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Donald Trump


Going to get this started now...

I for one, am just happy to see all my hard earned tax payer dollars go to good use as Jamaican Communists Judges oversee my candidate of choice's free speech opportunities.

It goes without saying that The Donald makes himself an unnecessarily easy target... but I thought I'd start us off right with a little snapshot of what is going on in in Oct 2023 in case this thread balloons into a 5000 pager.
My biggest issue with the RVF was the protection placed on Donald Trump. There was some criticism of him allowed, but it was too muffled, and it is possible a reader or even member got swept up in January 6th when it was known ahead of time to be a very likely trap set by his team. Did he know about the trap? Doesn't matter.

I don't want that to be allowed to happen again. We even had our own thread to limit criticism there, and because it was too popular, it got shut down.

Right now, this is what I am seeing take place. Israel is having second thoughts about going into Gaza. They are now a few days behind schedule. They see the entire Muslim world uniting against them. They see China and Russia telling them to knock it off and it is time for a two-state solution, and they see their muscle of the USA military is extremely weak. I think they bite their tongue on this one and don't go into Gaza and regroup.

Part of their regrouping will be to get Trump back into office. He is the only man who can sell another war in the middle east to the fighting aged men in the USA. Watch this potentially unfold. I'm not saying don't vote for him, and I am not saying to vote for anyone else to avoid war in the middle east. I am saying that they are now facing the reality of how badly they need Trump in office to do their dirty work for them. And if they put him back in office, we must be ready to counter any narrative they push for war in the Middle East. Mostly, if they lie to us and say they will deport Muslims, because we know that they will never do so, mainly because that means putting them back in the way or Israel's plans in the middle east.

Outside of this, I felt the other forum was very informative, with excellent posters and moderators and we should strive to duplicate those efforts here.
My biggest issue with the RVF was the protection placed on Donald Trump. There was some criticism of him allowed, but it was too muffled, and it is possible a reader or even member got swept up in January 6th when it was known ahead of time to be a very likely trap set by his team. Did he know about the trap? Doesn't matter.

I don't want that to be allowed to happen again. We even had our own thread to limit criticism there, and because it was too popular, it got shut down.

Right now, this is what I am seeing take place. Israel is having second thoughts about going into Gaza. They are now a few days behind schedule. They see the entire Muslim world uniting against them. They see China and Russia telling them to knock it off and it is time for a two-state solution, and they see their muscle of the USA military is extremely weak. I think they bite their tongue on this one and don't go into Gaza and regroup.

Part of their regrouping will be to get Trump back into office. He is the only man who can sell another war in the middle east to the fighting aged men in the USA. Watch this potentially unfold. I'm not saying don't vote for him, and I am not saying to vote for anyone else to avoid war in the middle east. I am saying that they are now facing the reality of how badly they need Trump in office to do their dirty work for them. And if they put him back in office, we must be ready to counter any narrative they push for war in the Middle East. Mostly, if they lie to us and say they will deport Muslims, because we know that they will never do so, mainly because that means putting them back in the way or Israel's plans in the middle east.

Outside of this, I felt the other forum was very informative, with excellent posters and moderators and we should strive to duplicate those efforts here.
Dude we get it you don’t like Trump. Totally fine to have an opinion, I’m not thrilled with him at this point, I’m less thrilled with Biden/Desantis/etc

But you’re crazy if you think Israeli lobbyists need Donald Trump, or any particular USA politician.

All of the USA politicians with the exception of Kanye are eating out of Israel’s hands . Agreed that the latest carpet bombing of Gaza City the past week is overkill and a gross over reaction. But does Israel need Donald Trump ? Are you high? No they will get any American leader to kiss their feet repeatedly
Dude we get it you don’t like Trump. Totally fine to have an opinion, I’m not thrilled with him at this point, I’m less thrilled with Biden/Desantis/etc

But you’re crazy if you think Israeli lobbyists need Donald Trump, or any particular USA politician.

