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Donald Trump

I'm glad that most here seem to be coming around on Trump. Now he's best buddies with Zionist DeSantis it seems, who I did support for a while, but was definitely wrong about that. Apparently he also want's to pressure the Fed into lowering rates in order to create a fake boom in the economy, which I have predicted will happen before. It's also obvious that he'll be much more pro-Israel than the current admin. So more runaway inflation and more Zionism is what you'll get with Trump.
Okay keyboard-commando-warrior tough guys. That was only part of the taken out of context sleuthing story. The capitalization is not the issue here dude. I'm talking about drawing a line in the sand. We've got decievers among us who are not arguing in good faith. No big deal. Seeing as how some of them are threatening members I just thought it would be fun to root them out. Apparently not.

Enough with the derail, I apologize for the interruption.

@PurpleUrkel don't even try to make these points or argue with these keyboard- commandos who know more about global politics than world leaders! 😉
I'm glad that most here seem to be coming around on Trump. Now he's best buddies with Zionist DeSantis it seems, who I did support for a while, but was definitely wrong about that. Apparently he also want's to pressure the Fed into lowering rates in order to create a fake boom in the economy, which I have predicted will happen before. It's also obvious that he'll be much more pro-Israel than the current admin. So more runaway inflation and more Zionism is what you'll get with Trump.
As opposed to runaway criminal homosexuality, criminal mass immigration, and war mongering in Ukraine.

And the same inflation....

Yeah I'm not sure that you're making a compelling case against Trump here.
Apparently he also want's to pressure the Fed into lowering rates in order to create a fake boom in the economy, which I have predicted will happen before.

Yeah I'm not sure that you're making a compelling case against Trump here.

Yes, the inflation thing is baked into the cake, just like the debt scenarios are. Sorry, that's just the reality. Are we going to adopt BTC voluntarily, or something? Of course not, they'll only do that when there is no other option and technically don't have control anyway, so it happens on its own.
I'm sorry but perhaps you should consider your own actions first before acting as if you're above somebody, I very politely with genuine concern one "brother" to another told you to perhaps consider your actions as they were mirroring the mistakes you made in the past and then you went on another manic rant to tell me I was lying, attacking you, I wasn't your ally, had viscous hate and owed you a "deep apology". Yea that's real polite....

Perhaps take accountability for your actions instead of digging yourself deeper. When all your nonsense posting during 2020 turned out to be complete BS you were gone like it never happened, did you ever apologize to your "brothers" for misleading them? Lo and behold another election year and you're back with the same script....

I apologize for calling you out, is that what you would like to hear?

Keyboard commando, did I challenge you to a fight or something? Did I act tough or was that you? Stop projecting, your desperation to divert from your own actions and paint yourself as some kind of victim tells a lot.
FK again, with the negative remarks there Moriarity - Said Donald Sutherland to Gavin McLeod in Kelly's Heroes....

Look I get it you hate me and what I stand for and hate my Hard Core Pro-USA Patriots attitude it is what it is. Some people just hate the USA Military and USA Veterans. So, we just deal with it as it only matters when someone threatens us physically and in 2A states like Texas, Wyoming, New Hampshire etc this never happens as most folks behave with restrained politeness. This was supposed to be a pro Trump thread as there is already a Trump haters thread. There will be people in this Life who hate you - What does it matter on an Anonymous Web Forum... in real life NOT one bit at all. A bit surprised to see all the back handed negativity and outright attacks in this thread.

I was invited here to CiK to share my TA on Cryptos and Stocks to help other Christian Men get ahead financially in this world. That said I am not going to walk away with my figurative tail between my legs when keyboard commandos get in my face especially when I share warning signs about severe SHTF scenarios on the horizon.

I am a Highly Trained Nuclear Submarines Fast Attack Hunter Killer, I am PRO USA and PRO Trump - deal with it.
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I'm glad that most here seem to be coming around on Trump. Now he's best buddies with Zionist DeSantis it seems, who I did support for a while, but was definitely wrong about that. Apparently he also want's to pressure the Fed into lowering rates in order to create a fake boom in the economy, which I have predicted will happen before. It's also obvious that he'll be much more pro-Israel than the current admin. So more runaway inflation and more Zionism is what you'll get with Trump.
Every single major State and Federal politician has to continuously raise funds to run for office, the Major Donors are Big Pharma, Military Industrial Complex and AIPAC among many others (NEA, Public Unions, Zuckerbux etc for the Dems).

