Donald Trump and US expansionism in North America

Likewise... you would think that after all this time and after all your bans that you would have started this new account with a bit more style and acumen. Oh well, I suppose for a recidivous attention whore negative attention is better than no attention.
But, ..... But, ...... This time his arguments are unanswerable. How are you not convinced?!?!
I hope you guys don't actually believe he'll be doing any military action in this hemisphere.

Interesting post. Not that I agree with it, but it's in stark contrast with the more mundane, uninspiring and parroted takes that usually get regurgitated and posited as Truth around the internet.

Meanwhile in Catatumbo, Colombia, the largest battles since the 80's are taking place, 10's-100's of daily casualties. Whoever controls Catatumbi is within Shaheed range (in a mountainous jungle nearly impossible to conduct airstrikes) & can easily shut down the Panama Canal, similar to the Houthis in the Red Sea. Iran has a technical facility capable of large scale Shaheed production (as per Erik Prince) a short drive from Catatumbo. If the US started anything, the canal could easily be shut down on the Carribean side since the US nor Colombia gov. no longer control Venezuelan border region. US cannot control Catatumbo despite decades of trying via Plan Colombia & is finally withdrawing completely from Colombia, letting fleets of blackhawks sit idle, indicating no further military action in the area.

The Iranian-Venezolean duo is not going to bring down by the US nor close off the Panama Canal. The area north of Cucuta has been a no-go zone for decades, so in that sense the current intra-commie drugsyndicate brawl is nothing new and a continuation/result of the increased insecurity and rebel activity in the adjacent Arauca region in Venezuela last year. The dynamics are the same: rogue FARC elements and ELN fighting over smuggling routes with cigarettes, food supplies and drugs moving from Colombia to Venezuela and fuel, people and again drugs getting trafficed from Venezuela to Colombia.

So far it's been a lot of dead commies-turned-drug pushers because both FARC and ELN are Marxist movements in nature. Not sure how you came to the conclusion that the events in Catatumbo are part of a Venezolean-Iranian plot to destabilize Colombia and use the area as a launchpad for kamikaze drone takeoff which could eventually shut down the Panama Canal. It's not realistic, nor is Eric Prince a reliable source. That man absolute hates the Chavista regime and has been involved in raising funds, DC lobbying and the occasional death threat against Venezolean officials. He has an agenda and routinely plays up the Venezolean Threat - even when there is none. And if it would happen the US would simply use it military dominance to elimate the threat.

Panama Canal - Current Pres. of Panama is openly disrespecting Trump/Rubio, using aggressive language & says US can't pass for free & our Chinese friends continue to man the entrance/exits.

You got that right. China's involvement and behavior in Panama is suspicious at best. The Chinese indeed own many (real) estate on both sides of the Canal and especially near the entrance and exit zones. Literally right next to the former US bases in Fort Clayton and Fort Davis. Word on the street is that many of the Chinese dock workers are actually PLA. Furthermore two of Panama main principal ports are controlled by Hong Kong-based CK Hutchison Holdings—at Balboa on the Pacific side and at Cristóbal on the Atlantic side. So are several of the bridges over the Canal - constructed by China’s state-owned China Harbour Engineering Company and China Communications Construction Company.

The Chinese are hyperglobalists and much of their foreign policy is centered around connecting the different parts of the world to China through massive infrastructural projects as to feed their resources lacking mainland. In that light a possible blockade of the Panama Canal on their call would not make any sense unless it's some sort of military calamity an order of magnitude greater than the war in Ukraine. One that is designed to be paradigm changing.

Think Taiwan or a Chinese military adventure elsewhere to reshape their poor geostrategic positioning in the South China Sea. Forget the copetakes built on the premise that the USA is going to collapse any day now - that's just stale foreign demoralization/ destabilisation propaganda for young and disenfranchised Americans. If anything China is doing worse in about any metric out there. Ergo if the Changs want that Chinese Century they are going to have to work for it.

The Chinese plan is to, in the Taiwan scenario, use their covert assets to destroy the Panama Canal locks for a significant amount of time to prevent the US Atlantic Fleet from crossing into the Pacific, and to further impair the US' supply chains hence ability to aide and abet their forward bases in the Pacific from the US Mainland. A similar operation would happen in the Suez - most likely through a blocked containership.

Below is an excerpt from an interview with Rubio. The US is aware of China's suspicious activities and long term plans. Rubio's first foreign trip was to Panama ergo rinsing the Chinese out of that area is top priority for the US. Panamian President Mulino was told in clear terms that the US will no longer ignore Chinese shenanigans in Panama.


