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Daily Stormer & Andrew Anglin Thread

The hyperactive schizo tangents are the good stuff though. It's also fitting that it happens in a thread about a man who is known for doing the same.

Yeah nah, we have several dedicated threads here where you can discuss the tangent you lot are now on about. Like how is his brain tumor doing?

Keep in on topic.
Least belligerent Irishman


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    Bildschirmfoto 2023-12-15 um 16.59.56.png
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Are you guys getting into that?
I think it would be fun trying to make reddit less gay together, but frankly, I have some trouble even managing and keeping my twitter involvement low.
Daily Stormer is the only website I use as a news aggregator. The issues Anglin selects for his daily articles coincides almost 100% with what I want to read nowadays.

Add his commentary on Jews, women in workforce, US anal agenda etc. which are spot on and hilarious at the same time.

Too bad he hasn‘t been receiving them crypto recently, so he kinda shut down the site.

Man, if he weren‘t banned from everything, I‘d send him 10 bucks every month.
Man, if he weren‘t banned from everything, I‘d send him 10 bucks every month.
He does have a few crypto options (the only way to pay him), the best being Monero.

As he says in his latest "E-Begging Extravaganza!" (lol) just trying to live a normal life is a big challenge for someone like him.

I hope Anglin is taking a much needed break and recovering his health.
Yeah when I read he has worked for years (maybe a decade!?) without even a single day off, I was shocked. I mean even if you're only working a couple of hours a day churning out articles (I have no idea how long he works every day), that is not healthy.

That said, the crypto thing is beyond me. I build my own computers, have done multiple Raspberry Pi projects, used to do assembly programming by directly poking registers as a teenager, can build a working radio with basic electronic parts, even used to hack satellite TV back in the day, but when I looked into doing crypto years ago, I gave up. I'm not saying it's beyond my intellectual ability, but it's not easy, and it's a lot of hassle compared to any other payment method, and it's the reason I didn't get any Bitcoin back when it was $200. I never saw it going anywhere and still don't (don't hate on me cryptobros). (I did conclude, as did Anglin, that Monero was the best crypto but it hasn't been that successful or popular, so go figure).

I know Anglin supposedly lives overseas but he should have some sort of mail, money order or other option available, because the simple fact is 95% of people are not going to do crypto. I generally don't pay for "free" stuff but would happily send this guy $100 a year. He's that good.

If you're going to stick with crypto-only, you can go TOR-only. Only a small fraction of people are going to use TOR, but it's orders of magnitude greater than the number that are going to do crypto. I guess the tradeoff is he has gotten a few really large million dollar donations from crypto before (the guys who bought some at $200 I guess).

Great nexus between DS and Brother Nathanael, but seriously, why did so many people claim the interview had been taken off?

I read that from our friend @BrotherAugustine first who retracted it shortly after, and I bought it because I couldn't open banned.video at that time, but it seems to have been both on banned as well as the Infowars page. Still is actually, and it's not exactly hidden.

Watching the video really made me wonder if AJ is playing 4D chess with the world. He can go "why are you attacking me, I always oppose the countersemites" but at the same time he platforms all of them and gives counter arguments that are so weak that you do have to question how seriously he means them.

In platforming alone he's doing more than any other big time Alt Media guy, particularly when you factor in his reach.

Great nexus between DS and Brother Nathanael, but seriously, why did so many people claim the interview had been taken off?

I read that from our friend @BrotherAugustine first who retracted it shortly after, and I bought it because I couldn't open banned.video at that time, but it seems to have been both on banned as well as the Infowars page. Still is actually, and it's not exactly hidden.

Watching the video really made me wonder if AJ is playing 4D chess with the world. He can go "why are you attacking me, I always oppose the countersemites" but at the same time he platforms all of them and gives counter arguments that are so weak that you do have to question how seriously he means them.

In platforming alone he's doing more than any other big time Alt Media guy, particularly when you factor in his reach.
I kept seeing people talking about how it got deleted. I couldn’t find it when I searched so I believed them, but apparently a few hours later everything was up.
I think he is a non-Catholic who feels free to say transgressive things, including calling out the Pope, and saying the seat is vacant. I would almost say he's trolling, but I do think he is honest in thinking the Pope is not legit, meaning he's not saying it cynically, but is ready to stand behind what he says.

Actual sedevacantists take the whole situation far more seriously, I think.
He has alluded recently to his Irish heritage, and Catholic background. I think he is either a lapsed or default Catholic, as far as upbrining. He has made very explicit and pointed criticisms of Protestantism, and it is clear he sees Catholicism or Orthodoxy (which he refers to as Eastern Catholicism) as the only real choices.

He also mentioned that he would be punching a lot harder on the recent Catholic developments were it not for his desire to discuss it all first with E. Michael Jones, and I hope that conversation happens.

Ultimately, I see Anglin going Eastern Orthodox.
It was more like he talked about the Western Catholic church and the Eastern Catholic church. He is not confusing Orthodoxy with Catholicism; he is simply pointing out that each of these churches (Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy) both make claims to "catholiciity", i.e. wholeness and completeness. It was clearer in context than I stated above.