Financial Crash (2022-25)

It happened already.

My dad at 25 years old worked in factory, bought a 3 bedroom house with a garden, bought a new car without a loan, got a baby and paid for all, as my mother was a housewife without any subsidies.

Now look around you, which 25 year could do that?

Our rulers are masters of deception, they made us believe wealth is the stock market, or house prices.

Wealth is this:

We live in USSR communism with the same deceptive narratives. And every year it gets a little bit worse. I pay a 60% tax rate; income tax + car tax + VAT, +fuel tax etc etc.

Saying something about it, makes you a right wing extremist as these rulers only have the best intentions. 😂

But to be serious, they gave us a narratives of market crashes, people roaming the streets broke, without food, no energy, zombies and that's what we compare our lifes too. And then we say: "ah well it's not that bad"

It is bad. And the bureaucracy grows, and people get poorer every year; spiritually and economically.
This is exactly right. Given the abundance of natural resources God blessed this land with, and the natural efficiencies of capitalism, the real wealth per capita should be much higher in the U.S.

of course, our leaders have to understanding of economics or fairness (as proverbs says) and have divided the spoils among their voting blocks, then imported more to whom they will also reallocate wealth. Now, those of us who are wealth producers in society actually have to work more than ever just to keep up. The collapse is already here. Try affording a house on a single income without working 60-80 hours per week. And a house with no land in a generally overcrowded area isn’t even real wealth.
Capitalism got so efficient that building houses was easy. Forget about land that can be farmed (wealth creating asset) or equity in a company or ownership of things anymore. These just don’t exist to the normal American anymore, and sadly most Americans seem to think that being able to afford the next Apple gadget means they are “wealthy”. No, the wealth of your grandparents is being pilfered away by bankers, politicians, and tech.
What's the point? Inflation and bond market issues is what I say. An attempt at a reset is obviously what the attempt will be, but what does that look like is the question. Another question would be how soon it really sets in to people's minds that they are not going to get the things they thought they'd get, that they were promised.
So more on that, I've been reading about systemic "polycrisis" today, multiple crises that can create synergy.

I'll add my thoughts to the summary.
Current crises as I see them, I expanded the basic list in the article:
- huge, rapidly growing debt
- corporations got incredible power, big monopolies, they are merging with the government they bought up
- the empire gets tangled in expensive external conflicts
- aging population, replacement of the existing population with migration
- late capitalism: big inequality, housing crisis, financialisation of economy and loss of manufacturing, growth of private debts, inflation, budget deficit, inability to cover expenses/huge military budget, desintegration of society
- rapid technological disruption destroys existing institutions of society
- decline in profitability, 3rd world countries can no longer be easily robbed, natural limitations to exponential growth the system needs for stability, resources are limited, more competition for declining profit
- polarization of society and possible fracture among elites
- add any natural disasters due to nature's long term cycles

The systems can normally handle a crisis or two, but not all can survive a lengthy polycrisis.
They try to solve everything by printing more money. But at the end, printing itself becomes a problem - inflation and possible hyperinflation. This is critical bifurcation point.
Printing and free market do not solve a problem of moral rot and corruption, also.
Elites are unable to deal with current polycrisis (Great Reset is exactly their attempt at that)

In polycrisis, one crisis can amplify another one to the point of nonlinear effect, similar to resonance in physics. Multiple factors that are not catastrophic by themselves can become that together and create a perfect storm.
So the financial default, by itself not catastrophic, will probably be a trigger point setting off a chain reaction, which can make multiple crises explode together.

The end timing might be very hard to predict and will depend on many random factors, actually. At some point, qualtity can become quality, qualitative change, like water to vapor phase change, and the system can go into open chaos, where events might be very random and 100% uncontrollable. External events outside the country might heavily sway the timing. So it's difficult to predict the exact form and time of unraveling
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This is exactly right. Given the abundance of natural resources God blessed this land with, and the natural efficiencies of capitalism, the real wealth per capita should be much higher in the U.S.

of course, our leaders have to understanding of economics or fairness (as proverbs says) and have divided the spoils among their voting blocks, then imported more to whom they will also reallocate wealth. Now, those of us who are wealth producers in society actually have to work more than ever just to keep up. The collapse is already here. Try affording a house on a single income without working 60-80 hours per week. And a house with no land in a generally overcrowded area isn’t even real wealth.
Capitalism got so efficient that building houses was easy. Forget about land that can be farmed (wealth creating asset) or equity in a company or ownership of things anymore. These just don’t exist to the normal American anymore, and sadly most Americans seem to think that being able to afford the next Apple gadget means they are “wealthy”. No, the wealth of your grandparents is being pilfered away by bankers, politicians, and tech.
Fair to say the ease of bulding houses existed way before capitalism, the actual effect of late capitalism was to make houses much harder to build. Look at modern American houses, with huge square footage and bloated features and decor, insanely expensive as a result and taking long time to build, with gazillion of leeches attached to the process. Ancestors of everyone, homesteaders, etc, under feudalism too, used to easily put up a house, with almost no expense, with basic help from a neighbor or a friend, or even alone. Pseudo efficiency of construction created a trap, where one is required to build big and fancy, and slave for it for decades.

