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I wouldn't call a bugman a victim per se. But God calls me to love all. To bless those who curse me, to forgive those who assail me, to help those who persecute me.

I hate the bugmen, but God called me to forgive, for he forgive me. So I forgive them.

Even the French. I may have good reason to despise them. William the Conqueror replaced the rightful Christian Orthodox Clergy with French Catholics before the Schism had even reached our shores. He may have put people in holocaust camps, and taxes the English like nobody had done before to the point the Doomsday Book is an invaluable historical record.

He may have been a lying bastard that mistreated women...

But, without him, the English wouldn't have gotten to participate in the Crusdaes. Countless Saints, Countless Martyrs, pious Kings that sacrificed their lives or power to appease God not man.

Without the French, those beautiful years in which we stopped the Muslim Horde at the gates of Europe before they could prepare for their second Jihad, after taking the nations Christian Egypt, the three Nubian Kingdoms of Sudan, Somalia, Christian Libya, Christian Armenia, Christian Sicily, parts of Christian Russia and Christian Ukraine, Persia which had some Christians, and some raiders even reached deep into France of all places and threatened to conquer France before being beaten back.

Christian Pakistan, Christian Maghreb. Christian Levant, Christian Palestine, Christian Lebanon, Christian Iraq, Christian Hispania which was reduced to nothing but 200 monks in the mountains who then spent nearly 800 years, starting from 720 and ending in 1492 when they expelled all of the Jews who didn't convert to Christian, because they opened the Gates of Toledo letting the Muslims conquer the whole country in the first place.

Such beautiful things couldn't have happened without the awful things done by the French.

So, I can actually... dare I say it. Yet I already have. I have forgiven even the French...



It fills me with bliss hearing stories like this.
I am glad you like it my good brother.

Speaking of Eritrea...

Technically I'm half English, half Eritrean. Although my Mother was born during the civil war between Ethiopia and the northern stretch that became Eritrea, so I'm technically half Ethiopian.

I used to feel guilt about being the son of an immigrant and native in a country where my people are raised to hate themselves and their heritage, but I found out that Ethiopia used to be Jewish, for Moses married an Ethiopian women, and in the 4th century they became Christian.

The Nubian Kingdoms of Sudan to their north were invaded by the Islamic Caliphates in their Jihad in either 641 or 642.

Somalia to their West became Islamic between the 7th and 10th century, and to their North Sudan is Islamic.

They were surrounded by Islamic countries and invaded for over a thousand years. For a thousand years they did not fall.

Yet when the British came to them in the Abyssinian Expedition, instead of saving them, we betrayed us, and Queen Victoria sent British forces to kill Tewodros II after he imprisoned the diplomat who had visited Muslim countries for two years while the letter he delivered somehow wasn't given to Queen Victoria.

So great was her shame, that she took Tewodros' son after he killed himself with the very pistol she sent as a gift, and raised him as her own.

Tragically the child died as a young teen.

She insisted on being buried next to him.

To this day, Ethiopia and Eritrea demand the child's body be returned to be buried with his father.

So I cannot hate myself for being of mixed race in a nation persecuted in their tribe. Not when my fathers and mothers were the subject of our British peoples guilt.

So as my Musician Russian friend puts it, "Never hate yourself for things you can't control."
Perhaps it's because of that, that I can forgive the French...

I have a link to the website detailing the story somewhere. For now, here is a picture of Tewodros II. The man who committed suicide with the same revolver Queen Victoria gave him as a gift.


His Regalia.

His face.


My priests in the Eritrean Orthodox Church and the Coptic Church tell me suicide means you go to hell.

Only priests can even pray for those who commit suicide, nobody else.

God must be truly suffering if one who loved him and his people so much was forced to suicide.

It's no wonder Queen Victoria couldn't forgive herself. How could she? Poor Tewodros II never even got the chance...
I am glad you like it my good brother.

Speaking of Eritrea...