All of the USA politicians with the exception of Kanye are eating out of Israel’s hands . Agreed that the latest carpet bombing of Gaza City the past week is overkill and a gross over reaction. But does Israel need Donald Trump ? Are you high? No they will get any American leader to kiss their feet repeatedly
I am way past the age/stage in life about liking or not liking someone.

It isn't that Israel can't strong arm politicians into doing their bidding. It is that right now the USA can't offer them enough, our military is depleted from record low recruiting and retainment. They badly need someone to sell the US Military to the American people again, so they can actually have a force that will put up a real fight. The only guy who can sell this would be Trump. Anyone else in either party will ensure military recruitment stays at record lows.

I don't think anyone here believes we have fair or free elections. So, if they put him back in, that is the reason, and we must be ready to spread the word to not sign up for this military. We can't change the election results, but we might be able to keep more young men from throwing their lives away to defend a country that hates them.
I do think a Trump haters thread would be fine here. I had forgotten it was closed on the other forum.

In the old forum I remember times when it was like the Trump haters were on a rampage, spamming the regular Trump thread with millions of words of criticism, a couple of posts a minute. It was much better when they were required to use the Trump hater's thread.

The same thing will be true with denominations. People who think one way and want to talk about it with others of like mind will not want to have someone that disagrees with them come and put them on blast 24/7.
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I am way past the age/stage in life about liking or not liking someone.

It isn't that Israel can't strong arm politicians into doing their bidding. It is that right now the USA can't offer them enough, our military is depleted from record low recruiting and retainment. They badly need someone to sell the US Military to the American people again, so they can actually have a force that will put up a real fight. The only guy who can sell this would be Trump. Anyone else in either party will ensure military recruitment stays at record lows.

I don't think anyone here believes we have fair or free elections. So, if they put him back in, that is the reason, and we must be ready to spread the word to not sign up for this military. We can't change the election results, but we might be able to keep more young men from throwing their lives away to defend a country that hates them.

I don’t think todays young people are on board with joining the military, I doubt Trump changes any of that
I hope he can't, but if anyone can do it, it will be him. Just watch and see what plays out and be ready to counter any obvious lies like the hero's like Keith Woods and Nick Fuentes are doing on Twitter right now to the neo-cons agenda.
Why would he. It's antithetical to his agenda.

You might remember he priced himself on a peace deal...and avoided a full blown Syria war escalation.

Sorry I hardly see Trump as the one who's interested in this at all.
Why would he. It's antithetical to his agenda.

You might remember he priced himself on a peace deal...and avoided a full blown Syria war escalation.

Sorry I hardly see Trump as the one who's interested in this at all.
He didn't avoid a full blown Syrian war escalation. He actually escalated the war in Syria by bombing the country and then added more troops to protect ISIS so they could torture Christians and protect the stolen oil.

The only reason it didn't escalate from these crimes is because Russia was too focused on Ukraine and Iran and Syria were far too weak. I don't know if he tried that again today if he would get away with it or not.

This is the kind of thing that worries me, Trump literally committed war crimes by illegally bombing Syria and increased troop presence in Syria, and his supporters pretend like it didn't happen. This will be extremely dangerous if he gets back in office and tries to sell war and his supporters are willing to sign up for our military.

I don't know if we can save the USA, but if we can keep the USA military weak and understaffed, then the great satan cannot just bully and kill other innocent Christians around the globe for profit.

If people here want to support Trump and vote for him, that is fine, we can agree to disagree. It stops being fine if they put him back into office, just to sell the military to his supporters and people sign up again. We need to have an open dialog so that when they try this, it isn't as successful as they hope it will be.

My biggest concern in life right now is preventing 18 years olds from making this mistake. Never again, never again do they use our good young Christian men, and lie to them, and get them to be their mercenaries for endless war and blood treasure, while our nation is invaded and destroyed from within.
He didn't avoid a full blown Syrian war escalation. He actually escalated the war in Syria by bombing the country and then added more troops to protect ISIS so they could torture Christians and protect the stolen oil.

The only reason it didn't escalate from these crimes is because Russia was too focused on Ukraine and Iran and Syria were far too weak. I don't know if he tried that again today if he would get away with it or not.

