Get plastics out of your body and the body of anyone you care about

This is just word of mouth from a friend but he avoids sea salt since our oceans are so polluted with plastics. Sea salt sounds natural but it may be even more unhealthy as the plastic would get ground up into tiny parts and you never know it's there. Best bet is Himalayan salt from mountain passes. Not sure how legit this is but something to consider...
Interesting site I found:

This particular article says that silicone is also basically another form of plastic.
This is just word of mouth from a friend but he avoids sea salt since our oceans are so polluted with plastics. Sea salt sounds natural but it may be even more unhealthy as the plastic would get ground up into tiny parts and you never know it's there. Best bet is Himalayan salt from mountain passes. Not sure how legit this is but something to consider.
Sea salt also lacks iodine. Getting the iodized salt may ironically be better than “natural” sea salt.
This is just word of mouth from a friend but he avoids sea salt since our oceans are so polluted with plastics. Sea salt sounds natural but it may be even more unhealthy as the plastic would get ground up into tiny parts and you never know it's there. Best bet is Himalayan salt from mountain passes. Not sure how legit this is but something to consider...

This is this stuff Carnivore MD suggests and I trust he's done the extreme deep dive on it. I've heard the pink Himalayan is actually pretty tainted.
I think you can get the first bag free and just pay shipping.
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Ocean waters are at varying levels of toxicity with some places having more pristine waters than others. That Ava Jane sea salt site looked kinda hokey. The only way to know is if they test for purity but I don't know of any salt companies that due outside of heavy metal testing. They'd need to look for all the goodies currently impacting the waters like industrial pollutants, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, plastics, radioactive particles, etc. I use Himalayan mostly because I can get a lot for a good price. Is it better than sea salt, no idea since there's no studies showing either way. Just my best guess and something I stopped worrying about since I have no evidence to make a better decision.
A recent MSM on bisphenols and phthalates highlights the issue getting food with plastic packaging (or food that has any contact with plastic). They provide a list of what they tested and what is "high" in bisphenol/phthalates. But it shows how dire our situation is. If you really want to isolate yourself from this you would have to stick to your garden and farmers markets.

highlights from the article:

- they are a common plasticizer: chemical used to make plastic more flexible and durable
- used in packaging
- also gets in food from the plastic in the tubing, conveyor belts, gloves used during food processing, and via contaminated water and soil.
- found in almost every food tested, often at high levels (levels don't depend on packaging type)
- they are endocrine disruptors, interfere with the production and regulation of estrogen and other hormones.
- contribute to infertility, birth defects, cardiovascular disease, cancer
- problems typically develop slowly, sometimes over decades

The takeaway coffee cups worry me. Paper with a plastic coating on the inside. There used to be styrofoam but they got rid of that but it was probably also bad for you. During the pseudopandemic there was a switch to all these disposable cups to save us from 'the virus' but in a lot of coffee shops the disposable cups have become the new normal.

Stop buying overpriced coffee from cafes and brew your own instead?

I like to drink from a refillable metal flask. Good to take to the gym

You can buy them on Amazon or a grocery store
A recent MSM on bisphenols and phthalates highlights the issue getting food with plastic packaging (or food that has any contact with plastic). They provide a list of what they tested and what is "high" in bisphenol/phthalates. But it shows how dire our situation is. If you really want to isolate yourself from this you would have to stick to your garden and farmers markets.

highlights from the article:

- they are a common plasticizer: chemical used to make plastic more flexible and durable
- used in packaging
- also gets in food from the plastic in the tubing, conveyor belts, gloves used during food processing, and via contaminated water and soil.
- found in almost every food tested, often at high levels (levels don't depend on packaging type)
- they are endocrine disruptors, interfere with the production and regulation of estrogen and other hormones.
- contribute to infertility, birth defects, cardiovascular disease, cancer
- problems typically develop slowly, sometimes over decades

This is terrifying. Foods like Chicken of the Sea pink salmon being high in pthalates?! Or Trader Joe's pork. Just the plastic wrapping being enough to have a massive amount of pthalates...

