Once again, the Orthodox Church (like every other one) completely misses the core problem about women, their hypergamy, obsession with getting attention, and lack of wifely and motherly values. AND once again, men are put to blame for the bad behavior of women, while women are not held to any level of personal accountability. In this video, it is stated that all women are beautiful and like amazing little flowers, and that men should respect them, period. This is a serious problem and the the Church is totally off mark here. The root cause of the problem needs to be addressed and not just the symptoms.
Nothing he says is false, but his advice is entirely one-sided against men.
He says,
1. Court with the intention of marriage, not "dating."
2. Respect women.
3. All women are beautiful creations of God.
These are all true, but if every man in the world followed this advice it wouldn't make a lick of a difference regarding the current state of affairs with family and marriage today.
Fact is,
1. Women aren't interested in marriage.
2. Women don't respect men or care very much about men who respect them.
3. Women think they can do whatever they want and still be called beautiful.
I think his video is designed to make women feel good about themselves, but it really serves to inflame women's already massive egos and make it even more difficult in the marriage market.
He should present even-handed advice otherwise it serves no good.
Three obvious rules for women that serve as corollaries to the above:
1. Date with the intent of marriage.
2. Respect men.
3. God creates you with natural beauty, and it is up to you to maintain it. Her body is a holy temple to be preserved, not desecrated.
Women break these 3 rules far more than men do, so harping on men who are already a battered audience seems intellectually dishonest if not outright cowardly. Either that, he's completely out of touch.
It's important to remember that all clergy are just men with flaws. So they may be holy workers of the Lord, and yet they will still make mistakes and err. Personally, I hold nothing against Fr. Trenham and if I ever had the chance I would raise these objections to him in a polite and brotherly manner.