Technically I'm half English, half Eritrean. Although my Mother was born during the civil war between Ethiopia and the northern stretch that became Eritrea, so I'm technically half Ethiopian.

I used to feel guilt about being the son of an immigrant and native in a country where my people are raised to hate themselves and their heritage, but I found out that Ethiopia used to be Jewish, for Moses married an Ethiopian women, and in the 4th century they became Christian.

The Nubian Kingdoms of Sudan to their north were invaded by the Islamic Caliphates in their Jihad in either 641 or 642.

Somalia to their West became Islamic between the 7th and 10th century, and to their North Sudan is Islamic.

They were surrounded by Islamic countries and invaded for over a thousand years. For a thousand years they did not fall.

Yet when the British came to them in the Abyssinian Expedition, instead of saving them, we betrayed us, and Queen Victoria sent British forces to kill Tewodros II after he imprisoned the diplomat who had visited Muslim countries for two years while the letter he delivered somehow wasn't given to Queen Victoria.

So great was her shame, that she took Tewodros' son after he killed himself with the very pistol she sent as a gift, and raised him as her own.

Tragically the child died as a young teen.

She insisted on being buried next to him.

To this day, Ethiopia and Eritrea demand the child's body be returned to be buried with his father.

So I cannot hate myself for being of mixed race in a nation persecuted in their tribe. Not when my fathers and mothers were the subject of our British peoples guilt.

View attachment 18950
So as my Musician Russian friend puts it, "Never hate yourself for things you can't control."
Perhaps it's because of that, that I can forgive the French...

I have a link to the website detailing the story somewhere. For now, here is a picture of Tewodros II. The man who committed suicide with the same revolver Queen Victoria gave him as a gift.

View attachment 18951

His Regalia.

View attachment 18952
His face.

View attachment 18953

My priests in the Eritrean Orthodox Church and the Coptic Church tell me suicide means you go to hell.

Only priests can even pray for those who commit suicide, nobody else.

God must be truly suffering if one who loved him and his people so much was forced to suicide.

It's no wonder Queen Victoria couldn't forgive herself. How could she? Poor Tewodros II never even got the chance...

Thank you, I would've never known about this story.

Crazy to think how much got lost.
Thank you, I would've never known about this story.

Crazy to think how much got lost.
The Jews have so many evils to answer for, but as bad as they are.

Really, the greatest evil is probably the history teachers that managed to somehow make history boring.

History, the very book that was written by God, both past, future and the present.
Our ancestors prayed for us.

But have we ever prayed for them?

Even those in heaven, or in hell, or purgatory, does anyone ever think to pray for them. Or to pray for their children and children's children and all of their descendants and those of others descendants.

I say to God. Please bless all of Humanity. Both past, present and future. For I love them all dearly, as do you oh great lover of mankind.
I am glad you like it my good brother.

Speaking of Eritrea...

Technically I'm half English, half Eritrean. Although my Mother was born during the civil war between Ethiopia and the northern stretch that became Eritrea, so I'm technically half Ethiopian.

I used to feel guilt about being the son of an immigrant and native in a country where my people are raised to hate themselves and their heritage, but I found out that Ethiopia used to be Jewish, for Moses married an Ethiopian women, and in the 4th century they became Christian.

The Nubian Kingdoms of Sudan to their north were invaded by the Islamic Caliphates in their Jihad in either 641 or 642.

Somalia to their West became Islamic between the 7th and 10th century, and to their North Sudan is Islamic.

They were surrounded by Islamic countries and invaded for over a thousand years. For a thousand years they did not fall.

Yet when the British came to them in the Abyssinian Expedition, instead of saving them, we betrayed us, and Queen Victoria sent British forces to kill Tewodros II after he imprisoned the diplomat who had visited Muslim countries for two years while the letter he delivered somehow wasn't given to Queen Victoria.

So great was her shame, that she took Tewodros' son after he killed himself with the very pistol she sent as a gift, and raised him as her own.

