Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

Whoa...! Did I miss the memo? They are going to institute the draft for American women too? Are feminists finally going to get their "equal rights"? I'd expect this to be front-page news with riots in the streets about how this is sexist, toxic, etc.

Plotting The Simpsons GIF
Whoa...! Did I miss the memo? They are going to institute the draft for American women too? Are feminists finally going to get their "equal rights"? I'd expect this to be front-page news with riots in the streets about how this is sexist, toxic, etc.
What does this have in to do with Trump?
I think it fairly obvious you have TDS because you simply hate on Trump without actual examining any numbers.
Not true. Trump is a non-issue for me. I've never liked the guy and nothing has changed as a result of him being President. He was exactly the type of President I expected him to be. That is, dumb, weak, and feckless. Nevertheless I will vote for him again. Someone with TDS would, by definition, never vote for Trump. And so I'll accept your apology now for inaccurately labeling me with a syndrome I do not have.

And so what, the guy "reduced" illegal crossings. Big deal. The President can declare states of emergency and deploy the military when the US is literally being invaded at our southern border. He did not do this.

Trump's problem is he doesn't read and is an anti-intellectual. As a result, he was unprepared for The Office of The US Presidency and therefore did not understand how to effectively use the levers of power at his disposal.

In addition, you conveniently glossed over these facts:
This guy never talked to his children about jews? He never said to Ivanka: "Never marry a jew"... "Especially one that owns a building numbered 666"? Why would this be? Why would such a "powerful," "intelligent" man not indocternate his children with counter-semitism?
Speaking of not being historically informed. Trump, like Putin is a JQ loving stooge. Trump will come down the escalator and attack illegals (and rightfully so) but doesn't mention that the jews are the ones who have orchestrated the invasion? 👌
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Whoa...! Did I miss the memo? They are going to institute the draft for American women too? Are feminists finally going to get their "equal rights"? I'd expect this to be front-page news with riots in the streets about how this is sexist, toxic, etc.
Well, it is at least being seriously discussed.

I can't imagine trying to draft men and pull them off the streets, after calling women "equals" for three generations straight and letting them at home while the men go die. You could do this back in the 1960's/70's for Vietnam, but we have gone too far now and I don't see the men putting up with it as obnoxious and entitled as women have become.

We shall see. I guess to tie it back to Trump, if Israel can't win, they will need a draft to fight that war and that will happen under the next president's term (DNC or Trump).
I don't even read your predictions anymore because I've noticed, over the years, 90% of them turn out to be completely false.

Instead of spending the time pouring over the news, you ought to spend more time reading history and religion, ground yourself in reality, and then you will be able to make more informed judgements of the future.

I don't know what predictions I have made that have turned out to be false. If you know of any, feel free to list them and I will be very happy to admit I was wrong. I listened to the podcast that predicted Trump would win the election, on election night, have the election stolen from him the next morning by mail in voting, and then there would be a giant Trump rally in which Trump's supporters would be labeled "terrorists". This was in late October 2020.

Mike Enoch predicts 2020 election outcome in Oct 2020

This is why I was sternly warning people to stay away from the DC on Jan 6th. And then Milo posting on telegram to stay out of DC on Jan 5th because his FBI agent told him they had something big planned.

Well, my prediction is out there, this is all in fun and entertainment. It isn't to argue, I don't have the time for that any longer. I think Trump wins, and I think it looks a lot like the current situation (bad economy, border not fixed/illegals keep coming in, increase war in the middle east, no peace with Russia). We might get peace with Russia, but it will not be because of Trump, it will be because NATO can no longer afford the war. We will certainly increase our footprint in the Middle East, because Israel will be defended above all else, no matter who is president.

