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Digital nomad jobs

But here’s the plan - you guys can give input if you like.

Focus hard on getting in the best shape of my life and just stack cash and “upskill” over the next 6 months and then make my move.

I found these suggestions

If I can do those remotely I got my eyes mostly set on Spain, Portugal, Malta, Cypress, or the Philippines.

Plan B is find another plant or lab job in a rural area or a red state. South Carolina has my attention. A lot of my contacts say “eww, I care too much about womens rights to live there” so it must be good. So does Florida and the Gulf area. Appalachian Ohio / West Virginia also looks promising but I know my odds of finding a wife there are zero.
But here’s the plan - you guys can give input if you like.

Focus hard on getting in the best shape of my life and just stack cash and “upskill” over the next 6 months and then make my move.

I found these suggestions

If I can do those remotely I got my eyes mostly set on Spain, Portugal, Malta, Cypress, or the Philippines.

Plan B is find another plant or lab job in a rural area or a red state. South Carolina has my attention. A lot of my contacts say “eww, I care too much about womens rights to live there” so it must be good. So does Florida and the Gulf area. Appalachian Ohio / West Virginia also looks promising but I know my odds of finding a wife there are zero.

You have to consider the long term career options aswell, it would be ideal to work remotely in a field where you can grow to be more sought after by companies and attain higher salaries with time. Some remote jobs might be easy to get into but you will always be stuck at level 1.