Gonzalo Lira (Coach Red Pill)

So are they going to release his body to Americans? There should be proof. No trust in anyone involved around this conflict, US government seems to have confirmed he is dead but they are liars.
Naturally, if he is dead his body should be released to family for burial in America or Chile. If not I am not believing anything.
So are they going to release his body to Americans? There should be proof. No trust in anyone involved around this conflict, US government seems to have confirmed he is dead but they are liars.
Naturally, if he is dead his body should be released to family for burial in America or Chile. If not I am not believing anything.
I doubt they're going to release it.

What is it that you're wondering... That he's controlled opposition?
This is tragic. He predicted his death in his last video. They murdered him by not giving him proper medical care and the Biden administration was complicit. This shows us that we are being ruled by monsters.
My guess is what they did to him was far worse than what that letter suggests, pneumonia, swelling issues.

If you’ve ever looked into the effects of torture, pneumonia is actually a common result.
Respect to Cernovich for bringing this to his platform:

Between Tucker and Cernovich, this sad story will get broad exposure.

Dark side of all this is that the dissident section has received warning: violate the narrative at your own risk. US citizen - we'll let you dangle in the wind. Foreign citizen - we might actively pursue you. Cernovich has been predicting some heavy retribution in the near future for all dissidents. Gonzalo paid the price. RIP

Chernovich is way out there, though. He is still having illusions one would enjoy special privileges as an American? It didn't work in North Korea. Imagine one goes to Yemen and expect US government bailing them out...what's going on is no child's play and hundreds of thousands has died by now over this. Pro Russian people had been dying in SBU cellars for years, it's a routine thing I hear about daily and non news. Anyone who goes to that hellhole can not expect a bailout or leniency.
Chernovich is way out there, though. He is still having illusions one would enjoy special privileges as an American? It didn't work in North Korea. Imagine one goes to Yemen and expect US government bailing them out...what's going on is no child's play and hundreds of thousands has died by now over this. Pro Russian people die in SBU cellars for years, ut's a routine thing and non news. Anyine who goes to that hellhole can not expect a bailout or leniency.

Fair... But... He's not wrong that we have significant sway...That's why he wasn't killed the first time he got arrested.

I don't think it's out of the normal expectation that we would be able to get him released.

I mean we get Iranians to release Americans all the time... Why can't we deal with the Ukrainian government with the same expectation?
Fair... But... He's not wrong that we have significant sway...That's why he wasn't killed the first time he got arrested.

I don't think it's out of the normal expectation that we would be able to get him released.

I mean we get Iranians to release Americans all the time... Why can't we deal with the Ukrainian government with the same expectation?

Because mr. Lira had pro-Russian sentiments which has become the all encumbering evil in the western world.

*His body will never be released if it hasn't already been cremated yet.
Just goes to show you the powers that be do not give a care about their citizens, especially if they “wrong think.” The US Embassy (which is aligned with Ukraine) could’ve helped Gonzalo out but they didn’t.

Russia, China, if you’re reading this all you need to do is offer a better deal to his followers. I wonder if rival powers are considering buying off those the current regime considers “problematic.” Coach Redpills death gave them ammo if they seriously want to look into this option.
Just goes to show you the powers that be do not give a care about their citizens, especially if they “wrong think.” The US Embassy (which is aligned with Ukraine) could’ve helped Gonzalo out but they didn’t.

Russia, China, if you’re reading this all you need to do is offer a better deal to his followers. I wonder if rival powers are considering buying off those the current regime considers “problematic.” Coach Redpills death gave them ammo if they seriously want to look into this option.

Unfortunately he is very obscure... and no one outside of us who followed him over the last year will really note its significance.

It is legitimately a terrible thing... but its pretty minor in the scale of events that people will give a hoot about.

I'm glad Tucker covered it as he did...but honestly that's shocking he did....
This is the stage of degeneracy we are in: If you speak the truth, you won't be treated as a human - wrongthink is a capital offense.

I would be surprised if we ever found out what happened to him.

However, to be realistic, he was also unhealthy, obese, and a chain smoker. He likely had heart failure.
Chernovich is way out there, though. He is still having illusions one would enjoy special privileges as an American? It didn't work in North Korea. Imagine one goes to Yemen and expect US government bailing them out...what's going on is no child's play and hundreds of thousands has died by now over this. Pro Russian people had been dying in SBU cellars for years, it's a routine thing I hear about daily and non news. Anyone who goes to that hellhole can not expect a bailout or leniency.
Unless you are black tranny playing basketball who actually committed a crime in Russia, and in such a case, the US government will happily release a convicted terrorist in order to secure your freedom. No, Gonzalo committed the most heinous crime you can possible imagine in this globohomo world: he was a straight, white, right-wing male. It's a good reminder: they hate you and want you dead. Never forget this simple fact.
It's a good reminder: they hate you and want you dead. Never forget this simple fact.
Remember kids, this is a WAYYYY better argument for secession than slavery. Round two might be on the way.

