Daily Stormer & Andrew Anglin Thread

I use to do something called General snus. It's from Sweden and it's basically a less wet version of dip pouches that you can "allegedy" swallow the spit you accumulate in your mouth. It has good flavor and has that tobacco flavor.

I would not recommend swallowing the spit.

I have some snus I got on snusdirect.com. Bunch of different types. I really love the Jakobssons StrongCola. I agree on not swallowing all of it even though technically it's fine, it's just kinda gross. I end up spitting some. Zyn nicotine pouches and the like are ok too especially when I don't want to mix snus with what I'm eating or drinking or supplements.

One thing I'm wondering is why isn't tobacco tea a thing? Snus is just a teabag in your mouth. If it has a nice flavor, I wonder how weird it would be to brew a cup of snus tea with a pouch. Lol.

Or drop the Zyn nic pouch into a can of LaCroix water. Then it isnt too much nic at once.
I have some snus I got on snusdirect.com. Bunch of different types. I really love the Jakobssons StrongCola. I agree on not swallowing all of it even though technically it's fine, it's just kinda gross. I end up spitting some. Zyn nicotine pouches and the like are ok too especially when I don't want to mix snus with what I'm eating or drinking or supplements.

One thing I'm wondering is why isn't tobacco tea a thing? Snus is just a teabag in your mouth. If it has a nice flavor, I wonder how weird it would be to brew a cup of snus tea with a pouch. Lol.

Or drop the Zyn nic pouch into a can of LaCroix water. Then it isnt too much nic at once.
I will look more into tobacco based tea. That website made me want to purchase some exotic stuff. The usa has alot of options but tha Jakobssons looks very good. Thanks.
One thing the Mormons got right is drugs and mind altering substances. They ban all of it--including caffeine.
(Actually the Mormons get just about everything right, aside from their theology).

I'm not sure how serious Anglin is about smoking being good for you. He also frequently jokes about how trannies are awesome when they go to women's prisons or crush girls playing sports, but you know the old forum also joked about how it was a "rape club".

I think it's just his hyperbolic way of pushing back against an insane clown world.

On the other hand, I can see how it would be confusing to cognitively understand how this government would be doing anything to help me. They hate me, and actively work to destroy me and my people. It doesn't make sense that they push for war, allow penis shrinking pollutants in the water supply, allow payday loan sharks to operate, run gambling operations, encourage people to rebel and break societal and ethical norms, refuse to prosecute blacks for crimes, but then find something that might make me sick and say "oh hey dont do that, it might hurt you."

That is indeed confusing and illogical.
This is one heck of an article by Anglin.
Too bad the photo in question (white college girl wearing a covid facemask in 2024 with her negro lover being attacked by an obese white cop) was not taken from a better angle, as it really could be the defining photo of this decade.

This is classic Anglin, echoing both Orwell and then Barbara Lerner Spectre with this hilarious paraphrase:

We are in the throes of a transformation, which must take place. America is not going to be the timid Holocaust-respecting society it once was in the last century. White sluts and their negro boyfriends are going to be at the center of that. It’s a huge transformation for America to make. They are now going into a counter-semitic mode and white sluts and their negro boyfriends will be resented because of their leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, America will not survive.

(The original in case you didn't catch the reference):

Great article, great imagery.
The site is broken, by the way. I'm not lying for a day off.
Although I do feel fantastic after 3 days off. I've never really realized how draining this all is.
I haven't even looked at the news since the site was down. I only came here.
Did he become Orthodox?
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Back when he still put out WangTown, he said that he didn't think it would make sense for Western Europeans to join Orthodoxy because it was ethnic (a retarded thing to say), but he also wrote numerous articles about how the papacy wasn't really necessary and that the Orthodox had it right and that he thought the non-Globohomo Catholics would most likely schism and join back with Orthodoxy. Which sounds like he moved towards Orthodoxy.

I'm not sure even he is sure. If it's Orthodoxy, then I assume he probably hasn't been baptized yet. I think he spoke out against sedevacantists at some point, so probably not SSPX or anything like that.
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The Daily Stormer was at its best from 2013-2017, before it was forced to abandon its dotcom address. The following are some of the more insightful articles:

"Anti-Semitism Was Punishable by Death Under Communism"

"Feminists Have Praised Moslems Sexual Enslavement of Christian Women as an Example of Islamic Tolerance"

An article on Jewish plans to leave America for greener pastures

"How the Jewish Lobbies Created Canada's Hate Propaganda Laws"

The Daily Stormer also had a great article explaining that Spain was correct to expel both the Moslems and the Jews in 1492 since the Jews undermined Visigoth rule (and helped the Moslems invade) after the Visigoths banned the Jews from owning Christian slaves. I cannot seem to find the article anywhere.
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