Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

I thought it would be a good discussion point. They also discussed how Miley claimed Trump tried to start a war with Iran on the way out, where Trump claimed Miley was the one trying to start the war, and how they tend to believe Miley because as a military guy he would know what a disaster that would be for our govt.
These ass clowns have zero idea what they are talking about.

Proof why you shouldn't waste any of your prescious brain cells listening to their idiocy.

Generals ALWAYS want to go to war.

Having been a military guy, and seeing the difference between company grade/field grade/flag grade officers, I can assure you there is Zero shortage of generals whom are perfectly fine with a war.

It's a check in the box for their command status.

This is akin to saying that a CEO doesn't want to do a merger and acquisition because it might be more of a headache for his front line business units. Or better yet, a divestment because people will lose their jobs. If they perceive it creates shareholder value and bolsters their legacy... They are going to do it regardless of the impact on the front line workers.

They don't care. They're disconnected.

Plus looks at jelly donut Miley. Why would these fucking morons believe this fat ass idiot who was angry about White Guilt and Rage instead of Trump who was doing what he could to combat that in the DoD?

This demonstrates these fools have zero credibility on matters of military ops and personalities. Neither of them clearly served.

Saved for Smedley Butler, I've yet to encounter a general who was not in favor of war.
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If it is too long, the short of it is Trump is more pro-war in the Middle East than any candidate for president we have seen, if he sticks with these expected cabinet appointees.

The idea that Trump could be more pro-War in the Middle East than the 100% Talmudic cabinet of Joe Biden is simply retarded, and these guys don't have a clue on what's going on.

At bare minimum, Trump will have at least 1 Christian in his cabinet, making it 100% more Christian than (((Biden's cabinet.)))

Seriously, 7 hours of pure ignorance.
The idea that Trump could be more pro-War in the Middle East than the 100% Talmudic cabinet of Joe Biden is simply retarded, and these guys don't have a clue on what's going on.

At bare minimum, Trump will have at least 1 Christian in his cabinet, making it 100% more Christian than (((Biden's cabinet.)))

Seriously, 7 hours of pure ignorance.
You don’t think Trump’s cabinet will be full of zionists?

I’m sticking by my prediction…

Trump will win the election. And then we will have troops on the ground fighting Hezbollah.
Compared to the current Regime which has a completely Jewish cabinet....

It's not even Apple's to apples.

Kushner is absolutely a problem. But maybe you didn't get the memo, he's not coming back to round 2.
Sounds like O’Brien and Cotton are two of the most pro-Israel men in DC. Even Israel is criticizing Biden’s team for not doing enough.

I’m sticking by my prediction.

Trump's pandering to his audience is getting out of control. At this rate, the next time he gives a speech to a Muslim crowd he will end by declaring Jihad on the West.

I feel like he just doesn't know which way to go anymore, he's trying to be more politician and less himself. He's the lesser of two evils and he'll buy us time that's about it at this point.....
I feel like he just doesn't know which way to go anymore, he's trying to be more politician and less himself. He's the lesser of two evils and he'll buy us time that's about it at this point.....


You’re giving him way too much credit. Trump ‘Himself’ was always a charlatan flip flopper. I don’t know how the hardcore Trump supporters can withstand the constant backstabbing. All the guys who back in 2016 that really thought he was going to deport illegals or solve the immigration problem. Imagine those guys seeing this now, green card for 2 years in college, it’s a slap in the face.

Let’s be real he’s a total and utter bullshitter. I voted for the guy…twice…but we all have to be honest with ourselves, we were conned. He saw an opening for his rhetoric and took advantage, we were fooled. Let’s not be fooled again.

You’re giving him way too much credit. Trump ‘Himself’ was always a charlatan flip flopper. I don’t know how the hardcore Trump supporters can withstand the constant backstabbing. All the guys who back in 2016 that really thought he was going to deport illegals or solve the immigration problem. Imagine those guys seeing this now, green card for 2 years in college, it’s a slap in the face.