There was a great podcast that did a deep dive into Trump in 2019. His dad's sketchy history, Trump's very sketchy connections to Roy Cohn, who bailed him out in the 1980's and thus who does he owe for the rest of his life, his business dealings, his charity work, etc. I am not sure if it still exists, if anyone is interested, let me know and I can see if I can find it. That is when I knew for a fact he was just a puppet of them, he has to be, they trained him, built him up, and bailed him out, and it might even have been in the works before he was born with his dad's sketchy history.

Things are going very bad for Israel. When I was 18 you had to go to the Post Office and fill out a form, so you could then in turn register to vote and get and federal loans or college grants. I guess now, most young men don't care enough, so they will just automatically do it for them electronically so they can be hunted down to fight for Israel. And non-citizens are exempt from it, at least for now.

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I don't know what predictions I have made that have turned out to be false. If you know of any, feel free to list them and I will be very happy to admit I was wrong. I listened to the podcast that predicted Trump would win the election, on election night, have the election stolen from him the next morning by mail in voting, and then there would be a giant Trump rally in which Trump's supporters would be labeled "terrorists". This was in late October 2020.

Mike Enoch predicts 2020 election outcome in Oct 2020

This is why I was sternly warning people to stay away from the DC on Jan 6th. And then Milo posting on telegram to stay out of DC on Jan 5th because his FBI agent told him they had something big planned.

Well, my prediction is out there, this is all in fun and entertainment. It isn't to argue, I don't have the time for that any longer. I think Trump wins, and I think it looks a lot like the current situation (bad economy, border not fixed/illegals keep coming in, increase war in the middle east, no peace with Russia). We might get peace with Russia, but it will not be because of Trump, it will be because NATO can no longer afford the war. We will certainly increase our footprint in the Middle East, because Israel will be defended above all else, no matter who is president.

There was a great podcast that did a deep dive into Trump in 2019. His dad's sketchy history, Trump's very sketchy connections to Roy Cohn, who bailed him out in the 1980's and thus who does he owe for the rest of his life, his business dealings, his charity work, etc. I am not sure if it still exists, if anyone is interested, let me know and I can see if I can find it. That is when I knew for a fact he was just a puppet of them, he has to be, they trained him, built him up, and bailed him out, and it might even have been in the works before he was born with his dad's sketchy history.

Things are going very bad for Israel. When I was 18 you had to go to the Post Office and fill out a form, so you could then in turn register to vote and get and federal loans or college grants. I guess now, most young men don't care enough, so they will just automatically do it for them electronically so they can be hunted down to fight for Israel. And non-citizens are exempt from it, at least for now.

Again... What does this have to do with Trump criticisms
I don't know what predictions I have made that have turned out to be false. If you know of any, feel free to list them and I will be very happy to admit I was wrong.

In fairness brother you have flip flopped on a lot of things in the past and you went pretty hard in whichever in really adamant strong thoughts then went the other way completely. That may be what Sammy Baby is referring to....I think that's understandable.
In fairness brother you have flip flopped on a lot of things in the past and you went pretty hard in whichever direction....
Feel free to list them, anyone else as well. I am predicting Trump wins, and then we see the same big issues in place. Maybe illegal immigration is slowed down, but it will be at best a stop gap until the next person is in and opens the gates up again.

And in answering the question, I believe that all these trials and the media treatment of him is to make him more popular with a base that is becoming more disillusioned with this new talking points. Which is how he raised so much money the day he was found guilty. Talk about a campaign boost.
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Not necessarily. I'm not saying you're wrong, but at this point in time I'm suspicious of everything that appears to be obvious to a 12 year old. I believe that the elites have AI 4-D Chess Super Computers that are at least 20 years more advanced than the current iPhones available to the public and that they use these super computers to move their political pawns. I'm honestly starting to believe that 2016 wasn't a fluke and that Trump "somehow" slipped past the powers that be, but instead was inserted into power by the JQ (whom Trump loves so much that he married his children off into their tribe) because it somehow accelerated their agenda.

