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Daily Stormer & Andrew Anglin Thread

I think he was raised an evangelical (his father runs a Christian counseling practice) and then later rebelled against that by becoming a leftist atheist. I recall reading an article about him about how he was actually living in some remote village in the Philippines where he trying to "educate kids on the dangers of Christianity and capitalism" in a post one of his old sites.. Then he rebelled that and became some sort of Christian but he doesn't seemed to be affiliated with any sort of church nor is he involved in any sort of spiritual community.

I have a feeling at some point he's going to become some sort of European pagan. There's another prolific online troll that was around before Anglin named weev who was pretty much the original version of him: involved in far-right politics, got involved in Bitcoin early, well versed in tech and with internet culture, kept having to move around the remote locations due to him being person non grata everywhere and so on. The guy was some of eccentric Christian at first but he eventually ended up becoming some sort of Norse Pagan instead. He went to jail for some sort of hack he did and then coming out with a Swatsika tattoo with an image of Freya embedded in side. This guy is actually in charge of the technical side of the Daily Stormer or at least was in the past so I can't help but think Anglin is going to follow a similar trajectory.
I used to read Stormer every once in a while. It got boring when I realized the world news of today are almost always the same, and the site's reporting is almost always the same. Why bother looking up the newest domain, then clicking on the website just to see:

-faggots did a faggoty fag in [US STATE]
-trannies trooning in [PLACE]
-new 1984 Jew law just dropped in [COUNTRY]
-the Eastern European country no one likes, for the billionth time, with more commentary on Jewlensky
-AIslop thumbnails

It's probably one of the less bad options if you still care about news, but there is nothing new or worth writing home about on it. Every article plays out the same. It's a mix of other reports, with a bit of commentary from whoever wrote the article. It's not like they're going to make an article with a view other than the common right wing view or anything, so why bother. I get that's his market, but that happens to be the default position on any website without absurd moderation. I agree for the most part with his views, but hating Jews is like drinking water in right wing circles nowadays. How crazy can you make that opinion these days?
I don't see why bother with news in this day and age, and Daily Stormer doesn't offer much to make it worth browsing.

As for Anglin, I don't see how him changing denomination will magically solve his problems. If he does change to the newest right wing approved religion, spending all day writing about it on a dark computer room won't help it much. I get surprised on how many memes he has for the Monday program. I didn't manage to get nearly enough of those in 4 weeks even on months where I spent all day on a screen while bored at work places.

He has to start by touching grass more, that's for sure.
@Wutang Weev attended church with his kids before the Ukraine war kicked off.

I actually didn't even know weev had children so that along with him being a church goer in recent years is news to me. Did he convert to a specific denomination? I actually remember him from like 15 years ago when he had the iProphet app and he would give sermons through but I figured he had fallen off of the Christian path after I saw him with the Nordic pagan tattoos post-prison.
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He said he did it to please the babushkas in his community, so that much narrows it down to two or three churches. And I think that, like any middle aged man, he had seen enough to know that giving children a Christian upbringing is superior to having no religious instruction at all.

@God's lonely asperger
His friends on the GU forum help him collect all the memes.
Anglin also has a family of his own, works another job unrelated to DS, and posted a physique that was pretty good for 40 years old. I don't know why you think he's some basement dweller.
His friends on the GU forum help him collect all the memes.
I'm curious to how he works that out. I'll just assume he doesn't lurk meme threads 24/7.

I don't know why you think he's some basement dweller.
From the amount of articles, and his twitter I checked last year or something. The math adds up to German oven level. If the guy really likes the articles as a hobby, and has that family and job you talked about, I can't really judge him.

This thread having such a focus on him being an alcoholic that's confused over religion doesn't give him a good light. Things like making articles entirely focused on personal issues, like illness, kind of scream terminally online to me.
here's another prolific online troll that was around before Anglin named weev who was pretty much the original version of him: involved in far-right politics, got involved in Bitcoin early, well versed in tech and with internet culture, kept having to move around the remote locations due to him being person non grata everywhere and so on. The guy was some of eccentric Christian at first but he eventually ended up becoming some sort of Norse Pagan instead. He went to jail for some sort of hack he did and then coming out with a Swatsika tattoo with an image of Freya embedded in side. This guy is actually in charge of the technical side of the Daily Stormer or at least was in the past so I can't help but think Anglin is going to follow a similar trajectory.

There's a lot more to this, that if people knew all the details, what they did made sense, but unfortunately much of it isn't online any longer. The only way to get the whole story is for both of them to go on Joe Rogan Experience a bunch of times, or to ask the ADL to let us read the dossiers they've collected in the goyfiles.

Believe me, neither of these dudes are headed down the typical WN anti-Christian neo-pagan to public nuisance + sexual deviant pipeline.
I know Anglin supposedly lives overseas but he should have some sort of mail, money order or other option available, because the simple fact is 95% of people are not going to do crypto. I generally don't pay for "free" stuff but would happily send this guy $100 a year. He's that good.
We need someone who doesn't GAF and hasn't been de-banked, to start a patreon or gofundme, with the implicit understanding that credit card donations will be converted to crypto donations to DS.

goFundme campaign example: Fighting chinese baby Wang Lin's inoperable brain tumor

Someone without family dependents, with a track record of professional countersemitism and a natural talent for international financing.