Tragically the child died as a young teen.

She insisted on being buried next to him.

To this day, Ethiopia and Eritrea demand the child's body be returned to be buried with his father.

So I cannot hate myself for being of mixed race in a nation persecuted in their tribe. Not when my fathers and mothers were the subject of our British peoples guilt.

View attachment 18950
So as my Musician Russian friend puts it, "Never hate yourself for things you can't control."
Perhaps it's because of that, that I can forgive the French...

I have a link to the website detailing the story somewhere. For now, here is a picture of Tewodros II. The man who committed suicide with the same revolver Queen Victoria gave him as a gift.

View attachment 18951

His Regalia.

View attachment 18952
His face.

View attachment 18953

My priests in the Eritrean Orthodox Church and the Coptic Church tell me suicide means you go to hell.

Only priests can even pray for those who commit suicide, nobody else.

God must be truly suffering if one who loved him and his people so much was forced to suicide.

It's no wonder Queen Victoria couldn't forgive herself. How could she? Poor Tewodros II never even got the chance...

Legend has it that the Arc of the Covenant rests in a small temple in Ethiopia. There is always a man from the community selected to dedicate his life to guarding the item. They generally die from a radiation like sickness.
Our ancestors prayed for us.

But have we ever prayed for them?

Even those in heaven, or in hell, or purgatory, does anyone ever think to pray for them. Or to pray for their children and children's children and all of their descendants and those of others descendants.

I say to God. Please bless all of Humanity. Both past, present and future. For I love them all dearly, as do you oh great lover of mankind.
I met a homeless person, my good Greek Orthodox friend Andreas, gid bless him, in North Greenwich

It turns out he lives in my home town of Bexley. Not only does has he lived here for years but he also has spent years helping my other homeless friends, Andy and Dan.

I, being a shut in Fanfiction addict never met him before then, several months ago during Christmas.

He asked for money in front of Bexleyheath Clocktower.

I told him God would provide, then snuck him a ten pound note while crouching down.

I then offered him a frozen pizza.

We conserved about God and other similar topics for an hour or so.

Around the end point, I told him of how King Tewodros II is most certainly in hell, for like us fellow Orthodox Christians knew suicide condemns you to hell and only even priests can pray for you.

Then I told him of this. Of how we should think of the past, present and future when praying.

So we gave a prayer for all of humanity, that God the great lover of mankind died for on the cross.

I'm ashamed to admit it emotionally overwhelmed me in public.

It was raining, a man doesn't cry damn it.

Then he had to leave but he didn't have enough money for trouble, and he insisted I give my remaining money to Dan and Andy as I initially planned.

Unfortunately they were gone and these pizza have defrosted so I need hurry.

But first, please join us in praying for all mankind.

And please, pray for my good neighbour and beloved friend, my brother in Christ Andreas.
Roosh in his final book where he was writing about his final USA tour actually had a young guy come to one of his events that claimed to be some sort of Christian but pretty much said what The Whole Loco wrote in his tweet where he explicitly states that race had priority over faith. As I mentioned a few times in on this forum, the dissident right-wing sphere is going to have to come up against this question more and more in the times coming and there's going to be a falling away of people who say they are Christians who will eventually end up becoming instead pagans, Nietzscheans, vitalists, secular materialist skeptics but of the right-wing variety rather than the usual liberal type etc. Even on a forum called Christ Is King you have already seen some of this falling away and there still are currently regular posters who clearly are more interested in the racial nationalism despite what their religious tag says.
Roosh in his final book where he was writing about his final USA tour actually had a young guy come to one of his events that claimed to be some sort of Christian but pretty much said what The Whole Loco wrote in his tweet where he explicitly states that race had priority over faith. As I mentioned a few times in on this forum, the dissident right-wing sphere is going to have to come up against this question more and more in the times coming and there's going to be a falling away of people who say they are Christians who will eventually end up becoming instead pagans, Nietzscheans, vitalists, secular materialist skeptics but of the right-wing variety rather than the usual liberal type etc. Even on a forum called Christ Is King you have already seen some of this falling away and there still are currently regular posters who clearly are more interested in the racial nationalism despite what their religious tag says.

