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Destabilization of US Cities: Crime, Homelessness, Liberalism

If a group of young white guys beat up an elderly black man in this sort of savage manner (while laughing and taunting him the entire time) you can bet that every MSM outlet would be broadcasting this over and over 24/7. Instead, we get to hear about how white supremacy is the most dangerous terrorist threat in America.

Already deleted, hope the footage was saved for reposting elsewhere
As I'd posted in another thread, I'm getting my gf out of Manhattan next weekend for good. Rampant theft right out in the open, and a stabbing at a Times Square restaraunt while we were there. Also, this is what her tap water looked like recently. Outrageous cost of living for a diminished quality of life.


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Cops are psychos given a license to kill (only normal people, not criminals) by the state.

- Off-duty cop in Costco waiting in a line gets slapped in the back of his head by a 32-year-old retarded man at the store with his parents

- Cop pulls out a gun and tells everyone he’s a cop

- Parents plead with cop not to shoot, explaining that their son is mentally retarded

- Cop blows the son away anyway (four bullets), from 20 feet away, and also shoots both dad and mom as well (he actually shot mom first because she was in the way)

- Instead of calling for medical help, the cop then yells at store patrons warning them not to help the family while they lay there in their own blood

- Cop says he was scared for his life and his toddler son’s life and that’s why he had to kill a retarded man and shoot both of his parents for trying to protect their son

- DA in cop’s district refuses to prosecute, so the state AG has to bring charges

- Jury can’t decide whether cop is guilty of murder. Lol.
As I'd posted in another thread, I'm getting my gf out of Manhattan next weekend for good. Rampant theft right out in the open, and a stabbing at a Times Square restaraunt while we were there. Also, this is what her tap water looked like recently. Outrageous cost of living for a diminished quality of life.
When I was in Manhattan I couldn't believe how overrated it was. This was about 5 years ago too, so the problems weren't nearly as bad as now. Movies and TV shows make it look like this amazing and unique place, but it's just a big, dirty and way overpriced city. And full of people that think they're more important than they really are. Maybe NYC used to be a lot more impressive, but it does not live up to the hype at all.

Upstate New York is fantastic. Like a different world.

Cops are psychos given a license to kill (only normal people, not criminals) by the state.

- Off-duty cop in Costco waiting in a line gets slapped in the back of his head by a 32-year-old retarded man at the store with his parents

- Cop pulls out a gun and tells everyone he’s a cop

- Parents plead with cop not to shoot, explaining that their son is mentally retarded

- Cop blows the son away anyway (four bullets), from 20 feet away, and also shoots both dad and mom as well (he actually shot mom first because she was in the way)

- Instead of calling for medical help, the cop then yells at store patrons warning them not to help the family while they lay there in their own blood

- Cop says he was scared for his life and his toddler son’s life and that’s why he had to kill a retarded man and shoot both of his parents for trying to protect their son

- DA in cop’s district refuses to prosecute, so the state AG has to bring charges

- Jury can’t decide whether cop is guilty of murder. Lol.
I have no idea why so many conservatives cuck for law enforcement. I'm anti-crime and all the other nonsense going on like every other poster on this forum, but modern cops are generally not our friends. I'm not saying they're an enemy either, but cucking for them is pathetic.

12 Absolutely Insane Examples That Show Just How Far The US Has Fallen​

When I was young, I often wondered what it must have been like to live during the fall of the Roman Empire. Unfortunately, now I have a pretty good idea. Just like the Roman Empire, the United States is falling. Every day our decline gets even more pronounced, and you can see evidence of this all around us. Virtually all of our major institutions are crumbling, and virtually all of our most critical systems are failing.

We tend to blame our problems on our politicians, but the truth is that the rot that is rapidly spreading throughout our society runs a lot deeper than that.

Millions upon millions of us have completely rejected the values that this nation was founded upon, and so now we have a giant mess on our hands.

