Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

Bro you're an evermoving goal post. This is why it's not only tiresome, but discrediting.

"He's not gonna pardon the J6ers"

Pardons J6ers*

"I won't give Trump any credit until he puts Godzilla in jail!"

Give you a hint. When you show up to an argument.... Zero people will listen to what to say if you're constantly dogging any observable good things and painting all things as negative.

I think I've figured out your personality well...You are like Tony Soprano's Mother.

Oh poor you!

iimt is like a woman with a Virginia ham under her arm crying because she has no bread
I am both excited and cautious. I can see both sides. I can understand people being skeptical after how things have gone. It seems we're off to a decent start, however.

He appears to be rolling up his sleeves and getting to work, faster than I ever expected. ICE started removing some of the worst criminal invaders from my city weeks ago, after our mayor had publicly stated that he'd "protect" them. The fact that they backed down and started cooperating weeks before Trump even assumed office says something. He's got to get those deportation numbers up, and not just stop at "violent" ones. They all need to go. We'll see what happens.

But who here honestly expected that he would have signed an EO challenging birthright citizenship in his first few days? Not me.

It's not just Trump, either. I have noticed a huge tone shift. A lot of the things we used to talk about 10 years ago, that were labeled "far right extremist" opinions are now mainstream. The electorate, finally, has dragged the Republican party, kicking and screaming, further to the right. People are now expecting more. Like the way people stepped up and pushed back on the H1B issue, now even Ron DeSantis is going out there criticizing the H1B program in front of the media.

People should keep standing firm and demanding action, and not backing down from important issues. Hold their feet to the fire. Let them know that the typical Republican way of putting up a weak effort and getting no results isn't going to fly anymore. This might be their last chance, not just to fix things, but also to remain relevant, period.

This is America's "shit or get off the pot" moment.

So I should not bother again then?

Indians all the way?

Nothing Trump has said is anything that's about the people who made America great.

Just more of them (who?) of course not the likes of me, I got denied with my four beautiful children but I bet you some street shitters will take our place.

"Make America Great Again" Again. Yeah no mention of the Euros or the Aussies that are allowed to come eh? No they want to get paid. Getting paid for your services will soon become a sin my friends.


But not from Indiana

Just for the US users still not understanding it; I had to deal with Indians to try to get a green card and those Indiana denied mine. It's been going on for a long time already.

Oh well if Trump will change all that I might eat Hawaiian Pizza. Pineapple on pizza who does that?

God Bless the USA
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So I should not bother again then?

Indians all the way?

Nothing Trump has said is anything that's about the people who made America great.

Just more of them (who?) of course not the likes of me, I got denied with my four beautiful children but I bet you some street shitters will take our place.

"Make America Great Again" Again. Yeah no mention of the Euros or the Aussies that are allowed to come eh? No they want to get paid. Getting paid for your services will soon become a sin my friends.


But not from Indiana

Just for the US users still not understanding it; I had to deal with Indians to try to get a green card and those Indiana denied mine. It's been going on for a long time already.

Oh well if Trump will change all that I might eat Hawaiian Pizza. Pineapple on pizza who does that?

God Bless the USA
Pay a good lawyer. Your visa will be approved in record time.

Trump presidency is not about how it starts but how it ends. This is one of the biggest rule of business. Which anyone will learn sooner or later. It’s how it ends that matters.

When they pushback. And they will. Will he drop the ball again?
And why wouldn't Trump get credit for hiring Elon then? And winning over Elon in the first place?

But you don't like Elon do you? Of course Elon has bought/manipulated Trump, and not the other way around. That might not be so bad, but still...

PS; Going back to not posting again for a while, as things around here (Circle-jerk is King forum) have not changed at all.
How about expanding out a little bit guys?
Going back to not posting again for a while, as things around here (Circle-jerk is King forum) have not changed at all.
How about expanding out a little bit guys?
No need to soy out and announce your departure with an air of beta-driven self-importance. Just leave.

And no lurking for you! Wouldn't want to catch you looking in on a circle jerk (no homo).
No need to soy out and announce your departure with an air of beta-driven self-importance. Just leave.

And no lurking for you! Wouldn't want to catch you looking in on a circle jerk (no homo).

This is post 4 in 6 months, so not exactly bombing the forum! You guys; Samseau, Get2Choppa, FrancisK, yourself and a few others really have destroyed the forum. It's sad, since it was worth something at one point. (During Covid especially)

You have no humility, no curiosity, you demand others admit they're wrong, but would never do the same yourself. You omit everything that doesn' fit your version of events or your own narrative. Then it's all these meaningless and far-fetched gotcha points all the time. You have also chased all the interesting posters off the forum. And no one wants to come back. Don't worry, you can have your 20+ something and dwindling circle-jerk group to yourself. PS; Itismytimenow; Take my advice and don't waste your time here! Bye...
I am curious to see how long the honeymoon between musk and Trump lasts. Will they have a fight if Talmud vs Zionist handlers are an issue?
You still think these are independent participants and not just actors playing a role dictated by their elites who literally just print money?

Elon spent Christmas day calling Trump's supporters lazy, dumb, and then declared war on them. If Elon can do that, obviously there is no limit to what he can do for Trump to kick him out. Because it isn't Trump's decision.
But you don't like Elon do you? Of course Elon has bought/manipulated Trump, and not the other way around. That might not be so bad, but still...

PS; Going back to not posting again for a while, as things around here (Circle-jerk is King forum) have not changed at all.
How about expanding out a little bit guys?
Elon is just another puppet, he has no power, he is at the behest of those who print money. Those who print money own both Trump and Elon and Elon's job is to get Trump's supporters to support legal replacement and H-1B visa workers. But he isn't good at this and lost his temper and declared war on the Trump base. So, he will have to try again in a year or so.
do not insult
... You guys; Samseau, Get2Choppa, FrancisK, yourself and a few others really have destroyed the forum....

... You have also chased all the interesting posters off the forum...
This is just pure Gen Z-style victimization. I've personally chased people off the forum? Give me a break. I'm not that powerful. I barely average 2 posts a day. Ever hear of the ignore button? Pussy.
... you demand others admit they're wrong, but would never do the same yourself...
... I called it wrong...
As you can, you're wrong (again).
This thread has become a dumpster fire. It’s fine to criticize Trump, I’ve done so myself. However some of you can’t see one good thing the man has done or is trying to do. He just signed a bunch of executive actions on immigration and is implementing policy and the mandate given to him by the people.

Even if he gave each of you 1 million dollars with the sole right to marry one of Melania’s 10/10 cousins, you’d still be complaining. It’s unbelievable tiresome and my opinion is there should stronger actions and temp bans on constant black pill postings.