@God's lonely asperger
His friends on the GU forum help him collect all the memes.
Anglin also has a family of his own, works another job unrelated to DS, and posted a physique that was pretty good for 40 years old. I don't know why you think he's some basement dweller.
I was reading through the beginning of this thread again and some people were talking about how he's single and without children. These posts were from December of last year so is his family status something that changed in the last month?
He said he did it to please the babushkas in his community, so that much narrows it down to two or three churches. And I think that, like any middle aged man, he had seen enough to know that giving children a Christian upbringing is superior to having no religious instruction at all.

@God's lonely asperger
His friends on the GU forum help him collect all the memes.
Anglin also has a family of his own, works another job unrelated to DS, and posted a physique that was pretty good for 40 years old. I don't know why you think he's some basement dweller.

"for 40 years old"

You just doxxed your gen boy.
Apparently, yesterday the Daily Stormer was redirecting to a porn site due to issues with the CDN Anglin uses. He posted an article apologizing for it:

Putting that entirely aside, he posted a disgusting stripper gif at the very end of his meme thursday article he uploaded yesterday, and it's still up, I just checked. Please do not look for it, it's literally porn, do not do that to your soul. Also, apparently he had a falling out with Nick Fuentes or something? Nick mentioned it the other day in one of his podcasts. What's going on with Anglin?
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I visit his site almost daily and I've never seen pornography or any other unacceptable content. (People need to see the dead Palestinian babies and violent black crime that he posts).

Apparently the site did temporarily misdirect. I don't know why you would publicly amplify that incident, particularly when it is not your fault, but he decided to tell all his users that it happened and turn it into a fund drive. But it was essentially a middleman CDN machine connecting the user to the wrong web page, just as if an old phone operator connected a caller to the wrong household by using the wrong plug--not the user nor the host's fault so I don't know why you would even mention it.

As for not getting along with Nick Fuentes, Andrew doesn't get along with anyone on the right. I would criticize him more for that, but the entire dissident right is so full of infighting it's hard to call him out, but he has famously burned bridges with TRS, Spencer, Greg Johnson, etc. He is the lone voice out there fighting the good fight but part of the reason he is a lone voice is because he runs everyone else away.

In fact his whole beef with Nick stemmed from Nick trying to reconcile with people Anglin doesn't like.

In contrast, the left is really a big tent, and all the mainstream liberals I know who just like education, the environment, and health care, put up with all these feminists and tranny freaks and BLM rioters, even though they dislike all that stuff they all just get along. I think there is a happy medium to be found between the two...

But the supposed pornography that no one saw is much ado about nothing.
As for not getting along with Nick Fuentes, Andrew doesn't get along with anyone on the right. I would criticize him more for that, but the entire dissident right is so full of infighting it's hard to call him out, but he has famously burned bridges with TRS, Spencer, Greg Johnson, etc. He is the lone voice out there fighting the good fight but part of the reason he is a lone voice is because he runs everyone else away.

It's a selection bias in a totalitarian society. The only people who speak out against the regime with their own name and face are people who are so low in agreeableness that they are borderline incapable of living in normal society. It's not great, but it's all we got. Things are still not bad enough for emotionally normal right wingers to take the hit of being hated and ostracized by society, including their own families, just so that they can MAYBE change something some day.

I'd still take the right wing infighting over the left wing infighting. They always call each other transphobic or racist and it's so gay it makes you want to kill yourself. As some of them do.
He says his bloodline has some rogues and criminals in it. Interesting to think about.
I definitely have political dissidents, some of whom got incarcerated and other who got executed, in my family. And also plenty of eccentric and stubborn booze fiends.

Nick sometimes tells about how far he could have gotten career wise if he had shut up about Israel and taken the trip, but I always think "You couldn't have. You would have started to laugh about soap and lampshades at Yad Vashem or something".

Free will is a very mysterious phenomenon, I have to say.
It's a selection bias in a totalitarian society. The only people who speak out against the regime with their own name and face are people who are so low in agreeableness that they are borderline incapable of living in normal society.
I relate to this so much.

Regarding to the comment by @Unending Powerhouse Match I often think about what rascals some of my ancestors were. I vaguely know they fought for William the Conquerer (Normans), and were staunchly pro-Monarchy and anti-Democratic. Which is hilarious because without knowing that beforehand it's how I ended up. And even wilder is that when I started my company I had to choose branding colors and then a decade later I found out they were the exact same colors as my paternal coat of arms -- people overlook genetics/nature too much, in my opinion.

Not this Batch's funniest meme, but interesting: I recently got involved in an argument with a German leftist on twitter, and after demantling his retarded point he accused me of being an AI. He sent me a screenshot of him posting my comment into an AI (I think CGPT) and then told me that I was an AI.
I told him "well, in that case you just got humiliated by a robot", but I thought about how weird it was that they would throw around that accusation.
I mean I know they claim that everybody who is a nationalist or pro Putin is also a bot, but it's very strange how they go about it. I guess the leftist in and of himself is a herd animal.

Not this Batch's funniest meme, but interesting: I recently got involved in an argument with a German leftist on twitter, and after demantling his retarded point he accused me of being an AI. He sent me a screenshot of him posting my comment into an AI (I think CGPT) and then told me that I was an AI.
I told him "well, in that case you just got humiliated by a robot", but I thought about how weird it was that they would throw around that accusation.
I mean I know they claim that everybody who is a nationalist or pro Putin is also a bot, but it's very strange how they go about it. I guess the leftist in and of himself is a herd animal.
I just try not to argue with these people. It really leads nowhere and just leaves you angry and tired and that's time you'll never get back. Also, ironically, I suspect that a ton of them are bots themselves. Maybe even most of them. Accuse your enemy of what you're doing and whatnot.