I have told people for years, that it would be Indians/Pakis (same racial background) that would make White people race conscious again. Whites are used to living around Blacks, feel sorry for them, and constantly make excuses for them. Whites see Hispanics work hard in low paying jobs and just see them as a new lower caste, but good people who do jobs they either don't want to do, or want to pay less to have someone else do. Whites see East Asians as quiet, hard working, strong family ties, and enjoy having them around.
But the Indians/Pakis are so in your face, so crude, so over the top obnoxious, that it will cause White people to start to question everything. It is the ultimate mistake of the satanic elites, thinking they can replace the native White population with Indians and for Whites to not notice. This will be the mistake that is the final straw to break the camel's back.