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Daily Stormer & Andrew Anglin Thread

I just try not to argue with these people. It really leads nowhere and just leaves you angry and tired and that's time you'll never get back. Also, ironically, I suspect that a ton of them are bots themselves. Maybe even most of them. Accuse your enemy of what you're doing and whatnot.
Very true, unfortunately I am locked in right now until my new job starts and I had too much time on my hand and got goaded into it. I should probably go on walks more. Actually, I think I'll do that right now.

Not this Batch's funniest meme, but interesting: I recently got involved in an argument with a German leftist on twitter, and after demantling his retarded point he accused me of being an AI. He sent me a screenshot of him posting my comment into an AI (I think CGPT) and then told me that I was an AI.
I told him "well, in that case you just got humiliated by a robot", but I thought about how weird it was that they would throw around that accusation.
I mean I know they claim that everybody who is a nationalist or pro Putin is also a bot, but it's very strange how they go about it. I guess the leftist in and of himself is a herd animal.
I've seen it happen on this forum already. Calling somebody a chatbot is the new Ok, Boomer.
I'm not normally an Anglin fan, he's a bit crazy, but he's just written something very good -

The Vampire Ball Is Over

especially the last section :
Meanwhile, the United States is attempting to force everyone under a single global system, which is represented by homosexuality. The Rainbow flag is the symbol of American neo-imperialism. Anal sex is considered by the Evil Empire to be non-negotiable. The US government sanctions countries that refuse to bow to their anal agenda. Now, the leader of the dominant traditional religion of the West is on-board with forcing this anal agenda on the entire world.

The reasons for this are not simply related to the fact that Washington, DC, is the gayest place in the world. (Although Washington is the gayest place in the world, which is not an irrelevant fact.) The reason homosexuality is so important to the Evil Empire is that in order to accept homosexuality as normative, you have to abandon every element of your traditional cultural identity. You cannot have a traditional culture, religion, or social order existing alongside normalized, publicly celebrated homosexuality. No traditional culture on earth is compatible with this. Therefore, by accepting homosexuality, a people surrenders their entire identity to the Empire. This leaves a void, which is then filled with the “culture” of America, which is based entirely on materialistic, atheistic, nihilistic, selfish and totally alienating consumerism.

Through the aggressive promotion of homosexuality, the Evil Empire based in Washington hopes to turn the whole world into a mixed mass of interchangeable peasant with no allegiance to anything other than their own material desires. This is a completely malleable population. If you have no allegiance to nation, to tradition, to religion, you are the most easily controlled human conceivable.

This is the Vampire Ball. They are attempting to turn every human on earth into food, into fuel for their infernal machine of domination. It’s a machine that eats not only flesh, but human souls.

This orgy of blood is coming to an end. Everything is all lined up now. It’s just a matter of watching the dominos fall.

It's actually worth looking at the article also for the pictures which throw some light on what we are living through.
What do you guys think of Anglin's position on nicotine and smoking? I've never smoked anything, and I know there are Orthodox saints who've spoken against smoking so I will not do it, but if I was unaware of that, I'd probably at the very least go and try out a cigar out of curiosity since they've apparently got Anglin's seal of approval. This recent article is one of many where he talks about this:

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Nicotine is great, I find it works wonders for concentration, stimulation and stress relief, but boy is it habit-forming and hard to kick. I don't struggle at all with most forms of addiction but vaping was so hard to quit. I still have cigarettes sometimes which I like but they're nasty enough that I can't input as much nicotine as with vaping etc.

Isn't being anti nicotine and anti alcohol more of a Protestant thing?

Orthodox are strongly encouraged to live a sober life in every regard, while not prohibited to partake I think Fr. Josiah Trenham passed on some wise words regarding the Orthodox perspective on alcohol... the first drink is from God, the second is from man, and the third is from the devil.
Isn't being anti nicotine and anti alcohol more of a Protestant thing?
Smoking harms and dishonors the body and it can quite easily become a passion, so it's not seen as a good thing in Orthodoxy.

That being said, instead of smoking, you can get nicotine in other ways, where you're not also exposing yourself to all the countless chemicals they put in cigarettes, and you get a much smaller dose of nicotine and you get it gradually, so there's low risk of addiction. I wonder if it's worth a shot. Nicotine has a lot of positive health effects, apparently.
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The way he explained alcoholism (6-8 shots a day) doesn't really seem all that bad. Most of my Romanian relatives certainly drink about the same if not more.
No offense, but 6-8 shots a day is serious alcohol abuse, even much less than that. This is coming from someone who was a raging alcoholic that's finally managed to quit.

This certainly isn't healthy, and it's deeply sinful, despite whatever reputation certain nationalities may have or how particular cultures have normalized and glamorized heavy drinking.