Capitalism is a political system as much as economic one. It's a collection of political and civil institutions and even education system that serve to control, tame and channel the economic part of capitalism, "the capital". At this point, "the capital" had acquired incredible power, in part through financialization of economy, to the point they can now afford to control and do away with all these institutions of democratic society. Investing 1000 versus 1M, under the same interest, produces drastically different results at the end, componding effect of it over the decades, after reset of Great Depression, created great disparity in wealth and power, that's what creates this loss of wealth. Basically, democratic institutions had failed to control expanstion and concentration of "the capital". But another factor is loss of ability to extract wealth from exteral colonies and markets of poor countries, these markets and resources offer much less opportunity now
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For default or just quick devaluation there would need to be some big manufactured crisis to justify things. A war or some new "virus", and/or mass banks collapse in recession, I think.
We have had the plaza accords, which was one of the setups and answers (US devaluation) that was possible. I'm not sure that this is as tenable with the US looking at waves of inflation in the not to distant future after the disinflation from the recession/depression policies of the Fed. If you don't want to get into the super-doom scenario a lot of us commonly think about, you could just say that the US will turn into more and more of a LatAm type country where the haves and have nots increase/polarize to a greater degree. That might be the most probable of all scenarios, in fact.
The crash is to our quality of life. We look at a chart on the stock market and use that to assess whether or not a crash has happened, but the financial markets can be propped up indefinitely by unlimited printed federal loldollars if our globohomo overlords decide. See this 4chan post from 2013 about the actual crash:


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The crash is to our quality of life. We look at a chart on the stock market and use that to assess whether or not a crash has happened, but the financial markets can be propped up indefinitely by unlimited printed federal loldollars if our globohomo overlords decide. See this 4chan post from 2013 about the actual crash:
It could be. But recall also we have this very trick balance of knowing what things used to be like that combines with boomers and older not admitting that it is truly as bad as we say. Their departure will open up either a country that can finally shake off their nonsense and weight on the existing system, which can't stand, or move into the dystopian part you mention which is that the new normal might just be a more oligarchical polarization that I've talked about as being possible. The part that's not all that awful about all of this is that one might just have to move to different jurisdictions that behave normal. We all think we deserve to have something like America last but the truth is that all of our ancestors came here because of all the problems of their home countries. It's just history. Rinse, wash, repeat.
Their departure will open up either a country that can finally shake off their nonsense and weight on the existing system, which can't stand, or move into the dystopian part you mention which is that the new normal might just be a more oligarchical polarization that I've talked about as being possible.
I've been amazed at the tremendous wealth the boomers actually have. For example, right now they continue to slap down cash for incredibly expensive homes. I'm doubtful the nonsense will shake off however. I don't want to hold this position but I think all that stored wealth will just be transferred as they die off to Gen X and below and the system will continue.

We all think we deserve to have something like America last but the truth is that all of our ancestors came here because of all the problems of their home countries. It's just history. Rinse, wash, repeat.

This reminds me of what someone said in the relocating thread. Basically there was a criticism of "running away", which is probably the ethos of what some of our ancestors were doing. Some of the motivation in people coming here was basically mammon.
We went through 40 years of a declining interest rate environment (1980-2020). It is a simple formula: when rates go down, asset values go up. But rates are now going up (and hence, asset values go down) into an environment with the largest amount of debt in human history. As such, we are entirely mentally unprepared for what is coming, and people should really make an effort to live well below their means. See this post for more details:
The money supply is generally the cause of (nominal) price increases, not the cost of borrowing (the interest rate).

If anything, we will probably see prices continue to increase, while interest rates remain (relatively) high.

The biggest issue is QUANTITY of debt, not the rate of payments on it.
Debt is so prevalent now that traditional economic theory does not apply, as the classical economic theory of supply and demand is broken. "Demand" for a good or service is defined as desire plus affordability and debt has made basically all goods and services affordable to all consumers via monthly credit payments, thus destroying the price signalling mechanism inherent in economic theory. Basically debt is so big a part of public and private life that (1) it is one of the largest components in the prices we pay and (2) cannot be easily removed.

