Elon Musk Thread

He took twitter from a State/corporate controlled monster to the first global free-speech platform in a matter of a few months, that's impressive! There's a limit to this controlled opposition idea. If someone goes to war against almost all elitist ideas, how can they be controlled? Doesn't make any sense!
Or, maybe they are all on the same team. Ever considered that?

I have.
He took twitter from a State/corporate controlled monster to the first global free-speech platform in a matter of a few months, that's impressive! There's a limit to this controlled opposition idea. If someone goes to war against almost all elitist ideas, how can they be controlled? Doesn't make any sense!

Who does he actually oppose? Does he suggest overthrowing the uniparty? Does he oppose the forever-war machine? Does he go against the multinational corporations and banks that are controlling the world?

No. He posts memes making fun of trans people every now and then.
He took twitter from a State/corporate controlled monster to the first global free-speech platform in a matter of a few months, that's impressive! There's a limit to this controlled opposition idea. If someone goes to war against almost all elitist ideas, how can they be controlled? Doesn't make any sense!

Try posting a tweet that says transgenderism is mental disorder, and tell me how long it stays up.
If someone goes to war against almost all elitist ideas, how can they be controlled?
Maybe Elon's often contradictory behaviors are AI generated 4-D chess moves used as pressure release valves to give Us hope? Then, once again, They have Lucy pull the JQ-football away just as We go to kick it?

I'm not exactly sure how controlled op works, but if Elon is being "controlled" it doesn't necessarily mean that he's "in on it" and that he consciously knows that he's being controlled? He could be an unknowing pawn in a larger game of JQ-chess?

@BarrontheTigerCat and @It_Is_My_Time can maybe address controlled opposition and its possible relationship to Elon Musk (and Alex Jones) in better detail?
Maybe Elon's often contradictory behaviors are AI generated 4-D chess moves used as pressure release valves to give Us hope? Then, once again, They have Lucy pull the JQ-football away just as We go to kick it?

I'm not exactly sure how controlled op works, but if Elon is being "controlled" it doesn't necessarily mean that he's "in on it" and that he consciously knows that he's being controlled? He could be an unknowing pawn in a larger game of JQ-chess?

There is no 4-D chess from any of these actors.
Not from Musk, not from Trump, ....not from any of them.
Stop believing this nonsense.

Try posting a tweet that says transgenderism is mental disorder, and tell me how long it stays up.
My twitter feed is full of tweets like this. I figured I'd go find one to post it.

This was the first tweet when I opened Twitter

This was the 10th

This is the 19th. My Twitter feed is pretty much like CiK. Lots of posts saying "Christ is King" included.

Here's a twofer. Riley Gaines and JK Rowling are both very outspoken right now about trannies. Riley Gaines also has strong Christian posts, although Rowling is a conventional liberal on issues other than trannies.

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If you don't think Elon Musk is a "state/corporate controlled entity" then I can't say anything meaningful to you about him.
People have been (correctly) making those claims about him since back in the aughts when I *liked* him. I didn't want to believe it then, or just ignored it, but it's true.

However, many people say Jack Dorsey's twitter was more open and free. Dorsey went too far at times, but he at least listened and he's actually come to regret a lot about Twitter. Perhaps he wouldn't say he regrets creating it completely, since that is what allowed him to come to these conclusions (and what made him billions of dollars), but he no longer sees Twitter as the proper way to create a short form one-to-many messaging platform. (He's correctly concluded that it shouldn't be a company at all, but instead an open source protocol, as SMTP is for email and HTTP for websites).

There is a long list of people who would argue that new Twitter is more censored, and many of them are people I would like to hear from. I suppose it depends on personal tastes whether one considers the newer or older twitter more "free."

But the new twitter is definitely getting more free in certain areas:

Testing NSFW adult communities (open pornography)

Sports betting is coming to X through a BetMGM Partnership

I suppose fans of those things will be happy. And it will likely reverse the 25% drop in users since he purchased the app.