Big alcohol loves this weird 'drinking pride' thing so they can sell more alcohol. It seems like everywhere you go there's another place known for their 'legendary drinking habits'.

It's just a case of being a product of the environment. When we surround ourselves with drunks we believe that's just the way the world is, but it isn't. We choose those patterns of behavior and surroundings.

At the same time, if someone is able to drink responsibly (And I do mean responsibly. Don't lie to yourself - an entire bottle of wine isn't "just a glass of wine") then I'd encourage it.

But many people aren't able to do this. They are dishonest, and become very defensive about their drinking problem. More often than not, people are drinking excessively.

I've noticed most people actually encouraged me to continue on drinking, despite it almost killing me several times because of alcohol abuse.

The level of denial I saw in others as I struggled to come out of this was disheartening to say the least. It's really sad.

Leo Tolstoy, for one, wasn't a fan of the bottle:

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As someone who loves both alcohol and cigarettes the positives are minor and the negatives are life changing.

  • This forum has an older crowd I believe so they should know this already; you really dont want to lose your looks and health. Once they're gone, they're gone and it makes all the difference, especially socially. You want to to keep your youth as long as possible and age gracefully. Both alcohol and cigarettes just obliterate your body and mind. Alcohol might be the greater evil on health.
  • I did vape as an alternative for many years and will say it felt pretty harmless but still had me worried about the effect on teeth and blood vessels.
  • A lot of people talk about the liver when it comes to alcohol but I would worry more about something like a heart attack. Just like that you left your family on their own. Lung cancer is also extremely sad. Lung cancer is like getting your whole family together and attending your own funeral that lasts like a year, with lots and lots of guilt to boot since you will feel like it's your fault.
  • Good people don't associate with drunks and smokers and even a lot young people look down on it.
  • Alcohol use changes the expression in your eyes, face and the way you carry your weight. When people look at you they will think theres something wrong with you, its like being cross eyed but worse. You will actually drive most people away.
  • Lastly, the type of friends youre going to have as a party drinker will make you think Satan himself is introducing you.

I understand nicotine has some positives on its own but I would recomment avoiding. Anglin make some fair points on nicotine with but I wouldn't take nicotine to spite the government.
Tobacco has been a huge part of American history. I think in the old days it was more pure, now is adulterated with chemicals, so I do not smoke.

Vaping might even be worse than smoking. Inhaling plastic juice can't be good.

I am a fan of nicotine salts (ZYN style pouches). The key is to moderate use. It does have many benefits. Cognitive benefits, and hormonal regulation. Nicotine is an aromatase inhibitor. It reduces the amount and potency of estrogenic compounds in the body. This is beneficial for men, especially with micro plastics wrecking havoc on natural male hormones. This is also why women shouldn't use nicotine.

Unflavored salts seem to be the cleanest way to get nicotine with the fewest amount of negative health implications. Because of this, they're eating the lunch of big tobacco companies. I think that's the reason for the fear mongering campaign against these products.

If you're able to exercise some self control and not go overboard, I think some benefit can be derived.
Tobacco has been a huge part of American history. I think in the old days it was more pure, now is adulterated with chemicals, so I do not smoke.

Vaping might even be worse than smoking. Inhaling plastic juice can't be good.

I am a fan of nicotine salts (ZYN style pouches). The key is to moderate use. It does have many benefits. Cognitive benefits, and hormonal regulation. Nicotine is an aromatase inhibitor. It reduces the amount and potency of estrogenic compounds in the body. This is beneficial for men, especially with micro plastics wrecking havoc on natural male hormones. This is also why women shouldn't use nicotine.

Unflavored salts seem to be the cleanest way to get nicotine with the fewest amount of negative health implications. Because of this, they're eating the lunch of big tobacco companies. I think that's the reason for the fear mongering campaign against these products.

If you're able to exercise some self control and not go overboard, I think some benefit can be derived.
What about imported snus products from Sweden and such? I've been dabbling a little. Interested in your opinion.
What do you guys think of Anglin's position on nicotine and smoking? I've never smoked anything, and I know there are Orthodox saints who've spoken against smoking so I will not do it, but if I was unaware of that, I'd probably at the very least go and try out a cigar out of curiosity since they've apparently got Anglin's seal of approval. This recent article is one of many where he talks about this:

Anglin is wrong. Straight-edge is the way to go.
I'm not normally an Anglin fan, he's a bit crazy, but he's just written something very good -

The Vampire Ball Is Over

especially the last section :

It's actually worth looking at the article also for the pictures which throw some light on what we are living through.
I've been getting this premonition recently too. I just told a friend that the degenerate and DEI party of the last generation is coming to its close. I truly believe it is, because the regression to the mean is long overdue and I don't see most people keeping up with inflation or navigating what's coming, or both. The US/deep state will try to create unity through war and propaganda, but I don't believe it will work. Regionalization will occur and be supported from both within and without.