This is the kind of thing that worries me, Trump literally committed war crimes by illegally bombing Syria and increased troop presence in Syria, and his supporters pretend like it didn't happen. This will be extremely dangerous if he gets back in office and tries to sell war and his supporters are willing to sign up for our military.

I don't know if we can save the USA, but if we can keep the USA military weak and understaffed, then the great satan cannot just bully and kill other innocent Christians around the globe for profit.

If people here want to support Trump and vote for him, that is fine, we can agree to disagree. It stops being fine if they put him back into office, just to sell the military to his supporters and people sign up again. We need to have an open dialog so that when they try this, it isn't as successful as they hope it will be.

My biggest concern in life right now is preventing 18 years olds from making this mistake. Never again, never again do they use our good young Christian men, and lie to them, and get them to be their mercenaries for endless war and blood treasure, while our nation is invaded and destroyed from within.
You're talking about a hypothetical that has yet to happen.

Let's get to the game before we start trying to change the play calls.

It's clear the guy has changed alot of his approach going in to 2024.

I hear what you're saying... But also remember that the real criticisms of Trump are what he didn't complete here domestically, not what he did abroad.

Something that he is focused on remedying in 2024
You're talking about a hypothetical that has yet to happen.

Let's get to the game before we start trying to change the play calls.

It's clear the guy has changed alot of his approach going in to 2024.

I hear what you're saying... But also remember that the real criticisms of Trump are what he didn't complete here domestically, not what he did abroad.

Something that he is focused on remedying in 2024
Yes, the hypothetical that they put him into office so we can well the military to his supporters. I see this coming, and i am just asking for permission here to shout this down.

Hopefully he just goes away, and we can continue to get people to wake up from the two-party plantation lie.
My biggest concern in life right now is preventing 18 years olds from making this mistake. Never again, never again do they use our good young Christian men, and lie to them, and get them to be their mercenaries for endless war and blood treasure, while our nation is invaded and destroyed from within.
If there was pragmatism involved on top, we wouldn't be collapsing.

Is a boss going to let you take on his role because the fellas like you more? Considering the absolute freaks they keep putting in charge, the only thing they seem to care about is whether you're a stooge. I'm not even sure what optics they're aiming for. The propaganda is curated by libs for libs, that's why there's a schism towards reality. It's not good propaganda. Look at the communists: soviets, chinese, etc. Their propaganda makes sense, they don't browbeat their population to love blacks and gays. I sometimes wonder if the west has actual "propaganda" or this is all just a Jewish humiliation ritual of Europeans. While I've personally soured on Trump and question his intelligence, I have to admit they couldn't wait to get rid of him. He's not coming back.
If there was pragmatism involved on top, we wouldn't be collapsing.

Is a boss going to let you take on his role because the fellas like you more? Considering the absolute freaks they keep putting in charge, the only thing they seem to care about is whether you're a stooge. I'm not even sure what optics they're aiming for. The propaganda is curated by libs for libs, that's why there's a schism towards reality. It's not good propaganda. Look at the communists: soviets, chinese, etc. Their propaganda makes sense, they don't browbeat their population to love blacks and gays. I sometimes wonder if the west has actual "propaganda" or this is all just a Jewish humiliation ritual of Europeans. While I've personally soured on Trump and question his intelligence, I have to admit they couldn't wait to get rid of him. He's not coming back.
Lets wait and see. I personally think this whole "trial" and "immigrant judge" is just building a story up that the persecute underdog was able to fight back, win against all odds, and now will really go ham for his base. I mean, it is setting up just like any cheesy 1980's Hollywood action movie.

If he goes away, then I am okay with that, because I see him as extremely dangerous in how he can get good people to support policies that hurt them by cracking some terrible jokes and talking tough and doing nothing. If he is put back in office, we all know the reason, and it isn't to "get revenge against the socialist libs" it is to sell the military, which right now is falling to pieces.