This is bullshit. You're somehow confusing me with someone else. I have only ever had one Saviour, and that is Jesus Christ. I've hated Trump since the late 1980's and yet I voted for him anyhow and will vote for him again in 2024... I'll accept your apology now.

Not true. Trump is a non-issue for me. I've never liked the guy and nothing has changed as a result of him being President. He was exactly the type of President I expected him to be. That is, dumb, weak, and feckless. Nevertheless I will vote for him again. Someone with TDS would, by definition, never vote for Trump. And so I'll accept your apology now for inaccurately labeling me with a syndrome I do not have.

And so what, the guy "reduced" illegal crossings. Big deal. The President can declare states of emergency and deploy the military when the US is literally being invaded at our southern border. He did not do this.

Trump's problem is he doesn't read and is an anti-intellectual. As a result, he was unprepared for The Office of The US Presidency and therefore did not understand how to effectively use the levers of power at his disposal.

In addition, you conveniently glossed over these facts:

Speaking of not being historically informed. Trump, like Putin is a JQ lovin stooge. Trump will come down the escalator and attack illegals (and rightfully so) but doesn't mention that the jews are the ones who have orchestrated the invasion? 👌

TDS means discarding reality and then taking that mentality and applying it universally to everything Trump related. Again, this is the same reality you believe in : group xyz has power and they control everything, yet you expect Trump to take control away from that group. Trump comes in from outside politics, does abc and yet due to the above-mentioned control, can't make positive enough changes because the system is against him. I do agree he was more abrasive than he needed to be. However, that still doesn't offset your amateur understanding of the power system at play and refusal to believe that neither Trump, nor anyone else can overcome it.

You have cognitive dissonance and a pure logical disconnect. I have interacted with you earlier and you have mentioned you are older. However, I'll repeat again that your demeanor comes across much like a teenager, especially with your constant request for apologies! Get a hold of yourself and let yourself age better.
I am predicting Trump wins.
Not much of a "prediction." I mean, you gotta' 50/50 chance right out of the gate. So okay, I'll be your huckleberry, and say that I am predicting that Trump loses. Now what? Nothing, that's what.

There will be no discernable difference in US on-the-ground, real world affairs no matter who is our next President is because they are all bought, sold, and controlled by jews.
You have cognitive dissonance and a pure logical disconnect. I have interacted with you earlier and you have mentioned you are older. However, I'll repeat again that your demeanor comes across much like a teenager, especially with your constant request for apologies! Get a hold of yourself and let yourself age better.
Why do you keep addressing me in the personal tense? Combat my arguments, not my perceived age and personality. It's just like a girl to use personal information a man has divulged in an argument against him. Get a grip Kumar, and accept Jesus Christ as your Saviour before you are sent to hell with your know-it-all arrogance.
Not much of a "prediction." I mean, you gotta' 50/50 chance right out of the gate. So okay, I'll be your huckleberry, and say that I am predicting that Trump loses. Now what? Nothing, that's what.

There will be no discernable difference in US on-the-ground, real world affairs no matter who is our next President is because they are all bought, sold, and controlled by jews.
You are correct, there will be little to no difference, no matter who wins. I was very adamant about getting people to "wake up" to the real Trump. But Oct 7th and Israel's handling of the situation has blown this thing wide open. I no longer have to worry about it. Guys like Nick Fuentes and other American First guys are spreading the word about Trump, and we still have 4+ months to go.

It doesn't matter who wins now, for me, too many know the truth and thus Trump will not be able to successfully talk young men into another war in the Middle East.

You are correct, there will be little to no difference, no matter who wins. I was very adamant about getting people to "wake up" to the real Trump. But Oct 7th and Israel's handling of the situation has blown this thing wide open. I no longer have to worry about it. Guys like Nick Fuentes and other American First guys are spreading the word about Trump, and we still have 4+ months to go.

It doesn't matter who wins now, for me, too many know the truth and thus Trump will not be able to successfully talk young men into another war in the Middle East.

