Donald Trump

If you go back and watch the footage of the shooting, you hear a woman scream. I’m guessing it was either Corey’s wife or one of his daughters, it is disturbing to think his entire family was there to witness his murder.

Remember, he and his family must have shown up 8-10 hours early to get those seats so they were Trump’s strongest supporters
They want to kill you and your family for supporting this man.

The guy was truly a lion and hero of a man.

Early life and education[edit]​

Gangel was born and raised in New York City, the daughter of Richard I. Gangel and Phyllis Gangel-Jacob.[3] Her parents divorced eleven months after her birth.[1] Her mother is a retired justice of the New York Supreme Court.[1] Gangel was raised in the Jewish faith

Quite literally, the Jew cries out in pain as they (hire others to) strike you.
Does contributing $45 million/month does any difference?

I think voters already decided and are not going to change their minds by watching an AD.

Might be a way for Musk to ask favors in the future.
Ummm well... if the 180-235 million in capital on top of the 200+ million is used to counter illegal ballot harvesting AND ensured Republicans conducted Legal ballot harvesting.... It would help prevent the margin of fraud from occuring.
off-topic posting; thread derail this belongs in trump criticism thread
Everyone in the USA should focus on countering the eclipsing gun rights that are likely to be brought up in tandem with anti-tractor laws passed if Mr. Orange gets in again:




I would support the righteousness of the cause behind the MAGA movement but its never going to achieve what its after because the jews are running and gunning both sides like they do just about every single time, and the kind of world MAGA wants for Americans is not good for the international creditors who own their banks and politicians.

EO11110 is still a valid option for any US president, even Trump, but he'd never do it.
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Nick Fuentes seems to be saying that because JD Vance married an Indian woman rather than a white woman he is no different than Jeb Bush or Nikki Haley or Bill Kristol on policy. That's facile.
Pointing out his choice to marry an Indian woman is not facile, it determines his entire bloodline going forward.

Also, he didn't say that the only reason he distrusts/dislikes Vance is regarding Vance's choice of wife (nor that it specifically makes him like Jeb et al). Vance was a dip about Trump first time 'round, Vance is bought and paid by gay & Jews (and gay Jews) in Silicon Valley, and he is a big supporter of Israel. His wife is just icing on the cake and suitable rhetorical ammo to be used against him.
Anyone in the world could have written that on the chans. There’s no confirmation that the author was actually the counter sniper.
Since the message presumes his willingness to positively identify himself he could post the message in a non-anonymous forum, and one in which readers could confirm his identity.
When Trump got up and showed the world his courage and bravery, his loyalty and virtue. He overcame the first hurdle.

God is pleased for him overcoming his challenge.

Yet, the true test has come now. Not just for him, but all of us.

To follow and exalt God, and exemplify virtue.

To do what we believe is right, not what we believe is easy.

We must overcome this pain head on. Ephesians 6:11, be humble before God, and loving of him that he might armour us in our faith, and guide us to heaven.

Not a single person saw Trump and did not have their illusion, their delusion break.

The vile lies of the devil that Jews and Communists devised to weaken him were shattered like glass beneath a sledgehammer.

Trump did not bow or break. He got up on his feet. He did not flee, he stood his ground. He did not act in pride, he gave thanks to God for his salvation.

He showed Perseverance in standing again. For the lord smiles upon those who get up when they stumble.

He showed Valor in standing his ground to reassure his people, for there is no greater love than he that would lay down his life for his friends.

He showed Humility in recognising God's miracle, and that he was saved not by his own works, but by the lord's alone.

What he did was commendable, and shows that every man and women who called him a liar, accused him of narcissism, claimed he was manipulating his voters, all of them are wrong.

Even those who say he is controlled by the Jews can now see he is capable of fighting in spite of his fear. Both for himself and his family.

He was crippled by that fear, and the many Christians persecuted on January 6 were left in the cold because of his inaction.

Now he has a chance to change that, and so do we.

Psalm 23
King James Version​

23 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
3 He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
5 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.