The following are 12 absolutely insane examples that show just how far the U.S. has fallen…

#1 A social media influencer that returned a couch to Costco after using it for more than two years is telling her followers to buy all of their furniture from Costco because “you can return it when you don’t like it anymore”

A woman named Jackie shared she bought a couch from Costco over two and a half years ago, in a video posted last week to TikTok that’s attracted nearly 3 million views.
Jackie admits she was nervous to return the large item to the warehouse store and felt intimidated by other shoppers staring at her while waiting in line.
“But who cares. Return it. They have an awesome return policy,” she tells her followers. “Buy your furniture from Costco, girl. You can return it when you don’t like it anymore.”
#2 The U.S. Navy is having a really difficult time recruiting young people, and so they have decided that a radical new approach is needed. From now on, a high school diploma will no longer be necessary

“We get thousands of people into our recruiting stations every year that want to join the Navy but do not have an education credential,” said the branch’s chief of personnel Vice Admiral Rick Cheeseman. “And we just turn them away.”
Now the Navy will accept some of those potential recruits lacking a high school diploma or GED, assuming they’re able to score 50 or above on a qualification test.
The move comes after the service previously lowered their qualification requirements in 2022, again amidst recruitment challenges. The Navy is the only branch of the US armed forces that admits applicants who score below 30 out of 100 on the qualification test. Officials say some positions, such as in maintenance or food preparation, don’t require a conventional education.
#3 Three years ago, the city of Portland decriminalized the possession of all drugs. Let’s check in and see how that is working out

Oregon leaders have declared a 90-day state of emergency in Portland to battle the city’s debilitating fentanyl crisis three years after decriminalizing possession of all drugs.
Governor Tina Kotek, Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler and Multnomah County Chair Jessica Vega Pederson made the declaration and are directing their agencies to work with first responders in connecting people addicted to the synthetic opioid with resources including drug treatment programs and to crack down on drug sales.
#4 Western Oregon University has found a way to keep students from failing. D- and F grades will no longer be earned by anyone because they are being abolished

Citing a wrongheaded “GPA fixation,” Western Oregon University leaders have announced plans to abolish D- and F grades for students.
They will replace them with “no credit” in an effort to support student success and encourage struggling undergrads to continue their education despite obstacles, they said.
The public university announced in a news release this month the changes would start in the fall.
#5 From this point forward, every police officer in El Paso, Texas will be forced to ask for the preferred pronouns of every person that they encounter

The policy, called “Constitutional Policing,” was introduced in December 2023; however, it was not implemented until January 2024 and will require officers to ask every person they encounter, “How would you like to be referred to?”
The gender-inclusive policy was created with the help of the Borderland Rainbow Center, an “LGBTQ Community Center,” in El Paso, Texas, and exists so that LGBTQ “people and their allies can heal, grow, and empower themselves and others.” The director of the center, Amber Perez, told a local news station, “This is just the start.”
“The most important thing is that we can’t change the past,” Perez said. “ut what we can do is take this first moment and run with it and continue the conversation and be able to speak to each other with respect.”

#6 A group of migrants that was caught on camera physically attacking cops in Times Square was shocking released without even having to post bail

Police officers and other critics are slamming Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg for refusing to seek bail for the rowdy migrants arrested after allegedly being caught on camera attacking NYPD cops in Times Square.
Veteran police officers fumed to The Post Saturday that Bragg made a mockery of the entire justice system by letting five migrants walk after they were arraigned Wednesday on charges of second-degree assault on a police officer and obstruction of governmental administration in the shocking Jan. 27 beatdown.
“Alvin Bragg just showed all New Yorkers that the Police Department doesn’t matter to him,” said an NYPD detective with more than two decades on the job.
It has been reported that the migrants were seen getting on a bus to California, and so hopefully someone can track them down before they disappear completely.

#7 A group of pro-life activists in Tennessee face 11 years in prison for praying and singing outside of an abortion clinic…

Nearly three years ago several pro-Life activists held a prayer rally at a Tennessee abortion clinic.
The Christian protesters prayed and sang hymns.
They were sitting peacefully in the lobby of the abortion center.
The protesters included: Chester Gallagher, 73, of Lebanon, Tennessee; Heather Idoni, 58; Calvin Zastrow, 57; and Caroline Davis, 24; all of Michigan; Coleman Boyd, 51, of Bolton, Mississippi; Dennis Green, 56, of Cumberland, Virginia; and Paul Vaughn, 55, of Centerville, Tennessee.
#8 The 24-year-old aide to U.S. Senator Ben Cardin that was filmed having gay sex in a Senate hearing room will not be charged with breaking any laws

