Elon Musk Thread

Then why is AI so janky? It’s like anything else. It’s a tool. “Wait till these farmers meet the Tractor” I still see farmers.

What ai will do is unsaturate certain industries. Which I’m all for. US desperately needs blue collar workers and a lot of this countries issues have been caused by our white collar / college fetish. When your country is ran by Jews of course the Jewish lifestyle is fetishized. Not everyone has to live like that and it’s actually a weakness when you have too many of those types.

Here’s an example: Housing is expensive because after ‘08 many builders and contractor types got wiped out. Some tragically even self deleted and I was a teen at this time and constantly got “go to college go to college go to college” Now the college jobs are not paying much in America because 4 year business and marketing grads are a dime a dozen. They make 40k a year and the joruneymen are making 80k a year. More if you own your own your own business. I’d like to see AI soften those business jobs so more people go into the trades and we can start fixing shit and building more houses.

At risk of sounding misogynistic- I hate to say it but the barrel of AI is pointed more at women then men.
Ask yourself what's the real reason and/or purpose for Musk's DOGE.

Many good points, but there's a bigger issue not being discussed.

Within the AI surveillance system, which I absolutely state is not compatible with liberty, the tools are being designed to avoid certain outcomes.

A nuclear weapon kills everyone with the same proximity. AI used as a weapon has the ability to skip certain targets as defined by the people who deploy the detonation.

Some people will be more equal to constitutional protections than others. This is the baseline for my opposition to the specific AI weapon being created.
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So DOGE is just homeland security for the 21st century Luddites?
Yes, most likely. I'm skeptical of what the true intentions of DOGE are for. See above first tweet, which I forgot to add. (I'm currently out and about using a mobile phone to post.)

Edit. Also, note how a lot of Tech Bros are suddenly MAGA - I.e., Trump picked Sacks for AI-related tasks team.
That's not entirely accurate.

The white settlers made South Africa a viable and prosperous colony. Blacks didn't live there as it wasn't the greatest land.

However, a few years later, blacks started to migrate to South Africa, because the standard of living in apartheid south Africa, as a discriminated against black, was better than living as a free black in a black run African country. Just think about that.


Amazingly during the same time frame, 1948 to 1994, the population in South Africa grew by 30 million people.
Yes, most likely. I'm skeptical of what the true intentions of DOGE are for. See above first tweet, which I forgot to add. (I'm currently out and about using a mobile phone to post.)

Edit. Also, note how a lot of Tech Bros are suddenly MAGA - I.e., Trump picked Sacks for AI-related tasks team.

I see the reason as more simple. The tech oligarchs are mostly opportunistic scumbags. They saw Trump was most likely going to win with their models and jumped on board to gain favor and more power for themselves.

Regarding AI, DOGE is mostly likely the first pass at implementing an AI system to eliminate jobs. See which jobs can be automated using AI and cut them in the name of efficiency. You better believe those same tools will be weaponized against workers in the future.
I'm sure Italians heard this a lot all the way into the 70s and maybe later.

So, it's not that simple. Immigration isn't going away. It has always been here. In the competitive world we are in, we lose if we don't get the best. Like draft picks. Otherwise it's like saying that only Chicagoans can play for the Bears. It's the low end immigration that needs to be gutted and it should. Immigration, though, is only part of the problem and shouldn't be used as a scapegoat to justify all the existing problems in America.


Regarding getting rid of H1B and starting over, what people don't understand is that a new bill will go to Congress and likely face lots of "adjustments," and then we end up with another system that can be abused. It will be painful and will likely splinter the right even more.

Administratively speaking, it's easier to gut and fix an existing system and make it better for everyone, especially when we have Trump in the WH and can't fully trust the legislature. It makes logical sense.

FYI, I get National Pride. I'm an immigrant that benefitted from the system but not a day goes by I'm not grateful for the USA. It's one of the main reasons I served in the military, and I even leave my business and family behind to serve in local initiatives on my own dime. That being said, I'm also not going to pretend that American culture hasn't deteriorated (Weak men, weak family units, welfare state). It's actually one of the reasons I even have to step up in my community.

