Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

My stance on Trump regarding these issues:

Abortion-Trump helped overturn Roe v. Wade and did other pro-life measures in his first term, he gets a pass on being somewhat moderate in the last election especially considering the border crisis.
Feminism-Trump hasn’t really done much in regards to this although I’m not sure what he can do.
Homosexuality-Unfortunately Gay mirages have been hosted in Trump’s homes. L on this one.
Pornography-Irrelevant regarding Trump. What I find stupid in this article is they focus on animated child porn when it involves no humans. Adult porn featuring real people is far more harmful while with lolicon it’s debatable if it stops pedos from molesting kids.
Transgenderism-Trump is getting rid of “gender affirming care” for minors and makes it official for there to be only male and female as recognized genders. Ideally he would make all trans stuff illegal but not too bad overall.

My stance on Trump regarding these issues:

Abortion-Trump helped overturn Roe v. Wade and did other pro-life measures in his first term, he gets a pass on being somewhat moderate in the last election especially considering the border crisis.
Feminism-Trump hasn’t really done much in regards to this although I’m not sure what he can do.
Homosexuality-Unfortunately Gay mirages have been hosted in Trump’s homes. L on this one.
Pornography-Irrelevant regarding Trump. What I find stupid in this article is they focus on animated child porn when it involves no humans. Adult porn featuring real people is far more harmful while with lolicon it’s debatable if it stops pedos from molesting kids.
Transgenderism-Trump is getting rid of “gender affirming care” for minors and makes it official for there to be only male and female as recognized genders. Ideally he would make all trans stuff illegal but not too bad overall.
I think the easiest way to attack feminism would be to just put in the nomenclature that you think the next military draft would require women. Just float this idea, you don't even have to pass it as law. When the actual president says this, you are going to see women expose themselves at such a high rate a lot of men question why women are even voting to start with. If they can vote, but don't have to put themselves on the line, how is this in the least bit fair or realistic long term. At the same time, a lot of women would start saying "I would be happy to give up my right to vote if it meant I never had to be drafted".

I think the time is ripe for this as well. Women have very much overplayed their hand and still they demand more. Young men are sick of their behavior and this would be enough to make them really start to question why we ever let women to vote to start with. It might start the whole process of removing a lot of the feminist policies we have, down the road. AT the least, we would see a lot of "brave" women expose themselves as cowards.
I think the easiest way to attack feminism would be to just put in the nomenclature that you think the next military draft would require women. Just float this idea, you don't even have to pass it as law. When the actual president says this, you are going to see women expose themselves at such a high rate a lot of men question why women are even voting to start with. If they can vote, but don't have to put themselves on the line, how is this in the least bit fair or realistic long term. At the same time, a lot of women would start saying "I would be happy to give up my right to vote if it meant I never had to be drafted".

I think the time is ripe for this as well. Women have very much overplayed their hand and still they demand more. Young men are sick of their behavior and this would be enough to make them really start to question why we ever let women to vote to start with. It might start the whole process of removing a lot of the feminist policies we have, down the road. AT the least, we would see a lot of "brave" women expose themselves as cowards.

Old but relevant.
Trump going after Massie isn't going over well, Dave Smith pointed out in a recent podcast how idiotic it is and essentially dividing his own base.

The biggest problem for Trump, and his handlers especially, is that the only part of Trump's base that really matters, the young men are siding with Massie. And what that means, is the men they are both trying to calm down and also get to enlist in the military, are saying "no" to this entire system. The old men, the female Trump supporters, they are mostly on Trump's side against Massie, because he is their leader. The young men, the ones they fear throwing the system over, the ones they desperate need to buy into this system, are on Massie's side.

This is going to be a huge problem for them.
You’ll be asking that same question for the next four years.
Exactly. There are so many people that have committed felonies in and outside of "our" government that DOGE has uncovered that they'd have to start arresting hundreds of people a day for the next four years just to scratch the surface. This doesn't even include the BLM protesters that burned down cities, those responsible for illegally locking up the J6 protestors, rogue FBI/CIA agents behind the Russia collusion hoax, surgeons who have been genitally mutulating adolescents and young adults (if you have to be 21 to drink then you most certainly have to be 21 to be prescribed puberty blockers and have your johnson lopped off), Biden's inner circle for elder abuse and treason for knowing that Biden was mentally unfit for office yet covered for him anyway so that they could illegally "play President," and the clients that were at the center of Jeffrey Epstein's and Ghislaine Maxwell's pedophile/prostitution ring.

And it's not enough to just start arresting all of these criminals. We need perp walks.
I like this Massie guy. Didn't his wife just die? He's got nothing to lose maybe that's why Trump is getting a little agitated.
His wife did just die last year, at around 50 years old. He has never taken a penny from AIPAC, he is the one who told Tucker that all the guys in DC have AIPAC handlers, so he has a large target on his back. He has even suggested we don't allow dual citizens to hold office in the USA. He is as "America First" as it comes in DC.