As reported earlier – The United States Capitol Police have concluded their investigation into a controversial incident involving Aidan Maese-Czeropski, a 24-year-old former aide to Democratic Senator Ben Cardin of Maryland.
Maese-Czeropski had been embroiled in a scandal after a sexually explicit video recorded in the Senate hearing room surfaced online.
The video, which depicted Maese-Czeropski and his partner engaging in anal sex inside the Senate Hearing Room, sparked nationwide controversy. Clad only in a g-string jockstrap, Maese-Czeropski was seen atop the senator’s desk, a setting traditionally reserved for grave legislative deliberations and Supreme Court confirmation hearings.
#9 Violent carjackers are fearlessly roaming the streets of Washington D.C., and anyone that resists one of those young carjackers can end up dead. Sadly, that is precisely what just happened to an official that worked in the Trump administration…

Former Trump Administration official Mike Gill has died after being shot in front of his wife during a carjacking in Washington DC.
Gill, a married father of three, was shot by Artell Cunningham on K Street NW about 5.45pm last Monday and died in hospital on Saturday.
He was collecting his wife, an education lawyer, when he was shot inside the car by the attacker. He stumbled outside the vehicle and collapsed.
#10 The Chinese and other foreign buyers are purchasing millions of acres of U.S. farmland, but nobody knows exactly how much farmland they now own and very few of our politicians are interested in stopping this practice…

America is seeing more and more of its most fertile land snapped up by China and other foreign buyers, yet problems with how the US tracks such data means it’s difficult to know just how much, according to a report.
Foreign ownership and investment in property such as farmland, pastures and forests jumped to about 40 million acres in 2021, up 40% from 2016, according to the US Department of Agriculture data. But an analysis conducted by the US Government Accountability Office — a non-partisan watchdog that reports to Congress — found mistakes in the data, including the largest land holding linked with China being counted twice. Other issues include the challenge of enforcing a US law that requires foreigners to self-report such purchases, the report said, citing USDA.
#11 So many radical Muslims have moved into Dearborn, Michigan that the Wall Street Journal is referring to it as “America’s Jihad Capital”

A Michigan suburb with the largest Muslim population in the US has upped its security in fear of hate attacks after it was branded America’s ‘jihad capital.’
The headline of a Wall Street Journal opinion piece published on Friday read ‘Welcome to Dearborn, America’s Jihad Capital’ – a title given to the city by the publication because of its residents’ pro-Palestine stances.
#12 A teacher in Massachusetts that had a spotless record for 23 years was fired after she revealed the truth about what was really going on in her school…

“Bonnie Manchester had a spotless record in 23 years as a teacher at Baird Middle School. She laid it all on the line when she saw what was now happening to vulnerable children,” the organization reported. “Bonnie Manchester is a Christian middle school teacher who was fired from her job in 2021. Her ‘crime’ was informing a father and mother that school officials were referring to their daughter as a boy and keeping it secret from them.”
How are people supposed to have faith in a system that is this broken?

Unfortunately, things are only going to get worse.

As a society, we are the most divided that we have been in modern times, and with each passing day more foreigners that have come into this country illegally pour into U.S. cities that are already overwhelmed by crime, drugs, violence, homelessness and depravity.

The stage is being set for chaos on a scale that most Americans never even dreamed would be possible.

The election of 2024 is going to be the most divisive election that any of us have ever seen, our economic problems are rapidly accelerating, and global events threaten to turn all of our lives completely upside down.

So I hope that you have been getting prepared, because things will soon start breaking loose in a major way.

12 Absolutely Insane Examples That Show Just How Far The US Has Fallen​

When I was young, I often wondered what it must have been like to live during the fall of the Roman Empire. Unfortunately, now I have a pretty good idea. Just like the Roman Empire, the United States is falling. Every day our decline gets even more pronounced, and you can see evidence of this all around us. Virtually all of our major institutions are crumbling, and virtually all of our most critical systems are failing.

We tend to blame our problems on our politicians, but the truth is that the rot that is rapidly spreading throughout our society runs a lot deeper than that.

Millions upon millions of us have completely rejected the values that this nation was founded upon, and so now we have a giant mess on our hands.

The following are 12 absolutely insane examples that show just how far the U.S. has fallen…

#1 A social media influencer that returned a couch to Costco after using it for more than two years is telling her followers to buy all of their furniture from Costco because “you can return it when you don’t like it anymore”

#2 The U.S. Navy is having a really difficult time recruiting young people, and so they have decided that a radical new approach is needed. From now on, a high school diploma will no longer be necessary

#3 Three years ago, the city of Portland decriminalized the possession of all drugs. Let’s check in and see how that is working out

#4 Western Oregon University has found a way to keep students from failing. D- and F grades will no longer be earned by anyone because they are being abolished

#5 From this point forward, every police officer in El Paso, Texas will be forced to ask for the preferred pronouns of every person that they encounter

#6 A group of migrants that was caught on camera physically attacking cops in Times Square was shocking released without even having to post bail

It has been reported that the migrants were seen getting on a bus to California, and so hopefully someone can track them down before they disappear completely.

