Forum Lounge

This indicates that a significant number of members are American! I didn't notice any Brazilian, Colombian, British, or Australian members of CIK, though they might be among the additional 25 members not shown there.

It also demonstrates that Donald Trump was so great, as he not only boosted forum activity to unprecedented levels but also ended the stagnation of new users. From early August until election day, the forum maintained around 676 members, with hannibalbarca being the latest addition for two months.

I took a few more shots over the night.
CiK traffic 2.JPGCiK traffic 3.JPG
Looks like a lot of "sleeper" accounts - guys who came here after RVF closing, but haven't been active - logged in for the election coverage and went back to "sleep" afterward.
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What is a normal temperature to keep the heat at? I've always considered 68-72 to be the normal range. My roommate keeps it at 65 and even had it at 62 at one point. Feels like a damn freezer in the house sometimes.

In the summer, he'd also leave the ac on even when the outside temp was in the 60s-70s. This is especially unnecessary because it's not very humid where I live.

No more roommates after this. It's worth spending a little more.
What is a normal temperature to keep the heat at? I've always considered 68-72 to be the normal range. My roommate keeps it at 65 and even had it at 62 at one point. Feels like a damn freezer in the house sometimes.

In the summer, he'd also leave the ac on even when the outside temp was in the 60s-70s. This is especially unnecessary because it's not very humid where I live.

No more roommates after this. It's worth spending a little more.
When the weather is cold, I keep it in the mid to upper 70s. I want to be able to sit comfortably at the computer in my skivvies. However, in the summer, I like the AC at 69.
Is having sex on the first date just normal and expected now? I'm all geared up and supposed to be taking a girl out tonight for the first time and she's already talking about coming home with me after before I even go pick her up. I'm tempted to make up an excuse and just go hang out with my friends, obviously this isn't her first rodeo doing this and nothing is a bigger turn off or disgusting to me than an easy whore. Sucks because she's a really beautiful and has a lot going for her, or at least I thought. Don't get me wrong I'm not a phag but I'm also not a fucking whore....if something happens okay that's different but to be planning it in advance on our first date?
Do not blame those women, it is your own fault for being simply irresistible.

I have the same problem.

This is why on every first date I conceal my Adonis body under a large poncho. I don't want to tempt the woman too much and so she can focus on my personality.
Damm that sucks. That's why I like it when women are shy and awkward. Usually means they're not used to talking to men, so not a whore.

At least you found out right away and didn't waste any time or money.

There is definitely a massive correlation between attention seeking behavior and being a whore! Any girl I've ever known that was overly social always ended up being waste of time trash propping themselves up by their social status to trick themselves into thinking they are a good woman.

On this forum we are all pretty much aware of the woke agenda but I thought it I would post this video as it offers a good in depth explanation of the mechanics of the woke agenda work for those who are unfamiliar with the details:
Dear lurking Feds,

I know it is Sunday night, and some of you dread tomorrow. You should.

It has been a long run and we have appreciated your company. We trust you have received an (unapproved) education on many matters. Consider this a public service, delivered to you at no personal cost, as many of you clocked OT as our meme-masters trolled your lame asses. You put one of our guys in jail, remember? He's a legit guy and he's eating your lunch on X right now. He made a joke you didn't like, a joke that's been made by every side of every election for many years. You sent him to jail for election interference, you petty children.

Your ilk hounded the founder of this forum for years. He is a better man than you, and he's improved his life in God's care. You should consider following his path.

Some of you probably started your careers with good intentions. Some of you, not so. Either way, what we do here has always been free speech - it is an American thing, you see. We take it serious, and we never needed your approval.

We knew of your dirty deeds, generally, in real time. Now, the light of time is showing us the ugly details of what you did. It is worse than we thought. Some of you have railroaded completely innocent people.

We don't call for violence against you, but we do call for justice. You've miscarried it for a good long run now, we have your number. Some of you deserve jail. Some of you just deserve banishment from civilized American society. May we find a court that delivers justice to you - just like you found a court that did your bidding.

You may now close the case. You have bigger things to worry about than a bunch of Christian men venting frustration and helping each other. You always did.

Pointy Elbows
This forum has one benefit that nobody ever mentions.

It allows me to practice and improve my English with native speakers. The more I post, the better my writing becomes. Not only does it become easier to organize my thoughts, even in my native language, but my reading and writing skills also improve.

Maybe in the future, some of the members here will be willing to give me lessons to enhance my active speaking and listening skills.

This is interesting but I also must say that this attractive woman is a neuroric hypochondriac who lives in a lot of stressfull fear. Living with her must be a nightmare... "We've got mold! The dogs can't sleep in the house anymore they're giving us parasites! Cook my steak extra well done so I don't get a worm! I can never eat sushi again because its raw even though the Japanese have been eating it for thousands of years and they have some of the longest life expectancies on the planet!" In addition, her solution is testing, testing, testing, and antibiotics, antibiotics, antibiotics. One problem fixed, a new problem created. I also see that she seems to be peddling a book on the subject.

The existential dilemma is that we live longer than ever yet "everything is poisoning us." If everything is poisoning us than how come we are living longer than ever?
If everything is poisoning us than how come we are living longer than ever?
To be fair healthy life expectancy stopped rising a long time ago. People are living sick for a long time in a zombie state in nursing homes. Most people's health is shot by around 75 (often even 70) so the last 10 - 15 years of their life is with minimal quality. Think about how depressing the average persons life is. They work in a corporate job they hate. They retire at age 65 and they get to enjoy their life for 10 years. Then they start getting sick and then die at age 85. So out of their whole existence they only had freedom for 10 years.
To be fair healthy life expectancy stopped rising a long time ago. People are living sick for a long time in a zombie state in nursing homes. Most people's health is shot by around 75 (often even 70) so the last 10 - 15 years of their life is with minimal quality. Think about how depressing the average persons life is. They work in a corporate job they hate. They retire at age 65 and they get to enjoy their life for 10 years. Then they start getting sick and then die at age 85. So out of their whole existence they only had freedom for 10 years.
Understood. But I think for those of us that are health conscious and have decent genetics we can capitalize on first world extended life "culture" unlike all of these normies who look a gift horse in the mouth and eat McDonalds their entire life and therefore unnecessarily suffer for the last 15 to 20 years of their newly extended 80 year life span.

I think having constantly flowing electricity, refridgeration, hot running water, access to antibiotics, and clean, waterproof housing is a larger part of the reason we live longer than ever despite all the obstacles of the modern world (vaccines, plastics, parasites, 5G, etc.) that keep us from extending our lives even further. Then when you add in clean food and water and stores like Whole Foods who carry an array of great supplements and healthy organic food options we can do well despite all the "poisons" of the modern world.

The point still being that despite all the poisons, the human form is very adept at dealing with them and there is no need to get all neurotic about it. There is only so much one can do. The poisons are a byproduct of the other things that have constantly raised life expectancy. It's a package deal, you increase life expectancy but in doing so you also increase the amount of poisons that decrease life expectancy, but ultimately life expectancy still inches forward and increases. It's 3 steps forward, 2 steps back, which is a net gain of 1 step.