Died Suddenly (SADS)

This is the worst testimony that I've heard so far.

A shopkeeper in town related how he'd lost three of his circle in the last few weeks - men, aged 58, 42 and the third somewhere in between. All went down to massive heart attacks, of a severity that is, apparently, not often seen.

Worse still, he told me of his friend, who is an undertaker. In the last few weeks he's dealt with five men of a similar age bracket, who died in similar circumstances. The undertaker, who was previously a true believer, has now recanted, and agreed that he was wrong about the whole thing.
I've shared the above with two fellow dissenters at work. Both told me about recent deaths of young men close to them (one a friend, the other a relative), both from massive heart attacks. Also, another person told me about her daughter, who is a nurse in the stroke unit at the local hospital. Admissions of previously fit young men have soared since the poison became available.
A local Pastor passed away suddenly. A fellow church members friend, The daughter (who is recently pregnant) her fiance literally dropped down dead at the engagement party and now the woman doesn't want to raise the baby alone and is considering abortion.

Many more getting cancer, burnt out lungs, myocarditis and women with heart problems and strokes.

Lord have mercy.
Ski instructor I know had a heart attack in a lesson on the slopes aged 38. She recovered and is back in snow but pré covid you never heart of people this age having a heart attack. It just didn't happen.

Bizzare world we live in now. I guess the cognitive dissonance in the vaxxed makes it too difficult to see what's going on around them.
Ski instructor I know had a heart attack in a lesson on the slopes aged 38. She recovered and is back in snow but pré covid you never heart of people this age having a heart attack. It just didn't happen.

Bizzare world we live in now. I guess the cognitive dissonance in the vaxxed makes it too difficult to see what's going on around them.
The level of denial is off the scale - it reminds me of this guy, from a few years back:

Another old friend passed away "turbo cancer" late fifties. A women collapsed in the street round the corner from me earlier today apparent cardiac arrest and passed away.

I've noticed that even my anti-vax friends are forgetting to connect the dots these days.

A good friend who is adamantly anti-vax, who was ready to leave his career if forced to take the vax at work, told me yesterday he's going to a funeral for a family member in the super liberal part of our state. I asked who and when I heard cousin I asked how old, "51".

"Wow", I said, "vaccine strikes again.. terrible".

And he says "Ya you're right he was very into covid and the vaccine.. you think it was that possibly??"

2 years ago he was ready to implode his banking career over the vaccine. 2 years later and he forgets to even consider If a 51 year old vaccinated person dropping dead suddenly is vaccine related.
Warning some distressing propaganda from Canada

The normalization of the genocide taking place.

I love that there's absolutely no commentary or mention of causes or prevention, instead it's just "the world is scary, children can have heart attacks too didn't you know? It's literally propaganda. Absolutely disgusting. This video is up on YT btw, comments disabled ofc, 16k views and 200 likes, I'm assuming dislikes are in the thousands.

I've noticed that even my anti-vax friends are forgetting to connect the dots these days.

A good friend who is adamantly anti-vax, who was ready to leave his career if forced to take the vax at work, told me yesterday he's going to a funeral for a family member in the super liberal part of our state. I asked who and when I heard cousin I asked how old, "51".

"Wow", I said, "vaccine strikes again.. terrible".

And he says "Ya you're right he was very into covid and the vaccine.. you think it was that possibly??"

2 years ago he was ready to implode his banking career over the vaccine. 2 years later and he forgets to even consider If a 51 year old vaccinated person dropping dead suddenly is vaccine related.
To be fair it's not uncommon for 50 year olds to die from heart attacks. I also believe the increase in seed oil consumption and hyper processed food is contributing, at least in cases of overweight people who are over 40 or so. The fit and young people is a completely different story.
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I've noticed that even my anti-vax friends are forgetting to connect the dots these days.

A good friend who is adamantly anti-vax, who was ready to leave his career if forced to take the vax at work, told me yesterday he's going to a funeral for a family member in the super liberal part of our state. I asked who and when I heard cousin I asked how old, "51".

"Wow", I said, "vaccine strikes again.. terrible".

And he says "Ya you're right he was very into covid and the vaccine.. you think it was that possibly??"

2 years ago he was ready to implode his banking career over the vaccine. 2 years later and he forgets to even consider If a 51 year old vaccinated person dropping dead suddenly is vaccine related.
I'm noticing the same, all over the place. The Madness taught me that people are uneducated and easily led - the aftermath has shown me that they have very short memories. Neither fact is to our advantage, and I'm now concerned that TPTB could get away with doing the whole thing again (and probably tightening the screw into the bargain), without any meaningful resistance.
I'm noticing the same, all over the place. The Madness taught me that people are uneducated and easily led - the aftermath has shown me that they have very short memories. Neither fact is to our advantage, and I'm now concerned that TPTB could get away with doing the whole thing again (and probably tightening the screw into the bargain), without any meaningful resistance.

That's why they pulled it off. They know 70 percent or more of the population are literal NPC.

Have short term memory and are distracted by the next staged nonsense psy-op.

People are literally dropping down dead all over and the rationality just kicks in - "wow I can't believe xyz died, they were fine last week. Anyway did you see that on the square box".
The evidence that everyone is an NPC is from the fact that they immediately went from being "Covid experts" to experts on the war in Ukraine, having previously known absolutely nothing about Ukraine. Suddenly, they automatically are on their side at the moment the war started, just because the narrative told them to be.
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The evidence that everyone is an NPC is from the fact that they immediately went from being "Covid experts" to experts on the war in Ukraine, having previously known absolutely nothing about Ukraine. Suddenly, they automatically are on their side at the moment the war started, just because the narrative told them to be.

They believe because they know how to program them exactly via the official mediums which is why it is so utterly convincing. The average person you have to understand is bogged down with daily struggles so you have to give them the benefit of the doubt, whilst the leftist intelligentsia who have more time on their hands are the marshals, who seem to be a mix of fanatics willing to die for their cause due to self-loathing and the rest with a certain amount of denial, virtue-signalling, lack of self-preservation and just a very poor perception of what's beautiful and what's ugly, and what's safe and what's dangerous.
A family friend of ours went to her doctor recently after not feeling well for a few weeks. She said she just felt "off" and weak. After doing the rounds with various specialists they eventually figured out that her heart was damaged. She had suffered a heart attack at some point, probably in her sleep, and didn't realize it. She's jabbed and double boosted. She's only 46 and otherwise in good shape. Luckily we were able to convince her to at least start going to a functional doctor who is aware of what is going on and won't force her to boost more. Hopefully she can make some kind of recovery but that kind of damage is sort of permanent.