Yes, and if you notice I voraciously argue against them. This is on purpose, to either drive them away or persuade them out of the rut.
Old post from an alt-right guy back when people still actually used that identifier that deals with this issue

Can you be a Christian and Alt-Right?

That is a question the TRS guys were debating the other day. It comes up a lot, mostly because the leading lights in dissident politics are not religious. Some appear to be outright atheists, even if they do not make a big deal out of it. Of the old guys, I cannot think of any who are Evangelical. Most were Protestants but have long ago drifted from their churches. I do not think any of the next generation are religious. Some grew up going to church but abandoned it as soon as they left home.

The alt-right makes race the primary identity. Christians, and I am thinking primarily of non-denominational Christians, place their relationship with Jesus Christ as their primary identity. That is an obvious conflict, as nothing in Scripture backs the primary arguments of the alt-right. Even the most expansive reading of Scripture cannot arrive at a pro-white position.

None of this is necessarily a deal breaker for Christians and the alt-right, but it creates some rather obvious complications. What it means is the alt-right is going to have to get better at understanding how to talk to and appeal to this type of Christian. Simply making the pro-white argument is not going to have much appeal to people who root their identity in something that transcends race. The alt-right, if it is going to make inroads into the Christian community, is going to have figure out how to engage these folks on their terms.
The alt-right makes race the primary identity. Christians, and I am thinking primarily of non-denominational Christians, place their relationship with Jesus Christ as their primary identity. That is an obvious conflict, as nothing in Scripture backs the primary arguments of the alt-right. Even the most expansive reading of Scripture cannot arrive at a pro-white position.

It's a shame so many people think this way, because it isn't true. I think a lot of people are totally illiterate when it comes to the Bible. I blame Protestantism and the Pope, but the truth is that there is a lot of nuance on the subject of race and Christianity, which I wrote a detailed and lengthy thread about in the Christian forum.

Regardless, popular perception of Christianity being full of race cucks is largely driven by Evangelicals who adopt black kids from Africa while ignoring their own home, or the Pope who advocates for open borders. It is a shame there is so much heresy that passes for Christianity nowadays, but this the real root problem. The people stray from the Original (Orthodox) Church and it is inevitable you get rampant heresy like this.

Notice in the Orthodox Church you've got a strong focus on nationality or ethnicity, that's because there is no contradiction between Christianity and Race.
Even on a forum called Christ Is King you have already seen some of this falling away and there still are currently regular posters who clearly are more interested in the racial nationalism despite what their religious tag says.
Race is important, it defines who we are. Every where I go in America I see elderly over-weight white women with their mulatto grandchildren in tow and it disgusts me. It is a natural human tendency to want protect and gravitate toward your own. The jews have been successful in making our young white women whores with sexual fetishes for black (and brown) men. It is an intentional corruption of the Christian spirit with the intention of eliminating future generations of white male children. The jews wish to create a world of low IQ mixed race hybrids where jews remain the only purebloods and thus by default become the highest IQ master race. If one is already a mixed race hybrid this must be a tough pill to swallow. I myself remember the PUA days when satan controlled my spirit and put a lust in my heart for mixed race sexual fetishes. In this state I was highly attracted to non-white women and fornicated out of wedlock with many of them. Now that Christ has filled my heart and many of my sexual demons have been purged I have lost my attraction for non-white women. It is Godly to love your own people, it is satanic to sexually fetishize women outside your race. I have since taken a vow of celibacy, but if I were to ever break this vow it would only be for procreation purposes with a woman of my own race. This is not racism, it is protectionism. I want my people to survive. This is not a sin, it is virtuous, and it is God Himself who has delivered this message unto my heart.