The average house would probably cost like $50,000 if there were no debt financing, but there is, and it cannot be easily removed.

But yes, living below one's means, avoiding debt, and having an emergency fund of 6 months expenses is always good advice.
Basically there was a criticism of "running away", which is probably the ethos of what some of our ancestors were doing. Some of the motivation in people coming here was basically mammon.
I read lots of pioneer and settler memours. Many were motivated by pure greed, not like what they show in the movies. People who had comfortable life, a farm, a house, used to sell everything, buy an outfit, a wagon and travel West, constantly talking about amassing big fortunes (often dying from cholera or from Natives' attack shortly and getting all their relatives killed too). I have trouble digging that. Homesteaders who came to Alaska from the mainland much later, in the 20th century post gold rush seemed to have better mentality geared towards simple life. The thing is the only riches to be had in this world now is from partaking in the very grand scheme run by the elites. I had checked out. Land is expensive in all countries now, in America land is actually often cheaper than in poorer countries. There are no lands of milk and honey elsewhere. The collapse of the dollar will heavily affect everyone too.

In America it's about 7 acres per person average now. Much land is locked in amazing public lands, much in quality farmland and will stay the farmland, much isn't really usable much, high slope, etc. Self sufficiency land is becoming a hard thing to come by and self sufficiency is getting banned by various locales. Population keeps growing, is projected to grow will be a tough buy.
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The crash is to our quality of life. We look at a chart on the stock market and use that to assess whether or not a crash has happened, but the financial markets can be propped up indefinitely by unlimited printed federal loldollars if our globohomo overlords decide. See this 4chan post from 2013 about the actual crash:
I think that 4chan post was needlessly black pilling.

I think that post is true the way TPTB would have it, but it forgets the part of the equation where not everyone is going to blindly accept the decrease in standard of living.

There’s a grain of truth in there but it’s a small grain.
This reminds me of what someone said in the relocating thread. Basically there was a criticism of "running away", which is probably the ethos of what some of our ancestors were doing. Some of the motivation in people coming here was basically mammon.
Barely. Everyone seeks a better life. We who have lived on the other side of that spectrum of convenience can more easily talk about how "mammon" controls everything, when in reality people are just looking for balance. I do quite well on the whole materialist scale but am largely unimpressed with what life is overall, having accomplished a lot in life. People who constantly seek or worry about money (most, even rich people) say that that's just an easy thing for a guy to say who has plenty, or some such thing, but it's actually a grace that's given to show that this world is quite silly without the parts of it that give more fulfillment, or the acquisition of some virtues since yes, this is all "there is". Family and legacy are great, but come with a large tradeoff payment, if we're honest. I think they are a natural part of life and good, so I'm not saying anything about them except being honest.

The bigger picture of all of this is that people or wealth goes where they are treated best. Period. Some stick around and are too lazy or inertia/routine driven to not want their life to be part of that disappointing admission that their country is turning into something they'd rather not admit. It's these people that the globalists and/or elite are counting on.
Barely. Everyone seeks a better life. We who have lived on the other side of that spectrum of convenience can more easily talk about how "mammon" controls everything, when in reality people are just looking for balance.

I take your point about refraining from judging them too much because I am basically a recipient of convenience and live in great convenience comparatively. It is a convenience that can apparently kill you though. But if one is aware, yes, it's pretty easy to manage.

Some stick around and are too lazy or inertia/routine driven to not want their life to be part of that disappointing admission that their country is turning into something they'd rather not admit. It's these people that the globalists and/or elite are counting on.

This is a nasty technique given that many of those who are inertia and routine driven are traditionally the ones who provided stability and caused culture to grow. Very effective to push that group into the lazy realm to completely subvert a burgeoning culture that would otherwise naturally arise.
I take your point about refraining from judging them too much because I am basically a recipient of convenience and live in great convenience comparatively. It is a convenience that can apparently kill you though. But if one is aware, yes, it's pretty easy to manage.

This is a nasty technique given that many of those who are inertia and routine driven are traditionally the ones who provided stability and caused culture to grow. Very effective to push that group into the lazy realm to completely subvert a burgeoning culture that would otherwise naturally arise.
Yes, family formation sets routine and dealing with women and wives is part of the sabotage, especially if you've come into a culture where women actually have some sort of say, threat or control of things (even if it's through other men).

You can be an amazingly successful and talented man these days but because of what's happened in the economy and culture (even if "rich" and over 6 feet), your options on a suitable wife and thus family formation are unbelievably hamstrung. One of the tradeoffs, sadly, of living in a more convenient and "wealthy" time is that women are placated to and turn out to be, let's just say, less than ideal. It happens every time an empire or great civilization gets too wealthy or prosperous; it's nothing new.