It makes it seem like there's no escape. I had venison last night and even that comes in plastic wrap.
This is terrifying. Foods like Chicken of the Sea pink salmon being high in pthalates?! Or Trader Joe's pork. Just the plastic wrapping being enough to have a massive amount of pthalates...

It makes it seem like there's no escape. I had venison last night and even that comes in plastic wrap.
I guess there isn't. I went to a local farm to buy grass-fed meat and everything is sealed in plastic and put in freezers.
I drink at least 2 - 3 Litres of Water a day from a plastic bottle. Especially now during summer. I really had no idea.... apart from someone mentioning the dangers of Sous Vide cooking which has stopped me from cooking that way, never stopped to think about how I keep hydrated - which is thankfully filtered at my work.

Finding interesting threads like this is one of the reasons why I love how this forum has continued. I need to make some changes. Thank you for the great info.
I guess there isn't. I went to a local farm to buy grass-fed meat and everything is sealed in plastic and put in freezers.
It might be worth talking to the ranchers. I'm in a rural area myself and people out here are actually pretty receptive. At a local butcher if we ask not to put in nitrates and nitrates they are more than happy to leave them out. It's worth a shot, and they do have motivation if it means they will get more of your business.
What would be good ways to create your own toothpaste at home and what are good alternatives to plastic tooth brushes ?.

Does flossing have a real benefit and are there alternative materials to use rather than the plastic materials commonly used ?.

I found bamboo toothbrushes but i dont really trust them as it seems many still have hairs made with a large % of nylon. Wooden toothbrushes made with boar hairs are another but i dont know if those are good for the teeth because they may be too rough and hard.

I remember roosh at one point using just his fingers some water and baking soda to clean his teeth.

Are there any other tips for keeping a healthy and good set of teeth ?. I try to avoid citric acid, apple cidar vinegar, citrus fruits etc too.
This is just word of mouth from a friend but he avoids sea salt since our oceans are so polluted with plastics. Sea salt sounds natural but it may be even more unhealthy as the plastic would get ground up into tiny parts and you never know it's there. Best bet is Himalayan salt from mountain passes. Not sure how legit this is but something to consider...
Some brands of Himalayan pink salt are contaminated with heavy metals. There is no escaping globo-homo......
Some brands of Himalayan pink salt are contaminated with heavy metals. There is no escaping globo-homo......
You don't need to escape, you just have to fight it. Actively.

Picture your body as a large reservoir made up of water flowing through a system of pipes. Over time, the pipes have accumulated grime and debris from a polluted environment, much like how industrial pollutants and microplastics accumulate in our bodies. Chelation and detoxification are like using a high-efficiency water filter to purify this reservoir. The filter actively grabs and removes harmful substances from the water, clearing out contaminants to restore the water's quality. Similarly, chelation agents bind to and remove toxins from the body, and other detoxification methods help clear out the accumulation of harmful substances, ensuring that the body's 'reservoir' remains as clean and healthy as possible. We've all seen these dirty man-made pools of water, that when they start out, are alright, but over time, they decay and ferment and become toxic. Our bodies are no different than any other living organism, we must be purging our toxins, minerally and chemically if necessary.
You don't need to escape, you just have to fight it. Actively.

