Gonzalo Lira (Coach Red Pill)

100% agree.

I didn't trust Lira. It's so weird. That he was there, very popular on YouTube, acting as a person in hiding, but not in hiding, pro russian, if the Ukrainians wanted him, he could have picked him up easily; ip-address check, YouTube is one of the most censored platforms in the world. I think he is just part of the theater.
I've seen a video of one of the popular American ex military talking heads who is pro Russia (I think it was Scott Ritter) and he said that Lira was a honeypot for SBU/GRU. That Ukraine likely used him to track pro Russian Ukrainians online, because no way someone would be so freely operating being pro Russian in Ukraine. Everything I know about Ukraine, and I know a lot, makes this opinion believable. In Ukraine dissidents disappear and are tortured to death by SBU, for much less pro Russian position. Then, Lira announced his escape attempt online in advance before he was caught - why? Don't see any logical reason for that.
Lira is not a citizen of Ukraine and Ukraine could have easily deported him early on.
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Not sure about the honeypot theory, Lira doesn't even speak Ukrainian or Russian, so his reach and usefulness will be limited within Ukraine. They can just as easily track the online activities of Ukrainians watching any pro-Russian content.

Lira was definitely reckless, it is that and the fact that he's not very adaptable to his environment and doesn't know enough how to navigate the local culture (as shown by the fact that he doesn't even speak the language despite having lived there for a long time and having lots of free time to learn) that brought his demise. Had he been more adaptable and crafty, he might have been able to cross the border with the help of locals.

This being said, I think the war will be over next year and that his chances of getting out alive by then are fairly decent.
Not sure about the honeypot theory, Lira doesn't even speak Ukrainian or Russian, so his reach and usefulness will be limited within Ukraine. They can just as easily track the online activities of Ukrainians watching any pro-Russian content.

Lira was definitely reckless, it is that and the fact that he's not very adaptable to his environment and doesn't know enough how to navigate the local culture (as shown by the fact that he doesn't even speak the language despite having lived there for a long time and having lots of free time to learn) that brought his demise. Had he been more adaptable and crafty, he might have been able to cross the border with the help of locals.

This being said, I think the war will be over next year and that his chances of getting out alive by then are fairly decent.
I'm pretty sure his sneering and snarky attitude did little to endear him to any Ukrainians, so he probably didn't have a network of friends to help him get out.
Imagine you are in a lawless country at war and the government is persecuting you, you just had been arrested and tortured. You had been temporarily released and not supposed to leave the country. You know people get killed over the stuff you say. You have only one shot at escape. (people can leave Ukraine if they pay enough, by the way)
You broadcast to the world, on popular youtube channel, that you are running and even say which border you would hit. Doesn't add up.
Anther thing, Lira is supposed to have a wife in Ukraine? From what I know about Ukraine she could be disappeared any time, and first thing any dissident who can cross the border, not subject to draft, would do back in 2022 was to leave the country and make sure family leaves. The only ones left are those not allowed to leave.

Made me think of Hua Di. Chinese dissident, Tian An Men participant was persecuted, imprisoned in China, finally let go and got asylum in the US in the 1990s. Worked as Stanford researcher. Later, went to China to visit family, visit supposedly OKed by China. In China, got arrested, tortured, sentenced to 15 years in prison as American spy, denied medical treatment for cancer. US, Stanford university fought for his release. Then, all goes silent for good. Turned out the guy was a Chinese spy, his colleague at Stanford got arrested for espionage, he'd used Di to transfer military secrets to China. Sometimes folks have elaborate and long running stories.

With Lira, who knows. Yes, as an English-speaking blogger he might be of little use for SBU internally. Could Westerners who wanted to fight against Ukraine, such as by joining Wagner group, be targeted by US government? May be. May be Lira was just extremely lucky at first and then extremely sloppy (more like suicidal)
By the way, Gonzalo Lira published a spy novel Acrobat 20 years ago, I believe it's the same Lira.
In the plot, Acrobat was a group of CIA agents that went rogue and were now pursued by CIA, on the run, and one of them betrayed the rest.
With ideas like that could one be so sloppy to publcly announce Hungarian border crossing attempt on the run? May be Lira got carried away by obsession with fame and publicity, but this would be far fetched

They are the CIA work-group known as Acrobat, and they are on the run.

- Duncan Idaho, the Langley roadrunner who skirts the line between brilliantly daring and foolishly reckless.

- Monika Summers, a ray of all-American sunshine, the utility player who can do it all, and does it exceptionally well.

- Tobey Jansen, the nerdy financial genius trapped in the body of a punk-rocking anarchist.

- Ljubica Greene, elegant and beautiful, the shopper who can score high caliber firearms or bogus walking papers as easily as shopping at Neiman Marcus.

- Russell Orr, the six-foot-four strategic planner who knows how to keep his options open.

What did Acrobat see in their time at Langley? What secrets did they uncover? How long will they last on the run? And most important of all, when will they realize that one of their own has betrayed them?