We just have to face facts that we are here because of a population boom (lucky us) and that as the world got globalized, the only answer now is to play the global game. If you wanna run the risk of marrying a woman who provides little in youth, caretaking, cleaning, etc that's on you, but for most men, even if they do well, it's not even a consideration anymore.
If the country is consumed by enemy one better stay and fight, even though fighting back might be just small community changes they can do, if it is their native country. If the enemies and destruction come to the new can not run forever, eventually, there won't be anywhere to run. And aren't there Christian traditional women in America...I am sure there are, just not in every place.

Love this American guy who seems to have been proofing his life against financial crush using only small money and looks like this Amish type guy is being sought after by the ladies accross the world. He ended up in a documentary but I think one can make a youtube channel to attract the right people. He is not a soldier but he can do real change by promoting this lifestyle, and he is a pastor too, building a church. If someone made some money in their professional field they can start self sufficient homestead and work from home after. With own water (preferrably a creek or pond), woods and land suitable for pasture and garden one can be almost indestructible in the crisis.

If the world is hit by a major glibal chrisis my best bet is on Amish. One doesn't have to live in a commune, but grassroots organizing through local small farmers can probably go a long way

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Highly recommended watching. There's a whole set of videos about Titus, and I have from time to time included him in my prayers. This man fortifies my faith, even if we don't follow exactly the same path.
Saw the first 10mnts and honestly he lives terribly. And he may “afford” to live that lifestyle because he has no children. And wife. I don’t see how becoming a homeless person is the way to be financial resilient.
I saw the part he says he doesn’t have a fridge. Why? A solar panel couldn’t help?

Why does living like a 15th century peasant deserve any praise??!? It’s like a brainwashed cult. One thing is not falling for debt traps. Other is being a loser. It’s extreme.

My goal in life is to ride a cart pushed by a horse?

I like to watch a show called “alone”. Not because I want to live like them. But for a short period of time. Society might in worse case scenario collapse. And I want to be able to survive.

Some event will happen in 2026. People should have some preparation. But that’s a lunatic. Sorry. This praising of bums who live like cheap bastards needs to stop. There’s nothing to praise about him. He’s just a retard.

Society is good. And specialization is also great. Anyway my rant.

Buy gold. Have some protection. And a way to source food. And electricity. I just made contact with a guy who catches fish. I will start buying from him.
When corona started a guy I know told me he wasn’t afraid of food scarce. He would go in woods with a gun and get food. The problem is electricity. If electricity fails. Just the storing food. Etc.

Never understood why government doesn’t plant fruit trees in public parks. They don’t need any maintenance.

Nature is ruthless. Totally ruthless. We are always competing with nature for earth goods. We are not aligned with nature. Nature will chew and spit you. If you let it.
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Ha, that was an entertaining post at least from @magoo . Yes, life is about tradeoffs. I'm preparing, but who wants to go whole hog into something once you are already used to other, worldwide things? I agree, not me. But if I have to, I guess, bring it on.
Saw the first 10mnts and honestly he lives terribly. And he may “afford” to live that lifestyle because he has no children. And wife. I don’t see how becoming a homeless person is the way to be financial resilient.
I saw the part he says he doesn’t have a fridge. Why? A solar panel couldn’t help?

Why does living like a 15th century peasant deserve any praise??!? It’s like a brainwashed cult. One thing is not falling for debt traps. Other is being a loser. It’s extreme.

My goal in life is to ride a cart pushed by a horse?

I like to watch a show called “alone”. Not because I want to live like them. But for a short period of time. Society might in worse case scenario collapse. And I want to be able to survive.

Some event will happen in 2026. People should have some preparation. But that’s a lunatic. Sorry. This praising of bums who live like cheap bastards needs to stop. There’s nothing to praise about him. He’s just a retard.

Society is good. And specialization is also great. Anyway my rant.

Buy gold. Have some protection. And a way to source food. And electricity. I just made contact with a guy who catches fish. I will start buying from him.
When corona started a guy I know told me he wasn’t afraid of food scarce. He would go in woods with a gun and get food. The problem is electricity. If electricity fails. Just the storing food. Etc.

Never understood why government doesn’t plant fruit trees in public parks. They don’t need any maintenance.

Nature is ruthless. Totally ruthless. We are always competing with nature for earth goods. We are not aligned with nature. Nature will chew and spit you. If you let it.
He obviously lives that way by choice. Hermits have always existed, and still do today. Some of them are even elderly, and live in much harsher environments. Some people would just prefer to live a quiet simple life, living off the land instead of joining the rat race, and I can 100% understand that.

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