I don't see Gingers....
Beaner from Guatemala, previously deported.
New York subway death accused fanned flames with shirt, prosecutors say - BBC News
The woman fatally set alight on a Brooklyn train was attacked by a man she is not believed to have known.www.bbc.com
This guy should be set on fire and killed the same way.
It sounds like there wasn't any motive or previous confrontation at all, which makes it all the more evil.Was there any motive to this or was this guy just some illegal psychopath?
Beaner from Guatemala, previously deported.
New York subway death accused fanned flames with shirt, prosecutors say - BBC News
The woman fatally set alight on a Brooklyn train was attacked by a man she is not believed to have known.www.bbc.com
Crazy, the woman's body continued to stand
NYC is compromised and now the same type of people and mindset responsible have fled to other states to restart the process.Crazy, the woman's body continued to stand and move after she was dead and her head had been incinerated, This is grisly stuff. Glad I got my girl out of NYC in February. The city is under demonic attack and is at a mental health crossroads right now.
RVF was an Orthodox forum. Here it was made clear by Cynllo that this is equally admissible and participatory for all confessions Apostolic and Protestant alike, barring promoting offshoot cults like Mormons, JWs, and 7th days.This is an Orthodox forum. Though George may have had some issues we shouldn’t… yeah, this is nasty business. I can’t condone mocking and wonton violence. Even that Luigi guy, I get it and sympathize, but shooting someone with their back turned is just… damn. If the story is inaccurate this kids a bully and needs a … stern talking to. But of course when race enters into the equation who knows what’s what?
This is also true. It’s only a story because our little friends (greatest ally haha) for some reason unbeknownst to me wants to lift up black people despite them not liking them much based on my … uh… personal experiences. I’ll buy it. If the races were reversed there’d be no outrage.I don't like kids being hurt regardless of race but sounds to me like just boys playing, roughhousing....they didn't actually drown him they were just picking on him. If it were the other way around and it was two black kids calling a white kid a cracker would it even be a story? Although I will concede 14 isn't exactly too young to know what you were doing, sounds like they were two shitty kids.
This is also true. It’s only a story because our little friends (greatest ally haha) for some reason unbeknownst to me wants to lift up black people despite them not liking them much based on my … uh… personal experiences. I’ll buy it. If the races were reversed there’d be no outrage.
Hates hate. Black Somali kids unloading on some white kid. Police brutality on black guys is also bad. These aren’t mutually exclusive. I’ve grown to see cops as “midwits that enforce laws Democrats make” the commie mob is a tool.RVF was an Orthodox forum. Here it was made clear by Cynllo that this is equally admissible and participatory for all confessions Apostolic and Protestant alike, barring promoting offshoot cults like Mormons, JWs, and 7th days.
The story could just be more clickbait to enrage Black people, then again children can be both pure or cruel like nothing else. Who knows. The first step is to not be outraged.
So I see a story like this every other day, and it is very difficult not to become outraged because there is a clear agenda to kill my race:
Somali joggers in Minneapolis gun down a lone 17yo White kid on his front porch a few days before Christmas. As he's trying to escape, they continue to grunt: "what now, what now" and empty their guns into his back. Another young White life snuffed out.
Mainstream jew news version of the story with no races mentioned:
video of what actually happened (warning language and violence, no gore):
View attachment 15942
There are thousands of murders like this that the mainstream never repots, and if they do, it's never honestly. The truth is that any time a White is mentioned in ways like the pudgy kid above, I chuckle at how ridiculous it is that they go all in with their chips on some bullying story to stoke their pawns up to riot when there is open ongoing slaughter of Whites in the cities and towns all over the country. The contempt I have for the system and the media who wantonly promote dishonesty that leads to many more Black on White murders is far worse than anything I could ever feel for another race who are simply behaving the way God made them. This is clear execution, unlike Fentanyl Floyd who clearly died of a drug overdose but the zogbot was too dumb to take his knee off of his neck and those optics are what sacrificed him to the commie mob as their burning impetus to destroy.
There are lots of questions about this. Apparently, they came to investigate a missing weed whacker, possibly stolen. They came at midnight with multiple cops to do a no knock raid to investigate this missing weed whacker, and went to the wrong address.![]()
Kentucky police fatally shoot man while serving warrant at wrong home
Doug Harless killed by police officers at home at 511 Vanzant Road despite search warrant intended for 489 Vanzant Roadwww.theguardian.com
Oopsie! Cops murder a man after breaking into his home in the middle of the night to execute a warrant. Turns out it was the wrong address.
Better yet, cut his live, beating heart out, just like his depraved heathen Mayan ancestors used to do.This guy should be set on fire and killed the same way.