Daily Stormer & Andrew Anglin Thread

do not insult (calling others women)
He might have started a family bozo
My understanding is that he does have one. I believe he has talked about it in some articles here and there. In any case, that's not the reason he's quitting the daily news. He stated that the censorship makes it completely impossible for him to grow his audience any further, so he's just writing for people who've been reading him for years, who are already in the know. This means right now he's basically just an entertainer, writing funny articles for people who already know the truth.

He wants to spread the truth to a wider audience, and he thinks other projects would let him do that, but doing reporting on the daily news is too much of a time sink and it keeps him from getting into those other projects.

Obviously something you're not too aware of.
Get your T levels checked. You argue like a woman. I'm not trying to be snarky, I mean it genuinely. This is not something a healthy man would think to post in this context. Suddenly questioning the interlocutor's reproductive success in a completely unrelated discussion is something women do all the time. It's not normal behavior from a man.

"Heh, I have sex, and babies, bet you don't even know what that is, huhuhu"

Wow, you really got me there, I don't have kids in my early 20's, I bet you had a small army at my age. That's great, you're so fecund, congratulations. But we're talking about Andrew Anglin. Please focus.
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