Let’s be real he’s a total and utter bullshitter. I voted for the guy…twice…but we all have to be honest with ourselves, we were conned. He saw an opening for his rhetoric and took advantage, we were fooled. Let’s not be fooled again.

You were the hardcore trump supporter brother. All you guys who hate him so much now were.

You should probably stop saying "we", it's guys like you who go so hard at Trump because you put so much stock into him to begin with that played yourselves. Thats why you hate him so much now, he didn't fulfill all your fantasies so it hurt you. To me Trump was and always will be just what he is on the surface, does some things that are good and does some things that are bad. Lots of flaws and wrong but still better than the other guy, that's about it.

Every politician on earth can go fly a kite for all I me if you take that attitude you'll be better off.
You were the hardcore trump supporter brother. All you guys who hate him so much now were.

You should probably stop saying "we", it's guys like you who go so hard at Trump because you put so much stock into him to begin with that played yourselves. Thats why you hate him so much now, he didn't fulfill all your fantasies so it hurt you. To me Trump was and always will be just what he is on the surface, does some things that are good and does some things that are bad. Lots of flaws and wrong but still better than the other guy, that's about it.

Every politician on earth can go fly a kite for all I me if you take that attitude you'll be better off.

Nope, never was a hardcore Trumper. Frankly, you have no idea what in the hell you’re talking about, you must have me confused with the guys who post nonstop in all the Trump threads. Please find just one post of mine that gives you any indication about fulfilling fantasies or some nonsense. I’ll wait.

I thought like Michael Moore said that he was a legal Molotov cocktail you could throw into the corrupt system, I did expect him to have some sort of accomplishment for a presidency and besides the Supreme Court justices, I can’t name one off the top of my head.
Nope, never was a hardcore Trumper. Frankly, you have no idea what in the hell you’re talking about, you must have me confused with the guys who post nonstop in all the Trump threads. Please find just one post of mine that gives you any indication about fulfilling fantasies or some nonsense. I’ll wait.

I thought like Michael Moore said that he was a legal Molotov cocktail you could throw into the corrupt system, I did expect him to have some sort of accomplishment for a presidency and besides the Supreme Court justices, I can’t name one off the top of my head.

Just going by your own words, you said yourself you were "conned" and "fooled".

Sorry dude don't know anything about you, I said something negative about the guy and it wasn't enough for you which was kinda weird....that's all I saw. Same behavior as all the other guys who are pissed Trump didn't fulfill their wet dreams....
Just going by your own words, you said yourself you were "conned" and "fooled".

Sorry dude don't know anything about you, I said something negative about the guy and it wasn't enough for you which was kinda weird....that's all I saw. Same behavior as all the other guys who are pissed Trump didn't fulfill their wet dreams....

Yeah because technically everyone who voted for him was conned, but I guess you weren’t? You voted for him and expected nothing so then why did you vote for him to begin with if all politicians can ‘go fly a kite’? Whatever ‘dude’, I’m going to stop conversing with you, and frankly your last sentence is one of the most faggoty things I’ve seen written on here, projection much?
Yeah because technically everyone who voted for him was conned, but I guess you weren’t? You voted for him and expected nothing so then why did you vote for him to begin with if all politicians can ‘go fly a kite’? Whatever ‘dude’, I’m going to stop conversing with you, and frankly your last sentence is one of the most faggoty things I’ve seen written on here, projection much?

No I would still vote for him today over Hilary and Biden even knowing everything we know now. Calm your tits dude your strawman catty points and words don't even make sense....have some humility and stop being such a jerk.
This thread is just a complete disaster train wreck, nobody is allowed to be objective, nobody is allowed to have a real discussion.....nobody is allowed to do anything but scream "Trump is the devil" or the hordes come out like you just kicked their dog, just talking down about the guy isn't enough you might as well be confessing your love for him. God forbid anyone be realistic and reasonable about can all enjoy your misery have fun with it.
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Calm down, FrancisK. Trump is a divisive figure, so Trump threads always get a little heated. The man has his cult fans and his intractable critics, and I expect it will always be thus, long after he's gone. It is what it is. If you expect otherwise... well, as you said:
