Forum Lounge

Dark mode is looking kinda funky, it feels more like grey mode. In a way I do like it but it feels kinda "cheap". Perhaps it could be a bit darker all-round.
You now have a field in your profile to list the specific church you belong to. This is optional. This is s custom field, as it would be too much too list them all.

e.g. maybe you are a Protestant and your church is the Episcopalian Church.

Religions are also locked once selected. You will need to ask a mod or admin to change them.
You can now search for and insert GIFs from the toolbar of the textarea. On desktop it is the 3rd icon from the right [GIFS] and n mobile it is available from one of the three dot menus.

Screenshot from 2023-10-22 05-43-09.webp

mel gibson film GIF
Is there a plan to be able to upload files for sharing/downloading (like PDF or TXT, etc). What about video clips?
Also, linking to Telegram posts still doesn't provide a preview.
Videos are too large to host. The server has about enough space for 70 hours of 720p video.

No plans for files.

Do you have a link to such Telegram posts?
Whatever the problem was before, it seems to have been resolved since I saw the problem yesterday. Basically, it would not give a Telegram preview, and was telling you to go to the app to read the post.
Some channels on Telegram, like Two Majors, turn off the embed preview function, so you have to view on Telegram itself. Annoying, and nothing can be done about it.
I should add that the workaround is to screenshot the Telegram post, upload here, and embed the post link in the image. However, this is no good for posts with video or multiple images.
Having been a mega lurker at RVF (under a different name), I'm wondering if Oriental Orthodox posts can go in the general "Orthodox Christianity" category?
Thank you to whoever took the reins to create a new home for the RVF crowd. Im not sure this warranted a new thread so I figured this was the best place to ask the moderation team. Also apologies if this has been asked somewhere else already.

Is there a way to migrate appropriate data/threads from the rooshvforum to here? RVF will disappear sooner or later but there still is a lot of info on there that would be a shame to just be lost to the digital sands of time. At least here it could be preserved even as just an archive of sorts.