From a blazing firefight in the bowels of Times Square, to a whisper campaign in the quiet hallways of Langley; from the political minefield of a White House briefing room, to a nightmarish chase down a lonely country road--Acrobat redefines the espionage thriller.
Imagine you are in a lawless country at war and the government is persecuting you, you just had been arrested and tortured. You had been temporarily released and not supposed to leave the country. You know people get killed over the stuff you say. You have only one shot at escape. (people can leave Ukraine if they pay enough, by the way)
You broadcast to the world, on popular youtube channel, that you are running and even say which border you would hit. Doesn't add up.
Anther thing, Lira is supposed to have a wife in Ukraine? From what I know about Ukraine she could be disappeared any time, and first thing any dissident who can cross the border, not subject to draft, would do back in 2022 was to leave the country and make sure family leaves. The only ones left are those not allowed to leave.

Made me think of Hua Di. Chinese dissident, Tian An Men participant was persecuted, imprisoned in China, finally let go and got asylum in the US in the 1990s. Worked as Stanford researcher. Later, went to China to visit family, visit supposedly OKed by China. In China, got arrested, tortured, sentenced to 15 years in prison as American spy, denied medical treatment for cancer. US, Stanford university fought for his release. Then, all goes silent for good. Turned out the guy was a Chinese spy, his colleague at Stanford got arrested for espionage, he'd used Di to transfer military secrets to China. Sometimes folks have elaborate and long running stories.

With Lira, who knows. Yes, as an English-speaking blogger he might be of little use for SBU internally. Could Westerners who wanted to fight against Ukraine, such as by joining Wagner group, be targeted by US government? May be. May be Lira was just extremely lucky at first and then extremely sloppy (more like suicidal)

I always got the impression he was emboldened by the fact he had US citizenship and a relatively large profile. I think he liked the drama and the attention he was receiving.

Maybe the US authorised the Ukrainians to do what they thought is necessary. There's no evidence, that I'm aware of, that he has been killed or tortured. Perhaps he's in jail with no internet access. He could have been killed by rogue agents, locals who've simply had enough of him. He could have died as a result of an indiscriminate attack, such as a missile strike. It's all conjecture.

I agree with @Cooper, of what use would he have really been as a Ukrainian agent? That's not to rule it out completely, but I don't think him having published a novel involving CIA agents is very compelling evidence. It strikes me as the work of a man who possibly sought success as a writer, which is not greatly different to desiring success as a blogger or life coach. Furthermore, would someone working for the intelligence agencies write a novel about them? Is it not more likely that he had a hankering for that sort of life and being a dissident blogger in the Ukraine seemed exciting and interesting to him, i.e. it appealed to his sense of adventure and danger? 'Look at me. I'm living in a war zone and defying the SBU!'

If he was undercover then, presumably as he has disappeared, he has accomplished his mission. So what was it?
The reason Lira is rotting in jail is because he put out a very scathing and penetrating portrait of Victoria Nuland, which she saw. Chances are the top Ukie SBU people, who answer to her, got the memo.

That is the reason I have a lot of respect for him, the guy is reckless, but gutsy, and often spot on.
The reason Lira is rotting in jail is because he put out a very scathing and penetrating portrait of Victoria Nuland, which she saw. Chances are the top Ukie SBU people, who answer to her, got the memo.

That is the reason I have a lot of respect for him, the guy is reckless, but gutsy, and often spot on.

I also respect Gonzalo a lot because he is one of the few that actually has principles. And as dumb or arrogant as he is, he risked his life for them.

In the beginning when he talks about Tiffany Dover and her disappearance, it's a very chilling foreshadowing of Gonzalo's own disappearance. Hopefully he will not become one of the forgotten names forever swept under the rug. May God have mercy on him.
I saw this guy for the first time when the war started. I wish he was still around he always seemed on the ball with it all. To see him fall off the earth is ominous.
Thank you all for keeping him alive on here and I pray he is alive and well.

I would like to ask this to yall here, could he have gotten his info not living in Ukraine? I think so.
Could he be safe somewhere, may be in Chile and keeping low profile? CIA-Ukrainian GRU had been killing and wounding pro Russian media personalities in terrorist attacks, may be he is afraid for his life. If he did escape they could try to get him in revenge. He is not that stupid to give out his actual border crossing publicly, I wonder if he crossed elsewhere, not into Hungary, and at different time, earlier.
Wow, this Musk tweet alone might save Lira.
Very well might.

Gonzo on one video awhile back suggested he was too big of a name for anything serious to happen to him. I thought that sounded cocky. However, Ukraine overplayed its hand. If true they imprisoned and tortured him, all it took was loud voices like Tucker and Elon to raise the issue to turn the spotlight on him.

GOP is full of corrupt pussies so no one broached the subject.
GL said he traveled 1300km by bike in 2 days. Maybe he's a superhuman, but I don't think that is possible. Why did he stay in the country, even after he was arrested and released, and after his wife and child(ren) had left? Something seems fishy about the whole thing.
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GL said he traveled 1300km by bike in 2 days. Maybe he's a superhuman, but I don't think that is possible. Why did he stay in the country, even after he was arrested and released, and after his wife and child(ren) had left? Something seems fishy about the whole thing.
I drove cross country this summer. Some days I banged out 500 miles and that wasn't really difficult. Included sight seeing and stops. The stretch from Sioux Falls to Rapid City is about 560KM. Lots of bikers were doing that stretch daily as there was the huge biker rally in Rapid City and there's nothing between.

1,300KM in two days when you think your life is on the line is entirely feasible. Just the Cheyenne to SLC leg I did was 700KM+ and we got there by 6pm.

Maybe you're thinking bicycle? He's spoken frequently about his motorcycle.