Even if it doesn't return to profitability, 44 billion is a huge wad of cash. The site could easily run for the rest of his life without making a dime or gaining a single user.

The future of the service is pretty troubling though. They recently allowed the company to collect biometric data from all users (this is probably why they banned third party apps, so all users are subject to biometric collection) and allow paid political content for the first time. I guess if you are a Democratic or Republican politician, the service just got a whole lot freer for you.

But of course there were some people who were unbanned, and I suppose if you enjoy their content, as I said, you think the current X.com is more free. As for a societal communication and free thought discussion forum, though, I don't think one can effectively make that argument.

The bottom line is the type of voices that could possibly help start a revolutionary change in American society are simply not allowed on X. There is never going to be an "American Spring" type movement coming from X.
There is no 4-D chess from any of these actors.
Not from Musk, not from Trump, ....not from any of them.
So you don't believe that super computers exist and can determine geometrical and complex time/space grid pattern outcomes based on "If A does this, then B will do that"? You don't believe that in 1997 an IBM supercomputer called Deep Blue beat grandmaster chess champion Garry Kasporav? And then you also don't believe that there is technology that exists that is at least 10 years more advanced than anything you, I, or the general public is aware of right now? Interesting. You take everything at face value... nothing to see here, everything is exactly as it appears. I'll have to look into that.

Stop believing this nonsense.
I never said anything about believing anything, I used the qualifier of "maybe."
Elon Musk has both directly with his own messaging and indirectly through his reduction of censorship on Twitter, dramatically shifted the Overton Window of discourse in our direction. If you'd rather that not have happened then that's cool too. Personally I think that's a good development. I'll take a W.

I always feel like those loudest voices crying "[So and so] isn't your savior!!!" are the ones who actually deep down are craving a savior. Meanwhile reasonable people can simply state:

Stop looking for "the perfect guy." You take what you like and leave the rest!

And move on, instead of trying to show off their redpill/blackpill credentials by condescendingly insisting that no, that person who did some good things is actually 100% bad and if you don't see this and agree you're one of the sheep!
So you don't believe that super computers exist and can determine geometrical and complex time/space grid pattern outcomes based on "If A does this, then B will do that"? You don't believe that in 1997 an IBM supercomputer called Deep Blue beat grandmaster chess champion Garry Kasporav? And then you also don't believe that there is technology that exists that is at least 10 years more advanced than anything you, I, or the general public is aware of right now? Interesting. You take everything at face value... nothing to see here, everything is exactly as it appears. I'll have to look into that.

I never said anything about believing anything, I used the qualifier of "maybe."

I can't wait to meet you in the dark forest.
Who does he actually oppose? Does he suggest overthrowing the uniparty? Does he oppose the forever-war machine? Does he go against the multinational corporations and banks that are controlling the world?

No. He posts memes making fun of trans people every now and then.

This billionaire darling child of the media must be different, he is the good billionaire, not like the evil billionaires, more like Batman, where Batman tried to save Gotham city, Elon saves the world from it's grip of wokeness, because he is so honest and good, on his own against the bad billionaires. He is flawed ofcourse, having kids with 3 women, but deep down he is fighting for Justice in the universe, just a simple poor Jewish boy in South-Africa turned to billionaire superhero, who with a cunning trick bought Twitter because he loved the right wind voice of truth, trans memes, he is shipping Teslas across the galaxy, and now it is bringing communication to the world with SpaceX in fat thick rockets to space, serving the US, the people in the world.

Yes kids, if you work hard, you can be just like Elon, just do well in school, do maths, physics, learn history and who knows you'll be the next Elon.
Who does he actually oppose? Does he suggest overthrowing the uniparty? Does he oppose the forever-war machine? Does he go against the multinational corporations and banks that are controlling the world?

No. He posts memes making fun of trans people every now and then.

You clearly haven't been looking at his tweets and followed his actions during the last say 6 months. He's taken on almost everything that's problematic with the woke world order. Just browse this thread for some of it...But I also stress that it's not really an issue what EM thinks about whatever, I only care about X as a free-speech platform that works!
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