Therefore, the Zionist slam really has no meaning as EVERY Politician takes a nice chunk of the Billions in political donations AIPAC and many other major donors spread around to all political parties and politicians. Just Saying.

Example Comments:

"There will be massive amounts of people in large groups that will be running amok. They will rob, rape, murder, and maim anyone they find that has food, gold, ammo, etc.. This is what people should be preparing for."
DD, respectfully, I think this is more of a "coming collapse" prognosis than a Trump support comment.

I don't think anyone here is arguing that you shouldn't be personally prepared.
As opposed to runaway criminal homosexuality, criminal mass immigration, and war mongering in Ukraine.

And the same inflation....

Yeah I'm not sure that you're making a compelling case against Trump here.

Biden admin has raised rates, and resisted Israel in many ways! Ukraine won't change with Trump. There seems to be little enthusiasm out there this time around though. Most understand that it's two old boomers set in their ways, and no potential for anything good. But as I've said many times before, we'll be better of with Biden as we avoid the -28 radical young-female(?) President setup.
FK again, with the negative remarks there Moriarity - Said Donald Sutherland to Gavin McLeod in Kelly's Heroes....

Look I get it you hate me and what I stand for and hate my Hard Core Pro-USA Patriots attitude it is what it is. Some people just hate the USA Military and USA Veterans. So, we just deal with it as it only matters when someone threatens us physically and in 2A states like Texas, Wyoming, New Hampshire etc this never happens as most folks behave with restrained politeness. This was supposed to be a pro Trump thread as there is already a Trump haters thread. There will be people in this Life who hate you - What does it matter on an Anonymous Web Forum... in real life NOT one bit at all. A bit surprised to see all the back handed negativity and outright attacks in this thread.

I was invited here to CiK to share my TA on Cryptos and Stocks to help other Christian Men get ahead financially in this world. That said I am not going to walk away with my figurative tail between my legs when keyboard commandos get in my face especially when I share warning signs about severe SHTF scenarios on the horizon.

I am a Highly Trained Nuclear Submarines Fast Attack Hunter Killer, I am PRO USA and PRO Trump - deal with it.

Stop playing the victim, and stop claiming that having served in uniform makes everything you say here always correct.
No one here hates you, and no one has said anything against veterans or the US military.
We disagree with the questionable, and sometimes extreme things, you are writing here.

There are many other US veterans, and other USA patriots on this forum, but you are the only one that always brings that up EVERY SINGLE TIME someone questions your nonsensical and outrageous claims. It's very childish.

Also, please learn some proper punctuation, proper capitalisation of words, and overall better English if you want to people to take your posts more seriously. There are night school courses for this.
As a veteran you'll probably get a discount.
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Stop playing the victim, and stop claiming that having served in uniform makes everything you say here always correct.
No one here hates you, and no one has said anything against veterans or the US mlitary.
We disagree with the questionable and sometimes extreme things you are writing here.

There are many other US veterans and many other USA patriots on this forum, but you are the only one that always brings that up EVERY SINGLE TIME sometimes questions your nonsensical and outrageous claims. It's very childish.

Also, please learn some proper punctuation and better English if you want to people to take your posts more seriously.
There are night school courses for this.
As a veteran you'll probably get a discount.
Just saying... You're welcome for my service ;)
FK again, with the negative remarks there Moriarity - Said Donald Sutherland to Gavin McLeod in Kelly's Heroes....

Look I get it you hate me and what I stand for and hate my Hard Core Pro-USA Patriots attitude it is what it is. Some people just hate the USA Military and USA Veterans. So, we just deal with it as it only matters when someone threatens us physically and in 2A states like Texas, Wyoming, New Hampshire etc this never happens as most folks behave with restrained politeness. This was supposed to be a pro Trump thread as there is already a Trump haters thread. There will be people in this Life who hate you - What does it matter on an Anonymous Web Forum... in real life NOT one bit at all. A bit surprised to see all the back handed negativity and outright attacks in this thread.