Mexico - As much as I'd support military action there & hate their current president, I'd recommend you watch her latest speeches. She saying some very problematic things. The problem with what she's saying, is that it's true. Short version "yes, we bring fentanyl to the border but what happens to it after that? US gov profits from it's distribution & is just as crooked as we are". Those "sigint" flights in the Big Bend, TX area being publisized happen all the time for decades now, it's routine. Unfortunately, there will be no real drug war, for the same reason Miami is a drug addict society & Havana, Cuba you won't find a single illicit drug.

Canada - Lol...

The Trump Administration is in part realigning on world stage whilst simultaneously rolling out an aggressive Dollar Doctrine. The USA faces a peer competitor in the Communist Chinese ergo the change in tune is warranted.

Personally I wouldn't care too much about some butthurt Latin bitchboys gossiping amongst themselves about how much they hate their overlord. They got that fake pride and boy did their fragile egos get hurt. Gobsmacked into the new reality that is the Trump Administration 2.0. 30 years of weak and at times traitorous US leadership had made the underlings a tad rowdy and delusional. Slimeball Gustavo Petro legit thought he could bully T around for all to see. 24 hours later he was on his knees muttering a half hearted mea culpa and two weeks after that his Cabinet was gone. All of them have kissed the ring when push came to shove - often embarrassingly so.

The Trump Administration 2.0 is getting rid of most self-imposed weakening points and is asserting itself globally. To the elitist diplomatic class in DC it might seem tacky and reckless. Yet for the first time in a long time the actual balance of power is shining through.

The results are instant. Japan and Saudi Arabia promised to invest half a trillion USD in the US economy. The EU got scared out of reciprocal tariffs. Canada and Mexico were bullied into taking their borders security seriously. Panama withdrew from the Belt and Road. The EU got shock therapy and is currently in panic mode as T is manoeuvering them into finally taking their NATO defence obligations serious - and buy US defence products on top of that. Jordan got cattle prodded into accepting the ethnic cleansing of Gaza. India was made an offer on the F35 that they were not allowed to refuse, etc.

Big boy ((Pooty)) is part of that list as well. Just two weeks ago the Kremlin Clique was adamant on their non-negotiable stance claiming they couldn't be pushed, and that Russia held all the cards. Those lines were, yet again, an empty bluff that was immediately called. Words were whispered and suddenly P is back at the 'respected partners in the West' stage - even though Trump has made it clear he intends to grab Ukraine's resources. Who in Moscow now still talks about 'denazifying and demilitarizing' Kiev, beating NATO (which only was involved in a support role in the first place), establishing the right to a Russian orbit/security zone, establishing a multipolar world and more?
You got that right. China's involvement and behavior in Panama is suspicious at best. The Chinese indeed own many (real) estate on both sides of the Canal and especially near the entrance and exit zones. Literally right next to the former US bases in Fort Clayton and Fort Davis. Word on the street is that many of the Chinese dock workers are actually PLA. Furthermore two of Panama main principal ports are controlled by Hong Kong-based CK Hutchison Holdings—at Balboa on the Pacific side and at Cristóbal on the Atlantic side. So are several of the bridges over the Canal - constructed by China’s state-owned China Harbour Engineering Company and China Communications Construction Company.

The Chinese are hyperglobalists and much of their foreign policy is centered around connecting the different parts of the world to China through massive infrastructural projects as to feed their resources lacking mainland. In that light a possible blockade of the Panama Canal on their call would not make any sense unless it's some sort of military calamity an order of magnitude greater than the war in Ukraine. One that is designed to be paradigm changing.

The Chinese bid on the operation/maintenance of the Panama Canal did not have an American competitor, according to Macgregor.

Think Taiwan or a Chinese military adventure elsewhere to reshape their poor geostrategic positioning in the South China Sea. Forget the copetakes built on the premise that the USA is going to collapse any day now - that's just stale foreign demoralization/ destabilisation propaganda for young and disenfranchised Americans. If anything China is doing worse in about any metric out there. Ergo if the Changs want that Chinese Century they are going to have to work for it.

The Chinese plan is to, in the Taiwan scenario, use their covert assets to destroy the Panama Canal locks for a significant amount of time to prevent the US Atlantic Fleet from crossing into the Pacific, and to further impair the US' supply chains hence ability to aide and abet their forward bases in the Pacific from the US Mainland. A similar operation would happen in the Suez - most likely through a blocked containership.

Below is an excerpt from an interview with Rubio. The US is aware of China's suspicious activities and long term plans. Rubio's first foreign trip was to Panama ergo rinsing the Chinese out of that area is top priority for the US. Panamian President Mulino was told in clear terms that the US will no longer ignore Chinese shenanigans in Panama.

