Died Suddenly (SADS)

A pro-vaxx Canadian journalist who advocated draconian vaxx-passport mandates died at 33. He was taken off life support last week.

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33-year-old Canadian MSM journalist who heavily promoted the Covid-19 vaccine, advocated for vaccine passports, and the firing of those who refused the jab has died after being hospitalized and “declared neurologically dead.”

Ian Vandaelle, a 33-year-old Canadian business journalist, worked as a reporter and editor at the Financial Post and was previously a producer at BNN Bloomberg for over a decade.

Stephanie Hughes, Vandaelle’s partner, shared the news of his death on her X account on December 5, 2023, stating, “I haven’t been on Twitter for a while because my partner, @IanVandaelle, has been in the hospital since Nov. 18. It’s with a heavy heart today that I say he was declared neurologically deceased this week and taken off life support this morning. He was 33 years old.”

Vandaelle had taken to social media multiple times, advocating for incentives to encourage Covid-19 vaccination, the implementation of vaccine passports, and the termination of those who refused the jab.

In one social media post, Vandaelle stated, “I, for one, advocate we bring the carrot and the stick. Incentivize getting the vaccine however we like - ice cream, lotteries, literally whatever, I don’t care - and require vaccination to do non-essential things. Wanna go to a bar to watch the game? Passport.”

In another post, he urged the Toronto Police to terminate members who declined the jab, saying, “Take the jab or resign; anything else is moral and ethical cowardice. You take an oath to protect citizens? You get vaxxed. Shameful that we have to say this.”

Vandaelle seemed in good health and actively engaged in work, as indicated by various social media posts before his hospitalization.
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That's the typical NPC response I have learned to ignore over the past three years.
I agree that the vax kills people. I'm just saying the steroids probably didn't help. Also, health potions cost 20gp and not one gp less, even if you claim to be the chosen one who will defeat lord Zargothrax. You're the fifth guy trying that schtick this week.
I agree that the vax kills people. I'm just saying the steroids probably didn't help. Also, health potions cost 20gp and not one gp less, even if you claim to be the chosen one who will defeat lord Zargothrax. You're the fifth guy trying that schtick this week.
Just like Joe Aesthetics? there are videos out now be doctors and experts explaining everything but the jabs killed him, even though on camera he admitted to taking four of them.

That's what I mean by the typical rationalization - No offence meant.

Did most normies take the snake oil to travel? Yes. Did nearly all influencers take the snake oil to "influence" or get paid to promote it? Yes.

A guy who injects steroids daily, will have no fears of taking the "safe and effective" injections.

Did steroids play a part in his health decline? No doubt. Did they cause him to "die suddenly"? we will never know because everything is lies and corruption.
This one probably isn't the vax. Roids mess with the heart quite badly too. At 30 with roids, and with an animal-friendly alternative to a healthy diet, it doesn't really sound as weird as some of the others.
It kinda depends. Blanket statement is that roids mess with your lipid profile and enlarge the heart. But most bodybuilders die from blood pressure issues due to kidney damage.
Just like Joe Aesthetics? there are videos out now be doctors and experts explaining everything but the jabs killed him, even though on camera he admitted to taking four of them.

That's what I mean by the typical rationalization - No offence meant.

Did most normies take the snake oil to travel? Yes. Did nearly all influencers take the snake oil to "influence" or get paid to promote it? Yes.

A guy who injects steroids daily, will have no fears of taking the "safe and effective" injections.

Did steroids play a part in his health decline? No doubt. Did they cause him to "die suddenly"? we will never know because everything is lies and corruption.

More likely that he had taken the shot. Taken lots of steroids (you can't get that big on a vegan diet with out tons of ergogenic assistance) and had a blood clot. Just like Joesthetics who documented the blood abnormalities from his clot shots on Bradley Martins podcast.

Heart enlargement from testosterone and in athletes is very common. It even happened pre COVID very rarely where an 18 or 20 year old kid would have a heart attack.

The clot shot just exasperated it.
My step-father (82) recently passed due to cancer. He lived in Canada, was healthy, as in he was still training for marathons, and then within a few weeks he went from getting a colonoscopy to having some pain to suddenly there was terminal cancer spread throughout his body. I know he was vaxxed and boosted since he and everyone on that side of the border were gung-ho, super-smug-satisfied that they were doing the right thing by taking the vaxx to help everyone. I vaguely recall arguments that the vaxx would supercharge cancer and we'd be seeing a lot more cases of it. Maybe he was part of that, maybe not, but it did seem odd how quickly it happened in an otherwise healthy individual. It seems like all of the most sickly people I know keep surviving but healthy ones are there and then gone. The Canadian healthcare system basically left him to die. They took forever to get back with any tests, they never explained anything like a treatment plan (he wanted treatment, he wanted to live), they tried to get him to go back on his DNR twice and they left him waiting and waiting while he was in pain and his lungs were filling with fluid. They never did surgery or anything about his lungs being filled. They tried and failed to put a feeding tube in him 6 times I was told. Everything I heard sounded incompetent and awful.

I told my wife it seems like the Canadian healthcare system is already at the point where they are going to tell patients "have you considered simply dying?"
Why are all the heart attack victims Black? Talk about weird...
I'm more puzzled by the fact that black people seem to be wearing masks more than any other group now. And not just the hoodlums who want to conceal their identity, elderly/female blacks seem to be wearing them more than anyone. I thought they didn't trust the government? It's truly baffling.
I also wanted to mention my recently passed step-father-in-law had 6 coronavirus vaccines/boosters (his last one in November). Six! Complete insanity and no one up there in Canada thinks anything of it. My mother-in-law also has the same amount of covid vaccines and she had cancer about a decade ago. I can't help but think she will die soon and of cancer when she should live for at least another decade to 15 years based on her age.