I was invited here to CiK to share my TA on Cryptos and Stocks to help other Christian Men get ahead financially in this world. That said I am not going to walk away with my figurative tail between my legs when keyboard commandos get in my face especially when I share warning signs about severe SHTF scenarios on the horizon.

I am a Highly Trained Nuclear Submarines Fast Attack Hunter Killer, I am PRO USA and PRO Trump - deal with it.

I don't hate you and I don't hate what you stand for and I absolutely don't hate our military and our veterans, it's actually the direct opposite. I take great offense to that as any man here would, shame on you for putting that on me just to distract from your bullshit because you don't want to own up to anything.
Stop playing the victim, and stop claiming that having served in uniform makes everything you say here always correct.
No one here hates you, and no one has said anything against veterans or the US military.
We disagree with the questionable, and sometimes extreme things, you are writing here.

There are many other US veterans, and other USA patriots on this forum, but you are the only one that always brings that up EVERY SINGLE TIME someone questions your nonsensical and outrageous claims. It's very childish.

Also, please learn some proper punctuation, proper capitalisation of words, and overall better English if you want to people to take your posts more seriously. There are night school courses for this.
As a veteran you'll probably get a discount.
You tough guy Keyboard Commandos could not victimize me on your best days - I am calling you out for Closeted Never Trumpers you clearly are.
I don't hate you and I don't hate what you stand for and I absolutely don't hate our military and our veterans, it's actually the direct opposite. I take great offense to that as any man here would, shame on you for putting that on me just to distract from your bullshit because you don't want to own up to anything.
In the world of Nuclear Submarine High Speed Fast Attack Hunter Killers there are only two types of Men, Qualified Men as in Qualified in Nuclear Submarine Warfare - AND- Non Qualified Pukes.

LOL - It is impossible for Qualified Men to be shamed or victimized or criticized by NQPs or NTP Never Trumpers.

You know who and what you are.

Good thing about this thread is it is a great filter to sort allies from hostiles.
DD, respectfully, I think this is more of a "coming collapse" prognosis than a Trump support comment.

I don't think anyone here is arguing that you shouldn't be personally prepared.
Respectfully I see about 10 Trump Ads a day on line while trading and researching stocks and crypto setups.

Again, in all due respect Choppas Trumps own adverts are pretty damned grim.

His eldest sons are hard core SHTF preppers as well.
In the world of Nuclear Submarine High Speed Fast Attack Hunter Killers there are only two types of Men, Qualified Men as in Qualified in Nuclear Submarine Warfare - AND- Non Qualified Pukes.

LOL - It is impossible for Qualified Men to be shamed or victimized or criticized by NQPs or NTP Never Trumpers.

You know who and what you are.

Good thing about this thread is it is a great filter to sort allies from hostiles.

None of that applies or has any actual meaning, get over yourself and have some humility.

This is the guy talking about being polite and fake keyboard warriors....
None of that applies or has any actual meaning, get over yourself and have some humility.

This is the guy talking about being polite and fake keyboard warriors....
LOL a raging raving NQP Ordering and Condescending to me to have some humility on a thread full of hostile NQPs.

As a Christian Nuclear Warrior there is only one place that I take a knee and show humility, in a Church in front of the Lord God Almighty as he is the only one Qualified Men have to answer to.
LOL an NQP Telling me to have some humility on a thread full of hostile NQPs.

As a Christian Nuclear Warrior there is only one place I take a knee and show humility, in a Church in front of the Lord God Almighty as he is the only one Qualified Men have to answer to.
It's a pretty easy deployment on a nuke boat, is it not?
It's a large boat, well provisioned, well paid positions, good opportunities for learning useful things. And no actual action.

It's more The Love Boat than Das Boot these days.
In the world of Nuclear Submarine High Speed Fast Attack Hunter Killers there are only two types of Men, Qualified Men as in Qualified in Nuclear Submarine Warfare - AND- Non Qualified Pukes.

LOL - It is impossible for Qualified Men to be shamed or victimized or criticized by NQPs or NTP Never Trumpers.

You know who and what you are.

Good thing about this thread is it is a great filter to sort allies from hostiles.