1861 - “we want slaves”

2040 - “we’re straight whites and you hate us and want us dead”

There’s moral dirt on the first time around but the second time will be totally justified.
Alex Jones paying his respect to Gonzalo and family also:

"Journalists and American citizen Gonzalo Lira @GonzaloLira1968 has died in the hands of the oppressive Ukrainian regime. The Biden run US government did nothing to help him while he was tortured over the past year. News of his death was met by leftist celebrations!"

This is a very good example of Alex jones engaging in subtle gatekeeping. One of his main roles, besides gatekeeping for ZOG, is to promote fake internal divisions, in this case, the left-right divide.

In fact a large faction of the left is naturally anti-war and would be against the war in Ukraine if they were presented with the real facts. Many are already turning around seeing the morbid futility of this whole entreprise.

Alex Jones is a professional agitator and divider, his carnival barker persona is there to keep his followers agitated and to generate polarizing anger, instead of presenting the facts in a calm and rational manner and reaching out to the silent majority, which would be on board if they weren't kept in that state of excited ignorance.

THIS below is the main reason Lira was killed, and nothing else. Nuland has seen this video, a penetrating long report that really exposed Nuland and her State Dept acolytes, highlighting tribal hatred as the main driver in ((US)) foreign policy against Russia. She has had a personal grudge against him, Lira having singled her out as the main driver of US policy in Ukraine since the Obama administration, she must have personally blocked attempts to deport Lira, who was nothing more than a small nuisance and propaganda liability for Kiev:

(same video on YT, double post in case it gets yanked out)

Never in a million year would a blowhard sellout like Alex jones, who is smart enough to know, present the truth about Gonzalo Lira's persecution to his audience, and the bigger, most salient aspect of US foreign policy both in EE and in the Middle East. He engages instead in subtle divide and conquer propaganda.

Notice how Jones' approach here is very similar to that of another very high-profile ZOG influencer, the woman behind the Libs of TikTok account. Watch how she also uses a divisive strategy (generational divide in this case) to cover for and deflect from the Jewish tunnel scandal:

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THIS below is the main reason Lira was killed, and nothing else. Nuland has seen this video, a penetrating long report that really exposed Nuland and her State Dept acolytes, highlighting tribal hatred as the main driver in ((US)) foreign policy against Russia. She has had a personal grudge against him, Lira having singled her out as the main driver of US policy in Ukraine since the Obama administration, she must have personally blocked attempts to deport Lira, who was nothing more than a small nuisance and propaganda liability for Kiev:

How do we know Lira saw the video?
How do we know Lira saw the video?

His father and others have been working relentlessly trying to get the State Dept and other officials to act on his behalf, and the feedback they got was that he was very much on Nuland's radar, hence the lack of support.

Washington’s reaction to the arrest

The US has remained largely silent on the Lira affair, with the journalist claiming he had been receiving care while in jail only from the Chilean mission, with the US Embassy calling him “three times, but gave me nothing but ‘support’ – empty bromides.” Lira also alleged he might end up extradited back to Ukraine should he ever be able to leave the country, specifically because US Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland “hates my guts, or so I’m told.”

Before his last disappearance over the summer, Lira predicted that he’d probably die if he was caught trying to cross the Hungarian-Ukrainian border, which his ultimately what happened. He’d previously claimed that Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland of “EuroMaidan” infamy personally hates him, and this probably accounts for why American officials didn’t try to secure the release of their detained citizen abroad despite doing so for others and having the means if they wanted.

The US Embassy in Kiev has confirmed the death of US citizen and YouTuber Gonzalo Lira, aka “Coach Red Pill” in Ukrainian custody to The Gateway Pundit. US Ambassador to Ukraine Bridget A. Brink owes her career in Ukraine to Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, who Lira blamed for his arrest in May 2023, saying Nuland “hates my guts.”

He also did state as much in at least one of his YT appearances before his capture.
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My guess is what they did to him was far worse than what that letter suggests, pneumonia, swelling issues.

If you’ve ever looked into the effects of torture, pneumonia is actually a common result.
Did he/they state what type of torture?