Picture your body as a large reservoir made up of water flowing through a system of pipes. Over time, the pipes have accumulated grime and debris from a polluted environment, much like how industrial pollutants and microplastics accumulate in our bodies. Chelation and detoxification are like using a high-efficiency water filter to purify this reservoir. The filter actively grabs and removes harmful substances from the water, clearing out contaminants to restore the water's quality. Similarly, chelation agents bind to and remove toxins from the body, and other detoxification methods help clear out the accumulation of harmful substances, ensuring that the body's 'reservoir' remains as clean and healthy as possible. We've all seen these dirty man-made pools of water, that when they start out, are alright, but over time, they decay and ferment and become toxic. Our bodies are no different than any other living organism, we must be purging our toxins, minerally and chemically if necessary.
What would you recommend that we take?
What would you recommend that we take?
-Shilajit, cold-pressed or in its tar-resin extract. Take it with a little bit of animal fat like butter or olive oil to help re-absorb high concentrations of fulvic and humic acid minerals into your body. It has the most complete mineral profile out there.
-Dragon's Blood, with the highest ORAC count in the world. Also found as a resinous solid or more rarely in a powder. This is a blood purifier.
-Concentrates of Chlorella, usually in liquid tincture extract. Your insides will turn green, but in a good way. Helps flush excess toxins lining the gut.
-Raw milk, raw kefir, raw yogurt. Buy local and adjust yourself to drinking only these. Fortify your gut which absorbs most of what you consume.
-Specific wellness mushrooms like Cordyceps for lung protection, Tremella and Meshima for EMF protection (fungi is resistant to EMFs unlike plants).

Chelation agents that bind to heavy metals and excrete them in the urinary system are N-Acetylcysteine (NAC), Sodium EDTA, Sodium STS, MSM, and high amounts of liposomal Vitamin C (on top of being an antioxidant) and liposomal reduced Glutathione (GSH). Activated charcoal doesn't hold a candle to these guys.

There's not much else any human body needs. Grounding in nature, wrapping copper coils around oneself to help remove dirty electricity is a peek into the next step.

Individual kosher vitamins are all garbage. Pills and boxes of tablets. Get rid of all of them. Go straight for the source in either the superfood or the mineral.

The primary means for venting every toxin out of our body, from microplastics to EMF damage to soy to every other cellular corrupting endocrinal disruptor, is piss, sweat, and excrement. Hence the chelation agents make you piss like a racehorse, and the gut bomb, chlorella (and enemas with body-temperature distilled water in regular periods) will empty the gut of toxins, then you restore the natural balance with minerals and probiotics in the raw dairy. Exercise more for sweat release. A fourth way, leeching blood out of people, which can be medieval, I wouldn't recommend it unless your blood is seriously and mortally contaminated. The rest of the toxins are on the electromagnetic spectrum and must be discharged out of the body through grounding and pulsing, like in the device video I posted in the vax thread.

An example would be a detox day once a month, where you zap yourself with the personal pulse stick to discharge any nano-accumulating in your body a few times (strong hits but not too strong). Then you consume a hot tea of the chelating agents, who now have free reign to bind to these heavy metals and foreign microscopic compounds that have been stunned by the little EMP. In 30 minutes you will start the peeing. It will come every 20 minutes for the next 2 hours at least. This is not the same as a diuretic, it is specifically different. Then you can also do the gut cleanse at the same time, and take a magnesium bath afterwards that will pull out many of the toxins in your outer layers of skin. When you empty your bowels, have your fortification protocol ready (minerals, probiotics, maybe some licorice root to help smooth everything on its way in). Now your system is basically reset to minimal toxin level, and the difference you will feel is incredibly. Brain fog disappears, acuity in visual and concentration amplifies, mood swings are gone, sluggish sloth-like movements are replaced with quicker, stronger reflexes.

We must always be detoxing, no matter what. The more advanced version of this is to use special copper-coils and magnets in specific geometric vortices to induce a pulling effect through the skin on the nano toxins, the hardest to remove. Same strategy applies for these, except instead of ingesting the solution, you zap yourself, then use the magnets, either the triangle or the spike, and then the bucket, and these worm-like fibers will come out of your skin. Everyone has them in them, just some more than others (vaxxies have ridiculous amounts).

Praise be to God the Almighty Father, our Master, Creator, and Maker of Earth for putting cures in nature and in the hearts of good men to combat every devilish jewish weapon He foresaw would be constructed against His people:

Isaiah 54:17 - "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD"
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