind us on the slope must see the drag queen story hours and strip dancing children, as that is the inevitable conclusion of this legislation, and think to themselves “yes I'd like having that here.” If that's the case, well, might as well burn the whole thing down and start over. You're better off with a literal Soviet government.
Something that really complicates this issue for the Church is that in Greece all priests (except for monastics) are government employees (which is why COVID lockdowns were so effective there). If you're a government employee, but don't follow the government's laws (ie, regarding who can be married), how does that work? I'm sure it's just a matter of time before the Church in Greece is severely pressured by the government to perform same-sex marriage ceremonies.
That's one of the weaknesses of having a state church. Something like that happened in Norway where they have a Lutheran state church. A priest from that church refused to perform same sex weddings and ended up having to break away and start his own church since he was a government employee that had to obey the state. I heard about hearing something similar happening with a Anglican priest in the UK but I don't know what was the end result of that.
It is a day of disgrace for my country. The usual suspects (media, NGOs, "activists", political establishment etc.) all sing the same tune ("rights, freedom blah blah), but the established Church seems to have let me down even more with it's lukewarm response. But what should anyone expect since the COVID related closing of the churches?
God have mercy on us all.
It's sad to see this, as Greece has always been a great place to vacation. I made several trips over the years before the pandemic and have enjoyed many of the islands, the great swimming spots, and the historical sites as well. My only regret is not having the appreciation of Orthodoxy (I was still non-denominational protestant during that time) and the ability to really take in the Orthodox sites that I did get to visit.

Greece always had a special aura to it. I remember being in Athens on Sundays and it seemed like the city shut down, with church bells ringing and the occasional whiff of incense. There was truly something incredible about it. Those memories stick out to me now very vividly.

Perhaps this is the sign of the light leaving the West and going to the East?
I'm not endorsing it in any way but as long as gay marriage doesn't come with being allowed to 'have' children, that eventually just takes them all out of the gene pool doesn't it?