Unimpressive. Fancy way of saying, that at most, you sat in some fob or ship with hot water, pizza hut, electricity & had more comfort than most in your home town would. As you well know, Average Joe of all races in small town east TX knows far more dead people from drug overdoses & street violence than you ever did from "theater deployment" or whatever you call it. And we're supposed to respect you? We don't, Lol.
I won't discuss my profession/experience, suffice it to say You nor any marine you worked with with has any idea how to synthesize explosives or produce the "point & click" weapons you trained on. All you know how to do is point a tube & press a button Raytheon gives you.
Go watch prior US military kids your age on youtube who volunteer in the most active units in Ukraine (4th bat, chosen company, da vinci, etc) who've seen more combat & have higher kill counts than any living US Marine. Channels like Civ Div, Troy Offenbecker, Brandon TIBC, (there are many) etc & they'll all tell you that your GWOT experience is 100% irrelevant now days. Initially in Ukraine prior US military was viewed highly, integrated right in & started training people, nowadays you'd be treated as a civilian & have to relearn everything you know in basic & start from the bottom. Same in Russia.
The majority of the outdated garbage (aka "conventional weapons" you think are still relevant) Northrop, Boeing, etc (artillery/mortar shells, mines, grenades, etc) still mass produce & send to Ukraine has the explosives stripped out & is used for scrap metal for various robotics units & the Russians are doing the same with theirs.
here's the US military saying what I'm saying here while training on DJI drones because they're too dumb to produce their own. Your new national military strategy is "copy Ukraine, buy from China" then hope for the best.
There will always be a demand for hydrocarbons just as there's a demand for cow dung & driftwood in some energy markets. It's doesn't mean it's hayday isn't long over. It'll be mostly used in poor countries (like USA) & there are much more profitable & efficient energy storage sources.