I've seen reports that something like 10% of Canadians would support annexation into the USA. This Wikipedia article puts the percentages at anywhere between 7% and 20% in the current century:
Even those small percentages surprise me. I'd be interested to hear if any of the Canadian guys on the forum ever here anyone on their side of the border talking positively about joining the US. I've never encountered this, even among Canadians who have a very positive opinion of the US.
Even if there were more support for annexation on the Canadian side, thinking about it rationally, I don't see how it would be beneficial to the US. I mean that mainly in the sense that I view Canadian moderates as basically the same as American liberals, so we'd essentially be adding tens of millions of "woke" liberal voters, not to mention all the Indians and other third worlders Canada has imported under Trudeau.
I’m often guilty of broad generalizations myself but when I read a comment like yours I realize that I shouldn’t always be. Part of it is that you only get exposed to a certain narrative, but understand that Canada is a huge country with diverse mindsets and there are a lot of very based salt of the earth rural people along with the liberals. The generalization of Canada being liberal has been blown out of proportion the last eight years or so as we’ve been dragged down into a hellhole by a globalist new world order minion. A lot of people are waking up and we’re likely to see a conservative landslide next election just as America did, although things are harder to predict now that the great white north has been invaded by the Southern Hemisphere.
As for your questions - most importantly America would get access to Canadas vast natural resources, which are pretty much the catalyst to Canadas prosperity in the past but haven’t been capitalized on lately because Canadians interests have been subverted by our globalist government.
To this day Canadian mining companies are some of the biggest in the world and operate all over the world because they became so profitable extracting Canadian resources. There are still a lot of those metals in the ground they just aren’t being explored to the same degree anymore for a variety of reasons, mostly political and some logistical. Plus there’s our oil and natural gas, timber, farmland, potash/fertilizer, coal, electricity ect.
Would I support becoming American? Probably not. I would rather fix Canada… or rather I think Canada is lost at this point but I think a heartening future is for like minded Canadians to carve out their own areas and start fresh.
While I would welcome some parts of being American - property and self defence rights, free speech, the right to bear arms, lower cost of living, higher wages to name a few.
There are some drawbacks that would probably be deal breakers for me - mostly your incarceration industry, overzealous and over powerful IRS who imprisons people for not paying their slave dues, your expensive medical and medical insurance industry - off the top of my head.
It really is a tragedy what has happened to Canada over the last ten or fifteen years. When I grew up in the 80’s and 90’s Canada was a bright, prosperous, homogenous trust based society with a low cost of living. It’s astounding how quickly that has changed, but it doesn’t make me want to join another country. It makes me want to start again and rebuild, and ‘it can happen because it must happen!’ … can we get a Roman salute emoji on here?