Destabilization of US Cities: Crime, Homelessness, Liberalism

These incidents occurred in areas in Chicago that are actually nice areas. The offenders that are committing these crimes are from a certain demographic that lives in the south side of the city.
Yes, I bet Brandon will do all he can to put a stop to this :LOL:
Meanwhile in Chicago in the fancier parts of town:

At least 3 victims boxed in during carjackings overnight on the North Side, Chicago police say​

Three drivers had their cars boxed in during carjackings within minutes of each other overnight on the North Side, Chicago police said.

The first carjacking happened about 11:10 p.m. Tuesday in the 4400 block of North Lincoln Avenue in the Lincoln Square neighborhood.

Police said two sedans, one black and the other silver, approached the victim’s car and boxed it in. When the carjackers got out of their vehicles brandishing weapons, the victim got out of his vehicle and ran to avoid being shot, police said.

The carjackers took his vehicle and fled east on Montrose Avenue, police said.

About 11:30 p.m., carjackers struck again in the 900 block of West Grace Street in the Lakeview neighborhood, police said.

A 29-year-old man was driving when two vehicles approached and boxed him in. Three carjackers then entered the victim’s car, police said. The armed thieves fled in an unknown direction after taking the victim’s car.

Then, shortly before 11:40 p.m., carjackers boxed in a 25-year-old woman in the 3500 block of Clark Street in the same neighborhood.

The woman was parking her vehicle when two other cars approached and boxed her in. Several carjackers entered her car and forced the woman out at gunpoint before fleeing the scene. A second passenger was battered and robbed of her belongings, but she declined medical treatment at the scene, police said.

No one was in custody, and detectives were investigating.


I'm guessing the assailants were screaming "THIS IS MAGA COUNTRY!"
Isn't the North Side one of the safer neighborhoods of Chicago, IL?
Isn't the North Side one of the safer neighborhoods of Chicago, IL?
"Safer" compared to other parts of the city, yes.

"Safer" compared to outside the city, hell no.

When I moved out of the city, there was a car jacking 3 houses away from the place where I had lived just a month after we left. And this was a 'nice' neighborhood, we lived 3 houses away from a Chicago Cubs player (another direction).

Ironically, one of these newer carjackings was a couple of block from another residence I was in.

There is no 'safe' neighborhood in Chicago.
I grew up in the Chicago area and lived in one of those "nicer" neighborhoods in the city. Most of the North side is supposed to be safe, and it used to be better. But thugs from the South and West sides have been taking advantage of outnumbered, easy targets in the better neighborhoods. It's becoming a serious problem.

I still have family there and hope they can leave soon. Chicago really is a disgrace. The crime, left-wing politics, high taxes, corrupt/incompetent leaders, retarded voters, etc. What a stupid way to live.
Symbolic of our decayed society... The drugged out murderer gets rewarded with his life, while his hero father firefighter who saved is junkie life loses his life.

Warning: violence :(

A good man dies, and we hear nothing - contrast that with the martyrdom of St George. Frankly, there is something very wrong with the world that I am forced to inhabit.

NYPD cops leave force in alarming rate — over 2,500 turned in badges so far in 2023​

New York’s Finest continue to bolt from the job at an alarming rate, according to new data obtained by The Post — and some cops worry the exodus will only get worse because the city plans to cancel the next five Police Academy classes, shrinking the nation’s largest police force to the smallest its been in decades.

A total of 2,516 NYPD cops have left so far this year, the fourth highest number in the past decade and 43% more than the 1,750 who hightailed it in 2018, before the pandemic and crime spikes hit the city, NYPD pension data show. ...


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An anonymous source within the DOE shared video with my office of students at Hillcrest High School brutally attacking a uniformed school safety officer.

This event apparently happened a week before the riot.

The school administration tried to cover this up in the same way they tried to cover up the riot.

It's clear that the administration of Hillcrest is totally compromised and either unwilling or unable to do what's necessary to provide a safe environment to their students or their faculty. Furthermore, they seem more than willing to cover up crimes committed by their students in service of a political narrative, and to prevent these criminal students from facing consequences.

Were it not brought to the attention of my office, this may have remained covered up. And who knows what else they're hiding at this point.

This cannot continue. Hillcrest High School must be shut down pending a full and thorough investigation, and the administration must be held accountable. Furthermore, the students who committed these acts must be arrested immediately and face appropriate criminal charges.

This cannot continue in our schools. Order and discipline must be restored. We've tried 'progressive' educational theory for far too long, and it's gotten us absolutely nowhere. Our students and our city deserve far better than this.
Problem is, minority communities are drinking the Kool-Aid in record amounts as they enter the ballot box. They electorally prop up the same people whose policies lead to thousands of them dying and millions of them being terrorized.

Whilst black-on-white crime remains a huge issue, black criminals still kill large numbers of their own race.

Yet your average black voter in, say, Philadelphia is bending over backwards to vote for a Larry Krasner. The conundrum is close to insoluble, short of a total societal breakdown, because the white liberal vote and overall (massive) black [or Spanish-speaking] vote in large cities is more or less impregnable.