"Nikki Haley is a neocon retard."
-Nick Fuentes

Why do you keep addressing me in the personal tense? Combat my arguments, not my perceived age and personality. It's just like a girl to use personal information a man has divulged in an argument against him. Get a grip Kumar, and accept Jesus Christ as your Saviour before you are sent to hell with your know-it-all arrogance.

Your arguments consistently lack substance. I find myself searching for it and come across an emotional source rather than logical.

Those have been combated by many people here who have in fact provided substance over the years. That said, there is no combat to TDS. It's just an addiction and affliction people cannot separate themselves from, especially when they are emotional loose cannons. You are not its latest victim, or only victim, but it does make you a laughing stock.

Also, bringing my religion and identity into a thread where it is not relevant makes you look petulant. You have done it before and while I'm not petty enough to report you for it, keep in mind it may be against forum rules. At the very least, don't sink so low.
Not true. Trump is a non-issue for me. I've never liked the guy and nothing has changed as a result of him being President. He was exactly the type of President I expected him to be. That is, dumb, weak, and feckless. Nevertheless I will vote for him again. Someone with TDS would, by definition, never vote for Trump. And so I'll accept your apology now for inaccurately labeling me with a syndrome I do not have.

Alright, fine, I apologize, I shouldn't claim you have TDS.

And so what, the guy "reduced" illegal crossings. Big deal. The President can declare states of emergency and deploy the military when the US is literally being invaded at our southern border. He did not do this.

If he did that he'd get impeached. It's just not how power works in America.

Trump's problem is he doesn't read and is an anti-intellectual. As a result, he was unprepared for The Office of The US Presidency and therefore did not understand how to effectively use the levers of power at his disposal.

I agree, it would be better if he was smarter. However, we don't have some brilliant strategist, we get a regular guy with his heart in the right place, who somehow got rich by dealing with the chews.

It's actually not the case that Trump gave his daughter away to the Talmuds, there is a speech online somewhere and Trump is speaking to an audience of Talmuds about his daughter getting married to Kushner, and Trump said, "My daughter marrying a Jew was never in the cards," and I think he pissed of a lot of Talmuds in the audience but Trump probably thought he was being funny.

She chose a Jew on her own accord, because she grew up in Jew York City, and her father probably did not do a whole lot to raise her outside of some basic stuff. Religiously, Ivanka turned out terribly, but compare Trump's kids to Biden's kids and it's still night and day.
You have cognitive dissonance and a pure logical disconnect. I have interacted with you earlier and you have mentioned you are older. However, I'll repeat again that your demeanor comes across much like a teenager, especially with your constant request for apologies! Get a hold of yourself and let yourself age better.

You can't call someone a teenager and not expect them to feel insulted. You can't be surprised if someone hits back afterwards.

Why do you keep addressing me in the personal tense? Combat my arguments, not my perceived age and personality. It's just like a girl to use personal information a man has divulged in an argument against him. Get a grip Kumar, and accept Jesus Christ as your Saviour before you are sent to hell with your know-it-all arrogance.

At the same time, if someone attacks you the Christian thing to do is turn the other cheek rather than make a fight worse. It's not like being called a teenager is a big deal.
An extremely long and in-depth podcast about Trump's likely cabinet members, who they are tied to, what they have written/believe, and how they are deeply tied to Israel and have greatly increased funding from Israeli first/Israeli citizen mega donors.

Trumps Cabinet
Do you expect anyone to watch a 7 hour podcast with 2 dudes?
I am only a little over one hour into it and I have learned a lot. If anyone wants to hear the likely domestic/war policy under Trump, it is worthwhile. It is very in-depth, very well researched, and entertaining. I have no idea if all seven hours stay on the topic or not, but they jump into it pretty quickly.

One guy I forgot about, Robert O'Brien, is the main discussion and his very shady background and connections in Israel, where I am at in the podcast anyway.