#7 A group of pro-life activists in Tennessee face 11 years in prison for praying and singing outside of an abortion clinic…

#8 The 24-year-old aide to U.S. Senator Ben Cardin that was filmed having gay sex in a Senate hearing room will not be charged with breaking any laws

#9 Violent carjackers are fearlessly roaming the streets of Washington D.C., and anyone that resists one of those young carjackers can end up dead. Sadly, that is precisely what just happened to an official that worked in the Trump administration…

#10 The Chinese and other foreign buyers are purchasing millions of acres of U.S. farmland, but nobody knows exactly how much farmland they now own and very few of our politicians are interested in stopping this practice…

#11 So many radical Muslims have moved into Dearborn, Michigan that the Wall Street Journal is referring to it as “America’s Jihad Capital”

#12 A teacher in Massachusetts that had a spotless record for 23 years was fired after she revealed the truth about what was really going on in her school…

How are people supposed to have faith in a system that is this broken?

Unfortunately, things are only going to get worse.

As a society, we are the most divided that we have been in modern times, and with each passing day more foreigners that have come into this country illegally pour into U.S. cities that are already overwhelmed by crime, drugs, violence, homelessness and depravity.

The stage is being set for chaos on a scale that most Americans never even dreamed would be possible.

The election of 2024 is going to be the most divisive election that any of us have ever seen, our economic problems are rapidly accelerating, and global events threaten to turn all of our lives completely upside down.

So I hope that you have been getting prepared, because things will soon start breaking loose in a major way.
Hawaii Supreme Court is overruling the US Supreme Court.

Maybe this isn’t bad, if states can ignore the federal government and have their own laws. Balkanization. But of course, unintended consequences…
Well it is Predominantly Asian anyway? Just saying...Acquisition rooted in Commercial Interests I reckon like most Territories.
I was on jury duty recently in a very liberal jurisdiction. During the jury voir dire process, I learned a lot about Asians. One, they do not like blacks, at all. Some of the Asians under questioning flat out said blacks are criminal and they assume any black defendant is guilty. The nicer Asians said they are scared of blacks.

But my main point here, is the US Constitution and western value therein are very alien to Asians. Many of them do not grasp certain rights we have, or just disagree with them. Things like , innocent until proven innocent, the right to remain silent (5th amendment), and of course guns (2A). For example, several of the prospective Asian jurists just could not understand 5A. They were genuinely flummoxed by it. They said things like “if you don’t tell your side of the story, it must mean you’re guilty.”

My point is, diversity is not our strength. Only YT can maintain western human rights, like those in the constitution. The more diverse we become, the less the constitution holds, and the more we become like those sh*tty countries these people fled from.
I was on jury duty recently in a very liberal jurisdiction. During the jury voir dire process, I learned a lot about Asians. One, they do not like blacks, at all. Some of the Asians under questioning flat out said blacks are criminal and they assume any black defendant is guilty. The nicer Asians said they are scared of blacks.

But my main point here, is the US Constitution and western value therein are very alien to Asians. Many of them do not grasp certain rights we have, or just disagree with them. Things like , innocent until proven innocent, the right to remain silent (5th amendment), and of course guns (2A). For example, several of the prospective Asian jurists just could not understand 5A. They were genuinely flummoxed by it. They said things like “if you don’t tell your side of the story, it must mean you’re guilty.”

My point is, diversity is not our strength. Only YT can maintain western human rights, like those in the constitution. The more diverse we become, the less the constitution holds, and the more we become like those sh*tty countries these people fled from.
At this point in time, the lesson from the tower of Babel is very easy to understand. The big question is, how can someone call themselves a "Christian" and continue the satanic cause of rebuilding the tower of Babel with immigration?

12 Absolutely Insane Examples That Show Just How Far The US Has Fallen​

These are all symptoms of what happens to a country when it lets Jews loose to run things. It's catastrophic.

It's all very purposeful. Not one of these things would happen in a sane, Christian society.