No one will understand quite how it feels to do as much and get attacked because of my identity which I have no control over. Actually, I guess Elon and Vivek do; more Elon.

You need to remember that no one has done more for immigrants than America. American Whites are the most charitable people on Earth. There is no conceivable reason why we need to keep being charitable at our own expense when no one else comes close to matching us, and when we're the 3rd most populous country in the world.

There are no good reasons to allow immigration anymore. The only reason we can't get rid of it are political; there isn't enough support in Congress to ban immigration outright. But who knows? God willing, someday, we will get a break.

I'm not saying China is a huge threat the USA in 2024. The biggest threat is our own satanic elites and brainwashed Whites who still thing White genocide is a great thing.

I'm saying 50 years down the road, when the USA's largest population is Hispanic, and is run by Indians, and there are as many Blacks as Whites, that there is no way this system/society/country would be able to defend themselves from what the Chinese will have created in that time. Our satanic elites think they can control China by being behind the curtain. I think they will find out they are very mistaken and will be stopped from taking over their system, as they did ours post WW2.

So, the White genocide thing isn't just bad for White people, it is bad for everyone else who is piggy backing off of Whites in White countries. Which Elon is pushing hard to speed up.

Meanwhile, Elon's "free speech" application is going back to its roots of censorship.

China doesn't conquer nations with armies. They do so with predatory loans. Their armies have always been defensive in nature. They use financial power the same way America uses aircraft carriers. Bullying others with money is more of their style.

They probably will be there to buyout American politicians and cities once we go bankrupt, and if America is packed with foreigners I'm sure no one will have any qualms about selling their souls either.
It seems assimilation is not a possible thing. That either you have your own nation, which has always been based on race and ethnicity, or you have a internal conflict, which will eventually lead to the worse crimes imaginable, with ethnicities fighting for the largest portion of the treasury. The reason the tower of Babel is such an important lesson is now being realized. I can't imagine being this ungrateful and low class, but here we are.

You need to remember that no one has done more for immigrants than America. American Whites are the most charitable people on Earth. There is no conceivable reason why we need to keep being charitable at our own expense when no one else comes close to matching us, and when we're the 3rd most populous country in the world.

There are no good reasons to allow immigration anymore. The only reason we can't get rid of it are political; there isn't enough support in Congress to ban immigration outright. But who knows? God willing, someday, we will get a break.

China doesn't conquer nations with armies. They do so with predatory loans. Their armies have always been defensive in nature. They use financial power the same way America uses aircraft carriers. Bullying others with money is more of their style.

They probably will be there to buyout American politicians and cities once we go bankrupt, and if America is packed with foreigners I'm sure no one will have any qualms about selling their souls either.
I could see that, but eventually they will want the land to feed and house their own people as they expand and the people here will simply just be i the way and of zero value to them, other than as fertilizer for the very fertile land we have and they dream to have.
I could see that, but eventually they will want the land to feed and house their own people as they expand and the people here will simply just be i the way and of zero value to them, other than as fertilizer for the very fertile land we have and they dream to have.

No those people will be their slaves working for dirt-world wages.
No those people will be their slaves working for dirt-world wages.
They already have this in their own country, and their people will be easier to control, plus, it is their own genetic people. I don't see any reason at all they would let the third worlders remain on fertile land, they already have plenty of labor class people, who would be more docile and willing to work for the greater Chinese cause.
They already have this in their own country, and their people will be easier to control, plus, it is their own genetic people. I don't see any reason at all they would let the third worlders remain on fertile land, they already have plenty of labor class people, who would be more docile and willing to work for the greater Chinese cause.

The people in China will be making 10x more than the 3rd worlders they exploit.
The people in China will be making 10x more than the 3rd worlders they exploit.
Just knowing the Chinese as I do, I don't believe they will have the patience or the caring for these third worlders. And when they disappoint they will just do away with them. Hell, they don't even care much about their own people, much less people who are genetically their enemies and unable to do what is required of them and is slowing down the progress for their own better one nation policy.
Just knowing the Chinese as I do, I don't believe they will have the patience or the caring for these third worlders. And when they disappoint they will just do away with them. Hell, they don't even care much about their own people, much less people who are genetically their enemies and unable to do what is required of them and is slowing down the progress for their own better one nation policy.