I like this Massie guy. Didn't his wife just die? He's got nothing to lose maybe that's why Trump is getting a little agitated.
His wife did just die last year... He has never taken a penny from AIPAC... so he has a large target on his back.
Then Massie needs to start going scorched earth on Trump and the JQ and start dropping j-bombs left and right. He has nothing to lose. We can't solve our problems if everyone is afraid to name the problem. Massie should hold a press conference with Kanye, Bilzerian, Stew Peters, Fuentes, and Jake Shields by his side and just take turns stepping up to the mic and verbally massacring the JQ and Israel. Fight clown world with clown world. Create a circus. Shine light on darkness. Make the world scream at the top of their lungs "antisemites!", and then rebuke the attacks with, "We are not 'antisemites,' we are 'counter-semites', we do not hate jews, hate implies wanting to hurt jews, which we don't, we simply want jews to stop hurting America. AIPAC must be disolved and the American government must stop it's Israel First Agenda. All funding for Israel must cease immediately. Though the jews are less than 2% of the American population they hold over 50% of America's positions of power and wealth in media, finance, and government. The jews, though less than 1% of the worlds population are one of the single richest groups of people on planet earth and therefore Israel can afford to defend itself."

This ridiculous fear of saying the word "jew" in a negative light has got to stop. Somebody has got to start a massive, public verbal attack on jews and Israel so that a truthful dialogue on the subject can commence. We can't solve our problems by refusing to define them. Trump has so obviously been completely brainwashed by the JQ and someone needs to cause a JQ calling out shit storm to wake his ass up.
Then Massie needs to start going scorched earth on Trump and the JQ and start dropping j-bombs left and right. He has nothing to lose. We can't solve our problems if everyone is afraid to name the problem. Massie should hold a press conference with Kanye, Bilzerian, Stew Peters, Fuentes, and Jake Shields by his side and just take turns stepping up to the mic and verbally massacring the JQ and Israel. Fight clown world with clown world. Create a circus. Shine light on darkness. Make the world scream at the top of their lungs "antisemites!", and then rebuke the attacks with, "We are not 'antisemites,' we are 'counter-semites', we do not hate jews, hate implies wanting to hurt jews, which we don't, we simply want jews to stop hurting America. AIPAC must be disolved and the American government must stop it's Israel First Agenda. All funding for Israel must cease immediately. Though the jews are less than 2% of the American population they hold over 50% of America's positions of power and wealth in media, finance, and government. The jews, though less than 1% of the worlds population are one of the single richest groups of people on planet earth and therefore Israel can afford to defend itself."

This ridiculous fear of saying the word "jew" in a negative light has got to stop. Somebody has got to start a massive, public verbal attack on jews and Israel so that a truthful dialogue on the subject can commence. We can't solve our problems by refusing to define them. Trump has so obviously been completely brainwashed by the JQ and someone needs to cause a JQ calling out shit storm to wake his ass up.
If he did that, he would have so many intelligence agencies up his you know what, looking for any tiny infraction and turning it into a felony. We are not that far a long yet. If we have another major military set back, then maybe, but for right now, this would be off limits unless you want to go to prison and have your children's lives destroyed.
If he did that, he would have so many intelligence agencies up his you know what, looking for any tiny infraction and turning it into a felony... this would be off limits unless you want to go to prison...
Stew Peters, Blake Shields, and Fuentes aren't in jail. Make the feds overplay their hand(s). Cause a scene. Stop playing it safe. No guts, no glory. Massie, Trump, Vance, et al, asked for these public positions of power and fame and if they "know things" about jewish power they aren't revealing and are instead letting America cook like a slow boiled frog then may they burn in hell. If they don't know and haven't noticed the noticing then it's time they get themselves educated on the (((subject))). They're running around like chickens with their heads cut off trying to put out all these fires of illegal immigration, no cash bail recidivist crime, government financial crime/theft, men in women's sports, endless for profit war, rampant "legal" pornography, etc., instead of addressing the source of the fire... jews. All of these things would begin to slow down and eventually stop if men like Massie, Vance, and Trump would grow a set and begin to institutionally and verbally attack jewish power and influence in America. This is a Christian country, not a jewish country. The jews deny Christ, they are blasphemous heretics who should have no say in American politics.

Massie, Trump, Vance, et al still have free speech (and power) and there is safety in numbers, yet they cower in fear from the word "jew" and are hanging the men who are courageously naming the JQ out to dry. If not now, then when? The time is now. It is now or maybe never. We are early in this administration and the time to act is now. We may not get another shot at this.