I found his Chinese comments interesting. I also found the first comment on the article interesting:

Yeah, the rest of the world knows Russia has been cast in the role as the global abolitionist, or the vampire hunter with Putin as Professor Abraham Van Helsing and things like BRICS being the wooden stake.

It’s clear that nearly all of Europe and parts of Asia— e.g., Japan and Not-best Korea— have been bitten by The Vampire and as a result have become secondary vampires themselves, lost their identities and their own reflections in the mirror.

Africans— and others not bitten— intuitively understand Russia represents freedom from The Vampire. Check out what happens when a guy drapes himself with a Russia flag in Paris:
The US/deep state will try to create unity through war and propaganda, but I don't believe it will work.
In my opinion the essence of the empire is unity through propaganda.

Pushed through largely fake (extremely exagerated) conflicts, fake satellites, fake nukes, fake moon landings, fake printed money, fake sad story propganda (uyghurs, African kids with their bare feet in lithium mines), fake science (corona, CERN), total propaganda war on organized religion, largely fake history, fake climate disasters, denial and mocking of God.

Living in Europe I see how the political puppets here are just copying US propaganda.

I see it works perfectly. I see no sign of it getting less. 99% just gobble it up.

Yummy Musk, I love your Teslas, gobble gobble, yes to moon, oh no the bomb! Russia bad. I love the science. I feel bad I need pills, gobble gobble, I need bigger new car, oh no those sad poor kids in Africa, look what China does to Uyghurs, all those camera's everywhere! oh no the economy, it will all be bad, I'm so curious for the mission to Mars, incredible how we progressed! gobble gobble, I feel so spiritual, I bought a crystal, yoga, bad Catholics abuse kids, gobble gobble, you read on the Higgs Boson part, those scientists! Musk makes Starlink all over the world, 10.000 satelittes orbitting the earth, what wonder! Look at this NASA picture, the dollar is strong! We are so lucky to live in the US, gobble gobble, I hope Putin isn't building a Nuclear bomb! We need to protect from evil. gobble gobble Those racist cops, feminism is so great, that women can kill their babies gobble gobble

People are extremely susceptible to marketing and propaganda. And almost everything in the news in my opinion is just nonsense and lies. But it serves a goal; it unites us.

I rather see the empire of lies expand. E.g. the Russians and the Chinese gobble up the same crap as here.
I've been getting this premonition recently too. I just told a friend that the degenerate and DEI party of the last generation is coming to its close. I truly believe it is, because the regression to the mean is long overdue and I don't see most people keeping up with inflation or navigating what's coming, or both. The US/deep state will try to create unity through war and propaganda, but I don't believe it will work. Regionalization will occur and be supported from both within and without.

I found his Chinese comments interesting. I also found the first comment on the article interesting:
He is hilarious! Wooden stake, reflection in the mirror, infection through biting

Not sure why but I have seen almost no vampire films in my life nor read the books and barely know the nature of the legend, ie biting, infection, mirrors, wooden stakes. Perhaps it is more of a genre for women, or maybe it is a dated genre that nobody watches anymore. Maybe I should watch that nosferatu or whatever it's called say if there is a film for beginners you recommend.
He is hilarious! Wooden stake, reflection in the mirror, infection through biting

Not sure why but I have seen almost no vampire films in my life nor read the books and barely know the nature of the legend, ie biting, infection, mirrors, wooden stakes. Perhaps it is more of a genre for women, or maybe it is a dated genre that nobody watches anymore. Maybe I should watch that nosferatu or whatever it's called say if there is a film for beginners you recommend.
One of the best to watch is really amusing and it has James Woods to boot: Vampires by John Carpenter. What's more, the guy who plays Terry Silver in Karate Kid III is the Dracula/head vampire guy.
One of the best to watch is really amusing and it has James Woods to boot: Vampires by John Carpenter. What's more, the guy who plays Terry Silver in Karate Kid III is the Dracula/head vampire guy.
Vampires was really good. Another great one if you like the post apocalyptic genre is Stake Land. And then there are some solid action vampire movies like Blade and 30 Days of Night, which takes place during the long polar night.
What about imported snus products from Sweden and such? I've been dabbling a little. Interested in your opinion.
I use to do something called General snus. It's from Sweden and it's basically a less wet version of dip pouches that you can "allegedy" swallow the spit you accumulate in your mouth. It has good flavor and has that tobacco flavor.

I would not recommend swallowing the spit.