They don't need patience, they just buy off local warlords who make the slaves grow food to sell to the Chinese. There is absolutely no effort or risk required for the Chinaman, which is exactly their style.
They don't need patience, they just buy off local warlords who make the slaves grow food to sell to the Chinese. There is absolutely no effort or risk required for the Chinaman, which is exactly their style.
I guess at the end of the day, I am not sure which is worse, to be dead or a beaten down slave with no hope. I hope Whites figure it out in time to stop this, but it seems we agree the outcome will be dire at best. Thank you.
I guess at the end of the day, I am not sure which is worse, to be dead or a beaten down slave with no hope. I hope Whites figure it out in time to stop this, but it seems we agree the outcome will be dire at best. Thank you.

The convict19 psy op should show you the ones who will prevail.
Just knowing the Chinese as I do, I don't believe they will have the patience or the caring for these third worlders. And when they disappoint they will just do away with them. Hell, they don't even care much about their own people, much less people who are genetically their enemies and unable to do what is required of them and is slowing down the progress for their own better one nation policy.
Chinese collective behavior is jewish in everything except their blood. Just like they steal western technology and innovations, they steal jewish predatory financial behavior, but they will never be the masters. In the hypothetical future where they are the only unopposed superpower in the world, they will not physically invade a brown and weakened America where they own ridiculous amounts of farmland, they will just use armed guards to protect that land they already occupy outsourcing whatever they produce from it while the rest of America deteriorates around it into a purge barrio.

The way you paint them out to be reminds me of this meme:


Americans need to be more concerned for people like Bill Gates and the jews at Vanguard and Blackrock who will use their heeby lasers and geo-engineering weapons to eradicate them. They should reacquire the farmland at the Chinese expense as well. The only impediment to all of these foreign entanglements being resolved is the standing army of zogbots who protects the political prostitutes that sellout America to foreigners and jewish parasites.
Chinese collective behavior is jewish in everything except their blood. Just like they steal western technology and innovations, they steal jewish predatory financial behavior, but they will never be the masters. In the hypothetical future where they are the only unopposed superpower in the world, they will not physically invade a brown and weakened America where they own ridiculous amounts of farmland, they will just use armed guards to protect that land they already occupy outsourcing whatever they produce from it while the rest of America deteriorates around it into a purge barrio.

The way you paint them out to be reminds me of this meme:

View attachment 16043

Americans need to be more concerned for people like Bill Gates and the jews at Vanguard and Blackrock who will use their heeby lasers and geo-engineering weapons to eradicate them. They should reacquire the farmland at the Chinese expense as well. The only impediment to all of these foreign entanglements being resolved is the standing army of zogbots who protects the political prostitutes that sellout America to foreigners and jewish parasites.
Only two groups can stop the Chinese. Jews and Whites. If Whites die out, then it be a question of it the Jews can still take over China from behind the curtain without being able to strong arm them with White armies. I don't see the Chinese allowing this, the Chinese are very wise from suffering from this in the past. The Jews greatest power has been White militaries at their disposal. And they are in the process of destroying this weapon for all time.

And let me reiterate, again, I am not saying China is our enemy or where our focus should be. I am saying to the non-Whites, who think that if they can replace Whites that things will be good for them. They have no idea what hell awaits them or how way too good Whites have been to them.
Only two groups can stop the Chinese. Jews and Whites. If Whites die out, then it be a question of it the Jews can still take over China from behind the curtain without being able to strong arm them with White armies. I don't see the Chinese allowing this, the Chinese are very wise from suffering from this in the past. The Jews greatest power has been White militaries at their disposal. And they are in the process of destroying this weapon for all time.

Whites won't die out if it's up to me. Problem is finding a spouse for my children.