Ask yourself what's the real reason and/or purpose for Musk's DOGE.Then why is AI so janky? It’s like anything else. It’s a tool. “Wait till these farmers meet the Tractor” I still see farmers.
What ai will do is unsaturate certain industries. Which I’m all for. US desperately needs blue collar workers and a lot of this countries issues have been caused by our white collar / college fetish. When your country is ran by Jews of course the Jewish lifestyle is fetishized. Not everyone has to live like that and it’s actually a weakness when you have too many of those types.
Here’s an example: Housing is expensive because after ‘08 many builders and contractor types got wiped out. Some tragically even self deleted and I was a teen at this time and constantly got “go to college go to college go to college” Now the college jobs are not paying much in America because 4 year business and marketing grads are a dime a dozen. They make 40k a year and the joruneymen are making 80k a year. More if you own your own your own business. I’d like to see AI soften those business jobs so more people go into the trades and we can start fixing shit and building more houses.
At risk of sounding misogynistic- I hate to say it but the barrel of AI is pointed more at women then men.
Many good points, but there's a bigger issue not being discussed.
Within the AI surveillance system, which I absolutely state is not compatible with liberty, the tools are being designed to avoid certain outcomes.
A nuclear weapon kills everyone with the same proximity. AI used as a weapon has the ability to skip certain targets as defined by the people who deploy the detonation.
Some people will be more equal to constitutional protections than others. This is the baseline for my opposition to the specific AI weapon being created.
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