China is doing very well, the lot of the average Chinese is constantly improving. Hardly any Chinese citizen would trade their government and mixed economy industrial capitalist system for a US-style oligarchal financialized capitalism system. There is a whole lot more anti-Chinese propaganda, targeted especially at the right wing, than "stale foreign demoralization/ destabilization propaganda for young and disenfranchised Americans", that propaganda is marginal at best, if not imaginary, as if young Americans are watching CCTV or reading China Daily. The Chinese have sucked at soft power and media manipulation.

The demoralization of disenfranchised Americans is due to the predatory and parasitic nature of late-stage capitalism, which resulted in $65K college tuitions, Blackrock turning homeowners into renters, $3,000 ambulance rides and the majority of Americans not having $1,000 on hand for an emergency. No foreign power needs to amplify what is going on stateside in order to make Americans feel they are disenfranchised, because most already are.

The Trump administration is relieving Americans from the DEI cultural dystopia, but there is no telling if the coterie of billionaires in his administration is going to change the modern economic realities above.

The Trump Administration is in part realigning on world stage whilst simultaneously rolling out an aggressive Dollar Doctrine. The USA faces a peer competitor in the Communist Chinese ergo the change in tune is warranted.

Personally I wouldn't care too much about some butthurt Latin bitchboys gossiping amongst themselves about how much they hate their overlord. They got that fake pride and boy did their fragile egos get hurt. Gobsmacked into the new reality that is the Trump Administration 2.0. 30 years of weak and at times traitorous US leadership had made the underlings a tad rowdy and delusional. Slimeball Gustavo Petro legit thought he could bully T around for all to see. 24 hours later he was on his knees muttering a half hearted mea culpa and two weeks after that his Cabinet was gone. All of them have kissed the ring when push came to shove - often embarrassingly so.

The Trump Administration 2.0 is getting rid of most self-imposed weakening points and is asserting itself globally. To the elitist diplomatic class in DC it might seem tacky and reckless. Yet for the first time in a long time the actual balance of power is shining through.

The results are instant. Japan and Saudi Arabia promised to invest half a trillion USD in the US economy. The EU got scared out of reciprocal tariffs. Canada and Mexico were bullied into taking their borders security seriously. Panama withdrew from the Belt and Road. The EU got shock therapy and is currently in panic mode as T is manoeuvering them into finally taking their NATO defence obligations serious - and buy US defence products on top of that. Jordan got cattle prodded into accepting the ethnic cleansing of Gaza. India was made an offer on the F35 that they were not allowed to refuse, etc.

Big boy ((Pooty)) is part of that list as well. Just two weeks ago the Kremlin Clique was adamant on their non-negotiable stance claiming they couldn't be pushed, and that Russia held all the cards. Those lines were, yet again, an empty bluff that was immediately called. Words were whispered and suddenly P is back at the 'respected partners in the West' stage - even though Trump has made it clear he intends to grab Ukraine's resources. Who in Moscow now still talks about 'denazifying and demilitarizing' Kiev, beating NATO (which only was involved in a support role in the first place), establishing the right to a Russian orbit/security zone, establishing a multipolar world and more?

If anything, Trump's heavy-handed policies might actually be accelerating the demise of the US$ as the global fiat currency. It is undermining one of the main tools of the GAE, its soft power and propaganda as a benevolent actor towards universal freedom and liberal democracy. Not that the demise of USAID and the global NGO machine is a bad thing, but a lot of people in places like Taiwan or W. Europe who bought into that program are going to wake up from that spell.
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If anything, Trump's heavy-handed policies might actually be accelerating the demise of the US$ as the global fiat currency. It is undermining one of the main tools of the GAE, its soft power and propaganda as a benevolent actor towards universal freedom and liberal democracy. Not that the demise of USAID and the global NGO machine is a bad thing, but a lot of people in places like Taiwan or W. Europe who bought that program are going to wake up from that spell.

No way - look at what tariffs and sanctions did for Russia's economy and industrial base, it will be steroids for America.
No way - look at what tariffs and sanctions did for Russia's economy and industrial base, it will be steroids for America.

Strong dollar/fiat currency and large domestic industrial base are mutually exclusive propositions. That's why China for example keeps its currency low, and why Japan's economic potential was stunted by the Plaza Accord, which required them to appreciate the Yen.
Strong dollar/fiat currency and large domestic industrial base are mutually exclusive propositions. That's why China for example keeps its currency low, and why Japan's economic potential was stunted by the Plaza Accord, which required them to appreciate the Yen.

Not the case if you can consume your own production. If you rely on exports, sure, you need a weak currency. But if you consume what you produce, then no, you don't need to worry about exchange rates at all.

Tariffs, by the way, are used both extensively by both Japan and China, so I'm not sure why you bring those examples up as an anti-tariff argument.