If he wins against all odds, kicks out millions of illegals, takes our troops out of the middle east and puts them on the border, breaks up the Wall Street Monopoly, puts BLM terrorists in prison, make DEI illegal and rips the civil rights bill to shreds, then he will win me back. Until then, I am expecting more of the worst.
Lets wait and see. I personally think this whole "trial" and "immigrant judge" is just building a story up that the persecute underdog was able to fight back, win against all odds, and now will really go ham for his base. I mean, it is setting up just like any cheesy 1980's Hollywood action movie.

If he goes away, then I am okay with that, because I see him as extremely dangerous in how he can get good people to support policies that hurt them by cracking some terrible jokes and talking tough and doing nothing. If he is put back in office, we all know the reason, and it isn't to "get revenge against the socialist libs" it is to sell the military, which right now is falling to pieces.

If he wins against all odds, kicks out millions of illegals, takes our troops out of the middle east and puts them on the border, breaks up the Wall Street Monopoly, puts BLM terrorists in prison, make DEI illegal and rips the civil rights bill to shreds, then he will win me back. Until then, I am expecting more of the worst.
Well...no offense, but you do default to the negative outlook so that's par for the course my friend...

But of course given how much there is zero tru see t in society or institutions... I understand the sentiment.
Well...no offense, but you do default to the negative outlook so that's par for the course my friend...

But of course given how much there is zero tru see t in society or institutions... I understand the sentiment.
I am just old and seen this happen over and over in my life.

Hey, if Trump gets back in there and does the things I listed above, and these are all things that will have to be done by 2028 to save this country anyway, then he will 100% win me back. That is all on him. Anything short of that list and it is over anyway. The grift off the Whtie working class has run its course, and the pain is now being felt by the satanic elites in how weak our, military is and how much trouble the economy is in. So it is up to them to do what is right, even for themselves.

I'm willing to give Trump a second chance, but he has to earn it from day 1, and if it goes anything like his last 4 years, then I will be doing my best to get every young person to not consider the military at all.
Yes, the hypothetical that they put him into office so we can well the military to his supporters. I see this coming, and i am just asking for permission here to shout this down.

Hopefully he just goes away, and we can continue to get people to wake up from the two-party plantation lie.
I am opposed to shouting down. I am 100% in favor of stating your opinion, possibly even more than once, but I think shouting down, spamming the same points over and over again, and putting people on blast should be against the rules. It's not like this kind of thing changes anybody's mind.
I am opposed to shouting down. I am 100% in favor of stating your opinion, possibly even more than once, but I think shouting down, spamming the same points over and over again, and putting people on blast should be against the rules. It's not like this kind of thing changes anybody's mind.
Seemed like that was exactly the sort of comments we were looking to avoid with implementing a limit on posts in a certain topic.
Yes, the hypothetical that they put him into office so we can well the military to his supporters. I see this coming, and i am just asking for permission here to shout this down.

Hopefully he just goes away, and we can continue to get people to wake up from the two-party plantation lie.

Look at the proposed Global Rule list.

Insisting on a point that you are right all of the time will be against the rules. State your piece, engage in debate with those who respond to you, and let it be.

No one will be shouting anyone else down. Otherwise they get a timeout from politics/religion/(insert heated topics here)
I think it is good for this forum to allow for these debates, the last forum became an echo chamber, slowly losing connection to reality by stifling differing opinions. This doesn't mean there shouldn't be guidelines and rules of how we conduct ourselves.

I have not seen anything wrong with the way @It_Is_My_Time argues. He raises good questions, he challenges and he has done so while maintaining professionalism.

Edit: For the users who can't handle the heat, the "Ignore" button works wonders.
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Look at the proposed Global Rule list.

Insisting on a point that you are right all of the time will be against the rules. State your piece, engage in debate with those who respond to you, and let it be.

No one will be shouting anyone else down. Otherwise they get a timeout from politics/religion/(insert heated topics here)
It isn't about being shouted down. I don't mind a good debate and disagreement. In fact I encourage it.

I wasn't allowed to talk about Trump on the other forum, and to this day I get sick when I think potentially one forum member attended J6 and had their life ruined, when I could have talked them out of it. I don't want that to happen again.