
Is This Winning? 5 Issues Conservatives Conceded to ‘Win’ the Culture War
From feminism to homosexuality to transgenderism – Here are five cultural issues where conservatives have lost ground.

My stance on Trump regarding these issues:
Abortion-Trump helped overturn Roe v. Wade and did other pro-life measures in his first term, he gets a pass on being somewhat moderate in the last election especially considering the border crisis.
Feminism-Trump hasn’t really done much in regards to this although I’m not sure what he can do.
Homosexuality-Unfortunately Gay mirages have been hosted in Trump’s homes. L on this one.
Pornography-Irrelevant regarding Trump. What I find stupid in this article is they focus on animated child porn when it involves no humans. Adult porn featuring real people is far more harmful while with lolicon it’s debatable if it stops pedos from molesting kids.
Transgenderism-Trump is getting rid of “gender affirming care” for minors and makes it official for there to be only male and female as recognized genders. Ideally he would make all trans stuff illegal but not too bad overall.