Gonzalo Lira (Coach Red Pill)

We need some kind of official confirmation of his death either from a mainstream news source or a death certificate.
It’s an unfortunate story, I’m somewhat baffled Lira figured it was ok to go to a war zone to report the atrocities/corruption of the host country and figured he’d be fine

IIRC, he was already living there when the conflict started. I did follow him closely, but I had an idea his wife was Ukrainian.
Yes he has a Ukrainian wife and children who are safe in Belarus. No, he didn't look for conflict as he already lived there.

I don't know of anyone living with the cojones like Gonzo did.

Edit; be careful of the "friends" you might have.
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Yes he has a Ukrainian wife and children who are safe in Belarus. No, he didn't look for conflict as he already lived there.

I don't know of anyone living with the cojones like Gonzo did.
Yes... As stated the criticism is that it was selfish not to escape with his family before hand...and conduct war tourism.

I don't know if we really can comment on why he stayed or not... But ultimately it doesn't matter.
Looks like he is really dead.
No word about releasing the body, though, are they going to bury him in Ukraine..
Doubt pneumonia version but no independent examinaion in the US.
I have no explanation on why he wanted to stay in Ukraine where dissenters are killed daily, it's a real hellhole. Did he really believe that being an American could protect him?
And why did he broadcast escape attempt?
You pay something like 10 or 20 gran and people take you over the border (might be much more expensive by now, though)
Going to the Russian side would have been safer.
Lots of unaswered questions.
I also think he had some kind of a death wish. In one of his pre-ukr videos he stated he's not gonna live past few years.
May be he was fed up with the way the world is. Better to die with arms in your hands, then, though, in the battlefield, than let let the pigs torture and destroy you slowly. I guess he realized Russia was far from his ideals as well, though. Russia is fine for a Native, being motherland and all, but for a foreigner...it's a head scratcher when I see people blindly idolizing stuff online. Still, he had Chile, his motherland, why not go there? May be he struggled with his death wish and was convincing himself being an American would protect him but knew deep down it wouln't. In Ukraine, one gets daily reminders of the closeness of death, it can get to one's head. If he really is dead, his death had accomplished an important thing, shown to some who are still asleep how that zio regime treats Americans, the hand that feeds them.
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May be he was fed up with the way the world is. Better to die with arms in your hands, then, though, in the battlefield, than let let the pigs torture and destroy you slowly. I guess he realized Russia was far from his ideals as well, though. Russia is fine for a Native, being motherland and all, but for a foreigner...it's a head scratcher when I see people blindly idolizing stuff online. Still, he had Chile, his motherland, why not go there? May be he struggled with his death wish and was convincing himself being an American would protect him but knew deep down it wouln't. In Ukraine, one gets daily reminders of the closeness of death, it can get to one's head. If he really is dead, his death had accomplished an important thing, shown to some who are still asleep how that zio regime treats Americans, the hand that feeds them.
I think an element of him liked being in the middle of it mall and the attention and ability to share with others.

Totally understand and I'm not condemning that...but its sad given he had a wife and was a father and now they are widowed/with out because of him staying.
I think an element of him liked being in the middle of it mall and the attention and ability to share with others.

Totally understand and I'm not condemning that...but its sad given he had a wife and was a father and now they are widowed/with out because of him staying.

He had a "friend" trying to get him over the border but eventually put him in Ukies hands. Then he paid someone 20k to also get him over the border who stood him up.

He did try but the scum around him failed him and then tortured him to death.

Only thing I can correct him on is not using his more than capable BMW motorcycle to jump the border.
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I think it was a KTM, so even better! He should have learned the language and tried to mingle more with the locals, tap into a network of smugglers, or perhaps taken refuge in the Chilean embassy in Kiev a la Assange for a year or two (/monday morning QB) - RIP.
I think it was a KTM, so even better! He should have learned the language and tried to mingle more with the locals, tap into a network of smugglers, or perhaps taken refuge in the Chilean embassy in Kiev a la Assange for a year or two (/monday morning QB) - RIP.

Agreed, he once let out that he couldn't even read Cyrillic due to sheer laziness, given the time he spent in Ukraine as well as his high IQ. Learning basic Russian would have taken him maybe a year, at least up to a level where he would have been able to seek out local contacts. Not a fool-proof plan of course as he still could have been ripped off, but knowing Russian in that area would have gone a long way toward improving his situation.
"Pneumonia" is a common cause of death of murdered people over there. Had his family demanded the body to be released for independent examination overseas? If they don't have the money I am sure a Gofundme would gather enough for that